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Small Talk: The Library

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Major vibes to you @Erratic.  I'm glad you got a free weekend to relax and I hope you feel better soon.


@AnnieF that is wonderful news about your grandmother-in-law.  And it sounds like the assisted living search is going well for you @Loandbehold.  Continued vibes. 


Welcome back @KPC.  I can relate to being the aunt in that situation - I hope the vacation had other perks that were worth it.


I hate bats.  I know how good and important they are, but I hate them anyway.  Like spiders, they just need to live an existence that is far away from mine and then we'll all be happy.


I'm playing hooky today.  I need a mental health break from the turmoil at work and some solitude.  The hardest thing to adjust to in married life has been the loss of solitude and quiet.  I feel guilty that I feel that way, but I just miss being alone sometimes.

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The hardest thing to adjust to in married life has been the loss of solitude and quiet. I feel guilty that I feel that way, but I just miss being alone sometimes.

Mr F and I have been married for a while (24 years today, in fact) and we both are introverts who need a lot of alone time. We spend a lot of time retreated to our own corners of the house. I think it's fine as long as you and your husband are both on the same page. Does Mr Earl mind if you take some alone time, or is he like "great! I'm going to go be alone over here." I hope it's the second one. :)

I think bats and spiders are cool. Of course, I'm that lady, the one who lets bugs crawl on her hands to show them to kids and reacts to the tarantula exhibit at the science museum with "Yes! I totally volunteer to let the big hairy spider crawl on me!" I'm not terrible ticklish and more importantly, I have very little squeamishness about...anything, really. I know that's lucky. Or maybe it's just gross. ;)

Edited by AnnieF
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That is the issue exactly.  I am very much a classic introvert.  Mr. Earl is not and too much alone time for him can lead to depression.  He does try to give me my space and for the most part we work it out, but it can still be a challenge.  And even when it's working it's still... Work.    I've been feeding a friend's cats while she is away, so today I'm spending the day with them.  I'm hoping the break from reality will be the CTRL-ALT-DEL that my brain needs to get back on track.


ETA: Oh my gosh - I'm so all about me, Me, ME! I didn't even see the 24 years today note.  A very happy anniversary to you @AnnieF

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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Happy Anniversary, Annie F!


The hub and I have also been together a while and spend a lot of time together; we like each other's company, so it happens naturally and is not a big issue.  But he's been working (mandatory OT) Saturdays lately; and while I'm stuck doing the chores/shopping by myself, I have to admit to enjoying some alone time. He probably feels the same way but might accomplish alone time by reading; a bomb could go off and he wouldn't notice (depending on the book, of course).  


Earl Is Dead, I hope your hooky-cat time gives you what you need. It sounds kind of fun, like you're hiding out in a secret fort or something.  


Thumbs up for bats here, they help my garden a lot.  We have a vole hanging out in our plot, and it's the biggest, fattest one I have ever seen.  I wish bats took care of voles. 

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Major vibes to Erratic, and some extras thrown to Endeavor and Earl is Dead.


And a very happy anniversary, AnnieF! What is the proper gift for 24? 25 is gold, right? I think 24 might be crepe paper or something similar.

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Happy Anniversary, AnnieF and MrF!


Major vibes to Erratic, Endeavour, and all else who need them. I totally understand the existential crisis, Erratic--a few years ago, I realized that I had at least another 25 years of work ahead of me, and during that time, I did not want to do the work I was doing at the time. I've been trying to make some changes so that I can have another career eventually. It's slow going, to be sure, but it helps to know I'm working on it.

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It is never selfish to ask for vibes. Big honkin' vibes of awesome coming atcha, Endeavour. :)

What is the proper gift for 24? 25 is gold, right?

I want to say that 25 is silver, and 50 is gold? I'm looking it up on my extraordinarily slow internet-through-hotspot -- okay, Hallmark says I'm right. Also looks like anniversaries have a traditional gift associated with every year up until 15, then it's every five years. So I'd like to create a new tradition and say that the 24th anniversary gift is: internet/cable/telephone. Please?

Thanks for the anniversary wishes, everyone. Mr F and I have already celebrated in our traditional way; we say "happy anniversary" to each other, I sing a little Tony! Toni! Toné! (if you are not familiar with this bit of awesomeness, I suggest looking for the vid of them singing "Anniversary." It is the early 90s encapsulated), he groans, and voilà, another year of marriage has been acknowledged.

Edited by AnnieF
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It is never selfish to ask for vibes.


What annief said.  So many big amazing comforting and happy vibes zinging your way endeavour!!


And happy anniversary!  24+ years! How cool!  You and your guy are an inspiration.  I hope you enjoy the day in your new home, with your new furniture.


So many of my friends are splitting up- a lot of them have been together for a long time.  Iit's like there's something in the air.  It's making me very cynical about the whole relationship thing, except that I'm not a one-night-stand kind of person either.  Le sigh.

My sister and bil have been married for about 15 years.  Nephew is on the spectrum (aspergers-ish) and he is 11, although emotionally he's about 8.  


Even with stress, I got a sunburned nose and some down time and I LOVE  the cape and I want to get a billion dollars so I can buy houses and invite you all to come check it out.  Now if only my eczema would go away.


Rehearsal tonight- wheeee!

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Three times I meant to post a happy anniversary to the F's. Have a fantastic next 24+ years :)

And vibes to all those that need it. I know I'm feeling better because of 'em!

Edited by Erratic
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The only bats I like are baseball bats.



Happy 24th AnnieF!

Welcome back KPC!  Good luck with rehearsals tonight, hope they go well. 


Today at work I got to hold a real Emmy Award! Our office controller's son won a NY Emmy for something technical... I think it was for graphics for a show on the YES network(Yankees Entertainment and Sports Network)... and he had brought it in. I noticed it in his office this morning laying snug in it's padded box but I didn't know it was an actual Emmy. he was talking to someone at the time so I didn't want to interrupt . But later in the day I saw him going back to his office and went over and asked was that an actual Emmy he had. When he said yes I asked if I could see it.Then of course I'm had to ask if I could hold it too. It was so cool holding it(it's heavy!), and surely I had to picture myself up on that stage like all those celebs who've won one! I didn't have my acceptance speech ready though.


Glad you're feeling better Erratic. Get back on that no cigarette train.

Edited by Valny
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To the BatCave!


Linking to an utterly hilarious commercial re batman:



I LOVE rehearsal.  But I feel a little stiff onstage.  Gotta change that.


How goes the softball Lnb?


Trudi, with all the stuff happening in europe and middle east (all of which is somewhat close to italy), how are you doing?


We're expecting storms today- I hope they are crackerjack.

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Well, the regular season is over. Our last game was supposed to be this past Monday, but the other team forfeited. So, our season consisted of three forfeits (two by the other teams, one by our team due to a screw-up by our captain on the dates of the game), two or three rain-outs, and five games actually played. Of which, I had to miss a game due to other commitments. Our record was 6-2, but the crazy way our league works, forfeits don't count as "complete" wins. Also, wins are weighted depending on which division you are in. There are 10 or 11 teams in each division. My team is in the B division. To simplify the formula, If you're in the A (highest) division, each win is worth 1.25. B division wins are 1.0 and C division wins are .75. As I said, forfeits are not counted as "complete" wins, so I have no idea how they are scored. This is because the play-offs are the top 16 teams taken from all 3 divisions, so more teams get in from the A division. In order to get in from the C division, you pretty much have to finish first or second. Several B division teams make it, and let's say approximately 8 teams from the A division usually get in. Then you're seeded 1-16. We should make the play-offs, unless several other teams were able to play a lot more games than we did. Hopefully we'll know next week.


I don't care if there are storms today, I just don't want them tomorrow. I am going to be at the Yankee game tomorrow and really, really, really don't want to sit through a rain delay(s).

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I'm not a fan of baseball teams, so I'm staying out of that quagmire, but I'll take the loosening up onstage vibes.


And the peace in the middle east.  


I checked out a parkcour type gym place today in brooklyn.  I'm not sure I'm athletic enough, but it might be kind of fun.  Has anyone here ever done it?


Vibes vibes vibes ye-ah!

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So, hopefully Toronto will sweep the Yankees this weekend. That'd be nice :)


I'll just pretend I didn't read that post Erratic!


I don't care if there are storms today, I just don't want them tomorrow. I am going to be at the Yankee game tomorrow and really, really, really don't want to sit through a rain delay(s).


Uh oh! Poor @L&B.  He got the rain delay he didn't want.  Sorry about that. As of now, I don't know what they're doing about the game. Yanks have the lead 2-1.



val, did you thank us in your speech? Cause you know, if you forgot, we may be in danger of breaking up.


Of course not @trudi, because it would be all about meeee! Nah, I'd thank you guys. Just like @KPC is going to thank us when she wins her awards.


So I got my cable bill today and notice this was the second month in a row it's $25 less than what I have always been paying. Then I checked a previous bill and noticed where they took some money off: $20 chopped off from my the internet fee and $5 off the telephone fee.(I get cable,phone and internet in one package) So I am just slowly backing away, not questioning why they did that. I just hope it continues.  All I can think why it happened is because a couple months ago when I went to pay my cable bill in person,the cashier said she'd knock $25 off my bill after I nicely complained about them raising their prices again. But I thought it was a one shot deal, that it would only be for the next month's payment.  Well ok then...Not complaining, not complaining.  Watch, I just jinxed myself!

Edited by Valny
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Awesome vibes for KPC.

My aunt, uncle, and cousins are in town visiting me. My cousin, who is 15, told her father the word bossy contains gender bias since it is so often used as a criticism for girls. She would accept being called dictatorial. I love that kid.

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Trudi, with all the stuff happening in europe and middle east (all of which is somewhat close to italy), how are you doing?

Thanks for the thought. I know it must seem close to you, but to us, it doesn't as much. Not to the point that we would feel threatened anyway.

I certainly wouldn't fly over Ukraina right now, that's for sure. Let's just hope the madness ends soon.

If you look over at the history at humankind, we really are unable to avoid conflict and war. It's like it's in our genes.



...To simplify the formula....


Yeah, you need a degree in matematics to understand that paragraph.


Happy relaxed reharsing KPC!

Edited by trudi-tru
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Uh oh! Poor @L&B.  He got the rain delay he didn't want.  Sorry about that. As of now, I don't know what they're doing about the game. Yanks have the lead 2-1.

Actually, the game is today (Thursday), valny. Still, there is a chance for more rain. Or sun. And humidity. Blech. 




...To simplify the formula....




Yeah, you need a degree in matematics to understand that paragraph.

I know, right. And, it actually was simplified. I left out other multipliers because those would have made the explanation confusing. 

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Lawyers. I don't know what percentages of pi are used as the multiplier of wins, wins by forfeit, losses, losses by forfeit, un-made-up rainouts, and games that fell on Pigamorepumpkin Tuesdays.*


* A few years ago, the entire formula was explained to me, but I chose not to retain all of it. Doing so has simplified my life.

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@Loandbehold- where were you seats at the Yankee game?  It was a great day to see some baseball, unlike last night which I thought you were attending. They actually scored more than two runs too!   Oh, and the real reason you didn't see Derek at the game was.... because....he was with.... ME!

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Selfish, valny. I never realized just how selfish you could be. 


We were in the 300 section on the third base side of the field. It was everything I could want from a game between two teams who I really don't care wins - good weather, and a cleanly played, fast game (under 3 hours). 

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So I got my cable bill today and notice this was the second month in a row it's $25 less than what I have always been paying.


Nice! There's an office close to me. I may go there to ask a few questions and whine a little bit...


I checked out a parkcour type gym place today in brooklyn.  I'm not sure I'm athletic enough, but it might be kind of fun.  Has anyone here ever done it?


Well, I had to look that up so I won't be of any help. It certainly looks interesting and fun. I would need to work my way up to something like that though. I'm still trying to find a way to fit a little exercise in each day.


This has been a stressful and aggravating week at work. I'm happy we're at the end of it. There's been a ton to do at work and at home it seems. This weekend is going to be a bit hectic as well - but at least I'll be putting work away for a few days. On the good side - I've been doing a few small improvements around the house and am happy with the results. Just little things, but they do make a difference.


Speaking of - @AnnieF - how goes the settling in?


Loosening up vibes to KPC and general vibes and a happy Friday to all!

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I find parkcour fascinating to watch, but I never think of real people doing it.  More like...ninjas or something.  If you do try the gym KPC I hope you tell us what it's like.


@Endeavour - glad your stressful work week is at its end too.  I'm not a fan of hectic weekends, but between the two I'll take the latter. My weekend will only consist of mundane things like cleaning and grocery shopping, but I still couldn't be happier that it's almost here.

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Don't whine at the cable company employee. Ask if there is anything they can do to lower the bill, maybe they can maybe they can't but don't whine. This message brought to you by the poor tired cable company employee who is in the middle of her third six day 50 hour plus week with one more to go before the glory of a 3 day weekend to go to her niece's wedding.


I continue to keep up with the thread vibing, cheering and laughing where appropriate but still without a keyboard so you are all missing out on the epic rant about my asshole ex.


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Former cable company employee here, agreeing with dusky to the nth power.  You can get so much from people by simply treating them with respect and like .... well, people.  I don't mean to sound cynical (by saying one should treat people well because it will serve you well); but treating others well makes them feel better about you, and you feel better about you.  Just my $.02.   Stepping off the soapbox now.....


And, duh - vibes to all that need or want them, and hoping for a good weekend for all. 

Edited by harrie
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Sorry! I was kidding about the whining. (I have to start using emoticons or something.) I always go the respect route. I really dislike those people who start out trying to resolve some issue by yelling, complaining, etc. at whoever is trying to help them. I've been on the receiving end of those calls.

@dusky - enjoy the wedding and long weekend when you get to it. I hope you don't have to keep working those types of hours for much longer.

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dusky, we're all here for you when you want to vent about the twufferfattlewafflernutter ex.


If I try the parkour kind of thing (probably not until September), I will certainly report on it.  It will be hilariously awful, if nothing else.

I spent thursday in 1988 and friday in 1931.  I am not sure my hair is ever going to recover.  Or my toes.  Vintage heels were not made for walking- and women's feet were way narrower in 1931.  We shot in brooklyn LnB, near the clark street stop, so I hope it wasn't near your neighborhood.


Yay for smaller cable bills!  And no rained out baseball games.  And being nice to customer service people whenever possible.


I'm afraid to ask, but how are the toronto/nyc games going?

Happy Vibes for everyone this weekend!  What are people up to?  


Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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The Jays/Yankees series is tied. This also means that they remain tied for second in their Division.

Today was the first Blue Jays win in Yankee Stadium in their last 18 attempts. I smell a shifting in the wind ;)

My plans for the weekend? I am still trying to catch up on my training regime, so I did a swim and a hike today, got another run and/or bike ride tomorrow. Tonight I am cooking chinese-style spare ribs, which, yum! And I can totally pig out on as I have been eating sensibly all week. I might even open a bottle of Cava, because bubbles.

Edited by Erratic
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What are you working on, KPC? Can you hint?

You enjoy the ribs and the booze, Erratic.

Will someone please provide dusky with a keyboard! I need to hear about the poopyhead.

Vibes as needed.

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I'll post it at the other place.  Run through today (first one), so it should be interesting to see how all the pieces fall into place.  


Did everyone have a good weekend?  Other than make travel plans, what did people do?


How did the baseball teams do?


Is everything unpacked Annief?

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Happy Vibes for everyone this weekend!  What are people up to?  

I bought a car - picture in  the other place - it's a Hyundai Eon Sportz. It's pretty much the cheapest I could find with a charger and audio system. It's red, I'm happy. Now I just have to get used to it and drive. 


I'm also trying to book my train ticket home because the flight cost is killing me. *sigh* Life is expensive, y'all. 


I echo the good vibes for all. 

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Wishing the F-family well in their unpacking.  Gave our new neighbors a local paper and list of favorite local places and a loaf of banana bread.  Their son was so cute and he has a verbal and physical flair for the dramatic.  The next day he said, "You make the best bread ever! You should open a bakery."  So I had to share my secret that I can only bake the one thing.


I'm still recovering from our next state over small liberal art college tour.  Oh my god, I've been to the Midwestern Lannonstone Hogwarts y'all and it is a thing of beauty.  Some of those places it was like you could smell the money.  What does money smell like you may ask.  Well, it smells like peace, and order, and beauty, and low teacher to student ratios. 

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Congrats on the new car @romantic idiot! ..throwing virtual change in the car for good luck..

There's too much going on in the other place. I am going to have to break down and join soon.


My hectic weekend has finally come to a close. Had a family function, weekend guest and spent the majority of today working on cleaning out my mom's house. There's so much to do. I have stuff to do at home too, but it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. No more today.


I will add to the good vibes for all!

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There's too much going on in the other place. I am going to have to break down and join soon.


Yes please do @Endeavour. One of us, one of us! You're starting to break down already.




Today was the first Blue Jays win in Yankee Stadium in their last 18 attempts. I smell a shifting in the wind ;)

  Well it's a foul smell, and I don't like it!  And they won again today...grrrr. It's ok, we'll meet again next at the end of August. mwahaha! 


I spent thursday in 1988 and friday in 1931.  I am not sure my hair is ever going to recover.  Or my toes.  Vintage heels were not made for walking- and women's feet were way narrower in 1931.  We shot in brooklyn LnB, near the clark street stop, so I hope it wasn't near your neighborhood



I'm going to guess one is

Boardwalk Empire because you worked on that one before. *goes to check FB....AHA! I was right!

  I don't watch that show but I will tune in to your episode to look for you. Let your pimplicist know so I can tell everyone to watch too @KPC

Edited by Valny
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valny, you are an awesome pimplicist. 


Hurray on the new car romantic idiot!!!!  I've never owned a car, so coolness!  is it a stick shift or is it automatic?  And it's red too.  Photos perhaps, of the car?


Congrats on getting through your exhausting weekend endeavour.  Enjoy your sunday night.


Rehearsal was a hot mess tonight.  A little too much "oh we are so funny aren't we," from some folks, and that got in the way of actual work.  Frustrating for me (I get a little high strung around tech time), but I read a book and kept silently telling myself that since I'm not directing the show, nor do I have a huge role, I just should focus on my performance, and step back and chill on everything else.  Easier said than done, but I hope if I keep repeating it, it will eventually stick.


I hope everyone is well and happy and loads of vibes to everyone.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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I had a cool little red car before I had kids... sigh. It's hard to find family-type cars in red. There's a woman across the alley from us who is probably 75-ish, and wears applique sweaters like grandmas do, but she drives an adorable red sports car. I'm totally doing that once my kids have their own cars.

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