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Small Talk: The Library

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Big big vibes coming atcha, Erratic.

I'm going to Sacramento today, for this event (Mark watching Buffy? Amazing. He's currently watching Supernatural, and just started reading the Discworld. Here's his main page). It's only supposed to be 95° in Sac today, so that's good -- it could've easily been forecast to be 105° or so.

Have a good weekend, everyone! :)

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He watches tv shows, and he reads books. He videos himself doing both (for the watching, you can hear the sound of the ep, but you can't see it, you can see Mark watching it. When he reads stuff, he reads straight into the camera). And then he writes reviews, which show up on his site. He's an amazingly smart watcher of TV -- he's been getting stuff on SPN that took me a couple of viewings to notice or think about. He does this all unspoiled, which is a lot of the fun. He's never prepared. He's going to be watching Farscape pretty soon, and he will defs be completely unprepared for that.

At these Mark in the Park events he mostly reads bad fanfic aloud, for the fun of the listening audience (he was nominated for a Hugo a couple of years ago for

, and it was freakin' hilarious).
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That's sounds like fun @AnnieF - enjoy!


It's only supposed to be 95° in Sac today, so that's good


Wow. To me that's incredibly hot. I think we''ll be in the low 80s around here which is more in my comfort zone.


Have a great weekend everyone.

Edited by Endeavour
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Thanks, @Endeavour!

95° is only good when compared to what it could be -- Sacramento is hell on earth in the summer, a land of muggy swelter (okay, it only feels humid to me because I'm from the desert, but Sac is on a river delta, and it's blechy). I'm gonna take it and be happy. :)

Just checked Caltrans, and they're not up to any construction shenanigans on the freeway from here to Sac, so that's good. This drive is only two hours, but it's over the big ol' Sierra Nevada, and sometimes in the summer there are massive delays while Caltrans is doing stuff. The weather can fuck with your plans, too; I've been stuck up there, not able to get home because Donner Pass is closed. That (almost) never happens in the summer, though.

Edited by AnnieF
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Huge vibes for Erratic's job application! We can all vouch for her. She's good, trust us.


Have fun, Annie!


Did you all get question n. 3 of today's Trivia? (quando il


non c'è, I topi ballano).

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Erratic, I can attest to the power of the MM vibes. I am sending you awesome job vibes now!

In other news, I was without Internet for a few days, and it stressed me out hugely. I think I have too great a love for technology.

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Oh AnnieF, that's cool you're going to see Mark. I never knew anyone who went to one of his events. He seems like a cool guy.  I followed him when he was watching BtVS for the first time and recapping. And some of his videos of watching BtVS are amazing. In fact,I recently rewatched his Seeing Red vid. OMG,I forgot how awesome his reactions were for that last minute. Everyone knew how big a Tara fan he was so I was kind of dreading it while also loving him see what happens.    He looked so devastated.

Let us know how  Mark in the Park was!


Job vibing for Erratic!


Beautiful day today and supposed to be in the 80's on Sunday.  I have a wedding to go to on Sunday so glad it's going to be nice.(my brother-in-law's and sister's niece) When I got the invite a few months ago, I didn't even realize June 15th was Father's Day! Probably got a better price booking that day I'm guessing.  Along with my sister and brother-in-law,my niece and nephew who live in California came in for the wedding(it's their cousin), so it will be nice to see them there too because I don't see them often. And my dad is invited too,so still spending Father's Day together. :)  
 It's going to be at a place in Huntington Long Island called Harbor Club at Prime. At Prime? Whatever.   Looks nice though. Any place with the word "club" in it is usually nice.

BTW- the bride is expecting a baby girl in October. Hello there instant family!

Edited by Valny
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As promised, after a full week of the sleep number bed I have to give it an excellent review.  We went with the three inch pillow top (as opposed to memory foam), and in addition to the adjustable firmness, it has independently adjustable head and foot levels on each side.  (I can’t help but giggle because it so reminds me of those old Craftmatic Adjustable Bed commercials).  That part is great especially for reading and watching TV, and so far the sleep I’ve been getting has definitely been worth the price.


In fact the only negative I have to report isn’t with respect to the features, but rather guilt over how I’m so happy to be luxuriating in my own “space” again.  As neither of us are small people, we went with a King size, and because of the separate adjustability, each side is its own mattress.  Prior to getting married last October, I lived alone for 12+ years.  I love my husband, but I have missed stretching out and having my own bed, which makes me feel like a very bad newlywed. 


Happy Monday.  I hope the wedding and Mark in the Park were both fun times and that everyone else enjoyed themselves too.

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My husband and I have not slept in the same bed for years. He snores, and our schedules are different (I'm an early-to-bed, early-to-rise person, he's not) so it works better for both of us to not be in the same bedroom. We're nearly at our 24th anniversary (next month) so I think it's okay. ;)

Thanks everyone for all the good wishes; I had a great time meeting Mark, who is a really nice, funny, genuine person. There were about 15 fans at the event, which lasted three hours that just zipped by. He mostly told stories about some of his encounters with fans (fandom produces wackaloons. I think we here already knew that, having been involved in fandom for quite a while, but it was still a "holy crap what is wrong with people" moment to hear about his various stalkers (!). And he read bad fanfic. So, so very bad, and not purposely bad, just...bad. Oy. But hilarious when read by a performer and natural storyteller. And it was only about 90°, which is a freakin' miracle. It was fun. I'm glad I went.

Anyone got anything exciting or fun or annoying this week? I'm waiting now for the required repairs to be completed on our new house. All the inspections are done, the list of stuff that needs to be fixed has gone to the seller, and now we're just waiting for them to get that stuff done, and we're good. Escrow closes at the end of the month. My current house is a disaster area, all boxes and chaos. Fun! ;)

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I love my husband, but I have missed stretching out and having my own bed, which makes me feel like a very bad newlywed.

Screw that.  You know what makes for happy newlyweds?  A good night's sleep!  And what AnnieF said. 


I went to a drawing lesson on Friday and surprised myself by really enjoying it.  But I'm not good and that drawing stuff takes time.  Oh, to be retired or win the lottery.  We also had our first Father's Day that we could celebrate all together as a family in about ten years.  We drove to a quaint little city and took a brewery tour.  It was actually very interesting.  They told a funny story about how the old owner was kidnapped by the Mafia who asked for the modern-day equivalent of $6 million.  Of course the family didn't have that and the FBI later tracked the mob down and the owner was released.  But afterwards the mob sent the family a bill for approximately $2 thousand for "room and board."  Hee.  And they paid.  Cracks me up for some reason.

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The sleep number bed sounds neat.  For one thing, we could mess with the cat a little; but I have to admit I felt a little "oooh" with the mention of the adjustable head and feet levels. I could get rid of about three pillows.


@buffyjunkie, I am in awe of you for taking a drawing lesson.  I could not do that; it would be total stick figures, and I'm so afraid to show anyone any of my remotely artistic endeavors.  It takes nerve to do that, IMO. 


We don't play the lottery ever week, but when we do the hub says "Ah, the retirement plan."   While we have some money socked away in various places, sadly, he's not that far off. 


@AnnieF, the Mark watches thing sounds like lots of fun. We have a thing around here where celebs/semi-celebs read aloud from (hopefully painfully awful) celebrity memoirs with dramatic effect.  It sounds like a cousin to the Mark in the Park event.  


Vibes to job seekers, lottery players, movers, and anyone else who wants or needs them.  

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Anyone got anything exciting or fun or annoying this week?


Unfortunately just the doldrums of everyday life for me. Good luck with the escrow and moving chaos @AnnieF . It’ll all be worth it in the end when you're in your shiny new digs.


@buffyjunkie glad the drawing class was fun.  I used to draw in high school and took a few classes in college but it was one of those things that I loved more than it loved me.  I remember spending over a month having to draw nothing but goblets.  Goblets, goblets, and more goblets.  There were only three goblets on the pedestal in front of us, but the teacher made me draw four because mine were not spaced appealingly on my paper.  So I not only had to draw goblets for an entire month, I had to draw imaginary goblets. 


How do you all take the trivia quizzes so fast?  I’ll admit that it took me a while to realize the time mattered at all, but even trying to pay attention to it does not seem to be assisting me.



Edited by Earl Is Dead
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Drawing classes!  SO cool.  I hope you are having a blast.


I saw LnB play softball last night.  HIs team are very cool- and they are STILL undefeated!  Woot!  I'm going to have to check out some other games if I can.  MM/Library Chat Represents!


So I am in a play (yay!) for the nyc fringe.  I'm not playing the role I wanted (boo), but I am IN the play.  Exposition Fairy, that's basically my role, but I'll take it.  And also, it's SHAKESPEARE!!!!!


My character is long winded.  Someone asks why he is here, and I launch into a page long speech.  I ask him to reply briefly and he replies in a 3 page speech.  Heh.  Gotta love shakespeare.  So I'm currently memorizing the long speech:  Merchant of Syracuse plead no more, I am not partial to infringe our laws....

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Drawing classes! How I miss those.

I was an art major and drawing was always by far my favorite class. Put on some music and get into a zone for a few hours, it was so relaxing. .... sigh, it makes me calmer just thinking about it. Although I much preferred life drawing (the naked peoples) because many classes of goblets and/or fruit in a bowl, or my professors favorite, draped cloth is enough to make anyone nutso. I would love to be able to do that again, I know my skills have atrophied.

Yay for plays, Shakespeare or any other variety!

A sleep-number bed sounds heavenly, although I would settle for a comfortable pillow. I must have 30 pillows in the closet, I am constantly buying new ones only to discover, that, no, that new one isn't right either. It's a never ending quest.

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I'd like to thank KPC for coming out and root, root, rooting for the AG team, getting on the umpire's case, and trash-talking the other team - a big part in our final inning come-from-behind game winning rally.


And, I plan on going old school Shakespeare audience for her play by bringing rotten tomatoes to throw at the (other) players. It is the Fringe Festival, so such audience participation is kind of expected.


Hooray for drawing classes, nearing time to move houses, sleep number beds, living conditions, and other fun stuff. Vibes to others as needed.

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Wonderflonium, I too, have pillow ennui.  I have six of them, and right now, none of them feel good.  I feel like the goldilocks of pillows (this one is too hard. this one is too soft).


I got to see the raw footage of my head shots.  I always seem to look heavy in photos.  And then when I see agents they are surprised how thin I am.  Seriously, I look fat.   Sigh.  Now I have to choose one or two....

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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KPC, shut it!!!!!!

And also, I am so pleased that you got some Bard for Fringe! Excellent :)

My friend just got engaged to her girlfriend, which is awesome. But... There are several red flags. They live on opposite sides of the country, and the only time they lived closer flaws for about a month in Afghanistan. Since then, (6 months) they've been doing long distance dating with frequent conjugal visits.

They are getting married because the military won't transfer the gf unless she is married. So they are doing it next month in a J.P.'s office on their next scheduled visit, a day before they are coming camping with a bunch of us.

One wants kids, the other "supports that choice", one has three big dogs, the other is ignoring that fact for now as she doesn't want to move out of her town house. My friend has always been anti-marriage, but this girl is the first time she has considered it an option.

So, I am being fully supportive, but it sounds like my friend isn't exactly sold. She is crazy in love and wants to be with her girl, but is marriage the best solution at this stage?

Edited by Erratic
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@KPC congrats on booking a great job. Perhaps you need a different photographer. Angles and lighting can make such a big difference.

@Erratic doesn't sound like the best decision for your friend, but I empathize with having to be supportive of a friend's emotional decision. I have one who is choosing to be a 2x single mom and does not have the finances or support system that makes that wise. Nothing we can do but be there for them.

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Yay for Shakespeare, @KPC.  


@Erratic, there are a lot of red flags.  But you can't really come out and say that; and who knows, love may conquer all.  So the best thing you can do is be supportive -- now and, if necessary, later. 


I had no idea pillow issues were so widespread. I feel better about mine (pillow issues, not pillows) now. 

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Anyone got anything exciting or fun or annoying this week? I'm waiting now for the required repairs to be completed on our new house. All the inspections are done, the list of stuff that needs to be fixed has gone to the seller, and now we're just waiting for them to get that stuff done, and we're good. Escrow closes at the end of the month. My current house is a disaster area, all boxes and chaos. Fun! ;)

Congrats on all of the inspections going well. Nothing exciting planned this week. Hoping to take a day or two off next week though and am looking forward to that.


How do you all take the trivia quizzes so fast?  I’ll admit that it took me a while to realize the time mattered at all, but even trying to pay attention to it does not seem to be assisting me.

I'm right there with you in the slowness department. Part of it for me is using the trackpad on the laptop - a bit of a spaz with that -  but really I'm just a slow reader.


So I am in a play (yay!) for the nyc fringe.

Congrats @KittenPokerCheater - Great news.

@buffyjunkie - that's great you're trying out the drawing classes. Enjoy. It's nice to carve out some time and do something just for yourself. I've been telling myself for years that I should go back to guitar lessons. One of these days...


It's nice to see all the good news - new beds, new houses, new plays, new classes and family get togethers. Hope everyone's week goes well. Off to watch Fargo.

Edited by Endeavour
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Anyone got anything exciting or fun or annoying this week?


  Finally I can say yes! Going to see a Broadway matinee today, I believe it's Motown the Musical with my cousin and sister. My cousin got tickets for us, since she knew my sister would be coming to Long Island for her hubby's niece's wedding last Sunday(it was really nice: see FB pics)  It looks like a fun show judging by what I saw them do on the Tony Awards last year. At least I'll know the songs.


Also, my sister had only seen the first three eps of Orphan Black, so we just watched ep 4 &5 last night, and we gotta keep pace watching at least one a night to be ready for the finale on Saturday. Oh man, my sister jumped out of her skin when she saw Helena all of sudden jump on Gracie's back after she tried to suffocate sweet little Helena! :)    Don't evah turn your back on Helena!


Awesome news KPC! I know how much you love Shakespeare,so doubly awesome you got the role!  I hope Loandbehold can take some pics of you at the play.

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Seriously, I look fat.

Seriously, you don't.


Congratulations on the play! I wish I could come see you.


They are getting married because the military won't transfer the gf unless she is married.

Sounds more like a practical decision than a commitment/love based one. I hope it works out, but you have every right to be concerned.

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Anyone got anything exciting or fun or annoying this week?

I can now chime in with annoying - migraine!


Finally I can say yes! Going to see a Broadway matinee today, I believe it's Motown the Musical with my cousin and sister. My cousin got tickets for us, since she knew my sister would be coming to Long Island for her hubby's niece's wedding last Sunday(it was really nice: see FB pics)  It looks like a fun show judging by what I saw them do on the Tony Awards last year. At least I'll know the songs.


Also, my sister had only seen the first three eps of Orphan Black, so we just watched ep 4 &5 last night, and we gotta keep pace watching at least one a night to be ready for the finale on Saturday.

@Valny - how was the show?

I can't believe this Saturday is the finale of Orphan Black. That went really fast. That will be 3 shows wrapped up this week for me. The others being Fargo and Orange is the New Black.

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What?!?  The Orphan Black finale is Saturday?  Wow, that's a short season.  I feel cheated.  I'm not saying there need to be 22 episodes a season but still....and I haven't gotten more Paul.


I hope your migraine eases endeavour.


My father has decided to come down to nyc for the week (aieeee!) and he's coming on Sunday for about a week.  There's a fair amount of panicking going on down here, cleaning the apartment, and then I have someone coming in to help clean to pass Dad's proverbial white glove test.  Tomorrow I'm taking myself to a cafe while they are here, and doing some hard core line memorizing.  The good news is that I have one super heavy speech and part of the end done.  Tomorrow, I hope to knock out the OTHER big speech and more of the dialogue at the end.  I hope to be mostly off book by the end of the weekend, so when Dad shows up, I can ease off a bit.  Dad is high maintenance.


Spill on your show, val.


Annief, how is the  house inspection coming along?  And how are you faring, Barphe?

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Well, I am a perfect 4-for4 on my oral argument cases. The Appellate Division finally handed down its decision today. Of course, they blew off almost all of the appellant's arguments, which make me wonder why I had to respond to all of them, not to mention travel up to Albany and back, and be asked only one question. What was the point of granting oral argument in the first place if they weren't going to deal w/ the conentions? Sheesh. I should be happier about this, but I won't even be able to use the case for the next time these arguments are made.


Migraine-disappearing vibes, endeavor.


KPC, Orphan Black has 10-episode seasons. Then a looooonnnnggggg wait until the next season starts.

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Good on you, L&B.

Glad the migraine has passed, endeavour. The shorter the better, eh?


KPC, please promise me that you will put your needs first, and don't let him drag you down. You are smart, beautiful, *not* overweight, and are talented beyond belief. Tell yourself this every day he is with you. And have fun with him :)


This football is hurting my poor English heart...

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Migraine-banishing vibes for Endeavor and well earned praise for Loandbehold's work.  Whenever KPC's Dad comes to visit I get an anticipatory knot of anxiety in my stomach.  Just remember you are beautiful and loved and perfect just as you are right now.  Valny I'm glad you got to see the play and have someone with whom to watch Orphan Black (lucky you.) 


Things are a'ight ('all right' said with a hesitant tone.) 

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Feeling much better - thanks everyone.


The shorter the better, eh?

Heh. In this particular instance yes.

Sending vibes to KPC for an anxiety free and pleasant week.


@Loandbehold - I think you may have mentioned it before, but what area of law do you practice?


Orphan Black has 10-episode seasons. Then a looooonnnnggggg wait until the next season starts.


I watched the first season through Netflix recently and am now watching live. How long between seasons? Like BBC Sherlock long?

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This football is hurting my poor English heart...


That was a rough one. (I was in a client meeting with an Englishwoman so the game was on while we discussed projects. She was... unhappy.)

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I watched the first season through Netflix recently and am now watching live. How long between seasons? Like BBC Sherlock long?

Not quite that long, Endeavor. Assuming there is a season 3, it will probably start next April. 


As for my area of practice, I'm in the Labor Bureau of the NY Attorney General's office, specializing in NY unemployment law. I've been in that field for 20 years, the last 10 at my current job. Before that, I used to hold and write decisions in unemployment hearings and recommend decisions on the administrative appeal level.

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I have been amused by the Google graphics for the World Cup, but that has been the extent of my interest.

My week has been consumed by a bad cold. Yuck.

KPC, I am sending you good vibes for the familial visit. I am watching your dad whilst wearing my strongest bitchface.

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This football is hurting my poor English heart

Things don't look good, do they?


KPC, like others have already said, don't let you Dad drag you down.


You ready for the last countdown of the season, Lo? Don' let me down.

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Death to migraines and colds, and vibes for visiting family members.  I hope everyone is feeling better going into the weekend.  It's officially summer tomorrow!


I have mixed feelings about 10-episode seasons that air a year apart (Game of Thrones is the same way, as was True Blood). I enjoy getting excited and having Event Television when it comes back each year.  It's also really easy to get someone else caught up on the series if you can talk them into it.  But man is the wait between seasons looooooooong. 


I like hearing about the World Cup because it reminds me of the Quidditch World Cup. 

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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The only show that I watch that's on what you'd consider a traditional TV schedule is Supernatural, and I wait a year between seasons to watch it, since I wait for it to come out on DVD and binge it. I don't like watching stuff week-to-week, turns out. I'll wait a year (and I've been doing this for years without ever having been spoiled). So I assume there's gonna be a loooong wait for more OITNB, right? Eh. I can wait. ;)

Congrats on the success, L&b. That's awesome. :)

I have no interest in the World Cup. The only direct experience I have with World Cup stuff is when I was working at LAX during the 1994 tournament, and we kept having to deal with belligerent Brazilians. They were the worst. Rude, demanding jerks. I know that can't be all Brazilians, of course. But their soccer fans are assholes.

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I binge-watched Veronica Mars on DVD, since I didn't watch it when it was on the air. I'd watched the first season on Netflix discs, but then after the season-end cliffhanger, I went to Best Buy the next say and bought the whole run, because I HAD to find out who was at the door! neighbors told me I was a cheater, since she'd had to wait a whole summer to find out. :)

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Just remember you are beautiful and loved and perfect just as you are right now.

This, KPC, and just remember: when your dad's mouth is moving and he's being condescending or judg-y and won't talk to you like you're a grown up, it's not just you and there's a whole group of people who think he's an asshole. And, presumably, a whole lot of people he's dealt with through the years that think that, too. I love the way harvester put it: we're here with our bitchfaces on.

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I think my old man and KPC's old man should get together and go bowling.

The septic tank has passed inspection at my new house, so that's good, it's nice to know that we'll have functional plumbing. ;) Oh, and I was going to report on the TMI thing (that's your warning if you don't want to read about menstruation) --

--the Diva cup is the best thing ever. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who is shy about getting their fingers up in their vag, for sure. I used contraceptive film or a diaphagm as my birth control method for years, and both of those require you to know where your cervix is, as does the menstrual cup, so it's no prob at all for me to insert and position it, but if you're not okay with sticking stuff all up in there, it's probably not for you. I lurve it, though. I can leave it in for eight hours, no leaking. And so much less waste. SO MUCH. No more wrappers and applicators and packaging. Awesome.

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You ready for the last countdown of the season, Lo? Don' let me down.

You know I won't let you down trudi-tru. Although, I don't know if I'll be able to watch live. There's a street event celebrating the summer tomorrow on the street where I live. Supposedly 40 bands will be playing starting at 12 noon and going until late at night. I will be gone for a few hours during the day, but I am really hoping I don't have a band playing right outside my window. 



Sounds like a very interesting career LnB.

As w/ most jobs, it has had its moments, but is usually pretty boring. I have some great stories, but there's plenty of run-o'-the-mill crap. 


Hooray for septic tank inspection passing, AnnieF. What's next on the list?

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