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Small Talk: The Library

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I just need to put this out there somehow, and here is of course the safest place on the whole wide world of web. This June is when my daughter would have graduated high school if everything had gone the way it is supposed to. She has here GED and is doing so much better than she was but part of me is so sad, I should be posting prom pics and graduation anouncements, and trying to figure out how to pay for college. I was waiting to pick up some food yesterday and was looking at the paper and they had the listing for the graduating class of her high school, and I saw the names of her old friends and wondered how there parents were feeling.


Oh well it is what it is.


Super parenting vibes to Erratic and pain vibes to AnnieF take care everyone.

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Dearest Dusky. My heart hurts so reading your post. We can tell ourselves to just be grateful that our children are alive and -relatively- unhurt. But our minds still wander down that path not taken. Please know that my best friend's daughter graduated from an alternative HS and is now going back to counsel kids there. My minister's daughter led a rough life full of bad choices and still ended up in a wonderful life with a great family. As a parent, we hurt because it is not the life we wanted for them. But it is a life and TPTB-willing there is a long road ahead that can bring surprising goodness as well. Know too that some of those families have sadness of their own but just better hidden. Hugs and please know you are not alone in the world or in your sorrows.

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Hugs Dusky. She has probably worked harder than the rest of them to physically and mentally get through the GED and all the other crap she has dealt with. Your pride in her achievements shines through. You don't need no fancy gowns to brag about her!

I drove past a warthog or mini hippopotamus grazing on a neighbour's lawn this morning. There was a white van next to it with doors open, and I presume (?) handlers too.

Nobody else was around, and I am starting to doubt my vision because what the fuck?!?

Edited by Erratic
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Wasn't that thing a...tapir, Erratic?


Dusky, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I've always loved your honesty and even more so now. My heart is with you and I echo the words of others here. The two of you have been through so much -- whether you were pulling together or sometimes apart from one another -- and my wish for you is that you continue to survive and thrive. Much love to you.

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I know I can google what a tapir is (and are they all over Canada?) and where Ischia is.  The words "tapir" and "Ischia" are so fun that I'm going to imagine that the tapir is a curtain gone wild and Ischia is a place where people sneeze a lot.  Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong.


Hugs to you dusky.  Being a parent is hard, and so is being a kid.  You had to deal the twutterwuffle, and that automatically makes you both heros.  While she has not taken the path that you envisioned, you have been a wonderful and loving Mom and she is lucky to have you.  <3


Erratic, I hope that someday you can give us more info on your adorable little one.  I am so happy when I think of you three starting your lives together.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Ischia is an isle in front of the gulf of Naples famous for its many thermal baths.

Dusky, I understand you wishing your daughter had an high school experience like everyone else.

You both had to deal with a lot. You should be proud of her for getting through her struggles and of yourself for handling everything, especially as a single mom. She will get her moment eventually.

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My mother in law called me to wish me birthday greetings. She mentioned to me that my life will now have meaning, (because obviously, without children I was just a ghost of a human), that the sleepless nights are a big part of growing up and being responsible (I turned 43 today!), and she reminded me several times just how heartbreaking it will be if I have to give the baby back to his family.

That was a fun 15 minutes :/

Great Gatsby erratic, you MiL sounds like a real treat.  If I ever meet her, I might "accidentally" spill my glass of red wine all over her.  Hopefully she'll be wearing a white dress of some kind.


Your life had meaning all the time before you had kids, your life has meaning now that he is in it.  In fact, your life has meaning no matter what.



  • Love 6

My husband's mother died when he was 17. I have a memory of her, though, from my own childhood; she worked as a school nurse through the late 70s, and in 4th grade I saw her in the nurse's office for a badly skinned knee. I'm pretty sure that the only reason I remember that encounter (when I was nine years old) is because she had an accent (she was Austrian). It was pretty amazing when Mr F and I put that together.

I do have an absolutely horrible relationship with Mr F's dad's 2nd wife, so there's that. ;) What's up with everyone's weekend? This is the F-let's last day of elementary school. Praise Cthulu. I have to see the drop-off lane clusterfuck one more time this morning, then done forever. Birthday party for a classmate is happening Sat., and Sunday we visit Mr F's grandma (still trudging along at 98). I hope everyone is going to have a good weekend. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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No big plans this weekend - the dogs will go for a bath which should improve the aroma of our house, and my f-i-l informed us he'll be coming over Saturday so we can celebrate Father's Day early with him. On the one hand, he's annoyingly presumptuous as usual, on the other hand it frees up actual Father's Day to spend my with my dad.

I'm glad you will be able to spend F-day with your dad Ace. I'd give anything to be able to spend a day again with mine. For the record, my MIL is wonderful. Tomorrow is the girl's graduation ceremony. Sadly, my mom is too frail to attend. Won't really see much of the girl anyway as she will be off visiting friends. Bit of a rough week- long commute, unpleasant assignments in the coming months, and someone maliciously sliced the tires on the car used by the kids. Bummer to spend week's pay on something that didn't need to be replaced for a while. Physically feeling a little fried too and disappointed the new fibro-med not noticeably working. And then there are the political issues with the push to eliminate the Legislative Audit Bureau. Really we should just post a sign at our border saying welcome to the corruptest land of all. But really things are mostly OK. Got a new T.C. Boyle book at the library. Watched the movie Wild last night and was glad I read the book first. Treated myself to my first non-black exercise capris. Ate a BLT for lunch. CKO how are you doing? Barphe? LNB?

Yay for those who are getting the weekend off.  And for all the Dads who are awesome.  Happy Fathers Day Awesome Dads.


I wonder what the deal is with MiLs.  I would think that the Moms would welcome someone into the family.  It's another person who loves their son.  I guess it's more complicated that that.


Seconding the wondering about Barphe, LnB, and Cko.  When you can, hope you'll check in.  


If anyone has vibes to spare, I need some for work.  It's been a tough may and june, work wise.  Grrrrr.


And hey, it's Mr.Erratic's first father's day as a dad!  Woot!!!!!


Isn't that next week?

glad you mentioned that Erratic because I was thinking, uh oh, I didn't get anything for my dad! It's Father's Day this weekend?!! 


Speaking of father's when I got home from work my dad told me that someone swiped his grocery bag. He came home from shopping and when he got out of his car, he had left the bag outside by his trunk(he forgot his garage opener so he went around to the back door but didn't bring the bag, he's forgetful.... and when he got back, the bag was gone. He said he saw an older guy standing across the street, just waiting around, so I'm guessing this person was just hanging around to do this kind of stealing.  My dad said it was only $8.00 worth of stuff,so it wasn't anything major, but I told him be careful next time if you see anyone just standing around like that,or call the police if you think someone looks suspicious. When stuff like this happens I just think,  I hope that person really needs whatever was in that bag.


In other news, wow,... it's really muggy today.  Need to get some air conditioners in the house because the fans aren't cutting it right now. But,nope shouldn't complain..Because I couldn't wait for all that damn snow to go away and to be hot again.


I have a huge stack of movies on DVD from the library, so I hope to start on those. No plans otherwise.


 Whatch get,whatcha get Darkpool?


Watched the movie Wild last night and was glad I read the book first.


   What did you think buffyjunkie?I didn't read the book but saw the movie. I wasn't crazy about it....and why was Laura Dern nominated for Supporting Actress for that film? I mean, I like her,think she's a good actress but I didn't necessarily think it was that great a part.

Edited by Valny
I wonder what the deal is with MiLs.  I would think that the Moms would welcome someone into the family.  It's another person who loves their son.  I guess it's more complicated that that.


One of my mom's friends (who, I'm pretty sure, is a good MiL) once noted that as a parent, you spend the first 20+ years building the relationships in your own family, but then your kids go out and bring new people into the family, and one bad one can really screw up everything you worked for all that time. She was noting that because she was feeling lucky that all 4 of her kids married people she really likes, because she knows a few folks who didn't get that lucky. I'm sure my parents would agree--they both like Mr C and my siblings' spouses.


However, with my MiL, I think when her sons got married, she felt that she'd been "replaced." (In our big family group wedding photo, she's on Mr. C's other side and she's clutching his arm. It's weird.) She actualy fought with my BiL because he was prioritizing his wife and new baby over her--as he should! I think a lot of MiLs feel similarly--their child marrying someone else means that their priorities shift from their family of origin to their own new family and some have a hard time with that. The only reason we don't fight with my MiL about this stuff is that we're better at not taking the bait. :)

Hi, I'm here--and I'm good, thanks for asking. The occasional stab of grief or days that feel very heavy, but overall moving forward.


Two main things are that a lot of problems are springing up (in one situation, literally) with the house; it's a bit weird, especially since my sister and I had to kind of convince the other three siblings about agreeing to keep the house for three years or so ergo needing to get the swimming pool repaired (hefty price tag, but hefty even for just getting rid of it). Meanwhile we've had ants, mice (well, the mice are common in this area), electrical problems, and a broken water main that did that thing where it fountained up to the sky! During a drought! Anyway, even though I lived here with Dad for the past many decades, we never had this many problems all at once. Home owner, argh!


Some day I'll have my own little minimalist trailer in a retirement trailer park in a hot-springs town. 'Til then....


Also major changes at work, not as aggravating as yours, buffyjunkie, but several of my staff team have left, so coverage, hiring, etc.


And watching lots of baseball and basketball. So fun to have a team in the NBA Finals!!! 


Echo the calling-out to barphe and loandbehold, how are you? And keep those updates coming, the rest of you!


Not as late as I am. Happy birthday, Erratic! I hope it was great despite the MIL.

Work vibes coming your way, KPC.

It's been very uncomfortable weather wise this week, Valny. I've had the a/c going all the time. I wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise. I wake up too many times as it is. I'm sorry that happened to your dad and glad he is ok.

Things are slow going with the closing and we have hit a little bump in the road. I'm hoping it's nothing that will knock us off track completely. My mom is also showing signs of decline. Nothing major but still heartbreaking. So, not the best week.

No big plans for the weekend. Catching up on paperwork and cleaning. Yay? Been watching that Netflix series Between. Can't really recommend it, but I wouldn't say it was terrible either. It's only six eps, so I'll see it through. If they pull a fast one like they did with Under the Dome and don't wrap it up, I'll be annoyed.

Have you seen the tiny homes, cko? I've watched a few shows on them and it's very appealing at times.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and little to no annoyance from any in-laws or anyone for that matter.

Edited by Endeavour
Have you seen the tiny homes, cko? I've watched a few shows on them and it's very appealing at times.



Yes! I'm fascinated by those!  I have a group of friends who are discussing retirement together with a collection of those in a circle or whatever. My problem is I don't want to be too far in the middle of nowhere, liking as I do the urban environment and good access to high-quality medical care just in case, y'know.


My mom always said that if she and my dad ever got divorced, her mother would go with him. Luckily, she got along with his mother as well.

I saw Wild this week, too, and liked it more than I thought I would, although I haven't read the book. I also agree with valny (heh, spell-check changes that to "balmy") that Laura Dern' s accolades are, while not unfounded, wildly (no pun intended) out of proportion with her size and demands of her role.

One thing I thought the movie did really well was draw attention to the threat women feel when alone with men, even those with the best intentions. I hope it gets through to some of those "Ho, ho, what *can* we do for twenty minutes while we're waiting for the tablets to purify the water?" types that those "jokes" are scary.

I also like the photos at the end that showed Witherspoon's backpack was an almost exact replica of Stayed's, and she wore some of the same clothes as well.

Remember when Cliff DeYoung was hot and not "grizzled old camp guru"?

Edited by Hostile16

Congratulations, buffyjunkiedaughter! How was the cerimony?

Sorry about the sucky week.

Chyna, that is a good analysis of the nasty MiL sindrome. Being replaced is hard to accept.

I'm glad you're done with the school lane, Annie. No more getting upset first thing in the morning. How did the year go for the older boy?

Enjoy your movies Doug and you weekend with your dad, Ace.

Are you still in Dubai, romatic idiot?

Vibes for everyone as needed. More specifically, work vibes for KPC, smooth closing vibes for Endeavour and house maintenance vibes for cko.

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I think if I had watched the movie without having read the book I would have been less sympathetic to her character. And I think the movie and the book were both clear that the one dude would have acted on his threat.

Thanks for asking Trudi_tru. I'm feeling a little sad because she seemed to begrudge us the time for even a photo-op. But I imagine many of us were like that when young, eager to be off with friends. The upside is the teacher keynote speaker was excellent. Two things he said really struck me. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. And then a very complicated analogy that basically said you have 84,600 seconds every day that you can't store or get back and you need to decide how you are going to spend them.

Glad to hear from everybody. KPC I will send some work vibes your way and closing vibes for Endeavor. CKO I love the idea of friends retiring and living in a circle of little houses.

Edited by buffyjunkie
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More house maintenance vibes for Barphe.

I was walking my dogs in the woods once and I heard someone approching. When I turned around and saw that he was a man, I immediately went all defensive, to the point that he asked if he could get closer.

I felt so bad afterwards, cause he obviously did not have any bad intention, he just happened to pass there at the same time I was.

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

I feel like that's easier said than done.
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Also, I recently saw It Follows in the theater. Late show (got out at 11:30 p.m.) and then I walked home afterward. Alone. On dark streets. Not recommended. It creeped me the fuck out.

I think I'm not alone when I say that many of us wouldn't choose a movie that we'd have to walk home alone from late at night. That gets factored into the whole "Do I want to do this/can I afford it/will it be safe" calculus that I and many women I know use to decide whether to do stuff. (I know you know this stuff, Darkpool, it just struck me that "walking home alone late at night" is already a thing that I wouldn't do, scary movie or no).

(Btw I am really enjoying your comments over at Mark Watches, Darkpool. I barely comment over there but I've read all your posts and I'm right there with you on most of your ST:TNG impressions.)

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You want to be creeped out? Check this:

My sister is a Social Worker, and she supervises a team of Caseworkers which works with seniors and their families when they need to be placed in Group homes etc.

So, she got an emailed incident report on Thursday, and dudes, you need to hear this.

So, a caseworker was visiting one of her clients that has been diagnosed with dementia and hallucinations. While she was with her, the old lady said that she really wanted to shake 'this thing'. The caseworker told her to go ahead. The old lady made a shaking motion and then said, "It didn't like that. Now it is angry". The caseworker then felt a rough shove in her back that made her stumble and fall forward, but there was nobody else in the room with them.

The caseworker left the old lady's room and went to the staff room where there were two other staff in there. She tried to communicate with them, but she was talking in a 'weird' voice, and not making any coherent sense, so the case worker walked over to the white board, and wrote on it, "It's in me. I am scared. Get help"

So, the other two staff members were freaked the fuck out, and tried to sit the caseworker down to calm her. They both received electric shocks from contact with her. They then called the police, EMS and the caseworkers father (her emergency contact).

I am not sure if the police or ambulance came, but when the father tried to take the caseworker home, he told her that he was taking her home, and the weird voice explained that it "belonged to the old lady and couldn't go home with [caseworker]. As they walked past the old lady's room to leave the building, the caseworker passed out cold. When she came to a few minutes later, she calmly explained that "It had left her", and she felt perfectly fine.

She then requested that someone else take over this particular client.


Is it normally difficult to have clients reassigned? My first thought was that the caseworker doesn't want to work with this particular old lady anymore, and this is one way of getting rid of her.

(Since I am a resident of NoFunnington, my reaction to all the "supernatural" elements of the story is skepticism. I know, I'm no fun. ;) )

Edited by AnnieF
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I'm with AnnieF on the skepticism. Cool weird story, but I'd want to see objective corroboration.


I think I'm not alone when I say that many of us wouldn't choose a movie that we'd have to walk home alone from late at night


Yeah, I'm aware that "walking around alone at midnight in relative safety" is very much a perk of being a guy in this society. But I don't normally find myself irrationally wanting to look over my shoulder for something walking behind me, and irrationally afraid to do so just in case something's there.

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