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Small Talk: The Library

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Huzzah for new keyboards and internet, and friends.


I love that it is warm in Rome, and in India where Romantic Idiot is.  I am still processing that a week ago it was almost 70 and last night it dropped to 30.


I was telling people about you, Erratic two nights ago.  In a nutshell they were talking friends of their parents who had been doctors who had a boat in Alaska would go up and down rivers/inlets visiting small hamlets/villages because there was no local access to health care,  And that many of the group homes for children were overflowing- and that no one would adopt them, because of their special needs and their native american/Inuit background.  This was a long time ago, so I am hoping that things have improved there- but I told them about you and how you were especially looking for special needs children- and everyone was so Happy and thankful that there were people like you.  If you had been there, the whole table would have bought you dinner and drinks.


He also taught me to travel with a tennis ball


Trudi, I travel with a tennis ball because being on planes for a long time can cause my muscles to cramp up.  So I'd take the tennis ball and place it under the hamstring/or back muscle and either sit or lean against it.  Viola!  It helps break up the tightness.  I'm describing this badly, but when I see you next, I'll demonstrate.  But it has made traveling (or sitting) for long periods much better.


My MOM is coming to visit this coming weekend.  Happily, after the photoshoot for my head shots.  It's kind of weird that my parents pretty much "announce" that they are coming to visit.  And I want to say to them, "I'm seeing you at CHRISTMAS!"


No work, which is stressful.  And struggling with the blues.  I HATE winter, when the sun sets at 4:30.  Ack.  Also, I'm an unrepentant Ward (from Agents Shield) redemptionista.  Also Regina from OUAT.  It's hard out there for redemtionistas.  


What are you other awesome people up to?  

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Erratic, I wanted to tell you a bit about some friends of mine who are doing the foster to adopt thing, They have had the 2 brothers for a close to a year and a half. When they got them it was pretty much thought that they were unadoptable because the younger one had been so badly abused he had severe emotional issues and you just couldn't get him to go to sleep at night. Now they boys are really thriving, there are still issues of course but they are more raising kids crap that happens and not "these boys are doomed" stuff. I admire this couple so very much I can't imagine how difficult it is but it is amazing how much difference a commited and loving home can make, I know that you can make that kind of difference as well and I want you to know that even when things get tough that it can be done.


Do you guys really want an Ex rant. I'll do it but you don't have to read it. He stopped paying child support this summer because Alexa refuses to talk with him. He owes me about 2 grand that I will never see because she has now turned 18 and is out of school. In my last communication from me he told me quote "You’ve always had a habit of exaggerating to get your way." I really want to know how I have ever gotten "my way". I suggested that he write Alexa a letter with no excuses, he did write her a letter but of course it was full of excuses, I believe he said something like "at least I am not an alcoholic car thief". Yeah? I guess.


Alexa is doing fairly well she is going to be taking a 6 week course to get her some skill training some aptitude testing and some job search help. She really just needs to find a job right now and take some time to figure out what she wants.


I am going to be changing offices soon, the office I am going to is busier but it is also in town, so no more hour long commute this winter.


I have been following along with everything and vibing and cheering right along, I hope you all aren't regretting that I got a keyboard.

Edited by dusky
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I believe he said something like "at least I am not an alcoholic car thief".

At least he isn't a fire breathing dragon.

At least he isn't a serial killing nazi.

But, he is her fucking dad, and he didn't do very good at that part.

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No work, which is stressful.  And struggling with the blues.  I HATE winter, when the sun sets at 4:30.  Ack.  Also, I'm an unrepentant Ward (from Agents Shield) redemptionista.  Also Regina from OUAT.  It's hard out there for redemtionistas.

Awww, you're such a softie KPC ;)   Now that redemption wouldn't have anything to do with yummy arms and smoldering eyes would it?  But yeah the 4:30pm pitch dark stuff is shutting me down big time too.  I'm experimenting with one of those simulated day-lights at work.




    I believe he said something like "at least I am not an alcoholic car thief".



That's setting the bar pretty low.


Yuh think?  I'm just picturing how well that would go over at work.  "Well you know at least I'm not an alcoholic car thief."  Would it cost more than it is worth to take him to small claims court for the $2,000?  'Cuz he so owes you.  I'm glad you will have a shorter commute though Dusky.


Today our ministerial intern's sermon centered on Doctor Who.  I love my church.  And my football team.  And y'all. 


FYI:  JHeaton, Darkpool, and Trudi_Tru have made the Buffyjunkie Holiday letter.  Also, when I gave the customer service lady my e-mail address which involves a variation of my handle here she almost lost it.  I think I may have made her day.  Possibly even her week.

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So I'd take the tennis ball and place it under the hamstring/or back muscle and either sit or lean against it.



when I see you next, I'll demonstrate.

Maybe at Alice's Teacup?

Vibes for work and winter blues.


Speaking of, I was watching a skiing competion on Saturday, it was around 2 pm in Norway and it was pitch dark. Like midnight dark. Man, do they have a tough winter up there.


the younger one had been so badly abused he had severe emotional issues and you just couldn't get him to go to sleep at night.

How horrible. Poor kid. It's great that he found such wonderful people to take care of him.


Erratic, you and your husband are going to change a kid's life, just like those people did.


at least I am not an alcoholic car thief

You know, if he were and alcoholic car thief, it would actually be a good excuse for his poor behaviour. As it is, he's just a rotten human being.

I am not sure which is worst, to be honest.


Never saw anything with a good explanation of what happened though

All I know is what she said here. Around the 6 minute mark.


JHeaton, Darkpool, and Trudi_Tru have made the Buffyjunkie Holiday letter.

*grins widely*

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I think Charisma Carpenter on AtS. Never saw anything with a good explanation of what happened though.


Ah thanks - that makes sense. I guess I never thought of her as a leading lady. But that's my bad, because she clearly is. (I'd probably say the same of Alyson Hannigan, which is sacrilegious).


Edited because being and doing are not the same

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You know how I feel about flying and firing people? So, my boss asked me to fly to BC and Fire the two senior managers at our location there. I had cold sweats and said that I couldn't do it as my dogs have noone to babysit them, and he was all, "You could just fly in and back for the day", and I said fine, but if I have a panic attack that forces the plane to be re-routed then it was on him, so he finally relented, so yay! He is going to do it :)

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Good news, Erratic. Stay home with the doggies!


If anyone gets tired of the cold, you can come visit me in Tucson! We have the sun and blue skies in spades (not much else, to be honest.)


My TV thoughts are that Agents of Shield is much better this season, Sleepy Hollow is sadly worse, and I can't seem to keep up with Arrow, The Flash, and Grimm because there is so much TV right now! Actually, I'll admit, The Flash is sweet and harmless but really bores me.


My latest streaming obsession (after I recovered from Hannibal) is Longmire. Thanks a lot, you stupid Western for seeming all harmless and procedural and then sucking me in and making me love the characters so you could rip out my heart and stomp on it and then get canceled on a cliff-hanger! Bah, stupid sexy Westerns.

Edited by Ace Hansen
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Glad you were able to put that one off, Erratic. I'm not a fan of flying either. I will do it but, if I can work around it, I will.


I'm still enjoying Sleepy Hollow but a few people here have also mentioned they aren't liking it as much this season. I guess you're right about The Flash not being too exciting, but I like it well enough. I stuck with that instead of Gotham.

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Westerns can never draw me in. Something about the milieu makes my brain go "ugh, no" and then it's too late, I've checked out. I tried to watch "Deadwood," and you'd think it'd work for me (Jim Beaver!) but no. I could NOT get past the fact that it was a western. That's part of why I couldn't get into "Firefly" either (along with all the other reasons; I know people love it but meh). Space western was just a genre too far, heh.

Yay for not having to fly and fire people, Erratic! What an awful combo, blergh.

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Talking about Westerns, 'Castle' was excellent tonight, (although, I reckon that a Western plus the Fillion is hardly going to make AnnieF run for her PVR anytime soon).

I lost interest in 'Sleepy Hollow' about 3/4 of the way through last season. I am hoping that 'Gotham' keeps me interested, because it feels like it might have used up too many cool ideas too soon.

'Blackish' has gone from 'meh' to 'Yay'. It's a fun show, even though the wife is a little annoying- they haven't figured out if she is Claire Huxtable or Claire Dunphy and so she comes off a little manic.

I am still loving the shamelessly soap opera drama that is 'Scandal'. I don't care how unbelievable or crazy it is, it is


By the way, if you are on FB, feel free to click on the Northern Lights video I posted earlier today. That is where I used to live. The video was filmed just behind town, and the elder is someone I know very well (she is also very fluent in English, but she only speaks in Inuinnaqtun when being interviewed by TV/radio because she thinks it makes her sound wiser).

*You are dead to me if you don't click on that link. The popcorn one. Do what you want with the Northern Lights one, even though it is pretty cool).

* well, not dead, but I will be mildly disappointed in you.

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Yay for not having to fly and fire people, Erratic! What an awful combo, blergh.


It sounds like that Clooney movie, Up in the Air. 


and I said fine, but if I have a panic attack that forces the plane to be re-routed then it was on him, so he finally relented, so yay! He is going to do it :)


  So you sweet talked him.  ;)  Glad you didn't have to go Erratic.


I hope you all aren't regretting that I got a keyboard.
  Never! Rant or rave all you want with your new keyboard dusky.



'Blackish' has gone from 'meh' to 'Yay'.

I didn't like the pilot very much so I didn't keep watching but I did see the ep last week and it was pretty funny. I heard it got better. But....still not going to add it to my watch list. If I do, I'd probably just watch random eps if I think the previews look funny. That's what I did with Marry Me.  I only watched the Halloween ep,which was really funny and the Thanksgiving ep this week looks like it could be a good one too. Hmm..  I seem to be picking holiday themes for that show.


You are dead to me if you don't click on that link. The popcorn one.


I'm too suspicious that's it's going to be Safety Dance! I trust no one! My record is spotless for not falling for a SD link!


Westerns can never draw me in. Something about the milieu makes my brain go "ugh, no" and then it's too late, I've checked out. I tried to watch "Deadwood," and you'd think it'd work for me (Jim Beaver!) but no. I could NOT get past the fact that it was a western. That's part of why I couldn't get into "Firefly" either (along with all the other reasons; I know people love it but meh). Space western was just a genre too far, heh.


Right there with ya AnnieF! I'll usually only watch a western if it has someone I really like starring in it,or maybe if it's a classic.  Maybe.  (ex:Shane,High Noon...etc.)



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I'm too suspicious that's it's going to be Safety Dance! I trust no one! My record is spotless for not falling for a SD link!

No, it's Eddie Izzard explaining the difference between British and U.S. movies. Spoiler alert: it features popcorn eating.

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I enjoy Longmire, but then again, I like Katee Sackoff. I had never seen the lead actor before (or I don't recall him if I did), but it's got Grant from seasons 4 and 5 of Buffy, Lou Diamond Phillips, and Saracen's grandma from Friday Night Lights.

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and Saracen's grandma from Friday Night Lights.

Billy Riggins from FNL shows up too. Katee Sackoff's "Starbuck in roper boots" is fun to watch.


I'm okay with Westerns as a genre if the story and characters are good. The genre that usually leaves me cold is spy/CIA stuff. Except for Chuck, which was funny/silly, I just can't with spy stories.

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I don't usually dig spy stories in the John LeCarre/Tom Clancy vein, but Ioooved me some Alias. And Chuck (but that's also because I love me a tall, dark, and geeky guy). I don't think I have much of an opinion on Westerns, since the only ones I've seen are Deadwood and Firefly (which only counts a little). 

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Alexa a letter with no excuses, he did write her a letter but of course it was full of excuses, I believe he said something like "at least I am not an alcoholic car thief". Yeah? I guess.


OH MY GOD. Does he know my best friend's ex? Because that dude IS an alcoholic car thief! In brief, they were never married but had two kids together, amicable until recently, he wants full custody and to pay no child support.  Getting increasingly demanding. Well, my pal tore an ankle ligament so was laid up/housebound and during this time he came to their house, took their family car (that they had bought together when a couple; his name still on pink slip sadly) and SOLD it for $500. Oh, and also he is a cop with a gun.


Which just goes to show you there's nothing new under the sun, I guess. Upside, it was the last straw for her to start filing court orders against him and whatnot, not without trepidation of course.


Hope everyone is doing better than this...

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also he is a cop with a gun.

That is freakishly scary.


It also reminds of a story I read a while ago about this female police officer who was fired becuase she was caught stealing someone's bag at a club, while she was on duty.

She appealed (right? Darkpool, Lo?) and the judge ruled partly in her favor, because she was mentally ill. Now that is someone you want carrying a gun around.

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Holy crapballs.

That about covers it.


I never watched Chuck, but did watch Alias. Wasn't crazy about Firefly but I think it was overhyped by the time I got around to it. As far as spy shows, I liked MI-5 a lot. Have to go back and catch up with that. I did watch Deadwood and, after I adjusted to the swearing (was in shock there initially), liked that one a lot. Does Justified count as a western? I think that's a pretty good show too.

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Speaking of tv shows, on Suday, December 7, premieres the Librarian, the new show with Christian Kane, produced by the same guy who did Leverage (Dean Devlin).

So set you clocks or DVRs or whatever, cause I want to know if it's any good.

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Big moving vibes, Barphe. Hopefully it goes smoothly.


I've never seen Justified, or Deadwood, although both are on my "sometime I'll get around to them" list. I half-watched Arrow last night. I'm finding it more of a chore to watch this year, since I am being subjected to the Master Thespian, Brandon Routh. He hasn't improved one whit since Chuck. It's a good thing for him that he's good looking, otherwise who knows what industry he'd be forced to work in.

Edited by Loandbehold
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I want to know why Brandon Routh just keeps getting hired over and over. Yes, he's handsome, but there are a lot of other actors out there who are handsome and can act. And he's handsome in a bland, Ken-doll way, IMO.

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Dusky, your ex is a tool


Moving Vibes for Barphe!


I like Brandon Routh.  He's bland and will never win any awards for acting, but he seems to have a good heart. and boy does that guy have abs.  Stephen Amell, you butter start doing more sit-ups.  


May I have some vibes for tomorrow.  Getting new photos taken, the photographer wants to shoot OUTSIDE (brrr).  And now I am anxious. I feel like he wants put me in a "housewife/office worker box" and I feel like I am a hell of a lot more.  But I don't know how to assert myself without pissing him off.  

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Speaking of tv shows, on Suday, December 7, premieres the Librarian, the new show with Christian Kane, produced by the same guy who did Leverage (Dean Devlin).


i just rewatched all of Leverage and enjoyed it very much, although I got sad again at the end, and that we didn't get my fantasy spin-off featuring Hardison, Parker, and Elliot.


I'll make an effort to catch the first episode of The Librarians (although it looks pretty cheesy) but I still am wondering why Aldis Hodge isn't on my TV more.


Good luck on the photos, KPC!

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Speaking of tv shows, on Suday, December 7, premieres the Librarian, the new show with Christian Kane, produced by the same guy who did Leverage (Dean Devlin).

So set you clocks or DVRs or whatever, cause I want to know if it's any good.

I think I'll check that out. Looks like I should probably watch the other Librarian movies/series first? Christian Kane's hair looks positively goofy in that promo pic linked. I watched Leverage and thought that was a fun show.


Vibes to Barphe and KPC.


Have you worked with this photographer a long time, KPC? You are his client and he should take direction from you or be open to your suggestions. I guess you have been happy with his work in the past, so don't want to change?


I am looking forward to the weekend. Work has been hectic lately and I've got a lot of catching up to do around the house.

How is your mom settling in to her new home, LnB? Is the landlord situation resolved?

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Photoshoot vibes for KPC.


I assume you're paying the photographer, which makes you the client. So tell him up front what sort of parts you want to use these photos to audition for, and just keep at the shoot until you're happy with the results.

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How is your mom settling in to her new home, LnB? Is the landlord situation resolved?

Thanks for asking Endeavor. She seems to like the place. When I call her, she's more awake and has a little more life in her voice. She found the library and reads, but in the public areas, not staying in her room. I do want her to engage in more of the group activities. When I ask, she says they're boring. I've told her to try them out and she said that she's still "getting [her] feet wet." That's fine, but, at some point, she's going to have to put her head underwater. She did go on an outing to some store and had her hair done. We're going to see her on Saturday after doing more work on the apartment.


As for the landlord, we came to a settlement. For a lot more money than I wanted to give him, or thought he deserved, but I wasn't sanguine about how the judge would rule if we went to trial. We've made two of the three payments. The last one is due December 20, after which I will get our attorney to have the landlord sign a general release acknowledging that all monies have been paid in full. 

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Vibes to barphe and KPC.

LandB, I am glad your mom is adjusting. You are such a good son.

I've been super busy, but I am reading and cheering for everyone. Barphe, are you moving back into your original home? Are the renovations on the in-law space complete?

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Photoshoot vibes for KPC.


I assume you're paying the photographer, which makes you the client. So tell him up front what sort of parts you want to use these photos to audition for, and just keep at the shoot until you're happy with the results.

That's good advice Darkpool. I second that.  I'm sure they'll turn out great KPC,but good luck with them anyway. Hope it's not too cold or windy out when you take them.


So glad you mom is doing good at her new place L&B. Has she made any friends?


Moving vibes for Barphe!


I've got a lot of catching up to do around the house.


Me too. I really need to clean the house(oh my the dust that accumulates!),so if anyone sees me dawdling around the internets, please tell me to get with the cleaning instead.

My niece and her hubby from Oklahoma will be coming for Thanksgiving this year(yay,we never have company,it's just me and my dad usually) They're coming Wednesday and staying until Saturday, so I really need to start cleaning, even it's a little at a time. It's just getting started is the part I have trouble with. Procrastinator girl here!


If you're brave enough....Black Friday sales anyone?  I wasn't planning on going since I've been loving the cyber shopping during holidays, but I saw some good sales and things I want/need, so I might be doing some Black Friday shopping, plus my niece loves to shop so it will be nice to go out with her, since we don't get a chance to see each other often.



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It sounds like your Mom is adjusting pretty well, Lo. Give her time, I'm sure she'll come around on the group activities.


I feel like he wants put me in a "housewife/office worker box"


Ugh. I second Darkpool's suggestion to tell the guy upfront what you want. And if he doesn't agree, he can go take pictures of himself and you'll find someone better.

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I'm glad everything is going well with your mom, LnB. Hopefully, she'll engage in more activities and make some new friends as time goes on. It's such a big change for her but it already seems to be having a positive effect. Also, glad the landlord situation is coming to an end. It may not have been the result you wanted, but at least it will be over and you can put it behind you soon.

Yay for company at Thanksgiving, Valny. I will stay away from the Black Friday sales. If anything, I may go out later in the day but I have very little patience for crowds and rude shoppers.


I've got a bunch of cleaning to do this weekend as well. Plus, I'm going to see if I can finish off that organization project I've been working on. I thought I would be able to do it a little bit at a time, but that's not working. I just need to set aside a chunk of time and tackle it.


TGIF indeed!

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I feel like he wants put me in a "housewife/office worker box"

What does your agent suggest as far as roles that you are likely to fill? I'm not suggesting that housewife/office worker is great, but you have other more glam head shots, and maybe a different style of photo shoot will give casting directors a different idea of your range.

I would have a chat with your agent and ask for their opinion before the shoot. [/DevilsAdvocate]

L&B, glad things are improving for you and your mother.

Barphe, sounds like your family is revving up for a super Thanksgiving with your parents moving to town!

Edited by Erratic
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Speaking of tv shows, on Suday, December 7, premieres the Librarian, the new show with Christian Kane, produced by the same guy who did Leverage (Dean Devlin).

So set you clocks or DVRs or whatever, cause I want to know if it's any good.

Squeee!  How is it that I have not heard of this until now?  Thank you.  Thank you.


Good luck with the house move Barphe.  May it somehow provide you with an unexpected upside.


Brandon Routh does absolutely nothing for me.  Never cared much for too polished pretty boys.  But dear God Felicity's words about Oliver needing to get his own ass in to say something to her ---  LOVE.


Kneecapping is always an option.


I love you Loandbehold.  Also threatening to cut off their balls and serve them for breakfast tends to get attention.  But really KPC isn't that the curse of your profession, that with rare exception if you are over the age of 20 as a woman you are pegged as background?  So, I wouldn't take it personally but maybe showing up in a trenchcoat with nothing but your sexy lingerie underneath may smack him up along-side the head.


Loandbehold I just read this book Being Mortal that gave me a whole new perspective on elderly living arrangements and what they are feeling.  Maybe it would help put her complaints in perspective at least and really I would recommend the book for everyone as it addresses how we choose to approach our living, our aging, and our dieing.

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Has she made any friends?

That's tough to say. She doesn't remember names, except for one person, who is quite the character in her own right. I'm not sure whether they're becoming friends, or it's just that my mother hears the name so often that it has registered with her. When I was over there last Saturday, I went through the resident plan with one of the employees and I asked how mom was doing. She said that she's being very socialable, always saying "hello" to people. I don't think she's eating with any one particular group, although she was kicked out of a spot because the other woman said that she had been sitting there for meals every day for the 10 years, 5 months and 11 days that she had been living there. Mom accepted that and just moved to another seat.


buffyjunkie, thanks for the recommendation. I'll check out the book.



But really KPC isn't that the curse of your profession, that with rare exception if you are over the age of 20 as a woman you are pegged as background?  So, I wouldn't take it personally but maybe showing up in a trenchcoat with nothing but your sexy lingerie underneath may smack him up along-side the head.

Or you can go elsewhere dressed like that. *raises hand*


I think both Darkpool and Erratic gave good advice about what you can do with the photoshoot.

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I made a small boo boo in one of my many Foster to Adopt papers. To a normal, empathetic person, you could see how and why the mistake was made, and how easy the remedy is.

My social worker is not empathetic, and made me feel like a complete imbecile today. It took me four emails to figure out what the problem was (it was fucking minor!), but over that 90 minute period she gave the impression that we were stupid, and not good enough for Foster to adopt, and maybe we should stick to adoption (because that involves less brains?), and we should "reflect on the situation".

Shouldn't a Child Placement Officer understand how fucking fraught and nervous and edgy this fucking process is? I mean, we are six months in, they have ample written and legal evidence that we are good people, we are not alcoholic car theives, for fucks sakes.


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That CPO sounds like a burnout case or one who is doing this to get off on from the power over lesser mortals, Erratic. I'm sorry you had to experience that. But happy that it is sorted out now?


I'll say no matter why you are doing it, filling out forms is so stressful!!

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Erratic - I'm sorry you have to deal with such a jerk. What you are doing is difficult and selfless and it's a shame you have to deal with someone like that during a stressful enough process. Hang in there and try not to let it get to you.

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That CPO sounds like a burnout case or one who is doing this to get off on from the power over lesser mortals, Erratic.


Well put, romantic idiot. Sadly, you find a lot of people like that in service jobs.


Another type of book: Has anyone ever read any Mary Robinette Kowal (like her Glamourist Histories series)? Thoughts?

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How is it that I have not heard of this until now?

I pay attention to what's really important, you know.


showing up in a trenchcoat with nothing but your sexy lingerie underneath may smack him up along-side the head.

I don't think the head is where it'll smack him.


Wow. Erratic, how does an awful person like that get a job in that line of work?
You and your husband are good people and are going to be good parents. Screw Miss No Empathy.


I'm having trouble posting on my iPad. I can't figure out how to quote or bold words. Help me!

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That behavior by the social worker is inexcusable Erratic. When this is over and you and Kory have done an awesome job raising the child (say in ten years), have your Mountie friend track her down so you can bring the kid over and tell her "in your face!" Then do a touchdown or sack dance and spike the kid right in front of her. 


KPC, how'd the photoshoot go?

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