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Small Talk: The Library

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Erratic, this situation is a little different than yours, but your question made me think of Andy's step-cousins. They fostered/adopted a little boy, I think around 4 or 5. Not too long after they had settled in with him, his little brother entered foster care, so they took him in too. Not too long after that, the mom's drug addict sister had a baby girl she put up for adoption and Andy's cousins decided to adopt her as well. A number of years later, all the kids are doing great. I've always admired so much their decisions and their willingness to make a home for those kids.


Vibes and best wishes for your decision!

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Erratic, I have a really good friend who entered a program to foster to adopt, when they imagined what they would get they saw themselves with one girl, what they ended up with were 2 boys, one of whom had been so badly abused he was thought to be unplaceable. Just a couple of years later, the boys have been adopted and my friend couldn't be happier, he is such a dad now. I honestly don't know how they did it but they did and if you decide this is what you want I know you can too. 


In other news my daughter needs $6000 in costly dental repair, What do you think, will her father chip in?  yeah right! 


Vibes to all and sundry, I have been reading along just haven't been able to post much. Love you guys.

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Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Loandbehold!!!!!  I hope the coming year is less stressful and more happy.


Dusky vibes for you and your daughter.  Tooth problems suck.  Trudi, dental insurance in this country is a joke.  They barely cover anything- most people I know don't have it because it's cheaper to pay the dentist.


Vibes to erratic and endevor for the decision making and the house closing.


I'm kind of sad that the Sink flange baffle has been installed.   I will  miss sink flange baffle.  I don't suppose you can have another sink flange baffle issue AnnieF?    It's fun to write sink flange baffle.

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In first world problem news, my voice activated TV remote is not working and I am annoyed.


I got my daughter to agree to watch Veronica Mars and 5 minutes in she got a phone call and bailed on me, she did say it was a really good five minutes. 


Yesterday it was 90 degrees today it is 60, WTF.


I have dental insurance and KPC is right it is a joke, that 6 grand is after insurance. I am able to do a payment plan thing without interest for 18 months, so I just need to find $300 a month in my budget, that shouldn't be hard, I am rolling in extra cash, right?


Happy birithdaay LnB.


Vibes and whatnot to everyone.

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Happy late birthday LnB! I hope you did something fun to celebrate and the tech issues are resolved.

Thanks for all the vibes. You guys are the best and they worked! Things are moving again and hopefully will continue to do so.

More vibes heading your way Erratic.

I agree on the weather, dusky. I had the pleasure of spending a few hours under a large tent for the nibling's graduation ceremony. It was extremely hot and humid. Would have preferred today's weather to that I think.

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I can't even blame the dusty room or my allergies.  I was truly, tearfully. overjoyed for you all, both last night and now.


Sending you a lot of virtual mead, and also tea (I hear you might need the extra caffeine for awhile), for you and Kory.  And formula that is both good for the baby AND non-smelly for you.


This is so. very. cool

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Erratic - That’s so awesome  for you guys!   I wasn’t expecting a newborn, so  that’s amazing. Welcome to parenthood I know you guys will be amazing, and he’s a lucky little boy.  Do we have a name yet for ErraticBaby



Every noise he makes, and every noise he doesn't make keeps you awake. 


I feel the need for a parody song set to the Police song…."everything breathe you take, every poop you make…"  I’m at work, so someone else can continue!

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