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Small Talk: The Library

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I read the first sentence, and I said yay! Then I continued reading and said nooooo! I know a lot of people really like the character, but I've had my fill.

When I do a jigsaw puzzle, I need the middle to be finished. We got a beginning and an end, but we are missing the middle part, and that bothers me in a jigsaw kind of way. I need to know *why* they married, beyond the spacesuit thing.[/spoilers!]

I don't think a word exists to accurately describe dusky's ex-husband. What a rotten human being.

I'm sorry he put you in a difficult financial position, but, like Erratic said, at least you're finally rid of him and won't have to deal with his crap anymore.


Anyone have any opinions about this? (this being the Apple Watch)

I don't know. Communication technology seems to be headed in the direction on having people being connected at all times and being able to access messages and emails as fast and as frequently as possible and I ask myself, do we really need that?

  • Love 2

I don't know. Communication technology seems to be headed in the direction on having people being connected at all times and being able to access messages and emails as fast and as frequently as possible and I ask myself, do we really need that?


I think we're there now with our phones. I like having the ability to be connected and the option to access emails and the info I want at all times. What I don't like is the expectation that you're supposed to be available or respond  24/7. One night this week I was receiving texts after 10 p.m. on a work-related issue. This was not an emergency or pressing deadline. It could have waited until the morning. This has happened at other times at night and on weekends. I wouldn't mind if it was something that truly needed to be taken care of immediately, but I dislike this trend/expectation of having to respond 24/7. Boundaries people, boundaries.

Ever since I saw Samsung's watch, I have wanted one in the worst way.  I have absolutely no need in my life for a watch that can talk to my phone and send me messages, but I would never get tired of calilng it K.I.T.T. and asking it questions.

Absolutely. I don't think there's any need at this point but that's not to say a lot of people won't want one. There's still not a lot of specific info out about the watch and how it will work. I need to learn more about it before I would consider getting one.

Edited by Endeavour

I still have an iPhone 4. So, I'm going to wait a few weeks and then probably go with the iPhone 6, but not the super sized one (I have an iPad and a kindle for that), and not the watch. I'm trying to figure out how much money I want to spend on memory, it took me a number of years to fill up my 8G on the iPhone, but everything is bigger now....

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I hate the expectation that one is available, on-call, all the time. Nope. Screw that. Just because you can text something to your coworker or whoever at 2 am doesn't mean you should. The thing that irritates me is the expectation that EVERYONE texts. Again, nope. I fucking hate texting with the power of 10000 nuns. Because it's physically difficult/impossible for me. My right hand is almost completely useless (numb) and my left may be starting down that road as well. I CAN'T type on a phone keypad. I can barely do it on an iPad, which is what I'm doing now. Texts sent to my phone might as well be floating away into the ether, 'cause I ain't never gonna see that shit.

Time for voice-recognition software, which I have resisted because of stupid difficult ugly feelings about becoming an invalid and losing capabilities. Damn it. Crying now, sorry

I reread this, almost deleted, decided to post it. You all are my friends, and I can be honest with you about fear. Stupid MS. What an asshole, seriously. ;)

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Me too, Barphe. I definitely don't want the huge one, but will probably upgrade soon. I want to see them in person though. I went for the middle version last time - the 32 and I have plenty of space so I will probably stick with that size.


AnnieF - I think buffyjunkie covered it:


Hugs and more hugs and nothing but support here.


This goes for me too.


As for the 24/7 on call all the time, I absolutely agree with you. I'm better but still have trouble drawing those lines with work. I find it especially annoying when I think it's being done as a control-power play.

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Seriously, fuck MS.


If you want to use voice recognition on your phone, the Samsung Galaxy has really good voice recognition, and it displays as you speak, rather than waiting until you're done like the iPhone. (My friend who was in the car accident and still has one hand in a cast is now noticing all these things.)


Which reminds me: I also directed her to Dragon on Boliver's recommendation, and she thinks it's the bomb.

Vibes to AnnieF. MS needs to die in the world's hottest fire.


What I don't like is the expectation that you're supposed to be available or respond  24/7.



I held out against a cell phone for years mainly because of this. And when I finally got one I left it off most of the time for the first year.


The thing that irritates me is the expectation that EVERYONE texts. Again, nope


I don't, and I find that expectation irritating as well. Because I don't have a text plan (since I never text), it costs me a quarter every time someone texts me. A small annoyance, since most of my friends keep texting to a minimum. But still an annoyance, especially when the text is commercial spam.


A song for dusky's ex. (And also for MS).

Edited by Darkpool
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If anyone needs more evidence to the power of the MM Vibes, I have work three days next week.  Yay!  Thank you.  :')


To catch up:  Dusky your ex is a twutterflutterflutternutterdouchecanoe.


I need a break from River Song.  


Tom Hardy would be an amazing screenwriter, but I'd never be able to see his movies- too sad.


Annie you are the bestest person ever.  ms needs to fuck off and die.  But now you get to be all star-trekkie:  "Computer, initiate time machine sequence to go into the future and come back with a cure for ms to fuck it into a black hole." 


I fucking hate texting with the power of 10000 nuns
.  Word to the trillionth power.  I use voice recognition if I have to text.  I try to discourage texting from people if I can.  Pick up the damn iphone and CALL me.


Barphe, I have a 4s, and I never want to get rid of it.  We'll see how long I can ride it out before I have to upgrade.    Also, fuck red tape paper to sign people up for sorely needed medical support.


Wishing a plethora of happiness and health and great vibes to all.

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Great news, KPC.

Anyone here watching The Leftovers? I know valny is, and I decided to give it a try. I have only two eps left this season. I find the show very difficult to watch at times. It has some problems, but I agree that it pulls you in. The Intruders, on the other hand, is not doing such a good job of that. I'm going to finish out the season and hope they pull it together.


Happy weekend everyone.

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You got to love having a job where, although it doesn't happen all the time, it doesn't surprise you when someone starts screaming "fuck you you fucking cocksuckers" at you.

Thankfully I have you guys in my life so I know not everybody sucks, in fact there are some pretty damn amazing people in this world.

Yeah for work KPC, boo for difficult eldercare issues Barphe

Edited by dusky
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Major work vibes to dusky and KPC, 'fuck MS' vibes to AnnieF, and eldercare vibes to Barphe. I've been crazy busy with work so I haven't been responding here as much as I should, but I've been thinking of you guys all along.


Meanwhile, I've also been waking up at least an hour early every morning. On weekdays, I don't have to be up until 7, but I've been waking up at 6 or earlier for weeks, and unable to fall back to sleep. My bedtime doesn't seem to affect this at all. The internets tells me that it's likely due to stress, so I suppose the best I can do is try to use that time to get these projects done so I don't have to stress about them any more. :P

Chyna, sometimes I think reading or researching stress causes, causes stress. 


And.....speaking of stress, we have another round of "fun with mom". She lost her wallet yesterday. Or possibly days before. I know she had it last weekend when I saw her. Since she is going to move to an assisted living facility in the next couple of months, we are trying to sell some of her furniture. Yesterday, someone came over to buy one of the items. My brother went over, but the guy came early and mom let him in. It was after he left that she said she couldn't find the wallet. The guy paid $700 cash for the piece he bought, and he responded to my brother's e-mail earlier today, so we don't think he took the wallet. I went over to help look for it, to no avail. What I did find was a small wallet in the nightstand which had $100 in it. Who knows how long that money has been in that drawer. So, I gave her the money. I had also taken out $100 to give to her, which I waited to give. She then called the credit card companies and her bank to report the cards as lost and to cancel the cards, makes sure no unauthorized transactions were made (there weren't on any of the cards), and to send her new cards. I also picked up a lot of stuff so I can begin calling to get her replacement cards for Medicare Part A + B, Part D, Medicare Supplemental Plan, Social Security, and her non-driver's ID. I then gave her the $100 and told her to put it with the other $100. She asked "what $100?" The $100 I gave from the small wallet. Well, she put the wallet in her purse, but she doesn't know where she put the money. So help me, we looked and couldn't find it. I have no idea how she could lose money when she didn't leave the apartment. But, it was getting late and at least one person was going to coming over to look at another piece of furniture, so, after all that fun, we did our weekly brunch. I had asked my brother if he could also go food shopping for her and he said he would. I told mom that she would need to give him a check. We were at the diner. She looked in her purse and said that she doesn't have her checkbook. She also can't remember where it is. So, after brunch, I went back to her apartment, and fortunately was able to find the checkbook. As Barphe and others can attest, the fun never stops. 

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Oh LnB, I'm so sorry you had such a stressful day.  I guess you and your bother will have to be on the lookout for money hiding between the floorboards.  I hope you find the wallet, even though you've had to replace everything.  The medicare cards- are those easily replaced or do you have to stay on hold forever to do so?


I finally saw guardians of the galaxy- it was a lot of fun, mostly.  Wasn't as crazy about the raccoon as thought I might be.  I'd heard great things about him.  But I loved everyone else, especially Drax and Groot.  Also, the footloose references- hee!  What decade is the music from?  I said 70s, my friend said 80s.  


What did everyone else do this past weekend?


Vibes vibes vibes for everyone, and especially those who have to deal with the surreal circus of elderly family.  Hugs.

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Because it's the weekend, I'm not going to even try to call to get replacement cards until tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too difficult. I think the biggest problem will be getting through the phone trees until I can speak to a real person, and have my mom on the other end of the conference call. I don't know how much energy she'll have (or me for that matter). It may take a few days to get all this done. I'm sure I'll remember other cards she might need. 


I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy as well. Did you stay until the end for the usual Marvel post-credits skit?

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I still hope to see GotG in the theater somewhere.


Patience and hugs to Barphe and LnB on the aging elders front. Helps me realize that though my dad makes me want to tear my hair out at times, he's in pretty good shape for 91, and it could be worse, which of course it is going to be at some point.


Good to have a place to vent and learn, as this place always is.

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Chyna, I was also having that issue for the longest time. Now I just can't seem to sleep in no matter how tired I am. One thing I read that has helped on occasion is not to look at the clock when you wake up. If you have your alarm set for when you have to wake up, resist looking at the clock if you wake up before then. I do think that has helped somewhat.


LnB, I'm sorry you have all of that on your plate to deal with. I agree with Barphe that getting some online accounts can make things easier to deal with. A lot can be accomplished that way. Also, with your mom moving, it will be a bit easier to update the address online. Only a few things so far couldn't be handled that way.

Ok, watch out...I have some catching up to do and I'm feeling chatty.




FANTASTIC, Erratic! This would not have been my guess (mine had to do with a new job involving hockey), but it makes me so happy

First things first-  I never said congratulations to you Erratic! I too never guessed what your big news was going to be, definitely not adoption, but that is so wonderful for you!  Hopefully one day we'll read how you have gotten them into BtVS!  :)


If anyone needs more evidence to the power of the MM Vibes, I have work three days next week. Yay! Thank you. :')



That's awesome KPC! Anything you'd want to share, I guess you'll talk about it in other place right?


I hope your sister pick-up went well valny, and that you're not still circling the airport as we type. 


Ok, so I'm a little late in responding, but yeah, I survived JFK. But just for the record, that airport is INSANE!  No like! And this was at about 8pm and it was super busy and crowded.   I found my sister's arrival terminal with no problems but we didn't coordinate exactly where she'd be when she called as I got there because it was such was large area and it was so damn busy that I couldn't find her right away and they(the airport people with their whistles and glow in the dark jackets) don't let you wait around in your car for long, they move you along. So I did end up kind of circling(don't ask) but then couldn't find the way back to her terminal, so I just said, screw this and exited the airport and came back in and started from scratch. Then I finally found her because she called on my cel and said she'd be at a specific spot outside. Anyway,that's my edited story if you believe that!


As my parents would tell you, Erratic, adoptees make the best kids. They're like rescue dogs -- just grateful to have a bed and a few million hot meals


  Speaking of adoption, does anyone watch The Fosters? Probably not.  I never thought I'd enjoy a show on ABC Family but it's actually pretty damn good. It was my guilty pleasure show for the first season, but now I just embraced it this second season and it's now a fave of mine. Sure, it's a bit cheesy and sooo much drama happens to this one family, but it pulls you in and the acting for the most part is really good, plus it's a break from all the darker stuff I watch lately.  Teri Polo is a standout as one of the moms. The first season is on Netflix and I know the second will be added this week. Give it shot if you can.   While my sister was visiting I actually got her into it, even thought we didn't have time to watch all of the first season. 


News flash- I tried chicken wings for the first time on Friday! I never eat them because they have so little meat on them. But I went out after work to a restaurant with some co-workers at a place I've been to before called Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza,(excellent pizza) and one of the things they ordered at was chicken wings. They weren't those Buffalo chicken wings, these were different. They were coal oven roasted and smothered in caramelized onions and also served with focaccia bread! OMG, they were so tasty. Just the onions alone were delicious because some of them were well done/burnt and I love that flavor. Here they are. I actually went back the next day and bought a 10 piece serving to snack on at home. I'm a fan now.


Loandbehold- sorry about all that trouble with your mom and the lost money.  My dad forget where he puts stuff all the time. And lately just forgetting stuff in general, like today, he  thought he lost his watch but.... he hasn't worn a watch in years. Oh boy.


Big vibes to AnnieF and a hard kick in the nuts to MS....   if it has nuts that is.




Anyone here watching The Leftovers? I know valny is, and I decided to give it a try. I have only two eps left this season. I find the show very difficult to watch at times. It has some problems, but I agree that it pulls you in. The Intruders, on the other hand, is not doing such a good job of that. I'm going to finish out the season and hope they pull it together.

Endeavour,glad you stuck with The Leftovers. It's an odd show to describe and embrace, I don't exactly love it but damn once I get started on each ep, I'm totally into it. And the acting is really good. I was surprised to learn how good Justin Theroux is, he's had some tough scenes. The finale was very interesting and there are still a ton of things left open of course.  I still haven't seen all of the first ep of The Intruders but I heard it's confusing and nobody knows what's really going on yet.



Ask me how many HOURS it takes to sign old folks up to Medicare.  Just effing ask.


Oh hell no, I'm not asking! But less stressful days to you too Barphe.


Yanks are playing Sunday night baseball and I don't care. Someone take my temperature.

Edited by Valny

Me and the fam were in SF, for the absolute worst baseball game I have ever seen. The fucking Dodgers blanked the Giants 17-0 on Sat. night., their worst loss since 1906. It was painful. The starters played like a high school team, and then when they were all pulled out of the game once it was obviously going to be a Giants loss, the B-squad came out and played like Little Leaguers. They all embarrassed themselves, it was horrible. Today's game was also a loss, but going down 4-2 and seeing the team play like they were actual Major Leaguers? I guess I"ll take it. :/

So many vibes, L&b. :)

Edited by AnnieF

Many vibes for those with ailing and aging parents or in-laws. Your patience and goodness amaze me.

Anyone watching Outlander? I confess I am totally enjoying its romance-novelly goodness. Plus? Kilts.

I couldn't get into the books at all, so I'm not. And i know I should because a historical time travelling romance is just, so, me, but nope. It's like i couldn't get into Jeanine Frost's Night Huntress at all because the first description of Bones made him sound like a wannabe Spike and I couldn't unsee that. 


Why can't they make decent shows about books I do like *she whined* They ruined The Dresden Files, took True Blood to a bizarre place (though with the ending Harris gave the series, I don't care now), and Tanya Huff didn't fare well either and Peter Jackson never got around to giving me Temeraire. 


Okay, newsflash (not) staying up all night reading 2 books makes me a whiny bitch. But I must say, I LOVED the way Kim Harrison ended The Hollows. Right now she's got one on Richelle Mead for me, because Mead's got 2 for and 1 against. 

Anyone watching Outlander?



Not yet, but I've got all the episodes so far waiting for me. I haven't watched much tv in months because of work, but I just sent off a draft this morning meaning that at least for a couple of days, I don't have anything major hanging over my head. So I'm looking forward to some couch time (without my laptop!) tonight.


The fucking Dodgers blanked the Giants 17-0 on Sat. night.



17?? That sounds like a preschool t-ball score. Even Little League games don't generally get scores like that.


Do any of you go to WNBA games? I know not every major city has a team (yet), but we've been getting more and more into the Chicago Sky lately. This year they went to the finals, and even though they got sweeped (the other team--Phoenix--had the best record in the league so they were expected to clobber the Sky or anyone else who played them), that was some great basketball. Also, as you can imagine, far more affordable than any seats at a men's NBA game.

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Anyone watching Outlander? I confess I am totally enjoying its romance-novelly goodness. Plus? Kilts.

The spousal unit and I are watching but I'm finding my attention wandering.  The scenery is gorgeous though.  Plus I read a reader's review of the novel on Goodreads.  The reader's "summary" reached and excelled TwoP-level snark which may have ruined the story for me forever. 


I'll be out of touch this week so just throwing some good vibes in the air for any who may need them in the coming days. 

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I'll be out of touch this week

Noooooooooo. It better be for something fun, buffyjunkie.


After only an hour plus, I was able to order my mom replacement cards for Medicare (A and B), Medicare Part D, long-term and supplemental medicare insurance, and her non-driver's id. I was also able to download the form for a replacement ss card. This weekend, I will get her to fill out the form. I will also try to locate her Access-A-Ride materials so I can order a replacement card for that. It's Monday, not even 3 PM, and I am spent for the week. Or, as Faith would say, "I just wanna sleep, yo."

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Today's drama: Mother-in-law finds phone, calls friend. Tells friend she is here against her wishes, wants to know how to get back to Manhattan, i.e., where the bus station is, how much a taxi would cost. Yada, yada, yada. 



It's Monday, not even 3 PM, and I am spent for the week. Or, as Faith would say, "I just wanna sleep, yo."



Love you guys!! 

  • Love 1

Thanks for all the flooding well wishes! I stayed dry and mostly inconvenienced. Phoenix had the worst of it, although two people did die in my town, Tucson, in the last storm. Both were swept away in cars, either from flash floods or driving into already flooded areas. We're getting the rain from hurricanes coming up from Mexico, and it floods here because the ground doesn't soak up much water, places like Phoenix are all paved so the water runs off into washes, and there is no storm drain system to collect the water below street level. We're supposed to get another big storm Wednesday.


I ended up feeling like The Good Wife is a really solid network lawyer show. It's watchable, but I didn't end up feeling very fannish about it. I didn't search out recaps or analysis or gifs on Tumblr. :P


In contrast, I was very, very skeptical about even watching Hannibal, remaining skeptical through about the 4th episode of the first season, and then became totally obsessed. It's a pretty dark show to end up binge-watching, let me tell you. And now the show has taken up residence in the fan part of my brain and I'm following Winston the dog's Tumblr.  (Hannibal (the show) has cute dogs and nothing bad happens to them.) (Well, from a dog's point of view.)


Fuck MS, and bad thoughts to dusky's evil ex, and support vibes to everyone doing customer service and dealing with elderly parents, and hey! I have time to post again from work.

Edited by Ace Hansen
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Yes, I changed my name back to my full handle from TWoP.  :) Ace Hansen is an anagram for Anne Chase, which is how I came up with it back in the day. I thought I would be comfortable under my real name, but I really, really wasn't. Not because of you guys, but just that I formed my internet habits in the ancient 90s.


Someone asked if we're still fostering, to which the answer is no. It makes me sad, but it makes Shaggy and Mr. Andy very happy. Shaggy and the last foster dog (both strong 70 pound males) seriously tried to kill each other on multiple occasions and we decided Shaggy is too volatile to trust. So he's back to being the happy king of the house, with his faithful shield-maiden Pilar by his side. And no outsiders or usupers allowed!


Is Pepperpot showing up soon?


Did I ever tell you guys that Sep and I used to troll TWoP boards under the handle "poor bladder control"?  I can't remember which TV shows though. It was incredibly puerile but made me laugh so hard.

Edited by Ace Hansen

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