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Small Talk: The Library

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Anyone trying new fall shows? Gotham looks like it's worth a try, but otherwise, I am not sure.



I really wanted that John Cho/Karen Gillan sitcom to be good because I love those actors, but the ads make it look... not good.

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I was mean to people. Was Doubledare?


Yeah, the whole point of Doubledare was that nobody could stand her because she was such a bitca.


Someone had a dream that included a TWoPper called Doubledare that everyone hated. And then some anonymous person made her so.

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Lo, can you give your Mom copies of her documents and keep the originals yourself? Just to avoind going through the replacement process again.


Anyone trying new fall shows? Gotham looks like it's worth a try, but otherwise, I am not sure.

Yes, you all get down to it, so you can tell me what's worth checking out. Are you listening, val?

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I've only been gone a few days and you've all shared so much.  Major work and eldercare vibes to those in need, and safe travels to all travelers.  Oh and fuck MS and shitty exes!


I am watching Outlander.  A friend gave me her books years ago and I read the first few.  They weren't for me, but Mr. Earl loved them (go fig?), so the show is one of the few things we can watch together without a fuss.  He's enjoying the story, I'm just in it for the lush scenery, brogues, and horses. 

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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I still want to know who Pepperpot was. I suspected trudi but I don't know if we ever found out.


So Sunday evening, I sent out the last of my many big projects that I've been working on this summer. I managed to get a few errands done yesterday and I actually got to watch a little TV last night. Then just before I went to bed, I got an email with revisions for Project #2. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

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Lo, can you give your Mom copies of her documents and keep the originals yourself?

trudi-tru, I can make copies so I have the phone numbers and registration numbers, etc., but I can't keep the originals. She needs to present them as proof of ID, or to get her prescriptions, as well as for doctors and hospitals.


Wishing general vibes to all and also being curious about the mysterious Pepperpot.

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I thought neighbors was Pepperpot?

The mystery of the decade....Who Is Pepperpot? dun dun dun!


(Hannibal (the show) has cute dogs and nothing bad happens to them.) (Well, from a dog's point of view.)


Oh he still has all those dogs?  I loved seeing them, they were so adorable but I always feared for them!  I stalled somewhere in midseason one and haven't gone back to watching. I was waiting for it to come hopefully on Netflix so I can try to restart,but it hasn't.   But the other day my friend's son said he would let me use his Amazon Prime account so I could watch it that way. Sweet kid.


Anyone trying new fall shows?


Is the Pope Catholic?  Hell yes I will be trying new shows but as last year, I am more looking forward to the returning stuff.


Yes, you all get down to it, so you can tell me what's worth checking out. Are you listening, val?

You know I'm all over that trudi_tru! I've been loving things on Netflix too, so I can recommend some things there..although I've been doing that on my FB page.


Speaking of things on Netflix, if anyone missed our KPC when she was on the two-parter of The Blacklist, you can watch her now on Netflix. It's episodes nine and ten.  Near the end of ep#9 about the 39 minute mark is where her first appearance is, in the group hostage scene. She gets some good screen time and you can see her very clearly. And also in the beginning of episode 10.

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Lots of Pepperpot denials, and even more conspicuous silences. Curioser and curioser.


Today I had a cortisone shot for my (non-)golfer's elbow. After more than two months of exercises and other remedies, my recovery had plateaued. Basically, sports-wise, I'm on the disabled list for a week. Which really sucks. I am going to the NY Giants football game this Sunday, which also has the potential to really suck given how the Giants have placed so far. Still, this will be the first non-December pro football game that I've seen. Football in 80 degree weather. Not freezing my ass off. What an interesting concept.

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Hell yes I will be trying new shows but as last year, I am more looking forward to the returning stuff.


Valny, which new shows are you planning to watch? I'm excited for returning shows like Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, and Arrow, as well as Agents of Shield (we'll see), Supernatural (although I need to finish season 9), Elementary, The Blacklist (maybe), and Brooklyn 99 (can't believe I'm hooked on a 1/2 hour comedy), but the only new show I'm planning on watching so far is The Flash.


Bryan Fuller has said, "We would never actually kill the dogs," on Hannibal, so I feel safe checking out season three. I'm out if he breaks that promise, though.

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Was Pepperpot neighbors? My memory says "throw that at the wall, see if it sticks."

Right, I missed it the first time, but Harvester has also guessed neighbors. There needs to be fessing up now, please. :P

Edited by AnnieF
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Valny, which new shows are you planning to watch? I'm excited for returning shows like Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, and Arrow, as well as Agents of Shield (we'll see), Supernatural (although I need to finish season 9), Elementary, The Blacklist (maybe), and Brooklyn 99 (can't believe I'm hooked on a 1/2 hour comedy), but the only new show I'm planning on watching so far is The Flash.



As far as new shows, the only thing on my Definitely Will Watch list, is going to just be Gracepoint (loved the original British series it's taken from,I don't care if the US remake is the same,I'm still watching)

I think I'll give Showtime's, The Affair a look.

Stuff I might take a look at:  How to Get Away with Murder(only because Viola Davis is in it...but I have a feeling I won't stick with it),

Black-ish(I know! but only because it got some good reviews believe it or not) and maybe The McCarthy's(another sitcom)

But as far as returning shows, I adore/love my American Horror Story! I have high hopes it's going to be awesome this season, since it's taking place at a friggin Freak Show!!  Love me some SleepyHollow (that's the only one I have in common with you Ace), The Voice(two new judges this season, so we'll see how that works out), the batshit crazy/ridiculous The Following and I guess the last returning show I'm looking forward to is The Fosters,which I think returns I think in January. Oh and I don't know if Playing House has been renewed, as of yet, no word. But I loved that sitcom on the USA channel.

And I don't really love it anymore, but I guess I will still watch The Vampire Diaries. I really am ready for it to go away though. I barely got through last season; I was on the brink of cutting it loose.


I started watching The Bridge S1.  I have four eps to go.  It's getting good. I'd like to catch up with Hannibal someday.


I have this on my FB wall if anyone is interested, Fall TV 2014- Every Single New show Previewed  I love these things.


Loandbehold-  hope the Giants give the fans a win when you go, it's going to get ugly if they don't. Do you know where you're sitting? Does the cortisone shot hurt like a mother?

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valny, no idea where the seats are. Given the price, I'm assuming nose bleed seats. The cortisone shot surprisingly didn't hurt. I had a little tingling through the fingers, but it's not feeling sore. Hopefully I'll begin feeling better in a few days. 

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I'm going to give 'How to Get Away with Murder' and 'Gracepoint' a go, but my expectations are very low.

I might also try 'Gotham'.

I watched 'Red Band' or whatever the hell that saccharine piece of crap was tonight about the dying but oh so strong kids in hospital. Pretty sure there is no need to get too attached to that non-musical hospital Glee show. #CancelledPool

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Agreed about Red Band. Too bad, because the actors are pretty good, but the plot is way too saccharine. And Octavia Spencer deserves better than that "tough nurse with a heart of gold" cliche she's been saddled with.

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I don't know about saccharine, but I wouldn't touch Red Band society with 20 gloves on. Just the thought of it is making my eyes tear up. 


By the way, did anyone watch The Mindy Project premiere? Wow, just wow. That is how you start a season. And I can't wait for where they go from here. 

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Nah, I'm 33 and he's hot. He's hot despite how short he is. That floors me. 


Plus, I also love how Mindy Kaling gets it. She's totally me in a relationship. Plus that white man being interested in her line (trying to be non spoiler-y) is just so true of a lot of the mindset I see here, so that hit very close to home. I find TMP Austenesque - incisive social commentary wrapped in a romantic package. 

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Wowie.  So much.


If you like, val, I will post at the other place.   The last piece on Wednesday I was in a gown- then we had a walk-away lunch.  I felt like a true hipster, skirts hiked up with boots and sunglasses, looking for a place to grab a snack.  I wandered (briefly) into the San Gennaro Festival.  Can you guess that I grabbed a slice?


Many many vibes Barpje, for dealing with your Mil.  How sad that she is tossing around accusations like that.  


LnB, have a great time at the game- and how is the cortisone working for you?


Anne, so glad that you are mostly dry.  So sorry about the unhappy foster dog sitch.  


I love the Mindy show.  She is also I (for the grammar nazis) when it comes to my inner romantic life.  Chris Messina gets hotter and hotter.  


I'm checking out Flash, and Red band society (haven't watched it yet but its on my dvr).  I may have to give up on Sleepy Hollow.  I love Icky but the plot line started to get a little too confusing to me in the last few episodes.  Those are the only new shows I can think of off the top of my head.  There is such a glut of superhero shows this season, so I think I'll stick with Arrow and (please be good)  Flash.  If Gotham gets lots of happy buzz here, I will check it out.


I always thought Pepperpot was either Erratic/b] or Buffyjunkie or Neighbors.  

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I'm beginning to wonder if Pepperpot was part of a collective psychosis and never actually existed.


The cortisone shot seems to be working. Yesterday and today there has been a total absence of not just pain, but discomfort. Sort of like what happened after I had the arthroscopic on my knee. You don't realize that you're really not OK until you have this lack of sensation and think, "oh, yeah, that's the way it's supposed to feel." Hopefully it will stay this way even after the cortisone has fully worn off.

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The F-ster has his first debate tournament this weekend (starts this afternoon, concludes on Saturday) and I am so vicariously nervous I can't stand it. Ugh, it is sometimes SO HARD to stand back and let your kids do their thing. I always do -- stand back, I mean -- but sometimes it ain't easy. We had a hilarious time finding proper clothes for him; he is 6' and has a 26-inch waist. Try finding pants in size 26x32. Yeahno, they don't exist. And a suit was just out of the question. If the sleeves are long enough, the rest of the shirt is too big (his shirt size is 14x33. Good luck with that! Argh). So he got a couple of dress shirts, Calvin Klein slim fit, and a vest, and black chino pants that are 28x32 and can be belted.

Woo, clothes. Heh. And he got a haircut, so his face is actually visible. Amazing. ;)

I hope the cortisone continues to work, L&b. I get facet joint injections in my neck/shoulder, have been doing so for several years now, and they're very helpful. The benefits last about a year for me, and when it starts hurting again, I go back to Dr Awesome and get shot up again. (Background info: Dr Awesome got her name several years ago when I was still seeing a neurologist who was completely unhelpful with my MS pain, and in desperation I went to another doc, who turned out to be the wonderful Dr Awesome, who listened to me and actually helped me. She got me a TENS unit, she figured out the joint iniections, she worked with me on pain meds, she is Awesome).

Vibes to all. :)

Edited by AnnieF
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We had a hilarious time finding proper clothes for him; he is 6' and has a 26-inch waist. Try finding pants in size 26x32. Yeahno, they don't exist.



Heh. At least with girls, we have the "skinny jeans" option. They're just regular jeans on Ms. Beanpole who is as tall as a high school freshman but with the body structure of an 11-year-old.

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as tall as a high school freshman but with the body structure of an 11-year-old.

Urgh, yes. The F-ster has the height of an adult, and the arm length. But his neck, shoulders, and waist are teeny, so there's no way he can wear real men's dress clothes yet. They look like dress-up clothes on him, even though they fit in the arms and legs.

He is competing right now. I am trying to be chill, heh. I just want it to go well for him.

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Just updating y'all re: my progress.

-Paperwork part almost complete.

-Official 24 hours of training hits hard in October.

-Am swinging between excitement and extreme terror, as we aren't looking for sweet unsullied babies but troubled 2-5 year olds.

And the waiting to keep moving forward is hard, especially with the research and reading.

Vibes to all!

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No capes! /Edna Mode. You can be SuperMom while cape-free. ;)

The first day of competition went well, it sounds like; Mr F has gone to pick up the F-ster, so I haven't heard the full story yet, but he broke (he broke into the final round). Which is about the best possible way it could've gone, so yay! They don't award trophies for today's events until tomorrow, so he doesn't know yet if he trophied. But he broke, which is a very big deal. Tomorrow he does a different event (Lincoln/Douglas debate) and I think the confidence boost from doing well today will be a good thing.

Mostly I feel proud of him and giant relief at the same time, heh.

Edited by AnnieF
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Will a double post merge to become one post? Let's find out.

The F-ster forgot his cases -- his pre-written arguments for the L/D topic. He never even brought them home; apparently they are still living on the school's network, which is a closed system (inaccessible except if you're actually in the computer lab). Siiiiiiiiiigh. So, I don't know what'll happen today. I told him to go straight to his coach and tell her what's up; my guess is that he'll be DQ'd and have to just observe other competitors. He inoculated himself against getting serious meanness from his teammates by doing so well in his Individual Event yesterday, but there's still going to be some crap that he has to take for screwing up. He teared up in the car when I dropped him off, because he knew he was going to take some shit. All I could say was, "Yep, and you deserve some ribbing for screwing up. But you did very well yesterday, you showed that you can compete, and it's the first tournament, so it could be worse." And then I watched him walk into the school and my heart broke for him. Damn it.

Mr F mentioned that it was going to happen sooner or later, so it's better to happen now when it isn't actually important, and hopefully this'll be seared into the F-ster's brain so he'll never forget his shit again. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Edited by AnnieF
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How did everything go yesterday for the F-ster, AnnieF?


Glad you are feeling better, LnB. I've been having similar pain in one arm for over a year and a half but haven't seen a doctor about it yet. I know I'll have to do that eventually. Outside of the pain, the most annoying for me is that I was trying to get back to playing/relearning the guitar and it made it impossible.


Last week was a rough one for me. I'm covering for someone at work and keeping up with everything was exhausting. Lots of late nights and early mornings. I'll be covering again for most of this week. This weekend has been busy too - spent a good chunk of yesterday working on cleaning out my mom's house. We made good progress there. I'm looking forward to relaxing a bit today.


I have this on my FB wall if anyone is interested, Fall TV 2014- Every Single New show Previewed  I love these things


Thanks for this Valny. I don't know what new shows to check out and this will definitely help. Going to read it now with the morning coffee.

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How did evening work out for the F-let?  After his gaffe, I am very certain he's never going to forget his notes again.  


Hugs endeavour, on your stressful week to come.


Last week was such a great work week for me- and thus far, nothing scheduled for this week. 


Massive vibes for all.  I hope this week is filled with happiness and kittens and bunnies and unicorns. 

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Last week was a rough one for me. I'm covering for someone at work and keeping up with everything was exhausting. Lots of late nights and early mornings. I'll be covering again for most of this week.


  Oh been there,done that a number of times at work Endeavour, so I feel ya and empathize.  Just think of it as, all I have to do is get through this week and I'll be alright.  My mantra for stressful times at work is usually, "If I can get through this, I can get through anything." Guess that can apply to most tough times in life too.


How was the Giants game Loandbehold? I know they won, so I'm glad you got to see their first win.  How was it getting in and out of the stadium?


Mr F mentioned that it was going to happen sooner or later, so it's better to happen now when it isn't actually important, and hopefully this'll be seared into the F-ster's brain so he'll never forget his shit again. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.



Yes, hopefully F-ster will learn from this life lesson. He's gonna be fine.


I see Monday is rolling around again. Oy. 

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Newcomers to the MM might not know that, in general, husbands of the group come in extra-long, resulting in these tall, skinny offspring.

I'm putting in an early call for vibes: Dad's second post-chemo endoscopy is Friday morning, and I'm crazy-nervous.

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Post-chemo-endoscopy vibes to HostileDad, and calm get-through-the-week vibes to you Hostile.  Work and pain-free vibes to all who need them. 


Annie I too am curious what "break" means in debate world.  I hope day 2 was not too rough for F-ster. 

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