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Small Talk: The Library

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sibling group of three hyper kids aged 4-6 that their present Foster family needs gone asap?


Bless the Foster Care people. Just reading "hyper kids aged 4-6" gets me all twitchy.

Valny, how is your dad doing?


Much better than the days after he got his surgery,that's for sure. Thanks Endeavour.
A couple of weeks ago I took him to see his vascular surgeon for just a follow up visit.
We were barely in the doctors examining room for like two minutes, his doc did a quick look at where he did the incision and that was it really. He just said it looked good and basically....bye! :) But of course I had to ask if he got all the blockage out and he said yes, and I also asked, is that was his neck is supposed to look like because it was a little bulging at the incision and he said it was fine and that it will get better looking. He was basically telling me, stop worrying, it's all good. Ok, you're the doctor! And he also said he needs to get another one of those tests in six months called a carotid doppler, to check out his arteries again. So that's the story.


His short term memory still sucks,don't think it will really improve much,but he's walking around better and usually without his walker. Even took him food shopping with me a couple of times,he just gets tired easily so I try not to stay out too long with him. But now my brother was in the hospital on Friday,so that was crappy. He's had pretty bad colitis(inflammation of the colon/large intestines) which has plagued him for years and I'll tell ya,he's should his own special room at his hospital because he winds up there at least twice a year it seems for that condition. It flares up a lot(and he doesn't help himself because he keeps eating foods he shouldn't be eating and doesn't care...and also doesn't drink enough water) But he's getting out tomorrow so that's good, unfortunately it's something he just has to deal with.
Much parental vibing to cko and LnB. Solidarity!  How your softball game go LnB?  Your Mets are on fire! Good for them. We won't talk about my Yankees.  :(  they are at least back to .500




Watching a lot of TV, something we can do with Dad. Wow, commercials, amirite?

  Same here cko

But I don't do commercials, I have the power of the remote in my house, so I always flip around during commercials. I have become quite the pro at knowing the almost exact time the show comes back from commercial breaks after I've been channel surfing during the breaks. My dad hates when I do it though, because he always says, why can't you just stay with one show,why all the flipping?  :)  I just can't, I don't like to sit through commercials when there's other things I can be watching during a four minute commercial break!



Also, I am fascinated with Daredevil- hot damn!  Is anyone else catching it?


I wasn't planning on watching because mainly I am not into anything comic book or super hero, but I thought, what the hell, let me at least  check out the first ep.  It was better than I thought it would be. Didn't love the second ep though, so I will put this one on hold for a while.

Good luck KPC!

Edited by Valny
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Job vibes for KPC, who was all ready to come out on a raw and blustery day to watch us play. But, as suspected, game canceled.


cko is trying to engage me in cross-country twitter baseball smack talk. So far, I have refrained from responding (mostly because I just got lunch and chose to come here rather than go to twitter).


Glad your dad is doing better valny and hope your brother does as well. It's tough when someone won't take the steps they need to, and are quite capable of, to assist themselves, even if it's only a little bit. I say this as someone who doesn't always do that either.


Saw the first episode of Daredevil. Liked it. Wanted to watch another one or two episodes this weekend, but didn't have the time. Next weekend is also not looking too good.


Vibes to all and sundry (you know who you sundries are).

  • Love 1

Glad your Dad is improving val.


No work for tomorrow, but an open call I can go to.


But the best parenting advice I ever heard I received too late.  It was to keep two phrases in mind.  "Tell me more."  and "You're smart; you'll figure it out."


I am seeing my nephew next week and i am TOTALLY going to be using that.  Thank you.


A friend of mine said that in the comic book world daredevil is super dark.  So I guess they ran with that for the series.  Did you guys see that Deknight and Drew Goddard (Weedon "family") were involved in it?


LnB got rained out, but I hope to be at the next one.  Have to represent the MM!!


Vibes vibes vibes for all.

Kingsman is on my ever growing list of movies/shows to watch, Erratic.

Glad to hear your dad is doing better, Valny, and hope your brother will be too.

More work vibes for KPC.

I did notice that it was DeKnight and Goddard. I'm a little sorry I ran through all of the eps so quickly. I can't seem to help myself when they're all available like that if I have the time. In a way, I like it, but I do think it takes something away from the experience of discussing it with people.

I'm always surprised at the amount of commercials. There are very few shows I watch live but, even fast forwarding commercials on the dvr seems slow.

Please keep sending reasonable offer vibes and you can add a dash of don't strangler the realtor vibes in there while you're at it. We seem to be getting a good number of people and interest, so now we just need to be patient.

Saw a cool indie movie White God.  I'd highly recommend it.


buffyjunkie, that's the one with all the dogs, right? It was playing here and I was very intrigued, but I was afraid it would have bad things happening to animals, and in my old age, I'm just not able to handle stuff like that.


Vibes for those in care-taking roles, and for people who want to not strangle their realtors.

  • Love 2

Huge real estate vibes, Endeavour. As it happens, my old house (the one that my family and I moved out of last July) is also finally on the market. Because when a contractor says 6 weeks, he means 6 months. But it's finally going to be gone, no longer a huge drag on our finances and my peace of mind. We've accepted an offer, actually, and inspections happened last Friday. There's some stuff to be fixed, but there wasn't anything deal-breaking, so fingers crossed that the deal goes through. And the person who made the offer is a local politician, daughter of another very well-known local politician, so when I told my mom who it was, she laughed and laughed, because Reno really is a podunk f'in place, heh.

So, anyway, big huge real estate vibes!! :-)

Smoke from Siberia is making things horrible and choky this morning. Because it's not enough that we're going to have a horrible summer from California smoke. Noooo, let's also have some come over the top of the world, for maximum wtfery.

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I don't need to see a movie to hate people, but here is one reason to keep them around: A friend just sent me a photo of a storefront -- he's in Kansas but travels all the time so I'm not sure where it is. The store is called Richard III Sports Goods, and the motto painted on the window is "Now is the winter of our discount tents."

Wonder how big the subset of campers and Shakespeare fans is.

  • Love 9

Hostile that is awesome.  I love puns.  And Shakespeare. It's win/win!


But poor Richard.  Vilified when he was probably a pretty good ruler.


Please keep sending reasonable offer vibes and you can add a dash of don't strangler the realtor vibes in there while you're at it. We seem to be getting a good number of people and interest, so now we just need to be patient.


Actually, I'm hoping for a bidding war!  


Congrats on your house being sold, as it were Annief.  I can't believe Siberia is causing you smog/haze.  I mean...siberia is supposed to be a long, long ways away.  And yet it has reached your part of the world.  Shoo smog shoo!


Hugs cko.  You are not nor never will never be a sissy, and my heart goes out to you.

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The realtor is still with us...but I make no promises.

Congrats on selling the house, AnnieF. If the inspections are completed, it should be a done deal. I can't wait to be posting something similar. It will be such a relief when it's sold.

A bidding war would be fabulous, KPC.

Caught up with Orphan Black. I'm glad they had the previouslies because I forgot much of what happened. Also caught up with The Flash and Arrow, and I think the Broadchurch finale is tonight. Lots of good stuff on right now.

Happy Wednesday to all.

  • Love 1

Hey, dear ones. My dad died tonight, very peacefully, in his sleep.


Your caring and support and humor has meant so much these past few months; it's been a great source of comfort to have you all here.


We are doing okay. At this early hour, it's an enormous relief. I'm sure other feelings and experiences will flow from here.


Much love and thanks to you all.

  • Love 2

cko, I am so sorry for your loss, but as you said, this is probably the best way this could have gone down, if it had to go down. 


Sorry I've been MIA folks. just haven't felt like talking so been hanging in the Arrow forums. And it is pretty much the only show I'm caught up on right now. Daredevil is on my list, as is Broadchurch Season 2. And I got HoC but haven't felt inclined to move beyond Episode 3. 


We'll see. 



I had a nightmare last night that a plumber came into our apartment (I had a roommate called Dana in the dream) and he (unjustly) charged us 21,300.  And we were panicked, tell him we couldn't afford to pay more than 6,000 at the very  most.  He was inflexible and threatened legal action.  


My mind, it is a very weird place.  I'd rather dance among the daffodils than have nightmares about mean plumbers with big bills.

Was a tap dripping in the bathroom or something?


You know what else was a "smidge more violent" than expected? 'Kingsman: The Secret Service'. Imagine a writer/director wanted to out-Tarantino Tarantino, and out-Ritchie Guy Ritchie. Yeah, he might make this movie.

Oh, and it was fantastic.


Kingsman was fantastic. I think they used humour quite effectively to undercut the violence (though it did undercut the pathos a little bit too much for me). But i think it was necessary given what happened later. I loved it. 

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Happy Birthday romantic idiot!


As for House of Cards, I just finished season 3. Is it me, or has it become a lot more soap operish than it was in the prior two seasons? Also, I missed

Frank not personally killing somebody this season. President, Shmesident. he killed two people when he was majority whip of the party in the House of Representatives.

cko, all my love and concern and wonderous vibes are coming your way.


I haven't been here much lately but you people mean the world to me, My life has just been my life, I have been kinda just slogging through it. Nothing really bad nothing really good, just kind of gray. I need to find some joy in my life, I can't just keep waiting for joy to find me. I saw the picture cko posted of her dad and thought there was a man who had lived a full good life and I need to do the same.


I have the week of June 14th off, if anyone here is interested in seeing me I will arrange it. I will be on Long Island on August 7th for my cousin's wedding if anyone would like to meet up around that time, I will make it work. I may make a Plenty of Fish profile.


You all have been amazing friends and I will not neglect this place any more. Having you awesome people in my life makes my life awesome.

Edited by dusky
  • Love 4

Happy birthday romantic_idiot. Did your family feel the earthquake?

HoC worked best when Frank was plotting behind the curtains to get ahead. The finale could be a nice setup, depending where they go with it. Since the beginning I believed Claire was the only one who could bring him down.

Why did no one told me Buffy's Ben played a quite aweome psycopath on How to get away with murder? It took me a while to recognize him.

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