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S13.E26: Close To Me

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Miles and Zig trying to make small talk at the dance was like watching two bored dads at their kids soccer game. Not sure if that's terrible or hilarious. Maybe both.

I think Jack is pretty cool... a little too pretentious but still, I think she'll be a good addition to the show, if she's meant to stick around for longer than a few episodes (and isn't only there to be Imogen's love interest).

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Remember the days when Degrassi dances were exciting.  People getting stabbed, or peeing themselves, or getting caught having sex...

When I forget who, Tristan, maybe? Joked about Zig trying to stap Maya at the dance and then the place catching on fire I thought it was great they were being dramatic about things that've actually happened at Degrassi dances.

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I took a hiatus from Degrassi and thought I might have even quit for good, but came crawling back a few episodes ago. And I was glad as I did, as for me recent episodes have been among the most enjoyable and engaging in recent memory.

This one, however, left me kind of meh. I almost never like love triangles, and suffice it to say that the Miles-Maya-Zig triangle is not exactly proving the exception to this rule. I remember really liking Maya when she first got to Degrassi and thinking she had a lot of potential to be pretty well-defined and interesting, but now she's just an utterly generic character for me whose only noteworthy characteristic is that she happens to play the cello.  And somehow Miles is even blander---I'm not sure whether it's the acting or the writing or some combination thereof, but he just seems really stiff and unnatural and a total snooze for me. Zig, meanwhile, I don't buy as the 'sexy, troubled  bad boy who of course isn't AS bad as rumors would have you believe.'

On a brighter note, somewhere along the way I grew to really, really like Jenna and Connor. I also like Jenna and Ali's friendship, which feels really natural and authentic to me.

And, you guys, how and when the hell did I start to adore Becky?! She's actually a really well-written and well-acted character IMO, and I love that she's shown some clear growth without completely shedding the flaws and quirks that make her distinct. 

I agree with the above poster that Jack is a surprisingly promising addition so far. I kind of love that she's so poseur-y and pretentious about art, music and cool coffee, yet also someone whose authentic feelings come through---it totally reminds me of some of the teens I've worked with. I like that she and Imogen seem to have a lot in common, as I'm so very weary of the 'opposites attract' trope. 

Apropos of nothing, I still can't stand Clare or her new haircut. I'll readily admit that she's not as annoyingly self-righteous and weirdly overreactive as she used to be, and thank god they stopped having the actress over-emote in every freaking episode, but now I just find her really, really dull.  

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I just don't know how I feel about Jack.  There's sort of a clear progression of characters becoming more interesting as they cross over into the Gay (I hated Fiona until she came out, hated Imogen until she started dating Fiona, hated Becky until she and Imogen became friends), which I should perhaps seek therapy for, so I'm willing to bet I will eventually warm to her, but for now, I'll maintain my healthy skepticism.

Plus, given how LGBT couples end up on this show, it's not like one of them won't end up being crushed by a meteor or something.

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The opener with Zig and Maya was very cute. They were never meant to be an epic couple but they were sweet before the show tried to make them edgy. For the record, they're both hilarious when they're "edgy". I laughed so hard at Zig drinking the orange juice from the container. I laughed even harder at the

Maya/Miles breakup at the dance

. And oh, God, that dramatic scene at the end with Zig and Maya... I can't. This is all I need from Degrassi. Unintentionally hilarious acting and writing. Other than the fact that they have some of the weakest actors on the show in this love triangle, the other issue is that they're writing them like they're adults. Which does not work at all. But I love it. For all the wrong reasons. Also, I felt bad for the actress playing Maya. Did they really just make her dance around by herself so Zig and Miles could talk about her? That looked so awkward.

When Jenna was jealous of the niners with their "perfect faces and perfect bodies" I was thinking it was just the show overplaying the age difference between the characters who can't be more than 6 years apart at the most. Then I remembered that Jenna had a baby. Then I wondered if Jenna remembers she had a baby. This show... And didn't we just have an episode on the dress code?

Whoa, when did Becky asking Imogen to the dance to have a girls night out become Becky leading Imogen on? Last episode, it seemed like an innocent misunderstanding. How the heck did this happen? Did I miss something? I thought it would come to a head at the dance where they both realized the mistake but as soon as Jack brought it up, I feel like that should have been the end to it and Becky should have explained things to Imogen. I'm glad they diffused it pretty quickly.

Tristan and Zoe were really cute as snarkers. I still think we have a cast that's mainly made up of actors/characters who work better on the sidelines.

Apropos of nothing, I still can't stand Clare or her new haircut. I'll readily admit that she's not as annoyingly self-righteous and weirdly overreactive as she used to be, and thank god they stopped having the actress over-emote in every freaking episode, but now I just find her really, really dull.

I have had moments over the years when I have liked Clare. Original nerdy Clare was cute with Casey. Clare's strongest period was when she was with Eli. I think Clare is just always going to be that annoyingly self-righteous and weirdly overreactive character. The thing is that they're just using her a bit less at the moment.

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When Jenna was jealous of the niners with their "perfect faces and perfect bodies" I was thinking it was just the show overplaying the age difference between the characters who can't be more than 6 years apart at the most. Then I remembered that Jenna had a baby. Then I wondered if Jenna remembers she had a baby. This show... And didn't we just have an episode on the dress code?

That's exactly what I was thinking! She could have brought up her pregnancy (callback!) and how it changed her body, how she may feel "used up" compared to those niners. Instead, it came off like a silly filler C-plot with a majorly judgmental Alli saying she looks, "open for business". Ugh, I never liked her. Jenna comforted her during her Leo drama, has kept Dallas at bay until she's ready, but when Jenna needs support, she rolls her eyes, ditches her when she's unsure of a dress to wear, and then basically calls her a whore.

Re: Clare's hair, I don't love it either. I haven't been following S14 news, so I don't know what she looks like right now but I'm hoping it's shoulder length... I remember seeing a photo of the actress with her hair that long (before she had to cut it for this) and it looked super cute.

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