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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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This is very, very random but I was extremely bored today and decided to watch old interviews of Matthew. I noticed twice that, in reference to the interviewer asking about his long hair, that he originally though of reid as a long-haired character. Each time he also said that he envisioned him to have an " Oscar Wilde" type intellect or that he thought he was an "Oscar Wilde" type. I found this interesting because I always thought that Reid was portrayed as the exact opposite. Oscar Wilde was known for his exuberant, outgoing personality and deep knowledge of human nature and emotions. He was a playwright, after all. Reid was portrayed as a scientist with great scientific knowledge/ mathematical ability, but lacked an understanding of human emotions. In fact, I don't remeber the exact quote but the tape cover for the first season said something along the lines of " Doctor Reid's social IQ is as low as his  measured IQ is high." I think Oscar Wilde probably had a great social IQ. Also, in the first season in the episode " Somebody's Watching," Lila is talking in an "artsy, emotional" way about the artwork in the art gallery and reid just doesn't understand. In other words, even though I know this is now scientifically incorrect, I always thought Wilde was heavily "right brain" and reid is heavily "left brain"

Of course, Reid is also portrayed as being very into literature. I always thought that he was into fiction because it made his mother happy and it helped him get a better grasp of human emotions. He also told JJ that he doesn't read much non-technical books( even though I know he was very out of character this episode). It was also mentioned that he was considering studying the classics but then he realized he had read them all. But he might've read them to gain knowledge, not necesarily because he wanted to be entertained. I mean, I think that Reid is defiantly interested in literature, but I don't think he was interested in it for the same reason Wilde was. To our knowledge, he has never written a book, play, or poetry and has no interest to. Also, he can also read 20,000 words a minute and has an eidectic memory, so why wouldn't he read everything?

Of course matthew might've just meant that he pictured Reid as an old-fashioned intellectual type. But I defiantly don't think he was ever portrayed as the "homeless poet" type that the image of a long-haired intellectual usually conjures up. Wilde was also known for being very modern for his times, which kind of goes against using him as a reason to make reid old-school. But Matthew might've also just meant that he didn't see Reid as caring about social norms. 

Despite this, I also fanwanked that Reid always saw himself as an old-fashioned, early 20th century,brandy-drinking intellectual gentleman lol. Or I always thought that that was what he wanted to be. I just thought he was more of a Bertrand Russel or Alan Turing than a Wilde I guess.

I do find it funny that the creator envisioned him to be like DATA from Star Trek and Matthew  envisioned him to be like Oscar Wilde, two polar opposites, and then reid turned out to not be like either.

( I am also not sure if I should formally introduce myself or not. I posted a few random times before previously, before I realized that this forum mostly consisted of regular posters. (So, hello! And sorry for this novel of a post!)

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Well hooray for you, Haleysgalaxy, and welcome! What a cogent and refreshing post yours is! I happen to agree with many of your observations and while I don't think Reid is anything like Oscar Wilde, I DO think Matthew is. Maybe he was projecting, lol.

Your comparison to Alan Turing is interesting, though I don't think that's quite right, either. Alan was definitely on the Autism spectrum, and while many have mentioned that Reid may be too, I don't agree. His savant-like gifts aside, Reid is very warm and loving with those close to him, hugs freely, and extremely personable when approached, even by strangers (Nathan, and the guy from the nanobot company to name two). Eye contact is no problem for him, nor is conversation or appropriate emotions like smiling, and empathy.

While Jeff did say he wanted Reid to be like Data, he also said he wanted him bisexual, and I don't think either one of those things ever panned out, for whatever reason. Matthew always said he wanted him to be nothing like the 'typical nerd' depicted everywhere at the time, and I believe he succeeded. I think Spencer defies categorization for the most part. And I do love that about him. 

Anyway, yay! Nice chatting!

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49 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:


Wilde was also known for being very modern for his times, which kind of goes against using him as a reason to make reid old-school. But Matthew might've also just meant that he didn't see Reid as caring about social norms. 

Despite this, I also fanwanked that Reid always saw himself as an old-fashioned, early 20th century,brandy-drinking intellectual gentleman lol. Or I always thought that that was what he wanted to be. I just thought he was more of a Bertrand Russel or Alan Turing than a Wilde I guess.

I do find it funny that the creator envisioned him to be like DATA from Star Trek and Matthew  envisioned him to be like Oscar Wilde, two polar opposites, and then reid turned out to not be like either.

Hi!  Welcome!

From what I understand, the character of Reid was envisioned to be quite different from the ultimate product.  Matthew had several callbacks because TPTB just couldn't agree on the actor to play the character, and they didn't envision Reid having the warmth that Matthew brought to the audition.  I think Deb Spera (God bless her!) was one (perhaps of several) who really lobbied to cast him.  Down the line, maybe Matthew has been given a wee bit too much freedom in deciding how Reid is played, which, when coupled with the inconsistent writing over the past 6+ years, has resulted in some contradictions.  But I think you have a great point, that a kinship with Oscar Wilde is likely due to the fact that both Wilde and Reid march to the beat of their own drummers, rather than which sides of their brains are most dominant; I believe I heard Matthew at one point refer to Reid as "esoteric."  Reid is perplexed and very possibly hurt when he misses social cues, but he doesn't seem to be in a huge hurry to change himself and is quite content to be a walking anachronism (clunky landline at home, 50-year-old vehicle -- I'm sure there are more, although I don't buy the technophobe thing for reasons too long to delve into right now).  I think his love for Reid's disheveled hair comes from the same place as did his attempt to have long fingernails -- that Reid just couldn't be bothered with things like that.  He's been looking awfully dapper for the past several seasons, though, so that excuse no longer flies.

One thing I think that has stayed fairly consistent though, is (like you said) I think Reid is an old-fashioned, brandy-drinking, intellectual gentleman.  It's not something he cultivates; he just is that person.  And that is one of the many reasons Spencer Reid is such an amazing character.

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5 hours ago, Franky said:

It just occurred to me (and I don't know why it didn't before), that Spencer is now the only remaining original BAU profiler from season 1.


The only other original cast member is Penelope.  ION is rerunning season 1 and she was there is S1Ep1.  No baby girl stuff either.  So unless Black Queen took place before S1E1, it is total retcon bs.

34 minutes ago, rainbowrockgal said:

Black Queen

Is it "Talk Like a Pirate Day?"  Because aargh.  I hate BQ -- think its in my top 5 worst episodes.  I couldn't help commenting about it.  I disregard BQ completely, as far as canon goes.  Garcia was a recurring character initially.  Sad she didn't stay that way.  I know there are those who love her; I'm just not one of them.

Incidentally, speaking of episodes I cannot stand, I was reading Twitter today.  I was online and therefore not logged in, so I could look at Virgil's tweets (bc blocked). Anyway, looked like someone asked him what his fave ep was that he had written, and he said Rabid, and that it was also MGG's fave.  I thought that was interesting.

Edited by Droogie
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Franky, I completely agree that Reid does not have ASD. I think he may have a few very mild asperger-like traits, but I defiantly don't think he has the condition as a whole.  

I also agree that Reid, and the entire show really, deviated greatly than what was originally conceived . I think anything Jeff Davis says has to be taken with a grain of salt. Ed Bernero said in an interview once that Jeff was only there for the first month after the show was signed. JJ didn't exist in his orignal idea either. In the original  pilot script, Gideon had a conversation with his ex-wife. The conversation was cut for the aired pilot and the ex-wife was never canonically shown. Personally, I always thought he was widowed. I also don't think Jeff thought of any backstories of the characters. At least defiantly not Morgan, because the inspiration for his backstory came from Jim Clemente's own life. Basically, even though Jeff is technically the creator, I think Ed Bernero is defiantly the creator of the Criminal Minds peopel have come to know and love. 

Getting back to the topic, I also love Reid's old-fashioned gentleman demeanors:) I just really wish he would get a significant other so we could see him in a relationship. I think how he, with his unique personality, would interact in a romantic relationship would be genuinely interesting and not soap-operay. Well as long as the writers don't make it like that. It defiantly has the potential to be interesting and not soap-opery. I don't think there is another character out there quite like him, so it would not have to be just another tired romance. And, of course, it should only be featured sparingly on the show.


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4 hours ago, Droogie said:

Is it "Talk Like a Pirate Day?"  Because aargh.  I hate BQ -- think its in my top 5 worst episodes.  I couldn't help commenting about it.  I disregard BQ completely, as far as canon goes.  Garcia was a recurring character initially.  Sad she didn't stay that way.  I know there are those who love her; I'm just not one of them.

Amen to that Droogie! Black Queen was such a travesty I just pretend it doesn't exist! I loved Garcia when we first saw her - it's such a shame that they allowed KV to turn her into Kirsten Vangsness at the FBI. I was amused to see KV nominated in the People's choice awards for Best Actress as for me, in CM at least, there is no acting shown by her at all. She just plays herself.

As for Rabid, that episode was totally ruined by the nonsensical fitness bookends. The case itself could have been interesting but I was so furious by the fitness rubbish that any merit it had was lost for me. I suspect Virgil Williams named that episode as his favourite as a thumb to the nose to the fans as there was quite a negative response to it when it aired and that's when we were treated to some of his nastier replies to tweets!

Edited by Old Dog
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Welcome to these parts, Haleysgalaxy. Your intelligent and interesting posts are very welcomed. When I first got into CM I had a Dickens of a time finding like-minded people who could discuss CM (and my favorite character-Dr. Spencer Reid) in a way that didn't make me want to light myself on fire. I have followed CM/MGG via social media, but far too many Screaming Mimi commenters just tested my patience. This place is a welcome reprieve from all that silliness.

As for the character of Dr. Spencer Reid, I really like your summary of him. For the most part, genius types are portrayed in two ways. Either than are cold, android types or they are condescending "geniusplaining" types. Yes, certainly Reid has his awkward moments, cringe-worthy moments; he's not perfect. But he also had a warmth, empathy and kindness I appreciate. This makes him fully-human to me. And though Reid has been written in a less than ideal manner in the past few seasons, it is Reid Original Recipe I will always treasure.

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6 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I made sure they didn't really give anything away, plot-wise, Senin.  (yadda yadda yadda on the jet as always, and yadda yadda yadda in an office with the others, who are conveniently cut out of the photo)  :) Just how gorgeous he is, in a variety of styles and colours. Kudos to BJ Rogers :) 

Love BJ. I think she should get her own thread; or at least have one devoted to the costumes of CM (and the "Wigs of Doom").

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I made sure they didn't really give anything away, plot-wise, Senin.  (yadda yadda yadda on the jet as always, and yadda yadda yadda in an office with the others, who are conveniently cut out of the photo)  :) Just how gorgeous he is, in a variety of styles and colours. Kudos to BJ Rogers :) 

Thanks for being so careful about it!!

I have always liked MGG a lot, but I seem to like him more lately... I think it is because he is more mature, he doesn't look like a boy anymore, and I like that. 

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2 minutes ago, senin said:

Thanks for being so careful about it!!

I still laugh. Years later. People post (usually on one of those teenybopper filled FB pages) a photo of Reid in a tux in an obvious wedding scene. And the lil girlies freak out "When does he get married!" etc...... me: um, girls? This is from season 8. Like, 4 years ago now? And if you actually didn't see that episode (lucky you) after all this time.....he's DREAMING it. He did not get married. //  And the teenyboppers comprehension levels and skill are next to zero. "OMG! My bae Reid got married! Does this happen this year?!" me: *facepalm* did I not just explain ? Never mind. Yes, he gets married this year, to his grandmother. *eyeroll*

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ReidFan said:

I still laugh. Years later. People post (usually on one of those teenybopper filled FB pages) a photo of Reid in a tux in an obvious wedding scene. And the lil girlies freak out "When does he get married!" etc...... me: um, girls? This is from season 8. Like, 4 years ago now? And if you actually didn't see that episode (lucky you) after all this time.....he's DREAMING it. He did not get married. //  And the teenyboppers comprehension levels and skill are next to zero. "OMG! My bae Reid got married! Does this happen this year?!" me: *facepalm* did I not just explain ? Never mind. Yes, he gets married this year, to his grandmother. *eyeroll*

Or to Luke's dog Roxy.

6 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I seem to be the only one, but I *really* like what they did with his hair this year. It's still 'misfit unique Reid' but it's not obnoxiously long and/or unkempt and it's stylish and suits him and *swooooooooon* :::wipes up after self:::

Me, too. But it's more tousled, clearly not combed with an egg beater like in past seasons. But I pretty much love all of Reid's hair because it's attached to him. 

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7 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

oh pleeeeeease. Not that BS again! O:-)

But I'm so sweet and innocent and pure, not touched by the evils of lust and desire.

Blushes demurely

Heck, I just have a need to be silly and goofy today, might as well over Matthew being a total show-off with all of his prettiness #ratbastard

Edited by Bookish Jen
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