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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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So, there was a Criminal Minds video game developed a few years back by Legacy Games. It looks like they had a shoestring budget-- or maybe half of a shoestring. The graphics are hilariously bad, but one thing that I liked was that they attempted to get the personalities and specialties of the different characters and use them. I liked the bits with Reid. I took some screen captures of some little snippets.

In the second case you get to play as Reid rather briefly. This first image was right after Morgan passed the case to Reid and told him that he was a doctor so therefore he could get info from the people at the hospital. This was the response:



So he goes inside the hospital and this happens.









Later when you come back as Hotch she says this:


Did I mention that the first case in the CM game takes place in Austin?


Aww, that's a cute photo. I wonder if that was around the time Matthew tweeted about hitting his father with a snowball.


Matthew usually looks very happy when he's visiting his parents. I've heard that his father is very soft spoken when meeting with Matthew's fans. I sometimes wonder if the very gentle tone Matthew uses as Reid is a tone his father used when talking to children that were upset. He greatly resembles his father, but he has his mother's eyes-- and same taste in glasses frames.

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Thanks for finding the worm pic. I love how Laura is looking at that plate like she's not sure about it, but still smiling. The shallow part of me is wondering who cut Laura's hair with a butter knife because those bangs.... Yikes. LOL. She still looks adorable.


It sounded like Andrea Gruber was enjoying the trip with Matthew. I think he brings the party with him and helps people enjoy themselves. I wonder if he made it back to his Mom's ranch for the July 4th or if they didn't have the usual party. I know they sometimes have a huge bash on July 4 and on New Year's Eve.


Matthew really seems to enjoy the large social gatherings of friends and family. And from what I know of Mexican culture, I bet they were trying to feed him.

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Seems like we haven't seen the 4th bash at the ranch for the past two years. Last year he was at Swifty's, then this year in Mexico. Why Mexico, I wonder? Seems an odd choice to do publicity, especially since Harry said Matthew always asks for the 4th off so he can hang with his family. Which I guess he technically is doing because Laura's there... but if he's off work then why is Gruber there and I just... hmm.


I'm confused. 

Seems like we haven't seen the 4th bash at the ranch for the past two years. Last year he was at Swifty's, then this year in Mexico. Why Mexico, I wonder? Seems an odd choice to do publicity, especially since Harry said Matthew always asks for the 4th off so he can hang with his family. Which I guess he technically is doing because Laura's there... but if he's off work then why is Gruber there and I just... hmm.


I'm confused. 

Maybe Matthew agreed to this because he was unable to go to Monte Carlo with AJ, due to the fact it would have conflicted with his filming schedule for "Hot Air".

Not thinking that's the scenario, MMC.

Interesting. And just what do you think the scenario is.


I think Matthew returned from Mexico 3 July. I saw a fan encounter on Instagram with a group of fans in the Mexico City airport on that day. Matthew just sometimes posts pictures after the fact.

From what I can tell, while Matthew likes 4th of July, it's not a big family holiday for him. At least it hasn't been since 2009, but that is only because I don't know what he did that year, because I wasn't a fan of his then. But he was probably in Vegas since his knee was busted up then. But 2010 he was in Rome at the fiction festival. 2011 was pretty low key. I can't quite remember what he did, but it wasn't anything memorable. 2012 was with a group of friends in San Clemente, and last year was the notorious attendance at Taylor Swift's house. :) :) :)

Edited by ForeverAlone
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So A & E ran the two-parter with Tobias Hankel this afternoon, and it really struck me how awful William Reid actually is. What kind of father, hell, what kind of *man* leaves a child with a woman he's pretty sure can't even take care of herself? I'm sure Diana's illness made her extremely difficult to live with, and maybe he had just reached his breaking point, but it makes me about a thousand percent not interested in being fair to him when he leaves Spencer behind. Reid's later guilt at having to have his mother committed once he's old enough to do so is solely his sperm donor's  fault IMO, since if he had either taken the kid with him when Diana said he could *or* worked it out so that a responsible adult would be around, it might not have come to that. Ugh, William. Just...ugh.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Completely hear that! I think that no account waste of space is a complete and total villain. Reprehensible and loathsome creature, and how our Spencer turned out to be the empathetic, honest, and loyal man he is is a testament to his personal strength of character. Something which that cretin has zero concept of. 


It's my fervent hope that we NEVER see him again, he does not deserve Spencer, or to be in his life in any way. 

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"He reveled in being different, in being the outsider. Not only did he not want to be a part of the Human race that he protected, he delighted in his alien identity, unlike his predecessor. He was proud to be different, he was wonderfully mercurial and sharp witted, and he showed me that it didn't really matter if the world didn't understand you, as long as you did what was right, and worked on the side of good, it didn't matter that people didn't "get" you."


A friend of a friend posted this about the fourth Doctor, and it all came together for me why Reid chose him instead of three or ten. How very perfect. 



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Tom Baker was the best Doctor, IMO.


It really does seem reprehensible that Reid's dad left and never contacted him. He could have taken Reid with him and had Diana committed. But he had lost faith in his own ability to parent and he fled like a coward. Diana was right that he was weak. I wouldn't be sad to hear them have a brief scene where Reid gets notice that his father died or is getting back from his father's funeral and he only went because of his mother. But then, Reid, despite having stayed angry at his father so long, is the better/bigger person. So I could see Reid at least having made some measure of peace with his father. In terms of real life bonds with parents and children, it really is a test Drew Barrymore's kindness that she not only forgave, but took care of her scumbag father in his later years. That jerk physically and verbally abused her, stole her money, and did nothing to support her when she was a child. Yet she gave him the love and support that he never gave her and took care of him until he died. She could have left him to rot in some crappy nursing home, but she didn't. I could see Reid being the same way with his Dad-- although maybe not actually taking him in. I wouldn't lose any respect for him if he never wanted to see or speak to his father again, though.


I'm wondering about Reid's neck injury now. They put it in a very obvious place so they will have to either have him wear scarves or paint on a scar from now on. They shouldn't just forget about it. I wonder if there will be any physical issues. I'm sort of doubting that. I suspect they will be too busy fawning over their shiny new toy (JLH).


Editing to add that Matthew has apparently been in Lake Tahoe or something this week instead of on set filming. I think ForeverAlone has more info on that and how many days he will have to film. But it looks like the premiere will be light on Reid. 

So the consolation prize from Suburban Gothic movie-- something we will probably never see the likes of on CM:


Edited by zannej
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If you are talking about the shaved back, that would be Life After Beth. But hot damn does that hair make him look like a hot piece of man! The picture Matthew tweeted yesterday of his character was so damn fine. I only hope season 10 isn't a messy rat's nest like season eight, but I have a feeling it will be. *sighs*

Edited by ForeverAlone

I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the writers thread, but it's Reid-centric, so here we are. If this isn't the right place for my ramblings, @Willowy, feel free to move them.

Of course, nobody ever would have thought that Elle would bond so well with Reid, and they are a twosome I love so very much. But Elle was definitely not like Reid; she just appreciated him for the man he was. So if Kate and Reid develop an Elle/Reid like friendship, that would make me happy. 

It would make me happy too, but if they wanted to recreate the Elle/Reid bond, then why not get Original Recipe!Elle? I know Glaudini's official reasons for leaving the role were that she wanted to get back to the East Coast, but was there bad blood when she left? If you look at it in a certain way, it doesn't seem to help to bond with Reid, since Elle, Emily and Alex have all come and gone while JJ and Garcia remain. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, and you are free to make of that what you would like. I'm not saying it won't happen that he and Kate become friends, just that it likely won't help her longevity on the show if they do.

Zaneej, how pathetic would it be if MGG went from being a 10-year costar on a show to someone who has to suck up to a new 'star' to get any attention?

I don't know about 'pathetic', but it will make me angry.I don't want to see Gubler being the equivalent of Hewitt's handbag when he was here way before she was, and if the apparent trend of getting rid of brunettes on this show continues, he'll be here after she's gone. I would prefer not to see Reid pushed even further into the background in favor of the shiny new toy, but if that means they're going to put him with a character who hasn't proved herself on her own merits, I'm gonna be annoyed

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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I think and hope that since they spent much of last season "manning-up" Spencer, that being Callahan's 'handbag' (great metaphor), is the last thing they'd have him do. 


I want to see him continue his upward arc. Reid has always been incredibly brave, sometimes to his detriment, but I love seeing him get more proactive physically. *fans self*

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Anyone else think this is the "Brad" Matthew meant? 



Yep Willowy I am also pretty sure that is who Matthew drew.

Doing press today. *sigh*, I just adore seeing them together...



Matthew looks adorable in those glasses. OPPS! Somebody forgot to move Jeanne Tripplehorn from that picture of the team.

Edited by missmycat
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Here's another Mexican interview with Matthew and below the link, the translation:




MEXICO CITY, July 17 - Since 2005, the actor Matthew Gray Gubler participates in one of the most successful series worldwide. Minds Criminal, in which a group of agents delve into the psyche of criminals to stop them before committing more crimes.

The interpreter Spencer Reed admits that in the early years of the program the stories caused him nightmares.

"Interpreting scripts is sad because you have to think or see dead people, and part of why people like the program is because they identify with the sadness, or perhaps the few jokes that do, but as actors we joking aside that between us. Not as dark as it looks, but I must confess that I had nightmares the first four years, and now only have them occasionally, "he said in an interview during his first visit to Mexico, where he was a special guest of the program El Hormiguero MX of Azteca 7.

Despite the violence shown in the series, which airs Monday to Friday at 22:30 pm by said channel and pay TV Mondays at 22:00 on AXN, according to Gubler is more and better shows the image of those who fight against crimes.

"I think we glorify those who stop crimes, not the perpetrators. On many occasions they have approached me to say that the series have joined the police, or are in the body of paramedics and think, and maybe I'm crazy, but we're doing a good service to the world.

From the beginning of mankind people have been obsessed with violence and today we do even with memes on the internet, the instinct is there and we can not help, but there are people who fight against it, "he said.

With an average of more than 12 million viewers per episode, Criminal Minds is one of the most watched series in the United States and Mexico, also occupies the primetime brands in which it is transmitted, what has taken Gubler by surprise.

"I'm very lucky, and I also had no idea that the program would like both outside the United States and one day I realized that it is in Mexico, Europe, and that excites me at the same time, I honor the idea that we see in many countries, I can travel and meet amazing people that I can learn about different cultures, it's amazing.

There was conflict in the beginning, but I never have expectations of anything, I enjoy every second of the day and try to do the best job possible, as we have done nine years in the program, "he added.

With the tenth season to start in October, and the incorporation of Jennifer Love Hewitt the cast, Matthew says that Criminal Minds has been kept alive thanks to the changes that has taken, which allows the viewer does not get bored and he and actor.

"There have been many changes, they are gone and have come companions. The cast feels like a solid family and is amazing to see coming but still friendship. In fact I presented Paget with her ​​future husband and in a couple of months I will officiate the service will unite in marriage in Los Angeles and I'm excited that we are still friends.

"In my case, clear that Spencer has grown. I've been very lucky. I love TV, but sometimes I feel like the characters are stuck in something. And that was my fear when I decided to join the series, because in other instances the character grows, but Spencer I've been molding, so I change the haircut, the writers make it go through emotional roller coasters, and when he died his girlfriend, so I hope people like what I see. "

Also, Criminal Minds has given him the opportunity to shine as a director, and it does at least two episodes in each season. In fact the actor also studied the career that in 2007 he had the opportunity to direct the video for Do not Shoot Me Santa, The Killers, among other projects.

"Every year I address one or two episodes and I love it. I am very proud of my work as a director, in fact in the ninth season one I did was creepy. Thomas and Joe have also directed and is amazing change position in the series. It was hard, but I went to school to become a director, is not something that occurred to me in overnight. I love that part of the job and I think I do very well. It is very easy to direct and act at the same time, because you have more control of situations.

I can see what happens, I trust the people I photograph and do a great job. I think the acting and directing have more control. The first time I went was weird because when I studied the career I never thought I would be acting the same time, it was new at the time, but now I love it. In fact I'm writing a script for a film that I hope to direct the next year and I'm doing a children's book I hope to illustrate, "he said.

On his visit to Mexico, to the production of TV Azteca, Gubler confessed to being excited. "Loved it. This is my first time in Mexico, has been amazing, magical and I've enjoyed it. From the minute I heard about puppets said yes. I was very excited, I'm a fan of the hands and big fan of puppets, put them together and it's one of the best weekends of my life, "he concluded.

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