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Small Talk: The Library

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Six weeks. Oy. I get it, I mean, if you're gonna fly all that way, might as well make it a long trip. But oy. Are they any help with Alf?

They have been somewhat helpful with Alf, but Kory is getting quite stressed, so the trade off isn't really worth it.

Romantic Idiot, hope everything is okay with you. Vibes and hugs.

Hello to Buffynut.

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Hey, dudes. I've been gone for so long, and I'm sorry. I missed so much, and miss you guys.  I'm caught up from April posts and forward. Much love to Barphe and Erratic and romantic idiot right now for life-y change-y time-y wime-y stuff. 


SilverFox and I watch both Humans and Mr. Robot, and love both. Otherwise, we are very behind in our friend duties, TV watching, housework, home repairs, visiting of relatives, niggling life stuff, etc. We loved Mad Max, Inside Out, and Trainwreck. In the last couple of months, I had a booby biopsy (just a cyst!); a big presentation about finances; a vacay and conference I was really, really sick through (and for the 4 weeks after); the death of my ancient dog, Cordy, who you all helped me name way back when; my mother's open heart surgery (valve repaired!); and taking on a role in the national branch of the non-profit we volunteer for. Glub! QuickBooks is both my ally and nemesis. And the other day I got to meet Bill Nye, and see Janice from Friends lead a beautiful choir. Life is busy and overwhelming and beautiful, but heartbreaking when loved ones are in pain and sadness. 


You all are wonderful.

Edited by Boliver
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Hey guys, didn't mean to concern you. I, in fact, have some excellent news, have moved permanently to Dubai now. Move just happened last week, but things have been really hectic at work, and my new role is something I've never done before, so haven't really had the brain space and energy to post much. Hence the not being up to post. 


Now i have six weeks to find a new place and get set up, and have been figuring out what to move, what not to move, what to sell, what to leave for my brother etc. so that's been fun but exhausting. 


I have been reading and vibing. 

Edited by romantic idiot
  • Love 6

Awesome news, romantic idiot. Sounds like quite the adventure.


Welcome, buffynut. And welcome back, Boliver.


No current TV for me right now, but I'm watching Star Trek the Next Generation on Netflix. Moviewise, I saw Ant-Man and Trainwreck last week. I had a kind of meh response to both (which I gather is the minority view on Trainwreck; not my kind of movie, I guess). My major source of recent entertainment has been movies on DVD from the library. Mostly classics, but I just saw Sexy Evil Genius, an indy dark comedy/light thriller with Michelle Trachtenberg and Seth Green (plus Harold Perrineau and Katee Sackhoff). Good concept and decent execution, but the journey was more interesting than the destination.

Edited by Darkpool
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This summer, I've finally gotten around to watching Gilmore Girls (SPOILER AHEAD AND SPOILER TAGS AREN'T WORKING) since it's now on Netflix streaming. Here's me at episode 10: Hmm, it's pleasant enough, good dialogue, but I don't really get the great devotion to the show. Me at episode 20: OMG RORY AND DEAN ARE BACK TOGETHER SQUEEEE!


I've also been rewatching Doctor Who with Chynette and Tiny C--we started back with Nine and Rose and now we're nearing the end of Ten.... :(

Edited by Chyna
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Congratulations Romantic_Idiot!  What an exciting adventure you're having.


Welcome Buffynut!


Baprhie!!  Can you please please please explain Mr Robot to me?  I'm watching but half the time I am lost in a maze of zeros and ones.


So glad things are still some awesome with you and the ALF erratic.


Thanks to you all, I have been WORKING.  I tell you, the MM vibes are just a wonder to behold.  This is where I selfishly ask you to continue, so when I have tons of money I am flying us all somewhere beautiful to have some r&r.


Chyna, have you met Logan yet?  Also, I am so stoked that that you are watching Doctor Who with your kids.  It's like..., dusty in here now.  

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Teenage F-ster has tested my patience this morning; I discovered that his desk drawers and cabinets were crammed full of dirty dishes. Fortunately there are no ants, which is frankly a miracle. I am so, so frustrated. Mr F says he's a teenager, lots of teenage boys are slobs. Well, fuck that. There's being kinda messy and then there's complete disrespect for your surroundings and others that you live with. This was way, WAY beyond the pale (besides dishes I also removed a big garbage bag full of wrappers and trash). I have attempted to make the F-ster understand that no roommates will tolerate this; the only reason he hasn't been voted off the island is because he's a minor and we can't actually do that, dammit. :-)

So, how's everyone's weekend shaping up? My kids start back to school on Monday. The F-let begins middle school, which means I no longer have to see the elementary school drop-off cavalcade of fuckery, whee! Also means he wears a uniform every day, which he's not thrilled about, but it is what it is. All middle schools in our district have uniform policies. And the F-ster can get his learner's permit and start driving every day when he goes to school (I hope I will be okay as the passenger; my mom was terrible when I was learning to drive and I eventually learned from my dad, who didn't flinch and gasp every two seconds, heh).

Bon weekend, mes amis! :)

Edited by AnnieF
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Mr. C is slightly OCD about germs and cleanliness (partly from years working in labs and partly from being raised by someone who is literally a compulsive cleaner) and when Tiny C picks through the recycling for things she can "make stuff" out of, it drives him crazy. When he found her many stashes of toilet paper tubes, he nearly flipped out. Dirty dishes in the drawers would give him a STROKE.


My kids don't start school for three more weeks! Not sure why we're starting so late, but the last few years, they've been monkeying with the school calendars to bring the public elementary, middle, and high schools more in line with each other.


my mom was terrible when I was learning to drive and I eventually learned from my dad, who didn't flinch and gasp every two seconds, heh



That's exactly how my parents were. I mentioned that to my dad once, and he said that his parents had been the same way, so he had made up his mind to be a calm teacher when we were learning to drive. He added that knowing what he knows now, he realizes that his father was probably pretty drunk at the time so he decided not to do that part. :)

My Mom was so old school that she never really learned to drive. Weird.

My condolences AnnieF. The part that drives me mad (as in crazy & angry) is the disrespect it shows for the labor that went to acquire nice things that are then treated so cavalierly. But congrats, you are one year closer to empty-nesters! Something we won't be for another 2 or 3 weeks.

It's been a full weekend for me but in a relaxed pace. Took my friend who lost her baby for a walk next to a ginormous field of sunflowers. Today I took my Mom out for lunch and to an art fair. I bought one of those butter dishes where you store the butter upside down in water to preserve it in the heat. Maybe it's a scam? I don't know but I like soft butter for my toast so hope it works.

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I'm sorry that the oldest keeps finding new and exciting ways to push your and Mr. F's buttons, AnnieF. Because I was only a stepmom, I was able to just keep SilverKid's door closed and not be invested, unless it whatever it was might damage my hardwood, like a wet towel. I had the same policy when I gave him my car to use; I just rarely looked in it, otherwise, I'd see my once-pristine Honda full of dirty clothing and trash. SF dealt with the why-are-there-so-many-frigging-dirty-dishes-in-your-room-what-were-you-raised-in-a-barn issues, which were never really resolved. SF had a "your job is to do as well in school as you can and be a good roommate" understanding, but apparently dishes in the room (also, luckily for us, they didn't attract ants, but we have a quarterly exterminator appointment) don't count as not being a good roommate. Now SilverKid is in a new kind of dorm where there are 4 rooms with a shared kitchen area. I'm curious about who gets voted off the island first, so to speak.


I woke up at 3am, for no good reason, but I used the last 3 hours to get the financials tweaked for the non-profit we volunteer for. What happened was blah blah boring QuickBooks blah blah details blah blah moneycakes, and I had to redo a bunch of entries. I'm gonna pay for it later when my tendinitis reminds me that I'm not supposed to type or mouse without the proper equipment, which is at work.


Next Friday we are having a You Tube Night at our house where people bring their favorite short videos in mind, and we take turns showing them to everyone. Choosing has been hard, but I've narrowed mine down to include the Michele Bachmann Bad Lip Reading, and the spiders on drugs "documentary." I'm still thinking over which Tim Minchin song Eddie Izzard bits would work. "Stop It!" with Bob Newhart is also an option, and I've been unable to find Carroll Burnett outtakes that are short enough. It should be a fun evening. I wish y'all could come, because that would be off the hook.

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I was able to just keep SilverKid's door closed and not be invested, unless it whatever it was might damage my hardwood, like a wet towel.

Yeah, this is a big component of it; he doesn't just leave a few things here and there. I bought an office chair mat that you roll on to go under his desk chair, because otherwise he was going to destroy the floor by grinding crumbs and shit into the space between the hardwood slats. Wet towels, too -- dude, get that shit off the floor! You wanna leave your laundry, books, games, magazines, etc, lying all over your room? Knock yourself out. But it's a big NO to things like dirty dishes and wet towels.

I just looked to find out the F-let's bus number; the plan was that, just like when his brother was at this school, I'd drive him in the morning, but he'd take the bus home. So I input our address into the district's site, and guess what? Our new house, the one we've been in for just a year? Is 2.0 miles from school. What's the cutoff? Guess. Ha. So, the F-let won't be taking the bus. Alrighty then. Good thing I wasn't actually relying on that for transportation, heh.

But congrats, you are one year closer to empty-nesters! Something we won't be for another 2 or 3 weeks.

How're you feeling about it, buffyjunkie?

And again, editing fucks the formatting. THIS IS VERY ANNOYING.

Edited by AnnieF


Next Friday we are having a You Tube Night at our house where people bring their favorite short videos in mind, and we take turns showing them to everyone. Choosing has been hard, but I've narrowed mine down to include the Michele Bachmann Bad Lip Reading, and the spiders on drugs "documentary." I'm still thinking over which Tim Minchin song Eddie Izzard bits would work. "Stop It!" with Bob Newhart is also an option, and I've been unable to find Carroll Burnett outtakes that are short enough. It should be a fun evening.

I have another suggestion - a short video written, directed, and starring our very own KPC!

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Mr F says he's a teenager, lots of teenage boys are slobs. Well, fuck that.


Yeah, fuck that.  He lives in the house- he's not living alone.  He is home-schooled?  Maybe some of his education should involve cleaning the house while you supervise.


buffyjunkie, it sounds like you had a wonderful, compassionate weekend. You are so great.


Aw shucks LnB, my short short is not youtube party worthy at all, but you are very nice to suggest it.  It's a very cool idea though, to have a you tube party.


Yesterday I worked (yay!) but thus far have nothing for this coming week.  Fingers are crossed.  You guys are awesome get me to cool work vibes I've had this week.  Thank you!


I need to ask you about quickbooks Bol, I need to keep some books for my own home- or mostly- just be able to log and sort expenses.

Happy, healthy, wonderful, children-behaving, sunflower walking on sunshine vibes to all!

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Boliver the you tube party sounds like a hoot. Which as we all know is the gateway drug to a hootenanny.

I'm looking forward to it KPC. Not to say that several weeks in I won't miss the kids terribly but it will be nice to do things rather than read about things and think, "oh, that would be cool to do." More work vibes coming your way KPC.

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I love the you tube party thing! Pass along any gems that surface, please.

A story on the good side. Since DC got a baseball team 10 years ago, we've shared a season ticket package with a group of friends. Not only do we go to a number of games a year, we sit in the same seats, year after year. The usher for our section always greets us with a smile, and chats with us etc. Yesterday, we went to the game, but at the last moment, my son came down with something, so he didn't come with us. After greeting us, the first thing the usher did was ask after my son, and upon hearing he wasn't feeling well, sent his well wishes. Not a big deal, but nice. Kind of reaffirming faith in humanity, nice.

A story on the less good side. I am a woman, I am ordained clergy, I officiate weddings. I would say that at about 80-90% of my ceremonies, I get approached by a man who says some variation of, "I've never seen a [clergy] as pretty as you." I mentioned this to my husband in the context of how pervasive chauvinism still is, and he brushed it off as, "take the compliment," that's all there is to it. I think he's full of shit. At about equal rates, I get comments from women about how refreshing/progressive/cool it is that a woman has an authority position in a religious context. Not one tells me I'm attractive. No man gets told he's a handsome clergy, it wouldn't happen, at least not as often as I experience it.

I'm not pissed off, at least not personally, mind you. But, I wish the world my daughter is growing into would care more that she's smart, talented and wicked funny, than that she's pretty.

  • Love 5
I would say that at about 80-90% of my ceremonies, I get approached by a man who says some variation of, "I've never seen a [clergy] as pretty as you." I mentioned this to my husband in the context of how pervasive chauvinism still is, and he brushed it off as, "take the compliment," that's all there is to it. I think he's full of shit

Yeah, he is. Men are convinced that we love getting compliments, especially when they are about our appereance. What they do not get is that context matters.

When someone walks up to a grown woman who is officiating a ceremony to call her pretty, it is not flattering, it's insulting and diminishing of her role.


Oh Annie, you are one patient woman. Mr F's boys are boys attitude is not really helpful. Would he react the same if he had a daughter that messy?

I hope your younger son is less of a slob. For your sanity, you know.


A youtube party sounds like a lot of fun.


More work vibes for KPC.

  • Love 2


I mentioned this to my husband in the context of how pervasive chauvinism still is, and he brushed it off as, "take the compliment," that's all there is to it. I think he's full of shit.

You're not wrong. I wish he'd have actually heard you instead of going straight to the old, sexist standby of "women blow things out of proportion." I'm sorry.



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Oh Annie, you are one patient woman. Mr F's boys are boys attitude is not really helpful. Would he react the same if he had a daughter that messy?

He would, actually, beause this is also his blind spot. I tolerated a LOT of clutter and crap in our old house, but we're in the new house now, we got rid of truckloads of crap (I think my handy man took six or seven full loads of stuff to the dump. We had a lot of crap). and we're not going to clutter everything up again. Because no. I spent 13 years pretending not to see a bunch of mess; not doing it anymore.

I hope your younger son is less of a slob. For your sanity, you know.

Indeed he is much tidier than his brother, thank Vishnu. My sanity would be in serious jeopardy if every single person that I live with were a slovenly packrat. ;)

Barphe, I'm sorry your husband gave you the "just take the compliment" response. Grr, dudes, how would you like it if no one took you seriously? Grrr.

Edited by AnnieF
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Hey, y'all. I've been off for a bit, so glad to be catching up, but sorry for the pain and hardships, and happy for the up stuff!


Just had the memorial event/pool party for my dad. Lots of build up, yard work, planning, etc, and about 60 people here milling around, swimming, talking, laughing, reminiscing. Lots of family in to stay with us too. Good milestone, glad it's over, but a bit of a Now What feeling. No doubt that will pass, as I will soon be very busy with work and other wrap-up business.


Grateful to be (relatively) healthy and happy. Hugs to you all.


ETA: Oh, and..I gave up on Humans, it was creeping me out, but I LOVE Mr. Robot. No, I'm not really following what is going on, but that is great, I enjoy the disorientation. And yes, that is kind of what it's like to take drugs.

Edited by cko
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Yay cko!  I'm glad your Dad's Memorial/Pool Party went so well.  I hope you're being kind to yourself now that the "what now" feelings have come.  


On a shallow note, I am so glad that you are watching Mr. Robot.  If you ever figure out what is going on, please let me know.  I'm watching this and like you, enjoying the disorientation.


Barphe, that is awful.  You are attractive, but that has nothing to do with how well you do your job.  He should be talking about your abilities, not your looks.


Has anyone seen Minions?  Mission Impossible?  Were they any good?

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We saw Minions a few weeks ago. It was amusing because those little yellow buggers are never not funny, but it's no Despicable Me. Lots of fun laughing, not a great or heartwarming plot.

I've been away, busy at work and a weekend down the shore keeping me from spending as much time frittered away online as I'd like so I am just catching up. Much I'd love to respond to but I'll edit myself (for a change :o)

I bought one of those butter dishes where you store the butter upside down in water to preserve it in the heat. Maybe it's a scam? I don't know but I like soft butter for my toast so hope it works.


This is probably a weird random thing to reply to but I have one of those and I do love it, but you have to be extra careful about not getting crumbs in the butter because mold happens really fast.


"Stop It!" with Bob Newhart is also an option,

One of my all time favorites! Love the Idea of a you tube gathering.

Annie if it gives you hope I was also that kid as a teenager. I waged endless war with my mother over the collection of dirty dishes that would grow in my room. I am the exact opposite of that now, so hopefully your son is also just going through a lazy phase of life.

Hugs and vibes to all who are in need.

Popping in to wave hi at all and sundry, and to liberally dash some vibes around.

You'll be pleased to know that ALF is still doing well: almost 11 weeks old, and sleeping 7-10 hours each night (!). He has crazy big hair, and because he is Cree, we aren't allowed to cut it yet. Small talk in every fucking grocery line up and restAurant and high street encounter goes:

"Doesn't he have a lot of hair!"


  • Love 1

How old does ALF have to be before he can get a trim?

It's not an age thing, it's a cultural thing, and the Social workers are dragging their feet getting us in touch with any Band elders, or researching it themselves, so right now, the answer is simply, "Do not cut his hair". At this rate it will be adoption that changes this, so 2 - 2.5 years?

Edited by Erratic

I keep getting tricked by a good plot description into watching recent French films only to be almost always disappointed (exception: The Intouchables). Has anyone seen Clouds of Sils Maria? Care to explain what happens before the action shifts to London?

Oh shoot, are you saying don't waste your time on that one? Eventually I wanted to see it but if it gets weird and there's a big wtf?at some point.....then I'll think twice about watching.


I have seen the hair. It is wonderful. Such a cute little guy. ;) 


He really is but I noticed his chubby little cheeks before I noticed the hair.



You know, my daughter and I watched The King's Men movie which would have been harmless enough but the last scene is SO male POV that I just want to puke.


Ugh I hated that last shot of the

woman's butt. No, just no.  I was listening to a podcast review of that movie and the people loved it and had no problem with it at all. I'm no prude but I just thought it was uncalled for,maybe if she had clothes on it might have been slightly better,but.....yuck I didn't need to see that.

   Otherwise, it was a fun movie.


Whew, it was a hot one today. Heavy hot air. Yuck

Edited by Valny
I keep getting tricked by a good plot description into watching recent French films only to be almost always disappointed

I don't know the english titles, but these 3 are worth checking out: "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" (which inspired the equally hilarious italian "welcome to the south"), "Le Prénom" and "Supercondriaque". Then there's "Les garçons et Guillaume, à table!", which isn't a comedy, but an interesting story about perceptions and sexuality.

It looks like Bienvenue Chez les Ch'tis (Welcome to the Sticks) has not been released on U.S. DVD, although Will Smith was once attached to a U.S. remake. Neither is Welcome to the South.

Le Prénom "translates" to What's in a Name?, and it does look fun -- a warm gathering of friends goes awry when one reveals the hideous name he has chosen for his impending firstborn.

Les garçons et Guillaume, à table! has been released as Me, Myself, and Mum. For anyone who might be interested, it's the life story of French actor Guillaume Gallienne, who plays himself, and his confusion over his sexual identity. Timely!

Thanks for the recommendations!

Edited by Hostile16

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