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Small Talk: The Library

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Thanks y'all for feed back on editing.

No editing issues for me today but I have had that same thing happen here in the past.

Alrighty, I'm going to try it again. Let's see...

No joy. And can I just add that having the poster returned to the first page of the forum if they cancel edit is, well, stupid. Why would I need to go back to page one? Argh.

AnnieF - try clearing the cache. That sometimes gets rid of weird glitches.


Thanks, Earl. She's still somewhat tired but is steadily improving and getting back into routine. With Alzheimer's/dementia routine is very important so, when something like this happens, it's more of a setback and will take her a while longer to adjust than other people. I'm trying to keep the pace slow and steady - and am watching her like a hawk! Her regular doctors are reviewing the hospital records, so we'll see what they recommend.

Whee, my sportsball team has won its playdowns, and is going to the SuperCupSeries! I am very excited, as I have not been to a World Series game since 2002. Since the Giants have actually been winning these things, I haven't been to a game, so I'm really, really excited. At the game 12 years ago, I was pregnant, and very, very nauseated, all the time. The joys of pregnancy, woohoo. This time around will be better, just because no barfing, heh.

I cleared the cache, and again, no joy (thanks for the suggestion, though, Endeavour. Hmm...

Today I actually used a microscope to inspect something that Tiny C pulled out of her hair. That's how paranoid I've become. She came to me with a teeny brown dot on her finger and even though it didn't look at all like a bug, I looked at it with a magnifying glass, and then when that was inconclusive, I got out Chynette's microscope. (It looked to be a tiny speck of dried leaf or dirt--something from the playground.) And the psychosomatic itching continues...

  • Love 1

We arrived later than most participants this morning, given our 45 minute drive into the city, so we ended up at the non-cool kids table at Day one of our Adoption training.

They've asked us for comments on their training delivery, and I am not sure how to write down that given that 76% of the children in the system here have some level of Aboriginal blood and cultural needs, the training and parenting suggestions are very 'white'.

Apart from that, it is going well so far. My dogs mNaged to not destroy the house in the 8 hours we were gone, so yay!

Vibes to Endeavour's and LoandBehold's mothers, and continued work vibes to KPC.

Fuck cancer, Alzheimer's and MS.

Edited by Erratic
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How did the match go Chyna? Hopefully not as bad as you thought.


How long is the training again, Erratic? Is there any useful information being presented?


Any news on the landlord front, LnB?


Yesterday was my lazy/napping day (much needed). Today I'm going to run a few errands and catch up around the house. Need to organize and move things up to the attic. This will be a big project but I'm glad to get started on it.

For whatever reason, Endeavor, we haven't heard back from the landlord after sending their attorney the stipulation of settlement. I already thought we were giving them too much money and now it seems that they are dicking us around. I am thisclose to telling the attorney to let the landlord know that if they don't sign in x days, we're pulling the offer and going to trial. Of course, that's a great risk, especially since the judge didn't seem too disposed to our side. On the other front, we're going to sign the lease for the assisted living facility on Wednesday and are planning on moving mom the weekend of November 8-9. 


As for me, I have just begun a six week course of physical therapy on my elbow. The cortisone shot only lasted 10 days and I don't think it makes sense to have another one. At the end of the six weeks, I go back to the ortho. Hopefully all is OK. If not, I'd probably get an MRI and, depending on what it shows, have to choose whether to have surgery. As opposed to my knee, this would be more involved and would have me in an elbow to fingers cast for 4 weeks, followed by 8 weeks of physical therapy. In the meantime, besides the PT, I must wear the brace on my wrist (it gets immobilized to reduce stress on the elbow) practically all the time, including when I'm sleeping. 


I hope training is going well Erratic. Are there tests involved? Practicals? Do they give you a baby that a family donated to care for while in class? I understand that in medical school, students get to work on donated cadavers. It would be maudlin if they had you working on a donated dead baby, but a live one would be cool. Actually, are you looking to adopt a baby, a tot, or someone older? You may have mentioned this before, but I can't remember. 

Oh my lord! Today the trainer told a room full of potential parents that gender and sexual identity are directly linked to who the birth pRents are, and that sexual identity is a choice - as an example she told us about a friend of hers who chose to be gay because she was sexually assaulted by her bio dad but now she is fine and married (to a man) with children.

I did point out politely that she was full of crap (or, the polite version of this, which was, "I think that you'll find that the majority of people now know that gender and sexual identity are not choices, and that your friend chose to be in a gay relationship, but not to be gay").

I hate that by standing at the front of a classroom with a laser pointer, you have perceived authority and knowledge.

One person thanked me after class. Sadly, only one.

Oh, and she(the trainer) also said that every child deserves "a mom and a dad", much to the concern of the single (or gay) people in the room.

Edited by Erratic


I am still seething, and am trying to figure out whether to verbalise my concerns to her directly at the end of the course, or whether to write down my concerns to her supervisor.

The fact is that when she isn't spewing her personal beliefs or opinions, she is good at delivering the program, but there is no place for opinions being disguised as fact, regardless of conservative, liberal or extremist stance.

Just the facts, ma'am.

Edited by Erratic
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I am thisclose to telling the attorney to let the landlord know that if they don't sign in x days, we're pulling the offer and going to trial. Of course, that's a great risk, especially since the judge didn't seem too disposed to our side.

Does the landlord have an attorney or is your attorney dealing directly with him? I would think this would work against the landlord with the judge as you should appear to be the more reasonable party having made an attempt to settle. But who knows what the judge is thinking.

Good luck with the move. I think it will be a positive change for your mom. I also hope the physical therapy will do the trick and you're feeling better soon.

At least they didn't get trounced, Chyna. Is the coach open to any feedback?


That trainer needs to stick to the material in front of her, Erratic. Hang in there. Hopefully something useful is being presented as well.


I got a lot accomplished today. I like when I can actually see the progress. Now I'm going to try to fit in a little bit each day, maybe an hour, until it's done.


Work vibes to KPC and to anyone else who may need them.

One person thanked me after class. Sadly, only one. 


I know it sucks to get only one,but at least someone acknowledged what you said and thanked you.  Around how many people in the class Erratic?  That was great you spoke your mind and let her  know what's what!  I bet you couldn't believe what you were hearing.


I got a lot accomplished today. I like when I can actually see the progress. Now I'm going to try to fit in a little bit each day, maybe an hour, until it's done.


  It's nice to see that progress Endeavour. It's the starting part that I have trouble with because I am a world class procrastinator.


Has anyone seen Gone Girl? Went to a Sunday 11:55am matinee...but as usually with all the damn trailers and other annoying commercials, it didn't start until about 12:15.  I love trailers but not if they're going to push back the start time. If it's a 11:55am showing, damn it start at 11:55 or close to it! Only because it was a two and half hour movie so I really didn't feel like sitting in a seat for an extra half hour! I get fidgety after a while and my lower back eventually starts to bother me, so I don't need that extra time shifting in my seat. Other than that...


I thought it was an entertaining, enjoyable movie with an interesting story that had me guessing how it would all turn out.( I did guess correctly on one thing I thought would happen, which I thought seemed obvious but maybe not to everyone) and I didn't even come close to nodding off, so the story kept me captivated.  But I didn't think it was amazing or one of the best movies I'd ever seen or anything like that. But I'd definitely recommend. Even Ben Affleck was pretty decent in it,and I can't say I'm a big fan of his acting in general. The female lead, Rosamund Pike was very good. I bet she gets nominated for a bunch of awards.  


KPC- work vibes to you!

Good luck with the physical therapy Loandbehold. Hope it's not painful to do any of the work.


Edited by Valny
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Erratic, I am appalled that such a person is in charge of training parents. She seems completely unqualified to me.

Have you ever spoken to the training supervisor before? Do you know what kind of belief system they have? Cause, if they are more open minded, I would totally bring up the issue. Along with the lack of racial awareness.


Do they give you a baby that a family donated to care for while in class?

Or at least an egg. Hopefully of the non-demonic variety.


Good luck with the physical therapy, Lo.

  • Love 3

I get fidgety after a while and my lower back eventually starts to bother me, so I don't need that extra time shifting in my seat.


Haven't seen the movie, but the theater by me remodeled and now has those comfy recliners. What a difference. Much more comfortable. Maybe there's a theater close to you that has those.


Anyone watching The Flash? I only watched the first two eps of Gotham and haven't gone back but so far I'm liking The Flash. It's not outstanding but it's an entertaining show with likeable characters. I've heard Arrow is also good, so I may catch up with that one on Netflix.

I tried Arrow but was struck by the really wooden acting from the leads (which, for the guy is apparently a choice?) so I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get into it. I haven't started on The Flash yet - not sure why though. It is something completely up my alley. I guess i'm a little bored of Superhero origin stories right now. I guess I'm going to get into it over the Christmas break. 



We arrived later than most participants this morning, given our 45 minute drive into the city, so we ended up at the non-cool kids table at Day one of our Adoption training.
They've asked us for comments on their training delivery, and I am not sure how to write down that given that 76% of the children in the system here have some level of Aboriginal blood and cultural needs, the training and parenting suggestions are very 'white'.
Apart from that, it is going well so far. My dogs mNaged to not destroy the house in the 8 hours we were gone, so yay!

Vibes to Endeavour's and LoandBehold's mothers, and continued work vibes to KPC.

Fuck cancer, Alzheimer's and MS.



Oh my lord! Today the trainer told a room full of potential parents that gender and sexual identity are directly linked to who the birth pRents are, and that sexual identity is a choice - as an example she told us about a friend of hers who chose to be gay because she was sexually assaulted by her bio dad but now she is fine and married (to a man) with children.

I did point out politely that she was full of crap (or, the polite version of this, which was, "I think that you'll find that the majority of people now know that gender and sexual identity are not choices, and that your friend chose to be in a gay relationship, but not to be gay").

I hate that by standing at the front of a classroom with a laser pointer, you have perceived authority and knowledge.

One person thanked me after class. Sadly, only one.

Oh, and she(the trainer) also said that every child deserves "a mom and a dad", much to the concern of the single (or gay) people in the room.


Erratic, I think the trainer sounds wilfully ignorant, so I would put this in formally in the feedback form. I'd probably say that the training material could also focus on how to incorporate minority cultures / be more inclusive / have more diversity. And I'd definitely mention about the trainer - at the very least she is dumb enough to not read her audience properly. 

Erratic, I agree with those who suggest speaking to the supervisor. Unless this training class is affiliated with a religious organization, I find it hard to believe they would sanction the trainer's statements.


Endeavor, both sides are represented by counsel. It turned out that my attorney sent me a signed copy of the agreement after 7 PM on Saturday. I didn't check my work e-mail after Saturday morning, so I didn't see it until I walked in this morning. I told him that we needed to change a clause that the first payment had to be on or before 10/20 as I would not have my mom sign a document in which she would already be in breach. He said that we can make the change I suggested and have mom initial it. I am going to do that on Wednesday. Once I have and am sure that all is OK, I will authorize payment. I am already looking forward to the end of the year when all this (including payments) will be over.

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Erratic I'm very surprised more people didn't speak up, especially if there were single and gay adopters in the room.  I would definitely try to give formal feedback on the trainer.  Is it a private or state agency?


Glad that the landlord issue will be behind you soon, Loandbehold, and I hope your mother's move goes smoothly too.  Good luck with the physical therapy.


I had a long weekend in both the literal and figurative ways.  I took a few days off from work and jam packed them with Stuff To Do.  Fun but tiring.  Now it's back to the grind.  Yay?  Good vibes to all.

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Thanks for all your feedback everyone.

To answer your question, Earlisdead, it is the Provincial government. And, if we switch to their 'Foster to Adopt' program rather than the straight 'Adoption' program, which we are leaning towards, then we are looking at 120 more hours of training this year, so I need to fully understand the dynamics of the training department before I make too many waves now. I will see how next week goes and report back to you all.

  • Love 2


One person thanked me after class. Sadly, only one.

Generally, if one speaks - ten people were thinking it.  Thank you for setting a strong example for others Erratic.


Oooph, Loandbehold.  You have a lot of stuff on your plate.  Strength, healing vibes, and conclusion of working through the legal process for your Mom vibes.



It's frustrating, because they've got talent on the team, but the coach is still spending a lot of time on basics that they already know and none on strategy,


Story of my daughter's team life.  And you are in a "tough" market too Chyna...lots of players and lots of talent.  Best of luck to the girls.


Sorry I've been absent of late but have been trying to arrange flight tickets for the boy to study abroad next semester.  Prices have sky-rocketed (4-digits) and I'm stressing out to the point where I am actually wheezing.  Other than that, the fall colors are gorgeous here and life is fine.  Oh, and I tried a hot chocolate with a shot of banana and a shot of macadamia nut syrup.  It was supposed to taste like banana bread, if you're into that sort of thing.

So my friend who is one week away from her due date is being emergency induced tonight due to high blood pressure. It goes against all of her holistic natural preferences - vibes for a safe delivery would be appreciated. I'm trying hard to hope she gets the VBAC that she wants but I'd rather she get a healthy baby no matter the method. There have been times during this pregnancy that I haven't felt she felt the same way.

Ace, I fucking hated that book too!

I was talking to a couple of friends at work who read Gone Girl and they said they almost gave up reading it but were told it gets better so they stuck with it and liked the rest. One said it was a tough read for a while.  I got the book from the library for my dad and when I stepped in the door from work yesterday, the first thing out of his mouth was, "I don't understand this book at all, it doesn't make sense. I don't know if I'm going keep with it"  and  "it's weird."   Poor guy. If he'd only gone to the movie with me, I could have spared him the book. (he was supposed to come with me last Sunday but bailed the last minute)


Work is trying to make my head explode, so YAY, WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!
     and boo,the Royals are taking a beating. Don't think the underdogs will continue their karma this time.  But hey, never say never.


Safe delivery vibes to your friend Earl Is Dead.

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There have been times during this pregnancy that I haven't felt she felt the same way.

That's a little scary. At the Venice Film Festival they presented a movie called Hungry Hearts about a mother who becomes so obsessed with a certain healthy, natural lifestyle that she almost kills her child.

Hope everything goes smoothly with the birth.


I was thinking of reading Gone Girl since there's so much fuss about the movie, but now I don't think I will.

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Thanks for the vibes, all.  I have no news yet but I'll share when I do.


That's a little scary. At the Venice Film Festival they presented a movie called Hungry Hearts about a mother who becomes so obsessed with a certain healthy, natural lifestyle that she almost kills her child.

I agree it's scary.  Thankfully I don't think my friend is quite there, but sadly I can see how such a thing happens.  She definitely gets obsessed with her holistic beliefs, in this case having her second kid naturally come hell or high water.  At one point she was set to go to an unlicensed midwife who delivers for the Amish (out of a bed and breakfast no less) because her baby hadn't turned yet and the (licensed) midwife she sees won't deliver breach. Thank goodness the baby did turn, and that she is in a hospital, so there's hope. 

I liked Gone Girl (the book--haven't seen the movie yet). None of the characters were likable at all, which is usually a turnoff for me, but in this case it worked for me. I think part of it was that I really respected the way the author crafted the story, always keeping readers on their toes as to what is actually going on. And I liked that there were lots of little twists and turns throughout the book, not just the one big "TA-DA!" reveal at the end that has become so popular these days.

boo,the Royals are taking a beating

The words are all in English, and yet... ;)

My mom, who reads everything new and popular, told me that she thought Gone Girl was a big pile of "Bitches be crazy, yo." She really disliked it, which tells me something, because she can be very generous in her opinions about books, but she haaaaated this one.

Vibes all around. :)

Hmm. I'm planning to see Gone girl next week. I had low expectations, think I am ageing to lower them further.


I think I will still go, though. I think I've become too picky in my choices - I can't only watch Hrithik Roshan and Marvel comic movies anymore - I do want to watch more than one movie a year so I think I will go. 

Congratulations to your friend and her new daughter earl is dead!


LnB, many many vibes for your elbow and everything else that's on your very crowded plate.  I hope you can avoid surgery if you can- how will your softball teams survive without you?


Thank you for all the work vibes.  It looks like tomorrow I might work on an overnight shoot.  Which means I'd probably work from 10pm-4am.  Yay work!  I'm intending to take one hell of a disco nap.  It has been frustrating, because there is a lot of work out there- I am just not getting in on it.  But your vibes are always such a bolsterer (is that a word?  it should be) and I deeply appreciate it.


Erratic, I feel like they should fire that "teacher" and hire you to prep soon to be new parents.  I am glad that at least ONE person complimented you on saying something- I am guessing there were a LOT more, but they didn't want to rock the boat and not be able to adopt.   Your kids are going to be so lucky to have you as their Mom, where you will be mindful of their cultures and their needs.


I hope everyone is having a happy week, and vibes to everyone.  Lots and lots and lots of joyful vibes.

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Welcome to the world, little girl! Congratulations to the new parents.


I am guessing there were a LOT more, but they didn't want to rock the boat and not be able to adopt.

That's a good point. They're probably thinking 'we're going to nod our heads and agree with everything they say, grab our new baby, and run outta here to raise him/her the way we want".


Have a nice night shoot, KPC. I do not envy you, it's getting chilly outside. More work vibes for you.


Happy birthday, neighbors!

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Less icky stomach thingy vibes for Endeavor.



I'll leave it that.

And, for that, I thank you.


Remember when my mom lost her wallet and we had to get her new IDs, credit cards, debit/ATM card, etc.? Yesterday I went over b/c we were going to the assisted living facility to sign the lease (and tons of other documents as it turned out). So, I get to her and she has a lot of money on the kitchen table. I asked where that came from and she said that she found it in an old wallet. And she points to the wallet that she's been using since she lost the other one. She then takes out the wallet that was lost. Not only had she found the wallet, but she took the new credit and debit/ATM card out of the small wallet and put it in the "lost" one, but neglected to take out the canceled cards. So, we had more fun calling the companies to find out which were the valid and which the canceled cards. Followed by the trip to the facility and almost 3 hours of reviewing and signing documents. She will be moving in on November 8. Still miles to go, but things are moving.

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You know how I hate my job most of the time?

Well my boss was uber cool today when I told him our plans to Foster/adopt.

I explained how there are no Provincial regulations to protect the job of Foster parents, and that taking adoption leave if I've had a child for 15 months would be stupid, his compromise was to have me do payroll from my home for a year, and to pay me as a contract worker for that, and spread the rest of my workload between the other ten locations.

It would protect my job, allow me to have an income, and give me control over the work load, which, as a control freak, is vital.

It seems to be a good deal, but can you guys play Devil's advocate for me?

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