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Small Talk: The Library

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I agree with endeavor, the electrical outlets and other fixtures will need caulking too. Have you also considered telling your landlord?

Orphan Black is like Game of Thrones or Walking Dead for me. I like them all well enough, enjoy them frequently, but they haven't grabbed me as tight as they've grabbed others. I watch them, but I PVR them and don't have to watch them as soon as they air.

The only show that I have to watch live, and this is embarrassing, is Greys Anatomy. Everything else, I'll watch when I get around to it.

Oh, OITNB I will probably devour in a weekend when it comes out.

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The only show that I have to watch live, and this is embarrassing, is Greys Anatomy.


No judging here.


I watch a few shows and, when I mention them to certain people, always feel compelled to say "Don't judge me."


Will probably watch OITNB the same way.

Edited by Endeavour
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Fingers are crossed for good auditions vibes. :)

And KPC, like Erratic said, what about talking to your landlord? If there are tenants who are creating a quality-of-life issue for other tenants, hopefully they'll want to know about it.

Edited by AnnieF
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I will talk to the building/landlord and see what they say.  I just don't want to start some kind of a mean feeling with my neighbor.  How does one block up an electrical outlet (and can one do so without losing its ability to work)?


Photos re: dark hair.  I will post it at the other place.  I haven't "come out" on Facebook with my new hair just yet, because I am waiting for new pictures.  Also, I don't have many photos.  But Barphe has seen me, and she seemed to like it.  And I'm enjoying the double takes from people when they first see the new 'do.


Audition went well, I think.  But it's always such a roll of the dice.  I just want to book some shakespeare. 


I still dvd grey's, but oh, I wish the show was better.  And that Christina and Owen were getting a happy ending with each other. 


What did people do with their day today?  Anything fun?

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How does one block up an electrical outlet (and can one do so without losing its ability to work)?


They make foam insulation for outlets and light switches. Home Depot sells them.


Nothing too fun today but, after a craptastic day at work, I did have a nice dinner with relatives.

Edited by Endeavour
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I worked, went to yoga, and dyed my hair--nothing fancy, but I have a lot of gray.

As I was planning my NY trip, my sister mentioned her NY office might have tickets to the broadway show I wanted to see. They did, but it turns out she paid for them--$700! I never wanted her to pay for anything, and I would never buy tickets at that price. She isn't asking me to pay her, but I feel like a loser if I don't. She keeps saying they are a gift, but that is one hell of a gift. I don't want to be rude or ungrateful, and I do want to see the show badly. How does Miss Manners advise people to behave when they are the recipients of unexpected, extravagant gifts?

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Just remember that val is your pimplicist. Better not piss her off.



Heh (see: S6 Willow)


I really like KPC's new hair color! Did you do it yourself or someone did it for you? Does that shade of brown have a name?

Good luck with The Bard audition!


Damn, Hedwig tickets are pricey.


   Did you see the movie Harvester?  I really liked some of the tunes in the film. Wonder if they'll keep any of them for the play or do they do all originals.


Anyone watching Fargo?  I've liked what I've seen so far in the first two eps.

Edited by Valny
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How does Miss Manners advise people to behave when they are the recipients of unexpected, extravagant gifts?



How about taking her to a nice dinner before the show? Not a $700 dinner, but something nice just to show your appreciation.

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Anyone watching Fargo? I've liked what I've seen so far in the first two eps.

I'm watching. While there a couple of things that haven't worked for me, overall I like it.

Edited by Endeavour
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harvester, I understand you feel uncomfortable with the gift. I don't know your sister, but if she bought it, obviously she can afford it and wants you to have it.

Chyna's suggestion seems a good compromise. Enjoy the show.

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Agree on the Enjoy the Show, harvester! Maybe one day an opportunity will come along where you can do something similar....


Must see KPC's new look! Hope the audition went awesomely!


I'm trying Fargo, but the problem is that it's on too late and I can't quite concentrate on it. I think I might do better watching it online. It's a good mix of violent, quirky, campy, funny, dramatic, and very well done, so I don't find the violence and yuck too hard to take. Especially when I keep nodding off.....

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Sounds like you have a good relationship with your sister, harvester. I'm sure she wants you to have the tickets. I agree that you can take her out for dinner or buy her a small gift to thank her. Enjoy the show.


Especially when I keep nodding off.....


I hate when that happens. Even when I'm interested in a show, there are times that I can't stay awake. I'm not talking about 1 or 2 in the morning either. A lot of times when that happens, I keep trying to rewind the show and finish it. Eventually I just give up and watch another day.


ETA: Thanks, Erratic. I replied.

Edited by Endeavour
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KPC - I used to live above a heavy smoker, and after he moved out above some kids who smoked not-cigarettes in the bathroom, which was directly below my bathroom.  I found that fans and an air-purifier were the best I could do.  They did help a little bit, but I second/third the suggestion to talk to the landlord.


Harvester -That was really sweet of your sister.  You could bring her back a nice souvenir from your trip, and then the next time it is her birthday or gift-giving holiday, go a bit bigger than you normally would.  Gives you time to think of just the right way to thank her.


All this talk of hair dying.  I have way too much gray and I hate it, but not as much as I hate spending the time and mess it takes to dye my hair.  Maybe I should become one of those women with a standing salon appointment.  It might be worth the money, I don't know.

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I get my hair colored about every 8 weeks. Which ain't cheap, but it's the only girly thing I do for myself, plus I'm just not ready to have as much grey as I do. And I also am a natural redhead who has faded with age, as many of us redheads do (my cousins refuse to believe this, but c'mon. Ain't none of us has the red hair that we used to) and I don't want to give up my color, so I have it done to approximate what used to be my natural color.

harvester, I agree with everyone: thank her nicely, maybe give her something a bit nicer than usual next time, and beyond that, you're not on the hook. The giving of an extravagant gift does not obligate the recipient to return in kind. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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As I was planning my NY trip, my sister mentioned her NY office might have tickets to the broadway show I wanted to see. They did, but it turns out she paid for them--$700! I never wanted her to pay for anything, and I would never buy tickets at that price. She isn't asking me to pay her, but I feel like a loser if I don't. She keeps saying they are a gift, but that is one hell of a gift. I don't want to be rude or ungrateful, and I do want to see the show badly. How does Miss Manners advise people to behave when they are the recipients of unexpected, extravagant gifts?

Harvester, I believe Miss Manners would say that you should "pay it forward." I know that I could use a large screen HDTV. Just a suggestion. Or, you know, go the safe, boring (and totally reasonable) route of buying your sister dinner, or a little more expensive gift the next time such an opportunity presents itself.

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I am 41. I'm turning 42 in a month or so, and still can brag no grey hairs (except for that one pesky pube that's been grey since I was 14. Well, obviously not the exact same one, but one single grey pube every couple of months pops up. It's weird). What is sad is that I always fancied going grey in my 20's. I thought that it would be cool and make me look distinguished to be prematurely grey, but now, the longer that I am not grey, the more that I am depressed about finding that first (well, second) grey hair. Like, that's it.

My parents are arriving on Saturday for six weeks. Can I have a drink please?

Edited by Erratic
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I don't want to give up my color, so I have it done to approximate what used to be my natural color.



Ditto. I dye mine with color from a box (which is much easier with light brown as compared to red or dark colors) because my hair grows SO fast, I couldn't afford the time or the money it would take to go to a salon. I have a friend my age whose "gray" came in almost solid white, so she went for it, and it looks really pretty. Mine is sort of an uneven dark and light gray, with some spots still my original color. Not attractive at all.

Edited by Chyna
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Six weeks with your parents might fix that pesky gray hair problem, Erratic.  At least it would for me*.


ETA:  *Six weeks with my parents.  Not your parents.  I don't know your parents. .

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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Erratic - Are they staying with you or near you? Do you get to see them often? I'm sure it will be a nice visit but that's a long time.



Today I got hammered with an unexpected tax bill of $2400, so that really sucks hard.


Ouch! Sorry to hear that.

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Oh, they are staying with me. They are coming over from England, and even though I live about 15 minutes from Edmonton International airport, they always fly into Calgary. Which is about 360km away, so I also have a lovely 6 hour drive to look forward to on Saturday.


Harvester, that really does suck. Ugh :(

Edited by Erratic
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Today I got hammered with an unexpected tax bill of $2400, so that really sucks hard.


Aw no. How did that happen harvester? (if I may ask)   There really needs to be a thumbs down icon for posts like this.


Raining like crazy all day(and night) and it's really cold too. (in the 40's) This is not very Springy weather damn it!

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It was my fault really. When I left my job in MI, I was paid for my shitload of sick days. I thought that was on my W2, but I really didn't check. Since I signed a form to get the cash, it counted as a retirement withdrawal. They sent the forms to the wrong address, and I just never checked. That boosted my income, so my other deductions don't count. Now I haven't a big fat tax bill.

Note to self: pay more attention.

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Since I signed a form to get the cash, it counted as a retirement withdrawal.



But your sick days aren't retirement funds--the rules about what is and isn't a retirement withdrawal are pretty strict, and I'm wondering if your previous employer is doing it wrong. Maybe you should double-check with a tax accountant before you pay it, just to be sure.

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That truly sucks, harvester.


I'm turning 42 in a month or so, and still can brag no grey hairs

I hate you a little bit. But since I'm very magnanimous, you can have a drink on me.

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State-mandated school tests are coming up next week, and since the F-ster is doing online school, I have received approximately 800 billion email reminders about when and where he needs to go to take the CRT (criterion referenced test, but to me it'll always be cathode ray tube ;) ). Two test days happen at St. Mary's. Huh. That's the hospital where his dad and younger brother were born. Interesting that they have to scramble to find space for the testing to happen.

I think we are going to move house. We've lived here for thirteen years, and to say that we are entrenched would be putting it mildly. But new house! Exciting! (New to me, not actually new. The house we're going to make an offer on was built in 1958.) I keep looking around, thinking about how to pack up. So far I have allowed inertia to win, although I do have one whole box full of books, and almost a bookshelf's-worth of books to give away. Blergh. Anyone wanna come over and help me pack?

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I am 41. I'm turning 42 in a month or so, and still can brag no grey hairs (except for that one pesky pube that's been grey since I was 14. Well, obviously not the exact same one, but one single grey pube every couple of months pops up. It's weird). What is sad is that I always fancied going grey in my 20's. I thought that it would be cool and make me look distinguished to be prematurely grey, but now, the longer that I am not grey, the more that I am depressed about finding that first (well, second) grey hair. Like, that's it.

My parents are arriving on Saturday for six weeks. Can I have a drink please?

1. You worked hard to get to 42. I'd say enjoy it. Alternative - move here. We venerate our elderly.

2. I've had fray hair since I was 9 years old, so it's really, really, really not a sign of ageing. And I used to insist on not covering my greys to reinforce that. But then a friend said, do Henna / Mehendi - you'll get red strands in all the black  - it will look nice. So that's what I've been doing since I was - 21? I should get them done every 2 months, every six months is what happens. But it's got the added benefit of conditioning my hair and no harmful chemicals even. Is that a possibility for you?

3. That seems to be all I have to say. I have to get up and go to work in 5 hours. Gak. 

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Hey fellow Whedonaholics! 

Who wants to join me in a rewatch of Angel? 




If there's enough interest, I may even attempt the great Buffy-verse rewatch in it's entirety, meaning Buffy 1-3, then coordinating Angel and Buffy together. 

Rewatch will commence around May 16. (I need to finish out my semester and not lose myself in Sunnydale/LA. Think Anatomy and Physiology, not Shanshu and vengeance demons!) 

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A move, AnnieF?  So cool!  And you can get your F-sters to help you pack (aren't they teenagers without boundless energy and appetite?)  And at least one of them is home during school hours.  


Don't pay that tax bill til you've done some investigation on this crazy bill harvester.  Chyna's advice seems very sound.


Erratic, your parents are coming for SIX weeks and they can't fly into the closer airport? What's wrong with the edmonton airport?  I hope/pray you get on well with your folks, because six weeks can be a long time.


Valny, I have some shoes that may never dry, after Wednesdays downpour.  Hope you are mostly dried out now.


My hair is on the 5 scale (1-10 according to Redkin.  The guy who is doing it mixes these professional colors of some kind).  I did the math, it's about the same price as getting highlights every six months.  If I wait too long, the blond that will come in will make me look like I'm going bald (or becoming Cruella DeVille).


Today I'm going to caulk around the outlet.  Which requires moving a couch, a carpet and a bookshelf.  Who needs the gym when I have all the weight lifting/pushing going around?

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The upside of the insanity which accompanies moving AnnieF is all the new energy you get after sifting & winnowing through your old stuff. 


Sorry about the tax bill harvester.


I'd love to do an AtS rewatch Mya but it just isn't going to happen.  In addition to all of the end of school year craziness, my FIL has just entered hospice.


Taylork, just a shout out to make sure you are safe and well.

Edited by buffyjunkie
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We're going to actually write the offer today. I am so anxious, blergh. Thanks for the vibes, everyone. :)

Thinking good thoughts about your FIL, buffyjunkie.

Mya, I would love to do an AtS rewatch (I lurve AtS. I think it is a better show than BtVS) but I kind of have a lot going on. Heh. Books are so frelling annoying to pack. There are never enough small boxes. Never. You go and pick up a great load of boxes, and then they are not sufficient for the task, because SO MANY GODDAMN BOOKS. It's heresy, and I never thought I'd say this, but e-books are the bestest invention ever. They don't take up space and gather dust and weigh a ton. ;)

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The only good part about packing to move is purging.  It feels so good to finally rid myself of clothes that don't fit or college text books or [fill in the blank].  The rest is so much stress and chaos though - good luck AnnieF.  I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end.


I am just wrapping my Buffy rewatch right now actually, and with my schedule it would be hard to take part in something coordinated so I'll have to pass too Mya.  I don't know if I like AtS more, or just have warm fuzzies for it because I actually came to it before I came to Buffy, but I love it just the same.  The show got so delightfully whack-a-doodle.  There's not enough whack-a-doodle on TV these days.


Does anyone have fun plans for the weekend?  I'll be having friends over to watch the Kentucky Derby tomorrow.  Entertaining always sounds like fun when you think to do it.  Why can't the execution of it ever look like it does on the Food Network?

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Thanks for posting, guys. If you'd like to check in as we go, that's fine too. You're more than welcome to post randomly as we go! In fact, I encourage it. :) 

buffyjunkie, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. Thinking of you and your family! 

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The upside of the insanity which accompanies moving AnnieF is all the new energy you get after sifting & winnowing through your old stuff.



Yeah, there's a part of me that thinks moving would be a good thing for us only because it would force the kids to go through all of their crap and get rid of some of it.

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I'm beginning the sorting, and it is...daunting. We have too much crap. I've got to figure out where to donate all the books I'm getting rid of. Public library? This is a job for Professor Google, I think.

Public library it is! Yay! That's good -- I've got a ton of books to give them. Cool. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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You and your FIL are in my thoughts, buffyjunkie.


Years ago I decluttered and I've tried to keep up with it since. It's so easy to let things build up though. I really try to be brutal with getting rid of things - donate what I can.

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Sorting through the junk is my never ending battle. Seriously, how do 3 people accumulate so much stuff? We had yard sale two weeks ago, I sold a bunch of kids stuff at a consignment sale and made a big book/clothes donation and the closets still looks as full as before. It defies the laws of physics.

I would love to do an Angel re-watch, there is large chunk of season 2 I have never seen, even with the DVDs sitting in a drawer in my house. But I can't keep up with the shows I want to watch now, so I don't foresee that happening any time soon.

The chicklet is going through a serious threenager phase right now. Where did my sweet baby get so much attitude? It's exhausting. I need like a 3 day nap.

Vibes buffyjunkie

Edited by Wonderflonium
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My battle with clutter also seldom abates.  I don't know how it happens- seriously.  I am endeavoring to be more ruthless with throwing things out.  Tonight I'm going to be clutter/tidying/looking for more places to caulk.  Right now, the dust and neighbor's (not to be confused with the awesome neighbor) incense are winning.


I need to make more money.  

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Harvester, I agree about getting an official opinion on that tax bill and wish you luck.


Buffyjunkie, my thoughts are with you and your FIL. 


AnnieF, I'm positively jealous that you're moving.  We've been thinking/talking/planning about one for years - we've been in this place, a condo, for 23+ years - and when it comes to actually getting painting or kitchen/bath redo quotes, we just kind of tail off..  And if anyone wants to feel better about their clutter issues, I can probably send you some pictures that will do just that.  (Mom gave me the hoarding/clutter gene, much as I try to fight it.)  So hearing about someone who's actually doing the move thing is exciting, vicariously at least, and also envy-inducing.  


The Maren Sanchez* wake was across the street from my office yesterday and it was depressing in multiple ways.  People lined up as far as the eye could see, and a circus of onlookers and news trucks everywhere else. I have no involvement with anyone involved, but am bummed nonetheless.  Just venting in the hope that it will sort of release the bum, sorry.   (I also work in Sandy Hook one day a week; must get new job.)



*Maren Sanchez is a high school girl who was stabbed to death last week by a classmate in school; I think it made national news. 

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Oh harrie, that does sound tough. There was a shooting here in Sparks last year that made national news (kid killed a teacher and himself) and that made me...I don't know, vicariously sad? Sharing in the communal sense of loss? Whatever it is, I think it's a valid response for us to have to tragedy close to us. I hope you're feeling okay. :)

We made the offer. Now to see if he accepts, or if there's a counter (we didn't offer full list price). I had forgotten how absolutely nerve-racking this home-buying dealio is. There is STRESS.

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