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Watch A Trailer For The Final Season Of Parks & Recreation

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I'm not in love with the teaser that most of the characters have really exotic and exciting/unusual jobs now. Most people with low-level clerical grunt jobs in local government stay that way -- even if they are hilarious and loyal. That's such a big part of the appeal. But of course it could just be a misdirection. So yes, yes, I remain cautiously optimistic.

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Judging from last season this show really needed to shake things up. At least there will be less danger of rehashing old storylines again.

I'm hoping they go out with a strong season. If it sucks at least it will be over quickly. 13 episodes and NBC is going to air two episodes a week. Talk about getting the bum's rush.

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Yeah, I don't know about this. Besides the promo not being great, P&R is plugged into the larger world of real-life politics in the way that a lot of sitcoms aren't. 2017 Leslie is either super-pumped about either the Clinton or Biden administration, or furious that one of them was taken down in the 2016 election.

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When have the promos for Parks and Rec ever been good? It's a difficult show to advertise. You cannot really cut down its appeal to 30-seconds trailers. I would give them the benefit of a doubt.


Yeah, I got absolutely nothing from that trailer.

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