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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Nashville went down on the dickcake. Does his wife know?


I would say I'm choking on laughter, at that, but that would be used against me...............  *sigh*  shit! 


I must say, for the sexual orientation of that cake, its got the wrong coloring.  Pink would be better used as the frosting/filling for a 'purty' pie.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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My sister owns a cafe, and all people care about is what their cakes look like.  I mean she'll get someone ordering a cake that has to look like a Frozen character and they won't even tell her what kind of cake to make!  She'll call them back and the standard answer is "I don't care."

That's how people end up with this:



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I would want my cake to taste good also, I would want all my food to be good. Wedding food tends to be not so great. I also would throw the party first, people only wanna go to the party anyway. Then get married after, like midnight. With an Elvis impersonator. And I'd write my vows, they'd go something like this, "John, hereafter known as party of the first part....blah blah pick up your socks, I'm always right, you are always wrong yada yada" I'd make him say obey. And who gives me away is me. 

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WTF call me old fashioned by I care more about what a cake tastes like then how it looks!


Me too, and when it's a bubblegum-pink dick cake, it damned well better taste good!



we ALL went down on it like a nearsighted nymphomaniac in a Twinkie factory.


roflmao! Yeah, but some more eagerly than others.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Since we are talking about cake, I don't like fondant. I know what you're thinking...she doesn't like cilantro, bananas, apricots, raisins etc etc she definitely aint going near dick cake. My lips are sealed. 


Really? You all were just going to let this one go?

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definitely aint going near dick cake.  My lips are sealed.  -   Really? You all were just going to let this one go?


I was going to say we could probably find a crack or opening in her denial somewhere, eventually, but there's a chance that just the thought of a delicious dick cake has her mouth watering and she'll be giving in sooner or later.

Me too, and when it's a bubblegum-pink dick cake, it damned well better taste good!


*now knows a possible frosting choice to flavor his dick cake with to entice hungry women*

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*now knows a possible frosting choice to flavor his dick cake with to entice hungry women*


Make it Grand Marnier flavoured and I'll eat that sucker straight up.


ETA: What the fuck did I just say???

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Make it Grand Marnier flavoured and I'll eat that sucker straight up.


ETA: What the fuck did I just say???


I'm running out to get (at least) a gallon of that stuff right now!  BRB!   Don't go anywhere, or ruin your appetite, while I'm gone please!!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I agree. They are.


I'm running out to get (at least) a gallon of that stuff right now!


A gallon of Grand Marnier > Me > Gobbles like a Christmas turkey.


Okay, that's it. You guys are a terrible influence on me. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back.

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I agree. They are.


A gallon of Grand Marnier > Me > Gobbles like a Christmas turkey.


Okay, that's it. You guys are a terrible influence on me. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back.


I'm sorry to see you go; you seem to really enjoy the dick cake, I mean someone enjoyable to talk to....................... (oh, and see ya in a few minutes [when you come back])

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I would want my cake to taste good also, I would want all my food to be good. Wedding food tends to be not so great. I also would throw the party first, people only wanna go to the party anyway. Then get married after, like midnight. With an Elvis impersonator. And I'd write my vows, they'd go something like this, "John, hereafter known as party of the first part....blah blah pick up your socks, I'm always right, you are always wrong yada yada" I'd make him say obey. And who gives me away is me. 

I'm never getting married.


No one is ever taking half my shit unless I'm dead.  lol


Carol ain't got nuttin' on us.

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That turkey neck is ready to do some stuffing of faces, or bellies; or both.


Its got a full load of gravy frosting ready to be consumed too, going by the size of those adjoining 'turkey fries'.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I hate it when I go on a road trip and the turkey cake eaters are in the room next to me. The noises they make Ö

Turkeys say gobble gobble

Roosters say ANYCOCK'LLDO


Some roosters may say that, but this rooster prefers a warm moist chicken pot pie.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Okay, boys and girls, try to think of some innocent TWD fan who might want to join this forum but decides to have a little look around first, and then reeling with horror while scrolling down this page.


But tough for them! I'm incredibly impressed at the variety and quality of the euphemisms. Well done!


I'm not even going to mention the turkey cake. I... I just can't...







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Okay, boys and girls, try to think of some innocent TWD fan who might want to join this forum but decides to have a little look around first, and then reeling with horror while scrolling down this page.


But tough for them! I'm incredibly impressed at the variety and quality of the euphemisms. Well done!


I'm not even going to mention the turkey cake. I... I just can't...


Ha!  That's a good one.  Putting innocent and TWD fan together like that.


What's the matter?  Too much dick cake earlier to be ready for some turkey cake yet??


Oh, and before I forget;  to make my dick cake more desirable for handling and taking wherever you wish, I like to advertise that it usually comes in a box.

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Too much dick cake earlier to be ready for some turkey cake yet??


Can one have too much dick cake? That turkey neck, on the other hand...:>o


Anyway, how about a change of subject? Let's talk about casseroles. I really like them, especially tuna with lots of peas. When Pete let Carol's fall to the floor it made me so irate I was glad when Rick blew his brains out.


Hmm...yeah, okay - back to dick.



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Can one have too much dick cake? That turkey neck, on the other hand...:>o


Anyway, how about a change of subject? Let's talk about casseroles. I really like them, especially tuna with lots of peas. When Pete let Carol's fall to the floor it made me so irate I was glad when Rick blew his brains out.


Hmm...yeah, okay - back to dick.


That's actually a nice segue. 


I love eating tuna.. casserole.  And then when I've done that to a satisfying conclusion, I like to offer up a whole slice of dick cake to hopefully completely satiate my dining partner's hungry needs.   After all, what's a full meal without the dessert option?

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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There is no photo yet kikismom cannot find.

I had pulled pork for dinner. No dick cake. I made some god awful spaetzle with celeriac and Apple. Those are not things I do well so went back to leftovers.

Ok who else sees this ford commercial where they have Honda owners drive fords and switch and theres a Midwestern mom whose haircut is ...I don't know. Partially a throw back to the 90's but also the example of why they say don't get your hair cut the day before picture day ? Anyone ? It's pointy. And I'm not a good hair person. My good hair days are rare.

Edited by nachomama
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There is no photo yet kikismom cannot find.

I had pulled pork for dinner. No dick cake. I made some god awful spaetzle with celeriac and Apple. Those are not things I do well so went back to leftovers.


It's always important not to pull the pork too roughly.

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The end result is very delicate pork that melts in your mouth.


Don't know about delicate, but I like it when a person savors the sauce that comes as a result of enjoying my pulled pork.


I guess its a bit delicate in the sense that you don't need to use teeth to chew it much, to get the full experience out of it.

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There is no photo yet kikismom cannot find.

you jinxed me!


 Wouldn't say no to some pink 'purty' cake (the non-dick version, of course) though.

I can't find a purity cake! You guys win!


For the sake of general fundamental religious purity, however, I am running some specials this week:




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I do not consider jesus cuddling a velociraptor a fail. 


And I'm so glad we got a nashville sighting, I was skurred I sent him packing. I just couldn't resist the "we ALL"


It's a humid 72 degrees at 8 am, high today supposed to be 84. I'm about to sit down in front of an oven to laminate stuff TURN ON THE FRAKKIN AIR CONDITIONER YOU CHEAP ASSHOLE.  >:(  he has the damn door open to "catch the breeze" THERE'S NO BREEZE! A/C NOW! rassin frassin #%$!?*&@$%#&$*^@%@#$&$T^$%#&&*#*@#* cheap, credenza lovin, my dog drinks designer water, jackass. 


move along, nothing to see here.

Edited by nachomama
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Nachomama is hitting the sauce

Because of a cheap asshole boss

Why not spray his credenza

With Season 4 influenza

If he becomes a deadhead it's no loss.

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I like that idea, because he is also a germophobe.

KarateKate just posted over on the Jericho forum that she has some kind of mini-Mononucleosis; perhaps she can mail you some used tissues!

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I do not consider jesus cuddling a velociraptor a fail. 


Everybody sing! "Jesus loves the little raptors...."

And I'm so glad we got a nashville sighting, I was skurred I sent him packing.

Oh, no way no how. Tuesday night's are just real busy for me.

I just couldn't resist the "we ALL"

Yaknow, I'd heard that about you.... ;>


It's a humid 72 degrees at 8 am, high today supposed to be 84. I'm about to sit down in front of an oven to laminate stuff TURN ON THE FRAKKIN AIR CONDITIONER YOU CHEAP ASSHOLE.  >:(  he has the damn door open to "catch the breeze" THERE'S NO BREEZE! A/C NOW! rassin frassin #%$!?*&@$%#&$*^@%@#$&$T^$%#&&*#*@#* cheap, credenza lovin, my dog drinks designer water, jackass. 


Thank you. That's the best Yosemite Sam imitation I've heard in a long time.

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Okay, I'm gone for a couple days and totally miss out on all the dick cake talk!  But, I have one thing to add.  Why is it that all dick cakes have circumcised penises?  It would be pretty easy to pipe some foreskins on those suckers.

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Why is it that all dick cakes have circumcised penises?


Be careful what you wish for. Really, I had no idea people were out there making dick cakes galore or that I'd ever be Googling them.


Here you go - NSFW cupcakes:




Sorry, nachomama, none for you. They're covered in fondant.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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 Why is it that all dick cakes have circumcised penises?  It would be pretty easy to pipe some foreskins on those suckers.

That's why I said they were not european castles!

Sorry, nachomama, none for you. They're covered in fondant.

 I'm good, thanks, really, really good. so good. 

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I'm just really really happy I can't be tracked. AND DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU CAN CUZ I WANNA REMAIN GIGGLING IN MY CORNER ANONYMOUSLY, like a loon. 


Here's how paranoid I am, I put a post it over the camera hole on my computer. In case we ever got hacked and dirty dirty mens ever wanted to spy and get chicks undressing videos to put on the web, even though this is my work computer and I don't change at my desk or sit around in my skivvies. We got a call today from a saleman that wanted to put cameras all around the office that could record video AND SOUND and they could pull it up on their smart phones. My boss is so cheap he won't turn on the a/c so I do not believe he would ever pay the $79 a month monitoring fee much less whatever it costs for installation. So I did not pass along this call. I would never get in trouble with my boss for anything he would see me doing, like I don't steal office supplies and my goofing off looks suspiciously like work, but oh I'd be in mucho trouble if they could hear me. Me and the boys in the back bitch quite often after some stunts they pull on us. I'd be on tape mocking credenza, credenza, credenza.

Edited by nachomama
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Why would anybody want uncircumcised dick cake?  And risk the chance of finding old moldy cheese like stuff in it??  After all, if it isn't refreshed properly and often enough... eat at your own risk.  'Buyer' beware!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I've started izombie.


I really like iZombie. I can't remember the last thing I watched on the CW. Was Gilmore Girls on there?


Anyway, iZombie reminds me a lot of the Fox series Tru Calling (2003) with Eliza Dushku and Zach Galifianakis, and a little of NBC's Crossing Jordan (2001) with Jill Hennessy and Miguel Ferrer.

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