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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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Maybe I'm just as inconsistently written as Reid is, but I can personally attest that it's entirely possible to be familiar with the popular culture of one's youth (because of the need to 'belong'), and yet be totally out of the loop regarding current popular culture.  


And, since the '80's were part of when I was too busy to care, I thought it was 'Susie and the Banshees' until I saw it in print here.

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The CD we saw in Extreme Aggressor was supposed to represent the Black Album. Yes, yes, the actual CD we saw was not the Black Album. But on the commentary track for this episode, Jeff Davis knew that the CD in the episode was not the same one that correlated to the real CD. But since they thought the real CD was plain, they substituted another Metallica album for it, for better visual presentation. After Morgan and Reid get the CD out of the computer to verify it is the one he listens to, Reid looks at the CD cover, which presumably has the song track listing. It is from that that Reid guesses that "Enter Sandman" is the unsub's password (since Morgan was musing that if he was a Metallica fan who could not sleep, what song would speak to him). So it would not require any knowledge of popular culture to guess that password, just an understanding of the unsub's psychology, which was the whole point of that scene.


Right from the beginning, Reid knew his sci fi pop culture, so when they tried to say that Reid had never heard of A Clockwork Orange, I called BS. Now granted that was the same episode he said he didn't know Twilight, so we are likely arguing over a pop culture reference from an episode that gets most of the Reid characterization wrong (though, that writer knew enough canon to reference his history with Lila, so it is a strange contradiction). Just like we now argue about Reid having a PhD from MIT even though Breen admitted after the fact that he screwed up, we might be going round and round about this particular argument. Though I will say this Twilight reference was made in the fall of 2009 (so before New Moon, the second movie was even released), and as much of a pop culture junkie I am, I didn't hear about Twilight until 2008 just before Breaking Dawn (the final book) was published. So depending on how much Reid absorbs current, non sci fi, pop culture, it is possible he was just not paying attention enough to care, because those books were pitched at a completely different demographic. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I always took his looking at the CD cover as just sort of putting on his thinking cap. We didn't know Reid's abilities as well in that first episode, so they could have been using a more tangible way to show us his deduction -- it wouldn't have made a lot of sense to the viewer for him to just pluck "Enter Sandman" out of his brain, without his referring to something. I'd never seen the Jeff Davis commentary track -- thanks for mentioning it. I always sort of thought they'd made a mistake, that the prop person used the wrong CD.

I will agree that it was unlikely he'd never heard of "A Clockwork Orange," though. Totally plausible he didn't know Twilight but I thought his not knowing ACO was out there -- this was a little prior to my realization that they'd started writing Reid all wrong.

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Yeah, I always thought A Clockwork Orange would have captured his imagination because of Anthony Burgess's inventive use of language and distortion of chivalry and sexual roles. Totally up his cultural alley, I'd say. The writers, even at that point, didn't understand ACO themselves, so how could they write a Reid who did?

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For the most part, his Q&A answers weren't all that different than what I have seen from him in the past. 


But Matthew did agree that Reid needs a good love interest, and if he could bring any character back to the show, he would choose Gideon. 

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MGG did tumblr Q&A.

And no one here cares about it??

I was there. Did a copy and paste of all his questions and answers but there really wasn't much new information, except that as mentioned by someone else, he agrees that Reid needs an actual love interest and the bit about Gideon.


Edited by ReidFan
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Oh, that could be fantastic. Um, how about... Reid is somehow poisoned and hallucinates Gideon's ghost helping him out to solve his own murder - obviously before it turns out that the poison only shows up as deadly on tests owing to its symptomic similarity to some other substance and there actually is an antidote after all. Cue hilarious yet disturbing scenes where near-death Reid is responding to a dead Gideon the rest of the team can't see.

Someone else got an idea?

Shame that no inducement in the world will ever get Patinkin back on this show.

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Gotta give props to the prop guy and the director on that one. That's some serious dedication to take the time to take some believable photographs, all of which will likely only be used for two or three seconds of inconsequential air time. How many other directors would pass at doing such a thing?

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qwerty, Aimee was supposedly blond as in the photo, which was P-shopped. In the episode she had a "scratchy" hat on that she took off before she was kidnapped. That was the wig. Then the girl got to have her natural hair, they just said it was "dyed."


Either that or they did put a temporary brown rinse on her blond hair that washes out in several shampoos.

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So, since he also wore glasses as a kid, when did Reid stop wearing glasses? I know he had glasses sometimes at the beginning, but I can't remember when he stopped.


He probably got contacts in his teens, because he still wears glasses as an adult, but we have not seen them since season 2. Or he got laser eye surgery. :)

He has 'the world's worst vision'.... he wore his glasses in the first season because he had a reaction to the cleaning solution of his contact lenses (which he wore for filming, but not for rehearsal, table read etc. He prefers his glasses and still wears them whenever possible) and ended up not being able to wear his contacts for several weeks.  I also wear glasses, and used to wear contacts. I think it would be completely in character and realistic if they showed Reid in his glasses instead of in the contacts at least some of the time, especially since--as anyone else who wears contacts can probably attest-- after having the contacts in for 12-14 hours or more, your eyes are just screaming 'take them out!'  

Edited by ReidFan
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I disagree with the statement that we know the least about Reid's personal life. I'd have to say that JJ or Rossi take the cake on that. I think we know more about JJ than Rossi though.


We know that he has an IQ of 18, can read 20,000 words per minute and an eidetic(Sp?) memory We know that Reid likes to play chess and poker, reads more than 5 books a week, he used to ride his bike to class in college, but is not currently super phisically fit. He likes chemistry and math, he likes star trek, star wars, doctor who and conventions, physics magic. We know all about his family history, his mom, his dad, his childhood etc.


We know about what I assume is majority of his romantic relationships.  We know where he went to college and what he studied.He knows some Russian, and spanish though he can't speak it very well, he can read it.He can however speak Korean. He likes Soap Operas, knows how to knit.He drinks a lot of coffee, he's afraid of the dark, he loves Halloween.He likes indian food, but hates creamed spinach. He doesn't like the beach, hates hospitals because of the lighting. He had a problem with dilauded and is allergic to carbenicillin.


Some of that was courtesy of my brain and some of that was from wiki. But we do in fact know quite a lot about him :)

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I'd disagree that Reid is the most well-drawn character- I think Hotch takes that title, since we know about his private life, we know about a few of his interests, we've seen him with romantic interests, we know his professional background, we've seen some of his working relationships outside of the BAU, we've been privy to his thoughts, his fears and his ambitions.



Yeah I'd agree that we know the most about him qwerty, that was in response to  ^^^

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Well, I could go to the wiki and draw you just as complete picture of Morgan...that doesn't mean he's a well drawn character. Like Reid, much of the info on Morgan is via throwaway lines, many of which the writers contradict because they don't pay attention like we do. I mean, are they aware Morgan has a dog?

Hotch is the only one whose character has a long, multi-season narrative, where his personal life, his interests and ambitions have actually been plot points. Reid has had a few arcs, but nothing quite like that.

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I think Morgans dog is long dead. RIP Clooney, you lived a very short life. About 44 minutes..

nobody ever seems to actually have a pet consistently on any show. No mention of needing to walk/feed/make arrangements when away/vet appointments/taking responsibility for said pet. They just trot them out when it's necessary to a plot. And sometimes not even trotted out, just conveniently mentioned 'I have Sergio'/'I KNEW you would!'  never to be heard from/of again

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nobody ever seems to actually have a pet consistently on any show.


They talk about this in the Everything Else section a lot, because it isn't just pets, its small children as well. Babies and really young children are usually off-screen taking a nap or "with the sitter" until the character gets old enough to be onscreen. Pets are for wacky hiinks and kids are for 'Aww!' moments, particularly on sitcoms. Through the miracle of SORAS, soaps turn babies and kids into brooding teenagers and young adults, giving them their own stories.




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LOL! I could post the five collages I've put together of his mismatched socks too. Gotta make good use of my Photoshop software. Also have lips collages, eyes collages, other body parts collages. He's sooooooooo photogenic, even one piece at a time.


that tumblr has a lot of the same soxpix I used :) he's so helpful, posting them often himself.

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LOL! I could post the five collages I've put together of his mismatched socks too. Gotta make good use of my Photoshop software. Also have lips collages, eyes collages, other body parts collages. He's sooooooooo photogenic, even one piece at a time.


that tumblr has a lot of the same soxpix I used :) he's so helpful, posting them often himself.

And when will we see these collages Miss ReidFan? Hmmm?


Usually, I would think mismatched socks is a bit affected and trying too hard, but Matthew makes it work. And yes, he is unbelievably photogenic, which (said in a small voice) makes me hate him a little bit.

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And when will we see these collages Miss ReidFan? Hmmm?


Usually, I would think mismatched socks is a bit affected and trying too hard, but Matthew makes it work. And yes, he is unbelievably photogenic, which (said in a small voice) makes me hate him a little bit.

Yeah, but he has been doing it since he was a kid, so, I give him a bit of a pass. What's really affected is Joseph Gordon Levitt starting to wear mismatched socks (and bringing everyone's attention to it), I assume, after working with Matthew on 500 DOS. It made me dislike him.

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but that might be because it was during a 500 DOS party that Matthew destroyed his knee and talked about how mismatched socks were good luck. Perhaps JGL developed a fear/superstition after seeing what happened to Matthew, JGL was THERE when it happened.


but I agree with you really, the mismatched socks is Gubler's schtick :D

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I wonder where Matthew gets his fun, festive and colorful socks. I only have white gym socks and black trouser socks. But I am absolutely woobie over black tights.


Hmm, Matthew should start his own sock line featuring his oddball drawings. And I say oddball with affection.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I think JGL wears mismatched socks for his own reason and not because Matthew does it. It is not just a Matthew thing.

Yeah, his reason is he thinks it's cute, and not many people know who MGG is at this point, so it looks like JGL is being original. And cute. Blehh

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Hmm, Matthew should start his own sock line featuring his oddball drawings. And I say oddball with affection.

well he does feature his oddball drawings on limited edition t shirts, and most recently, a reuseable cloth tote bag. The proceeds of the sales go to charitable purposes (the tote bag proceeds went to the American Red Cross this time around), and they always seem to sell out :)

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nobody ever seems to actually have a pet consistently on any show. No mention of needing to walk/feed/make arrangements when away/vet appointments/taking responsibility for said pet. They just trot them out when it's necessary to a plot. And sometimes not even trotted out, just conveniently mentioned 'I have Sergio'/'I KNEW you would!'  never to be heard from/of again

actually, Emily named Sergio in the begining of season 7 while Hotch was calling her off for lying to her therapist and a few episodes ago Garcia said to Hotch she needed someone to take care of him while she was in "protective custody"


So Sergio beats Clooney as a guest star xD

Edited by smoker
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well he does feature his oddball drawings on limited edition t shirts, and most recently, a reuseable cloth tote bag. The proceeds of the sales go to charitable purposes (the tote bag proceeds went to the American Red Cross this time around), and they always seem to sell out :)

That's very sweet that the proceeds of Matthew's t-shirts and tote bags go towards charity. I'm not much of a t-shirt person, but I would buy a tote bag. And I'd love it if Matthew somehow fashioned his drawings into charms for me to purchase and make into some handmade bling. I'd make a charm bracelet out of his drawings. How cute would that be?

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That's very sweet that the proceeds of Matthew's t-shirts and tote bags go towards charity. I'm not much of a t-shirt person, but I would buy a tote bag. And I'd love it if Matthew somehow fashioned his drawings into charms for me to purchase and make into some handmade bling. I'd make a charm bracelet out of his drawings. How cute would that be?

Bookie, I own a T -- which is beautifully sized and very comfy, that I sleep in. But I bought the tote bag and love it. I personally can't ever have enough of those. Had to travel some early in the week and used it to tote my laptop and class work and it was perfect, plus got lots of compliments. The bottom is gusseted to sit flat, and I cut a piece of cardboard to place there, for stability. Anybody can have a Vera Bradley -- ya gotta be in the know to own a Gubler. Lol.

Edited by Droogie
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I bought four of them :) . Sent one to another MGGadmirer as a birthday present and still have all the others wrapped up in their original packaging. I should use at least one of them I guess. I really should. But I don't wanna get it dirty! O:-)

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I bought four of them :) . Sent one to another MGGadmirer as a birthday present and still have all the others wrapped up in their original packaging. I should use at least one of them I guess. I really should. But I don't wanna get it dirty! O:-)

I only wear t-shirts when I work out and I don't want to sweat into one of Matthew's creations. Oh, wait, I'm a lady. I don't sweat; I glow (snerk). But if they're still available maybe I'll purchase a tote bag as an early b-day gift to myself. And as many of you know, my b-day is exactly one week before Matthew's. (All of CM-PTV to Bookish Jen, "Yes, we all know your b-day is exactly one week before Matthew's because you never shut up about it! Now hush, you silly goose!").

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Emily Churchill had a wonderful chemistry with Matthew. Alas, she is a stage actress and stand up comedienne in LA & area, so I can see where yeah, she won't be back.

I just hope they give Reid *someone* worthy. The chemistry part doesn't worry me too much, Matthew could probably bring a stick figure to life.

I agree that MGG could work with whatever he is given. I'd watch him read the phone book. I copied this to here, bc I thought it might be more fitting. I know now with the spectre of early-onset Alzheimer's disease hovering over him, that it seems like Reid won't ever have a happily-ever-after, but i want to be clear, on the off-chance that TPTB somehow see this: Spencer Reid + Virtually Anyone is my OTP. I don't want to think he goes home alone, or that he is lonely, or that he has no one who adores him (yes, Diana does, but she is slipping, according to 11.12). Of all the characters, Spencer deserves everything good. Edited by Droogie
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I know now with the spectre of early-onset Alzheimer's disease hovering over him, that it seems like Reid won't ever have a happily-ever-after






I'm afraid to ask, but I must insist that you explain, because it feels like I missed some pages somewhere.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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sorry for jumping in here....If you're asking what I think you're asking. or ignore me :D


the dementia thing, CStar. From Entropy, they determined he's past the age where the schizophrenia would affect him, but Mom now has 'early onset dementia, most likely Alzheimer's' (quoting Reid exactly). He didn't have himself tested for it, (that's what Morgan is referring to in that convo they had) because he said he's too young to show the chromosonal markers for it yet. 


(I wasn't aware that Alzheimer's is a hereditary thing. Still not convinced it is, either) 


I think the show just wants to continue to give Reid the threat of the tragedy of the great mind possibly being destroyed by disease. A possible peril to hang over him since the schizophrenia is no longer viable.  It'll never come to that on the show (I think Matthew would balk at that eventuality).  But the show is about the darkness of humanity, I don't recall the exact words used anymore but both Messer and Breen have mentioned in the past that they can't make the lives of the BAU members all sunshine and light when they deal with such baddies on a daily basis. 

Edited by ReidFan
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the dementia thing, CStar. From Entropy, they determined he's past the age where the schizophrenia would affect him, but Mom now has 'early onset dementia, most likely Alzheimer's' (quoting Reid exactly). He didn't have himself tested for it, (that's what Morgan is referring to in that convo they had) because he said he's too young to show the chromosonal markers for it yet. 


(I wasn't aware that Alzheimer's is a hereditary thing. Still not convinced it is, either)

There is a subset of early-onset Alzheimer's that is also referred to as "familial Alzheimer's" because it is genetic - the specific genetic mutations that can cause it are known, and passed on in a dominant fashion (i.e. you only need the gene from one parent to develop the disease, rather than from both parents like in recessive diseases). About half of early-onset Alzheimer's cases aren't caused by one of the known mutations, but there is still likely a genetic component, we just don't know what gene it is.


Even many late-onset Alzheimer's cases have a hereditary component, but it's not as strong as with early-onset Alzheimer's.


However, I call BS on him being too young for the genetic tests. That whole line was just completely nonsensical, like they don't want to fully commit either way and needed an excuse other than Reid just not wanting to know.

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okay...so a few years down the road, when they 1. cancel CM 2. decide to give Reid a happy sendoff 3. (and this'll never happen cause MGG said he's in for 39-40 seasons) decide to give Reid a happy storyline they can revisit this with 1. he finally wants to know and 1A. he doesn't have it, happy happy joy joy or 1B. he does have it and we'll see the descent into dementia (at which point I will murder the tv)



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However, I call BS on him being too young for the genetic tests. That whole line was just completely nonsensical, like they don't want to fully commit either way and needed an excuse other than Reid just not wanting to know.

 but he DID want to know...at least, that's the impression I got. He said he was too young for the test (you call BS, I'll agree with you) and he was going to have to live with not knowing, and the facial expression Matthew gave indicated to me he (Reid) wasn't happy about *not knowing* since he's a font of knowledge of everything else.


Which brings me around again to the using this as a possible out in the future if they wanna get rid of Reid (or, more doubtful, he wants out) so they had to plant some other excuse. 


Which is stupid, cause he could just as easily be written out in a million other ways, and I'm more than happy to provide a list of possibilities if Messer needs them.............

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I think the show just wants to continue to give Reid the threat of the tragedy of the great mind possibly being destroyed by disease. A possible peril to hang over him since the schizophrenia is no longer viable.  It'll never come to that on the show (I think Matthew would balk at that eventuality).  But the show is about the darkness of humanity, I don't recall the exact words used anymore but both Messer and Breen have mentioned in the past that they can't make the lives of the BAU members all sunshine and light when they deal with such baddies on a daily basis.


Oh, for the love of Christ.


So this is what I get for not paying as much attention this season, I guess having ruled out both the return of Reid's addiction and Diana's illness manifesting in him, they've decided that he could maybe-possibly get lost in Alzheimer's before he's forty? I don't know why I'm so shocked, but I am.


As for 'sunshine and light', it bothers me more than it needs to that it always seems to be Spencer that "benefits" from the writers' desire for realism. And it just proves what incompetent moron hacks Erica and Breen (who should know better even if he did write Zugzwang) are that they probably think this is an awesome sword of Damocles to hang over the poor guy's head. I guess I better start paying closer scrutiny, because the show has proven that it cannot be trusted if left to its own devices.



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I'm afraid to ask, but I must insist that you explain, because it feels like I missed some pages somewhere.

Here's the thing. I know creative license was applied in saying Reid saying he was too young to be tested and blah blah blah because ooh, the angst of his not knowing whether he was likely to inherit the disease. Medical/scientific accuracy is not the point I am trying to make.

All that aside, say TPTB think a good age for him to "be able" to be tested is 40. A show of hands of you think the show will still be on when Spencer Reid turns 40. No one? Just as I thought. (And here I am paraphrasing the thoughts of 99Hubbles, a writer on fanfiction.net) So we have eleven-plus years of emotional investment in this character by the time the show ends. We saw his countenance lighten as he aged somewhat and the weight of the possibility of developing schizophrenia diminished. He had hope for a future, for a family -- something he seems to very much want. He remains the only character to never have experienced a fulfilling love relationship (and one could fanwank that it may have happened offscreen, but I don't buy it -- we've seen everyone else's. All we know for sure is that Reid has frigging fish). Now he is faced with a more grim future. And how likely is it that the show will re-address it before the lights go out for good on set? Practically nil, I'd predict.

So we will likely say goodbye to Spencer Reid, never knowing if he will become lost in the thick fog of Alzheimer's disease or if he will ever have a family to call his own. And I find that heartbreaking.

Disclaimer: I adored the episode. But I adore Spencer more. I'm wondering how much more he is supposed to take?

Edited by Droogie
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Alzheimer’s and dementia are such cruel diseases. Both my grandmothers suffered from them, and yes, I wonder if I’ll be affected by them once I get older. To see two vital women turn into shells of their former selves was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever witnessed.


Now, I’m thinking of Spencer, a character I have truly grown fond of, and the possibility of him getting early on-set Alzheimer's and fills me with dread considering one of his most notable characteristics is his very high IQ-his gorgeous gray matter.


If this storyline does come to pass, I can imagine Matthew acting the hell out of it, and all of us Reid fans shedding lots of tears while feeling so much anger over the injustice of it all.


But must it come to this? Can’t Dr. Spencer Reid have some happiness in his life? Must his life be defined by so much grief and tragedy-his mother’s Schizophrenia and his father abandonment, being bullied as a kid, Maeve’s tragic demise, the murder of his mentor, Gideon, being the victim of assault, shootings and getting addicted to drugs?


If anyone deserves happiness, love and contentment in his life it is Dr. Spencer Reid. I want him to find true love, get married and have a family if he so desires. I imagine him leaving the BAU and becoming a professor or maybe a consultant. And then there is my fanwank of him and his wife creating a very popular series of children’s books based on a boy genius and all his cool genius friends that becomes as successful as Harry Potter.

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I've only been in the CM fandom for a year, but I'm as passionate about poor Reid as you longterm fans.  And I'm in the 'enough already!' camp myself. 

I hope the producers listen to us...well maybe not us. But maybe Matthew. He wasn't one to rock the boat initially. But he did balk at the revisiting Reid's drug addiction storyline. The Maeve storyline, once it was decided it would end tragically, if I'm not mistaken it was Matthew who wanted it to be their first time actually seeing each other. It's been established Reid wants kids, a family some day (heard that from JJ in "Demons" and from Reid himself in "Proof") and they just have to allow that to happen. Matthew's also agreed several times (reddit AMA, tumbler Q&A, interview in a magazine I don't remember which though) that Reid needs a love life, a successful and happy relationship. And Erica Messer herself has said she wants to make/keep Matthew happy because he's such a love to them. He's a team player, a good egg, as it were, and they just HAVE to be good to him about this.


or I'll be mad :D

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Going against the grain here.  I have nothing against a fulfilling storyline for Reid, and it would be nice to see him happy--- for a while.  But I think the character has been well substantiated as a classic tragic hero, whose life is bittersweet at best.  For me, it would seem non-Reid-like to be otherwise.  One of the many scenes that comes to mind is the one of him watching Henry in his Halloween costume.  The smile is there, the 'happy' is there, but the bittersweet of not having a kid of his own is also there.  It would have been a completely different scene (and much lesser, in my opinion) if Reid had just packed up and gone home to his wife and two kids.  


I wouldn't mind the last few episodes of the show hinting at unseen good times ahead, but I think it would be completely odd to watch them played out on screen.  And MGG plays emotional whump so well, I think it would be a waste not to take advantage of it.  


I know I'm standing alone in a field, but that's my take.

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