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Small Talk: The Library

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Hugs to you, KPC, and let us know if more specific vibes would help.


Good for you, erratic! I bet you'll be much happier; that place sounded too dicey.


Hooray trudi-tru!


Nothing much new here OR so much going on that it can't be comprehended; both seem to be true. This time change mixed with what seems to be a season change mixed with my own "next phase" life issues mixed with national/world events all ---> confusion and disorientation. Not the worst feeling if you can just accept it and go along for the ride. Mindfulness, people!

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Congrats Erratic. I'm glad you left. Everything will work out.

I was wondering how you were, KPC. Vibes to you and your family.

That was very nice of you, trudi. I'm sure kitty and owner appreciate all you did.

Still working on the caregiver situation. I'm hoping to have a few meet my mom this week and hopefully there will be one that meets our needs and she likes. Fingers crossed.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend and vibes to all who need them.

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trudi, I love that you are so wonderful to animals out there-  I feel like you might put St. Francis to shame. Erratic, I love that you have declared yourself independent!  Viva your revolution!


Cko, so many hugs and supportive vibes.


Also, 2016 is so fucking fired.


This afternoon my stepfather fell and broke cracked the ball part of his hip.   Surgery tomorrow, they think.  Unless he has pneumonia. If he has that too, then surgery will maybe have to be delayed.  


But before that happened, I got to visit Dad2 in the morning; he's looking frailer by the moment.  But I get to see him and we get to say how much we love each other.


Have I mentioned how much I want cancer to go fuck itself?


You guys are the best.  Simply, utterly, the best.

Endeavour- good luck with the caregiver situation. Hope the right one comes your way asap.


KPC- much hugs/vibes/love to you and your Dads.   How is your mom doing?


I found out that there are a lot of lawsuits filed by owners against people who rescue their pets. Unbelievable


 That does not compute...and is ridiculous. So awesome that you saved that cat though.

  • Love 3

Yay Snowdays!  I loved those when I was kid.  


Stepfather made it through surgery.  But has pneumonia.  BUT he made it through the surgery and has a new hip ball.


Mom is doing the "no news is good news" so we get sporadic updates via email.  But we know he's doing well, he's eating, and he's looking forward to getting out of the hospital.  All of this is very encouraging news.  I'll take it.


I am so very, very tired.  But even more, I am so super thankful I can vent to you lovely people. 

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It's not an official holiday, and most businesses stay open.

Healing vibes for your dads, KPC. :)

It was absolutely pouring rain about an hour and a half ago, now it's snow. It's always weird when it gets colder after the sun comes up.(although the sun being up is fairly arguable, from a visibility standpoint, heh).

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Edited by AnnieF
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My week has been taken over with looking for a lost dog. My sister and the family went on vacation, and I watched their dog for a few days. On the third day, this nanny of a friend of theirs was supposed to pick the dog up and care for it for the rest of the week because I was going on a brief trip. Nanny never showed, so after five hours, I asked what the hell? Turns out nanny forgot she had to work.

My sis got a little shirty with me and told me I didn't need to worry about it and this girl is very responsible. She would pick up the dog later that night.

The nanny had the dog for 30 minutes and lost her. She left her fucking front door open and the dog bolted. It's been three days. I have searched all over this city with no luck. She has a collar and tags, and she is very sweet. She is also in a very urban, high-traffic area. It's very worrisome. We've filed reports, called vets, checked Craigslist, etc without success so far. Anyone have zany good dog rescuing tips?

Does anyone have any *good* news on this sad April Fool's Day? I'm so depressed by lost dogs and politics and the rampant bigotry that seems to be escalating in this country that I can't even find a cat video to cheer me up. Although a dog afraid of his own hiccups helped.

In other news, John Oliver is my new crush. His show is freakin' awesome. And totally available on YouTube. If only the major news outlets were doing such good work.

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Not good news so much as "Huh," but when I was at the dispensary last time, there was a truck there with a "Trump 2016" sticker. First one I've seen, and it was at the literal drug store. Huh.

And just this morning I saw a Mini Cooper Paceman with an amazingly creative personalized license plate that read "PACEMAN." That is out-of-the-box thinking, right there. But what I can't stop imagining is that if I bought a Paceman, my first mission would be to stick a metal 'S' on the front of the word. Right? How is making your car read "SPACEMAN" not mission one?!

  • Love 2
I found the dog!




I saw John Oliver on the street a couple of years back.  I did an uncharacteristic thing;  I went up to him.  "You rock my world,"  I told him;  he looked very surprised, partly because I just kept walking and didn't engage him in any actual conversation. .  Now he's on HBO and he still rocks my world.  He walks his talk (the whole if the FIFA guy resigns I'll eat lots of junk food).


Tomorrow I leave for Boston to visit Reid/handle Mom etc until Sunday.  My sister will also be there and we're going to tag team them and start convincing them to move downstairs, because Reid shouldn't do stairs while he is recovering.  He's been pretty blue but he knows we're coming tomorrow, and we've been calling him to cheer him up.   Dad2 is holding is own, for while I am eternally, tearfully thankful and every second I get to spend with him (even when he is asleep) is a gift.  He's still interested in food, and seems determined to stick around.  I hope nothing happens to Dad2 while I'm in Boston.  Fingers, legs, eyes and toes crossed.


Not posting a lot these days but I am reading and vibing and thank you all so much for being the terrific, wonderful, dog-finding, post smoking, spring springing, vibe giving, parenting people.  I am grateful for you guys every day. (okay, I'm being all schmaltzy but I think you know what I mean).

  • Love 5

I can't quit you guys /tm Brokeback Mountain.


Nor would I want to.


Good news:  Stepfather is going home from the rehab center on Friday.  With his walker, he walk around, get himself in and out of cars.  He can climb stairs.  The house now has railings and he's a hero.  New partial hip replacement?  What new partial hip replacement?!


Dad2 is not doing so well.  I've been living at the apartment to help out.  We thought we might lose him this morning, but he pulled through.  None of us want him to die, but none of us want him to suffer.  It won't be long now, but I've been able to be by his side a lot.  Every time I leave his room, I get to tell him how much I love him.    I feel like I'll never be able to tell him how thankful I am, how wonderful and generous and loving he has been to so  many people, myself included, and how we all love him.

Thank you guys for being so awesome.  Dad2 would love you guys.

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