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Small Talk: The Library

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Happy Birthday, Erratic! And, payback's a bitch. Much like you pummeled me on my b-day Mets quiz, I have done the same on your Douglas Adams one. So, next year, we need to decide whether to put our competitive juices aside, or, instead, BRING IT ON!!!!


Vibes to all the sickies out there. And, thanks for the support regarding my mom. She has woken up yesterday and today to take her pill, and after only a few calls from my brother. It's amazing what can pass for good and exciting news.

  • Love 2

Happy Birthday Erratic!  May it be an awesome year to come.


Glad your mom is doing a little better LnB.


Trudi, in Europe I believe Yaz was known as Yazoo, if that helps.  Otherwise, google the song "only you" for a listen.  I think it's one of the most romantic-ish songs ever.


Also, vibes for all the traumatized kids in Oregon. I know there's a second amendment, but I would like some gun safety laws. 

  • Love 2

Thanks, trudi. I'm fine. Shooting was in east county, just outside Portland. I don't know anyone at the school, so this didn't touch me personally. But I'm seeing shock on Facebook from folks whose kids used to go to Reynolds High or will go there someday, or who know people with family at the school, or who just live close by.


One freshman (14 years old) was killed. People are rallying around him; there was a candlelight vigil for him tonight and a GoFundMe campaign to raise funeral expenses that's almost fully funded in less than day. I can't imagine what his parents are going through right now.


Erratic, belated happy birthday!  Geminis rule!  (Twice.)


And, that's about the it.  I guess I felt like letting people know I was here, but of course I never hang out in Meet Market, er, Small Talk threads.  (It's the blinding self-loathing, y'know.)  I actually registered so I could vilify that wretchedly sexist/homophobic Faking It finale (unfortunately, not the series finale, but it is for me), but I'm sure I'll drift back here eventually.  After all, the game threads I killed on TWoP are now buried with that site, so the guilt is (mostly) gone.


(Anybody want the answers to the "Millard Fillmore" category that killed "What is Buffy Jeopardy?"  No?  Not surprised.  [And the answer to my 20 Questions-killing quiz was "Mason's eyebrows", btw.])

Edited by DAngelus

I am still here, but still without a keyboard. Been reading and vibing and giving hearty fuck s to ms, cancer and dementia. You wonderful people are missing out on a truly amazing rant about my ex husband. It might very well be pages long along with extensive quotes from the email where he demands that his 17 year old daughter speak with him at least twice a month or he will no longer send child support. 

  • Love 1

he demands that his 17 year old daughter speak with him at least twice a month or he will no longer send child support.

This fucking guy. Yeah, sure, it's totally possible to force a teenager to talk. Yep. Easiest thing in the world. And of course a 17-year-old is completely a child, not an adolescent with their own identity and thoughts and feelings about, mm, let's think of an example, I dunno, let's say being treated like a baby by one's father. Just as a for-instance.

Can anyone find my eyeballs? They rolled right outta my head onto the floor.

  • Love 3
This fucking guy. Yeah, sure, it's totally possible to force a teenager to talk. Yep. Easiest thing in the world. And of course a 17-year-old is completely a child, not an adolescent with their own identity and thoughts and feelings about, mm, let's think of an example, I dunno, let's say being treated like a baby by one's father. Just as a for-instance.

Aside from the above, child support is not a payment for a service provided to you by your child. That is the parent's moral and legal responsability. Having a line of communication with your daughter is another matter.


Once you have a keyboard I wanna hear everything, dusky. Everything.

  • Love 5

So, the twatflufflenutterdick is basically blackmailing his daughter for money he has already agreed to pay and has a moral obligation to do.  What a father.



Never mind that if he used the energy it took to blackmail her and put it toward, y'know, being a decent person and parent, she might be willing to talk to him voluntarily. What a jackhole.

  • Love 4

Oh, hell, I might as well join the pile-on. Sounds like the ex(crement) deserves it.


What jumped out at me was that the daughter is 17.  So the support payments are going to stop next year (or sooner), anyway.  Much as I'm sure that dusky would like the money she is legally due without having to go to court to collect it, the longer fact is that she has already most likely started to make plans for a financial paradigm that does not include the support payments.  It's not as though the daughter is, say, 8, and the ex can really mess up a decade's worth of plans…it reads more as though he realizes this is pretty much the last chance he has to play this particular blackmail card, so he's going to milk it for everything it's worth.


Pathetic, desperate jerk.  Gee, I wonder why his daughter doesn't want to talk to him?


Oh Dusky, will this stickydouchenozzle ever learn to just pay up and shut up? Maybe your daughter should mail him a piece of dried up jerky or swatches as her communication to him each month. Maybe he'll see what a huge act of love that is and double his child payments.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. I had a pretty decent day despite the plague coursing through my body.

Vibes to parents and job hunters and house buyers.

Big fuck offs to MS, Alzheimer's and cancer*.

*cute joke from season 2 OITNB. Not really spoilery, but just in case:

A doctor says to a patient, "I've got some bad news, and some more bad news. The bad news is you have cancer. The other bad news is that you have Altzheimer's."

The patient thinks for a few seconds, sighs, and says, "Well, at least I don't have cancer".

Edited by Erratic
  • Love 1

dusky, your ex is truly sad and disgusting. Perhaps your daughter can record a few basic words like hey and yeah. See if the eleven fucking notices. He didn't say she had to talk to him live.

I am really sorry you have to deal with that jackass.

I do have good news though. Remember the job I interviewed for weeks ago? I got it! Now I have the dramatic and fun job of telling my current horrible boss. Thank you all for the magic vibes!

  • Love 7

Congrats, @Harvester! That's awesome. :)

@DAngelus, @trudi-tru is right; it might seem like @dusky's ex is trying one last gasp of emotional fuckery, but past data does not suggest that he's got the brain power to work something like that. Besides the swatches and the jerky (yep, those are for-real gifts he gave to his daughter, 'cause what teen doesn't want to receive random fabric swatches?) he also gave her a flute one year for Xmas. A random, out-of-nowhere flute, to his kid who has never played. This guy is just the worst.

just a sad, pathetic, useless nincompoop*.

*I was browsing the thesaurus for word and came across this. I'd never heard it, what a funny word (to me at least).



Hee, trudi. It's kind of an old-fashioned word, which is why you'd never heard it before. It turns up quite a bit in Bugs Bunny cartoons, which is proof that it is indeed hilarious.

Congratulations Harvester! That's fantastic news. We always knew you were awesome; it's good to hear that your new employer recognized that as well.



Hee, trudi. It's kind of an old-fashioned word, which is why you'd never heard it before. It turns up quite a bit in Bugs Bunny cartoons, which is proof that it is indeed hilarious.

Abso-freakin'-lutely. I mean, sufferin' succotash, I'd forgotten how often that word was used in Bugs Bunny cartoons.

  • Love 1

Harvester, that's fantastic. Congratulations and best of luck with the new opportunity.


My sympathy, dusky, for having such a jerk of an ex. At first I was thinking "Okay, jerky is a crappy gift but Swatches aren't so bad. They're cute, and nostalgia-y stuff cycles around so they might become trendy or valuable sometime."   Then I realized everyone was talking about fabric swatches.  Just.....what an irredeemable douche. 


I also was thinking Yaz was Todd Rundgren's group.  That was Nazz.   I am batting 1.000 today. 

Yaz(oo) was Alison Moyet and Vince Clarke, who was in early Depeche Mode and later was half of Erasure with Andy Bell.

Abso-freakin'-lutely. I mean, sufferin' succotash, I'd forgotten how often that word was used in Bugs Bunny cartoons.

As soon as @Chyna mentioned Bugs Bunny, I couldn't help but hear NIIIIIN-com-poop-pbbtt in Mel Blanc's voice. Ssssuffferin ssssuccotashfshfhsh!

Ssssuffferin ssssuccotashfshfhsh!  Congrats on your new job harvester!.  Glad you are going to be shot of those NIIIIIN-com-poop-pbbtt bosses.

Oh I love those WB old school cartoons.  I loved Marvin the martian with his silly helmet and his dehydrated monsters.

Half of Yaz(oo) became part of Erasure?  Wow.  I just naturally assumed that Yaz(oo) took their money and retired after they stopped making cds.

At first I was thinking "Okay, jerky is a crappy gift but Swatches aren't so bad. They're cute, and nostalgia-y stuff cycles around so they might become trendy or valuable sometime."   Then I realized everyone was talking about fabric swatches.

Me too! I was just about to post that. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

Well acquainted with nincompoop. Just don't remember where from. I'll be on the lookout with the cartoons now.

  • Love 1

harvester- congrats on the new job! Is it basically the same field of work? Will you be closer or farther away from your home?



Oh I love those WB old school cartoons.  I loved Marvin the martian with his silly helmet and his dehydrated monsters.



KPC- I don't remember his dehydrated monsters though. Bugs Bunny was and will always be my favorite WB cartoon. He's the man!...or the rabbit.

Heh, you reminded me I have some cute Marvin the Martian and his dog ornaments and a watch that I never wear, I just thought it was cool looking at the time. And my brother gave me a big stuffed Marvin some years back. I like Marv,but I don't love him, so I don't know why he bought it for me. I should give him to you KPC!  


Re: dusky's ex. I just gave a bunch of upvotes to everyone's great remarks instead or typing anything else about that nitwit.


Anyone still watching Fargo? I am enjoying the hell out of that show, it's crazy!


Vibing for any sickies or life problems that sneak up on us.

Edited by Valny
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Valny, I love that your Photobucket handle is "yamsham."


This talk about dusky's ex is starting to remind me of an old George Carlin game show routine. "Welcome back to Jerk, Douchenozzle, Jackhole. Our first subject is a divorced absentee dad who subjects his daughter to emotional abuse on the rare occasions he's not ignoring her entirely. He likes to send her cheap gifts that are so thoughtless and insulting she'd prefer he forgot her birthday altogether! Our panel will decide: is he a jerk, a douchenozzle, or a jackhole?"

Edited by Darkpool
  • Love 5

I am still working for the public school system, but I am moving to a different department. I will be specializing in supporting the district's large population (45%) of English learners. I think it will be very good for my career.

Quitting has gone well. My boss was okay, but her boss was sad since I am the fourth person in our department to quit.

  • Love 2
It's kind of an old-fashioned word, which is why you'd never heard it before. It turns up quite a bit in Bugs Bunny cartoons, which is proof that it is indeed hilarious.

This just makes it all the more awesome.


I am the fourth person in our department to quit.

Isn't anyone wondering why? If people keep quitting, maybe the problem is not them, you know?


My favourite old shool cartoon will always be Wacky Races. Go Penelope!

Edited by trudi-tru
  • Love 1
Isn't anyone wondering why? If people keep quitting, maybe the problem is not them, you know?



This is what I was wondering too. Is it just coincidence or a sign of a larger problem?


When I quit my last regular 9-5 gig, it was partly because I'd had Chynette and figured freelancing would work better for me, but also because the job had gotten too complicated to do well. I was overseeing content for the website, which meant that I had way too many bosses. Everyone needed something NOW and didn't care that I'd been given other priorities by other bosses. In the three years after I left, they had four different people in that position. Everyone kept quitting for the same reasons (which I told them at my exit interview). I only knew this because every time someone quit, they'd call me and see if I was willing to come in for a few weeks and fill in. Ha!


Can I quit my job too?

Me three?


Isn't anyone wondering why? If people keep quitting, maybe the problem is not them, you know?

This is what I was wondering too. Is it just coincidence or a sign of a larger problem?


When I quit my last regular 9-5 gig, it was partly because I'd had Chynette and figured freelancing would work better for me, but also because the job had gotten too complicated to do well. I was overseeing content for the website, which meant that I had way too many bosses. Everyone needed something NOW and didn't care that I'd been given other priorities by other bosses. In the three years after I left, they had four different people in that position. Everyone kept quitting for the same reasons (which I told them at my exit interview). I only knew this because every time someone quit, they'd call me and see if I was willing to come in for a few weeks and fill in. Ha!

From my experience, "they" are never the problem and seldom learn.



Anyone still watching Fargo? I am enjoying the hell out of that show, it's crazy!

Just caught up last night. There are many WTF moments in that show. Surprised the finale is next week.

ETA: Battle with quote tags

Edited by Endeavour

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