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Small Talk: The Library

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Oh, that is good news Hostile. How's everyone else hanging in there?  I'm kind of in limbo waiting to hear where my job will send me next year.  Stressed wondering where the boy will ever find a job. And seriously creeped out by the serial rapist they just arrested on the nearby college campus.   Otherwise just trying to enjoy the autumn colors. 

I am so scared, my friends. Scared for everyone in this country who isn't a white man. And scared because the fascism wave hasn't just hit the US; there's been a notable increase in far-right extremism in Europe too. I fear for our entire world. 


Peace, everyone. I'd apologize for being overly grim, but in this case I don't think that I am. :(

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I hear you, Annie. I feel like I am living in a world where I don't belong, that it is so different from the way I think it should be.

I am experiencing such a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness. I do not see a better future ahead.

Silver lining: the dollar is plummeting. I'll be able to stay at The Four Seasons next time I visit the US.

I'm waiting on HRC speech this morning. My eyes are welling up.  This is not the speech so many of us wanted to hear.  :(

I couldn't watch any more coverage and turned off the tv at around 11pm and took a Prilosec for any oncoming stomach acidness.  Did anyone get any sleep last night?   I woke up late this morning because I got only a few hours sleep, my brain was on over drive with the thought of....well just bad thoughts.




ETA- good speech by HRC.

I still can't wrap my head around the title of President before the name Trump. It sound so wrong.

Edited by Valny

I am going to visit my sister in Florida this week, I have been speaking to her quite a bit. 2 of our brothers voted for Trump and we just don't know how to get past it. It says something truly unpleasant about them. My oldest brother sent me a sarcastic "don't move to Canada" text that I haven't responded to and said something on one of my sister's Facebook posts that she did not respond to, but he later posted on her wall asking for forgiveness. I think he thinks he is just being a brat and doesn't understand but I can't make excuses for him. 

I had to shut down a couple of woman I work with on Wednesday who confirmed my opinion of their intelligence by being happy that Trump was elected. 

This election has just sucked all my optimism out of me. I am desperately afraid for my daughter, she is twenty in school part time and has serious problems with depression and anxiety, under Obamacare I am able to keep her on my insurance, if I am no longer able to do that I don't know what is going to happen.

I think there will be a great deal of drinking on my sister patio this week.


Hugs and vibes to us all.

I've had more to drink this week than the previous year combined. That's not saying much, but I've also had a sore throat, and frozen pouch drinks are soothing in more ways than one.

Dusky, if it's any consolation, Trump claims he will "amend" ACA (broken promise #1) instead of repealing it, keeping coverage for children living at home through age 26 and coverage of pre-existing conditions.

Meanwhile, here in North Carolina (my city went Clinton by more than 58 percent, btw), we still have no governor or Attorney General because of races awaiting recounts, and the heavily Republican state legislature is making noises about appointing two State Supreme Court justices to offset the Democrat who unexpectedly ousted the incumbent and won control for his party. Adding insult to injury, the decision will be made in a special session that was called to vote for emergency relief for Hurricane Matthew victims.

I'm in for SS.  

It is scary.  Paul Ryan is ready to eliminate Medicare. They're just going to line things up and shoot them down one by one...Social Security, labor laws, environmental laws, welfare and then abolish the enforcement agencies EPA, OSHA, FDA, SEC and then privatize anything they can get their hands on but especially the schools.  Welcome to the oligarchy. Initiated by a bunch of paranoid, reality-deficient billionaires so scared of losing their money that they have no issue with making life a living hell for everyone else.  And supported by a bunch of racist, mysoginist, xenophobic white idiots who worship them but hate the educated middle class who look down on them.  Yeah, we're going to need more than safety pins.

Sorry, didn't mean to add to the despair. I just really don't know how to fix the result of a plan that has been in the making for 50 years to the tune of about half a billion dollars.  And the more impoverished people become, the less energy will exist to fight.

I'm still processing my grief.

Hey lovely people,

We have a new directive from our fearless leader, Dave.

No more political discussion on any forums other than Current Events & Politics Forum.  Since our name is PREVIOUSLY TV and not POLITICAL TV, we have to enforce the new rule- even though you guys are as chill as cucumbers and have courteous and respectful political discourse, political discussion here is verboten.  If the rules change again, I will be sure to let you know.

Here is where you can read his full message.

You can be supportive of each other.  For example, "I feel depressed about the election." "I know, here is a cute picture of a sloth," but not "I want to beat Trump to death with a sloth."  

Pray continue with your regularly scheduled (and non political) discussion.

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I had some vacation days still to use this year, so I took off Wednesday, that makes a nice five days off since we have off on Friday too. So it's kind of like taking a vacation week but only using one day. :)

but Wednesday I will be taking my Honda to get my airbag replaced because of a recall. I kept getting notices for a while now and just kept putting it off or forgetting to make an appointment, so I guess I'll suck it up and waste a couple of hours at the service place to get the new one. I checked and at least they have wi-fi there.

Are most of you guys staying home like me for Thanksgiving?

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18 hours ago, buffyjunkie said:

I'm  even hoping to catch a movie. How about y'all?

I plan on catching a lot of movies over this long holiday, but the streaming kind....and of course Gilmore Girls tomorrow. Netflix is going to explode!


I made a small pan of lasagna and also having a little pork roast. We don't do turkey on Thanksgiving, not big turkey lovers me and dad. But I saw this  new potato recipe on YouTube than I going to attempt today. Called fondant potatoes and they look pretty good because well...potatoes!  The guy in the video used a cast iron pan, so I had go out and buy one yesterday....damn those are heavy.


Anyone doing any Black Friday shopping?  There a Sony BluRay player at Target that I'd like to get, and maybe pick up the movie Brooklyn dvd which is only $4.

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I adopted a new kitten! Actually, he adopted us. I was out on my walk with my dog when I saw this cute kitty. I scratched his head, the dog gave him a quick kiss and then we went on our way. After a while I turned around and there he was, walking behind us. He followed us all the way home. I tried looking for the owner but no one came forward. So doggie has a stepbrother now.

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Congratulations on your new family member, trudi.

Thanksgiving was nice and boring, thank goodness.  I got to see the niblings and no one brought up politics, which I was dreading would happen.

This year's black Friday movie marathon included the fantastic Fantastic Beasts and Moana, and also Arrival and Allied.  We're not sure exactly how many years this tradition has been ongoing but it's definitely over 20 now, and as someone who can't even shop in normal crowds, I am very grateful to have a better place to spend black Friday.

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Sorry to be so far behind with Secret Santa, but the good news is we've picked up some of the Facebook crowd. I'm listing them here by their old handles. Here's my current list; please let me know pronto if you're missing. I also have new addresses for JHeaton, romantic idiot, and Superflyse, and a new email for YME.

  • AnnieF
  • Barphe
  • Boliver
  • Chyna
  • Darkpool
  • dusky
  • Erratic
  • Harvester
  • Hostile 16
  • JHeaton
  • KPC
  • romantic idiot
  • smushergirl
  • Superflyse
  • trudi_tru
  • YME
  • ZenLizzy

And speaking of pets and babies, my niece had a daughter Thanksgiving morning! She's not as cute as Bilbo Baggins, the most well-fed stray in history, but she's wee and petal-pink and rocks a knit cap.

Also: How much do I love Apple's Frankenstein's monster commercial?

Edited by Hostile16
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