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Small Talk: The Library

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buffyjunkie, my thoughts are with you and your FIL. My mother passed away in March after being in hospice for a few months (aortic aneurysm, COPD and congestive heart failure). She rallied for a while and was actually taken out of hospice in her last month, and we heard lots of stories (well, some anyway) about recoveries from hospice. No idea, obviously, what your FIL's situation is, but I hope he's comfortable and the family is doing okay. If you need anyone to talk to, let me know.

We really need to declutter as well. We always have this big idea that we should pretend we're moving as a motivation to purge. Works for about half a day, then we're back to our wicked ways.

ETA: Big shout-out to harrie for the book, which arrived today! Only read a few pages so far but already fascinated.

Edited by LittleVoice
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I hope you're feeling better today about everything, harrie.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother, Little Voice. I'm currently caring for a parent and try to take it one day at a time. Otherwise it would be overwhelming.

I remember how nervewracking it was when I went through the home buying process. It's so worth it when it's done. I think the biggest and possibly hardest thing to do is be able to walk away if nececessary.

For me, today is off to a good start. Lots of sunshine and beautiful weather. Enjoying my coffee outside. Sometimes it's the simple things.

And I'm giving up on formatting posts from my phone.

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Everyone's familiar with the cliché of the "Terrible Twos," but I thought three was much, much harder. They are so much more verbally competent than they were when they were two, and so much more stubborn! Mine were, anyway. Good luck, Wonderflonium. It'll get better. Then eventually she'll be a teenager, and then the fun really starts. The F-ster and I are in a weird vibe right now where he takes umbrage at everything I say. "Would you like something to eat?" "What? Why? Do I look hungry? Did I ask for food? Why are you always bugging me about stuff?" SO FUN! :/

I'm very sorry for your loss, LittleVoice.

  • Love 1

Testing testing @erratic.  


Did it work?


Also adding good thought and vibes to Littlevoice, Buffyjunkie and harrie


My stepfather has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.  I'm hoping that his doctors can find a treatment so he can stay around for longer.  He is alert and his mind is sharp and he's not ready to die yet.  Fingers are crossed and prayers to the universe.


My caulking adventures have been somewhat successful.  It's MUCH better than it was, but I'm still getting some fumes.  I'm currently searching for more cracks.  And now I'm determined  to find them.


When do you find out about your (new) home AnnieF.


My deepest condolences on your loss Littlevoice. And, vibes to @buffyjunkie, @harrie, and KPC. And, I'll throw in some for @Erratic, who will likely need them, by my count, sometime next week. 


Good luck on the house bid, AnnieF


Edited b/c sometimes the "@name works, and sometimes it doesn't.

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 1

It worked for me on an iPad. Let's see...@Harvester, will this notify and embolden you?

Our house offer was accepted. I'm a bit gobsmacked. The reality of moving is just...too much. Too big to grasp all at once. Aieeeee!!!

Super good vibes for your stepdad, @KittenPokerCheater. :)

Worked on one and not on the other. Huh.

Edited by AnnieF
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@Darkpool, that was an interesting theory, now I'm going to see if this works. I don't get how @Erratic was able to link to everyone -- that was wacky. @Lisin worked for me yesterday, as did @Harvester. @KittenPokerCheater, do you have notifications turned on?

All righty, let's see what works...

Hmm, the only one that didn't work was indeed the one with the period after it, but that's not completely consistent, since @Erratic did bold for you above even with a period after it. Hmmmm. How about now, @Darkpool.

And how about now, @Darkpool?

Some of the coding there changed itself. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Edited by AnnieF
  • Love 2
Hmm, the only one that didn't work was indeed the one with the period after it, but that's not completely consistent, since Erratic did bold for you above even with a period after it.


According to the link Lisin provided, sometimes it works with a period after it and sometimes it fails. Which is what we're seeing here. So it won't be completely consistent. Not a huge problem, really; just don't do the @ thing at the end of a declarative sentence.

Edited by Darkpool
Our house offer was accepted. I'm a bit gobsmacked. The reality of moving is just...too much. Too big to grasp all at once. Aieeeee!!!


Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  Congrats!  Take a second to bask in the awesomeness of it all.


Thanks for all the good stepfather vibes.  And much sympathy for you endeavour.    And hugs to you too with all you are going through as well harrie and littlevoice.


the @ thing seems very inconsistent as of yet.  Which is okay.  "Glark" (Hurray our guy is on the case!) will figure it all out.


Yay to a great Orphan Black episode last night.  Wowza.


I've started watching some Farscape again.  God help me, John and Aeryn have smoking chemistry.

  • Love 4

Our house offer was accepted. I'm a bit gobsmacked. The reality of moving is just...too much. Too big to grasp all at once. Aieeeee!!!

@AnnieF, that's fantastic news! 


I hope they are able to help your stepfather, KPC. I'm in the opposite situation with my mom - physically very healthy but memory is going.

I'm sorry to hear that @Endeavor. I've got the same situation with my mom. Please don't hesitate to come here and blow off steam when you have one of "those" days dealing with your mom. 


While I was hoping for a better morning, weather-wise, softball went well. My team won big both games and I hit like I rarely have before. Some people were accusing me of taking some additional help.I promised to have my own tests done by my own lab, and will furnish everyone with a report written by those I have hired. (A little Chris Christie riff.)

  • Love 4

Thanks everyone. Your good thoughts are very much appreciated.


My SIL is in that situation and I think it's harder than the other way around. (Depending on severity, which is high in her mom's case.)


It's early-mid stages now. I try to take it one day at a time, but it's difficult knowing what lies ahead.


I've got the same situation with my mom. Please don't hesitate to come here and blow off steam when you have one of "those" days dealing with your mom.


I am sorry to hear that you're in the same situation and I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and your mom as well.


I've started watching some Farscape again.  God help me, John and Aeryn have smoking chemistry.


I watched Farscape through Netflix after it aired. I don't think I gave it the full attention it deserved, but I didn't seem to like it as much as most people. I liked it, but I wouldn't call it a favorite of mine.

Edited by Endeavour
Our house offer was accepted. I'm a bit gobsmacked. The reality of moving is just...too much.

Congratulations on the new house, Annie! Take deep breaths and start packing :-)



Major vibes for those dealing with sick parents. My thoughts are with you. As an only child, I dread the day my parents will start getting old.


Sorry about your loss, LittleVoice.

  • Love 1

Echoing the vibes for those dealing with aging parents and step-parents.  I seem to have reached the part of my life where I see friends dealing with this too and I don't look forward to it, although it does make me grateful for my siblings and niblings.  (The latter won't be much help at 3 and 5 years old, but I am officially working that word into my everyday vocabulary.)

Hugs on the loss of your Mom, @LittleVoice -- this place (well, these people in the other TWoP place) were my solace in the time after we lost my Mom a few years back.


My team won big both games and I hit like I rarely have before. Some people were accusing me of taking some additional help.I promised to have my own tests done by my own lab, and will furnish everyone with a report written by those I have hired. (A little Chris Christie riff.)

Hooray and hahah, @Loandbehold !

Congrats on the house, @AnnieF ! Let me know if you need any weekend help--I'll drive up and pack boxes by day, casino by night!


Had a major busy weekend with major house cleaning-out myself, yard sale, and laying out my dad's summer vegetable garden (involves weeding, rototilling, redwood framing, digging, etc.) Major outcome is that I've been going to bed before the new Trivia comes up at 11:30 pm! Missed one and almost missed another! The extra sleep has been nice, though.

  • Love 1

Let me know if you need any weekend help--I'll drive up and pack boxes by day, casino by night!

@cko, do not tempt me. The move is going to be hard, because moving is hard. I keep trying to remind myself. I may press you into service (although not right now 'cause it looks like it's trying to snow over the pass). ;)

Closing is in approx. 30 days. And then I have to get some renovation done on my current house before we can sell it. This would be easier to plan if I could get a contractor to answer the goddamn phone. Does anyone know a trick? How to find a contractor? So far I have had zero luck.

My parents are still compos mentis and functional, but I can see them aging and I know I've got some caretaking in my future. Mr F's grandma (the 97-year-old who they were going to do surgery on) is doing better. They did NOT do surgery, thank goodness. She's on Vicodin, so yeah, she feels better. Is there worry about creating a dependency? Yeah, but man, she's 97 years old. If she gets hooked on pain meds, does it really matter?

Thanks for all the house vibes. I keep stopping and wondering if it's the right thing to do (it is) and fretting about moving (it'll be fine) and anxiety, wheeeee!!!! :)

Edited by AnnieF
Is there worry about creating a dependency? Yeah, but man, she's 97 years old. If she gets hooked on pain meds, does it really matter?



When Mr. C's grandpa was well into his 90s, he started eating a LOT of candy. Like munching on M&Ms all day until he was too full to eat at dinnertime. When his wife and daughters would give him a hard time about it, he'd say, "What's it gonna do--kill me?"

  • Love 3

"What's it gonna do--kill me?"

Right? If she becomes dependent on the relatively low dose they've got her on, the worst that happens is that they have to keep upping the dose. She has a LOT of room to go in that direction, and this is a lady who thinks a glass of wine with dinner is a smidge daring ("Should I have wine? Ooh, maybe just a glass, teehee,") so we're really not in hard-core addict territory here. If she spends a couple of years at the end of her life having to take pain pills to function and stay happy, so be it.
Yay to a great Orphan Black episode last night.  Wowza.


  See now, that last ep was my least favorite of the three.It wasn't bad by any stretch, just not as great/interesting as the first two. We seem to be on opposite views KPC!  Vive la difference! And hope your stepdad is doing ok.


AnnieF-  good luck with the move, sounds exciting and a little scary all at once. But you'll be fine...because...woo hoo new house!


Harvester- good luck and job-y vibes to you!


Vibes for all the parent concerns.

Edited by Valny

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