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Small Talk: The Library

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This is semi-related to the show , but this is the only place it fits. Anyone else watching it on Pop? If Ihave to see another ad for that stupid show Nightcap, I might kill everyone involved. If that's the best material for that show, I can only imagine what the rest is like. Scripted television is so awful these days. 

Preachin' to the choir, az.

I'm a little concerned because I haven't heard from trudi_tru since I sent her half the Secret Santa list. Is there someone who *has* gotten an assignment who would be willing to spend about an hour matching folks and contacting them with their assignments? I hate for people to wait much longer since I was late in the first place. 

And Faby, if you're out there, let us know that Bilbo Baggins hasn't bitten all your cables in two.

Edited to add: One of my people got the same recipient as last year. Does someone want to switch assignments? If not, I'll just swipe someone from the other half of the list.

Edited again to add: Okay, kiddies, all the assignments are out so if you haven't gotten an email, let me know pronto!

Edited by Hostile16
On 12/9/2016 at 1:48 AM, trudi-tru said:

Bilbo hasn't gotten to the cables cause he's too busy trying to take down the Christmas tree.

Disney's Moana was released here under the title "Oceania". Moana is Italy's most famous porn star. I guess they didn't want to create false expectations.

I heard that Moana is also a registered trademark in Spain, so they called it "Oceania" in all the EU countries where it was released. The porn star thing is definitely funnier than a registered trademark though.

Is that the "Making Spirits Bright" CD, buffyjunkie? I've got that one in heavy rotation, along with Joan Baez's "Noel," George Winston' s "December," John Denver and the Muppets's "A Christmas Together," and, of course, Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Album."

Belated thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes. Much appreciated!

Wouldn't "Growing Pains" be the name of a failed male porn star?

I heard years ago that "Joanie Loves Chachi" had to be overhauled in Korea because "chachi" was slang for ... and I can't remember if it was the sex act, a sex act, or the male parts that contribute to the sex act.

Edited by Hostile16

Merry Christmas! Hope it was wonderful for all. 

A FB friend had to put her dog down today.I was like man, even family dogs aren't safe from 2016. well, at least it didn't happen on Christmas?   George Michael passing, that was shocking.I guess you could say that about so many lately.

I still haven't opened  some gifts sent from my sister. I probably should get on that now.

Endeavour- enjoy that week off!  I'm taking off this Friday so I can get a little four day vacation.

Anyone get anything good for Christmas?

Oh AnnieF I understand. Every now and then there are the sleepless nights. All the entertainers passing away just adds to the sadness. But we're here. And we had a little good news about our "extended" family. And we will just try to keep the music alive by sharing it with those younger than us so it lives on. One day, one step, one breath. Or so I keep telling myself. Hugs.

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2016 tried to take me out too. Yesterday when I came back home the kitchen was saturated with gas. Luckily a secutiry vent had been installed in the kitchen so that it wouldn't fill up entirely in case of a leak, otherwise I would have blown up the building.

Take that 2016!

Why don't we share some good things that happened in 2016? I got a new kitty, totally unexpected.

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I feel you on the traumatization, AnnieF. I feel numb, like I'm really just putting one foot in front of the other the last few weeks. I've also been self-medicating with chocolate and carbs, which makes me feel fuzzy and crummy. My bacon and cheese time is coming soon, and I need to start walking again every day. Having a dog used to make me do that, rain or shine.  The only good thing I can think of from this year is that the friends of ours who lost their pregnancy last year to severe birth defects now have a beautiful baby girl, 5 weeks old. And the new Potterverse movie was good. 

We are in palliative care mode with the last of my pets, Super Two Tone Commando Kitty 3-5-7, or Super Kitty. She's been kidney impaired for a while now, and we've been keeping her happy and calm, but then she started to have pain in her only back foot (she has 3 legs). Xrays showed lung cancer (she's asymptomatic, tho) that jumped into the last digit in her toes, which is apparently a thing my vet had never even heard of, but the radiologist told him is excruciating in humans. So, we had her "declawed," and those last parts of her toes (and the huge, cancer riddled bones) removed over a week ago, and my happy, snuggly, purring sweetheart is back! That did the trick. So, we go back to just keeping her happy, but on a shorter time frame, because, lung cancer. When she's gone it will be the end of an era for me, and we'll go get another couple of rescue cats, but not cats that are the same age, because losing 1 pet per year for the past 3 years has sucked. 

I really hope that Obama gets on the ball and does as much as possible to help disadvantaged people batten down the political hatches. 

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Aw man, not Debbie Reynolds too! This is a nightmare.  It just must have been too much stress for her to take. She always seemed so vibrant for her age.    The "In Memorium" segment at all the award shows will  be longer than ever.  :(

I was lucky enough to see her perform back in April 2011. She was so much fun and  put on a great show with impersonations(she was really excellent with those) and just told funny and interesting stories of about her life and celebrities friends. I got ticket for me and my dad because he always used to say how much  he liked her,but I think I'm the one who enjoyed her show more.

Boliver-  that's nice you have some more kitty time.

Trudi- Glad you didn't go BOOM !  and you have a new furry family member!

Edited by Valny
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Hey guys, sorry been AWOL. Had to have my laptop formatted. Not blaming 2016 on that though.

Belated wishes, Hostile.

In terms of good news, I had my first visitors in August, my brother started his internship, graduated and then started his job this year, demonetization happened in India which I am determined is a good thing, we are getting our house refurbished after 10 years, I was struggling at work (there was a lot of it(, but my boss thought I did okay and I' still loving living in Dubai in my flat and my friends everywhere have been lovely. So, all good. 

  • Love 1

Bol, I'm glad you get some more time with Super Kitty. I was worried that my senior rescue kitty, Ember, was going into a decline over the holiday, but she improved once our holiday guests left, so for now she's still with me. And apparently she doesn't do well with a bunch of new people in the house. Note to self.

As for positive things...well, we had a good visit with my sister, bil, and nephew over the holiday. Oh, and my father-in-law cancelled Christmas with my husband's side of the family; evidently a smidge of self-awareness has crept into his brain, since he had a convo with my husband about how he feels like he doesn't have a relationship with his sons (duh) and grandsons (super duh) and he'd like to try to fix it. Amazing that he'd say that, but we're not exactly holding onto a lot of hope. I mean, it's just too late for him to try to have a real relationship with my kids -- they are teenagers, and he's essentially a stranger (we've seen them once a year for over a decade, even though he lives five minutes away. We tried, when we first moved back here, but we gave up after trying and trying and getting nothing back). 

My hubs told his dad that we are certainly open to trying to improve things, but the ball is completely in his court. I'm not optimistic; my FIL is 74 years old. And has been like this (undemonstrative, reserved, unreachable) for the entire time I've known him, nearly 30 years. It's unlikely that he's really going to change. But hey, we'll see. So that's kinda positive, I s'pose. And my husband's grandma reached the 100-year-old milestone this year. 

Edited by AnnieF
  • Love 2

Well I managed to be sick for most of my vacation but still was able to enjoy some time with family over the holidays. 

I'm glad you're ok, Trudi. Also glad you have more time with Super Kitty, Boliver  

I think it's been a difficult year for a lot of us. Some things have started to settle down for me and I'm hoping that trend continues. 

Happy and and healthy new year to all!

That time I thought I had with my sweet kitty? I didn't. She woke us up at 5am yesterday in horrible pain, and we took her to the ER, where they told us she almost certainly had a blood clot in her leg, and probably an enlarged heart, with more clots to come. I could hear her arrhythmia. There were no good options, since hospitalizing (and clot busting, with no guarantee of success) a cat in pain with only a few months left would be selfish on our part. So, together we made the choice, and she's gone. I really miss her and I'm glad we had that couple of snuggly weeks. I'm so tired. 

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Oh AnnieF I understand. Every now and then there are the sleepless nights. All the entertainers passing away just adds to the sadness. But we're here. And we had a little good news about our "extended" family. And we will just try to keep the music alive by sharing it with those younger than us so it lives on. One day, one step, one breath. Or so I keep telling myself. Hugs.

Oh Boliver, I am so sorry for your loss. You are two of the best people a cat, or even a person, could be in relation with. 

  • Love 3
On 1/1/2017 at 9:41 AM, Erratic said:

...we accidentally saw in the new year at midnight because I was reading a really good book.

What book? I just finished The Paris Architect and want very much to write the screenplay.

So sad for Bol. There's been a horrid cluster of pet deaths among my Internet contacts recently, and my sister and two of my five best friends have had to put their pets down in the last six weeks.

On a bit of a lighter note, postal services seem to be playing fast and loose with Secret Santa this year, and a lot of gifts have been late. Are we down to the final pair now (romantic idiot and me)? From what I understand, both had borders and oceans to cross.

If you're still waiting, whether for your gift or to receive acknowledgement, please let me know.

Edited by Hostile16

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