JMO October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 Quote Can I beg you NOT to resist?! A fanfic centered around Reid and Rossi, albeit not in a romantic and 'shippy way, would pretty much make my entire month :) This isn't finished, and it's not mine. It's definitely AU, but it's very well done. 3 Link to comment
normasm October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 JMO, this one is good, I've been enjoying it. 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 This episode was a lot like the movie Bug, with Ashley Judd and Harry Connick, Jr. I liked Alicia Coppola (the brunette), but I've liked her in other things. The blonde really got on my nerves, and I think she may have played a character I despised on True Blood. I've taken to fast forwarding the torture scenes. I watch The Walking Dead, and people being eaten alive aren't as intense as torture scenes on this show. I've found JLH to be a lot better than I expected. I think it helps that she's gained a little weight, cut her hair, and moved on from the sexpot image. I find her likeable. 4 Link to comment
Knittzu October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 (edited) Quote And I didn't like the reaction that Reid had when he told of the woman that scratched through her scalp and into her brain. That glee didn't feel like Reid to me. It seemed more like an MGG reaction to icky/creepy stuff. (SSAHotchner) Returning to this comment after pondering it for a bit. On one hand, I think Reid’s interest / fascination in the macabre is pretty well-established. All the way back in season one we have him enthusing to JJ about something creepy… I think it was love poems to Death, in Plain Sight? (She stated that it was creepy, he went on a little tangent about how interesting is actually was… and then she gave him a snotty, condescending stare until he agreed that it was “creepy.”) There have been other scenes when he’s been enthusiastic about unsettling subjects, but it’s always been the concept of the creepy, unsettling things that he's so interested in. I can't ever recall him being gleeful about something awful happening to a person, which is why the scene last night seemed off to me. Reid, Mr. "I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind", seems like the last person to enthuse about a mental illness causing a woman to give herself brain damage. Edited October 24, 2014 by Knittzu 2 Link to comment
kdm07 October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 On 10/23/2014 at 12:14 PM, JustMyOpinion said: Looks like I'm in the minority (of one!), but I didn't mind it. Didn't love it, didn't hate it, just didn't mind it. Thoughts: Unlike most, I thought it was a very well-balanced use of the team. Plenty of classic Reid to keep me happy, and each of the others with their moments to shine. I liked that Reid was able to show both his knowledge (of the conditions) and his insight (being certain it was a delusion), and that he used both to persuade the others. He spoke with authority, which made them listen. Still wanted to reach into my screen to comb his hair! For the most part, they got the medicine right. The only glaring mistake was confusing chronic Lyme for recurrent Lyme. I thought it was pretty obvious that Reid said they were 'controversial' conditions, and not fabricated ones, which is true, so I don't know why people would take offense (with the show, anyway). Just FYI---all of the things Reid mentioned are actively under study. There is consensus, but no absolutes, on anything except that people really do have the symptoms. One day, when medicine understands better what is causing the symptoms, there will be no need for conspiracy theories. Right now, there are some who claim to 'know' the causes, and they create most of the anguish about how it's being addressed. I didn't mind seeing the unsub early, because the real 'unsub' was the disease, and they needed to expose us to it. But, like others, I could have done without quite as much time spent on it, and the support group, etc. I thought the guest stars were all quite good. Liked seeing Alicia Coppola, remembering her from AW many, many years ago. Bet they didn't realize how timely an exterior of the CDC would be when they filmed this episode. Maybe future events will prove me wrong, but I thought that the final scene with JJ and the unsub's girlfriend was more about the disease than about JJ. I thought it was to show us that the belief would persist despite any facts uncovered by the case. It had to be either JJ or Kate in that conversation, because of their prior interrogation of her. Of course, JJ was the more obnoxious in that interrogation and, at the end, was feeling the heat of it from the girlfriend. If that were to give JJ pause (I know, it won't) and think about what she lost when she moved from liaison to profiler, then it's a good thing. (I may be feeling a fanfic coming on...) So, I'm drinking my morning coffee from a Christmas mug, to see if it will put me in the mindset to knock out some Christmas cards this afternoon. December is just waayy too busy! I'm with you JustMyOpinion so we can be a party of two! :) I thought it was an okay episode considering there have been worse episodes over the last few seasons. Don't get the JJ hate either *shrug* 2 Link to comment
ForeverAlone October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 This was an interesting and different episode, but I wasn’t feeling it for some reason. I didn’t hate it, and there is anything that makes me angry or roll my eyes, but I honestly had a hard time paying attention. I do like Breen's writing more often than not, but something felt off to me this time around. It was good to see the team conducting an equivocal death investigation, just because that brings a different sort of case than the BAU typically encounters. So it was nice to see the show mix things up. I thought I would be creeped out more by the bugs, but the scenes weren’t that bad. Maybe it was the over abundance of unsub that sort of turned me off. There was a LOT of unsub and much of it felt superfluous to me. Maybe it was the team interactions that felt off to me. Granted not all of them, because there were some I liked, but to me, it felt like different team members should have gotten more focus. I know this was originally supposed to be a Reid story, and I wonder what the original Reid storyline was supposed to be. I can see how his experience with withdrawal could have tracked with this story, and his own personal feelings of bugs crawling on him (if that is what he actually experienced). Now I wonder if that storyline was scrapped entirely or just moved to a different episode. I don't exactly trust Harry when he says things, since he is well known for trolling the fandom for the hell of it. But even if Reid didn’t get a personal story to go along with this (and unless they were doing a drug withdrawal story for him, anything else definitely wouldn’t have fit), I think he should have been in more scenes, since so much of this episode was more about the mind and other obscure things that seemed to be more up his alley than JJ or Rossi for instance. JJ was all over this episode (in what was originally a Reid-centric episode) in a wide variety of scenes and was definitely talking about stuff that seemed to be more up Reid’s alley (e.g. the effects of narcotic withdrawal). Granted I like the information Reid imparted about Morgellons Syndrome and his enthusiasm for his story at the end about the woman who scratched through her skull was classic Reid, other scenes should have had Reid in them. I would have preferred Reid talking Leo down. With his brain and his gentleness, he's the perfect man for the job. You know he's talked his mother down multiple times when she was in a schizophrenic break, and he did so good in "With Friends Like These...” and in “The Uncanny Valley.” No one is more soothing to a person in severe emotional distress in my opinion, though Hotch can come close. Along those lines, it was a bit of fputting watching JJ and Kate interrogate Jane. I get they were doing their jobs trying to get information out of her, and maybe it wasn’t the intention of the writing, but something in the line delivery and facial expressions sort of conveyed the idea that JJ and Kate were secretly enjoying tormenting Jane to get answers from her. Again, Reid is so much gentler and non threatening. I doubt the intention was to make them appear callous and condescending, but that is sort of what came across. And JJ couldn’t figure out why Jane didn’t want to make nice with them at the end. A couple notes: As much as we complain about the ridiculous things Penelope finds online (“Fatal” having some of the most eye rolling stuff), she should have been able to find a birth and a death certificate for Lisa’s daughter. I couldn’t tell if Hotch actually knew that background information, but was gently prying it out of Lisa (and Hotch showed way more sensitivity and gentleness than JJ and Kate), or if he was just doing some cold profiling to see where it lead. But if he was just cold profiling, he should have had that information on hand already. That one is more of a question of the writing than the acting, because the acting was good. There's a Morgellens support group in Atlanta (a fairly obscure disease), but nothing for more common diseases? How convenient for the team that their suspect pool is so limited. *rolls eyes* Yeah I get it's a one hour show, but we can pretend they have to do more detective work than hitting upon the correct support group the first time out. I was sort of wondering about the entomologist that was deathly afraid of cockroaches. Were those biting cockroaches or something? Because if they were just plain old cockroaches, you would think an insect expert wouldn’t be so phobic about them. But hey… Maybe this episode would benefit from a rewatch, though I have a feeling I would still be inspired to fast forward through all the scenes with the unsub. 3 Link to comment
leisawoo October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 (edited) On 10/23/2014 at 11:35 PM, RedheadZombie said: This episode was a lot like the movie Bug, with Ashley Judd and Harry Connick, Jr. This! It was SO much like it, I honestly did not enjoy this episode. Well, that and the actual bugs. Edited October 24, 2014 by stacey fixing quote box Link to comment
BooksRule October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Quote I was sort of wondering about the entomologist that was deathly afraid of cockroaches. Were those biting cockroaches or something? Because if they were just plain old cockroaches, you would think an insect expert wouldn’t be so phobic about them. But hey… Maybe it was just the volume of bugs. I'm definitely not an 'insect' person, but I think those little pillbugs (we always called them rolly-pollies) are cute and don't have a problem with one crawling along my finger, but if I was put in a box and have thousands dumped in with me I would be in hysterics. It's a good question, though. Maybe not an entomologist, but maybe a person who has no insect phobia could chime in with their opinion. I'd like to know. 3 Link to comment
missmycat October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 On 10/24/2014 at 1:58 AM, ForeverAlone said: This was an interesting and different episode, but I wasn’t feeling it for some reason. I didn’t hate it, and there is anything that makes me angry or roll my eyes, but I honestly had a hard time paying attention. I do like Breen's writing more often than not, but something felt off to me this time around. It was good to see the team conducting an equivocal death investigation, just because that brings a different sort of case than the BAU typically encounters. So it was nice to see the show mix things up. I thought I would be creeped out more by the bugs, but the scenes weren’t that bad. Maybe it was the over abundance of unsub that sort of turned me off. There was a LOT of unsub and much of it felt superfluous to me. Maybe it was the team interactions that felt off to me. Granted not all of them, because there were some I liked, but to me, it felt like different team members should have gotten more focus. I know this was originally supposed to be a Reid story, and I wonder what the original Reid storyline was supposed to be. I can see how his experience with withdrawal could have tracked with this story, and his own personal feelings of bugs crawling on him (if that is what he actually experienced). Now I wonder if that storyline was scrapped entirely or just moved to a different episode. I don't exactly trust Harry when he says things, since he is well known for trolling the fandom for the hell of it. But even if Reid didn’t get a personal story to go along with this (and unless they were doing a drug withdrawal story for him, anything else definitely wouldn’t have fit), I think he should have been in more scenes, since so much of this episode was more about the mind and other obscure things that seemed to be more up his alley than JJ or Rossi for instance. JJ was all over this episode (in what was originally a Reid-centric episode) in a wide variety of scenes and was definitely talking about stuff that seemed to be more up Reid’s alley (e.g. the effects of narcotic withdrawal). Granted I like the information Reid imparted about Morgellons Syndrome and his enthusiasm for his story at the end about the woman who scratched through her skull was classic Reid, other scenes should have had Reid in them. I would have preferred Reid talking Leo down. With his brain and his gentleness, he's the perfect man for the job. You know he's talked his mother down multiple times when she was in a schizophrenic break, and he did so good in "With Friends Like These...” and in “The Uncanny Valley.” No one is more soothing to a person in severe emotional distress in my opinion, though Hotch can come close. Along those lines, it was a bit of fputting watching JJ and Kate interrogate Jane. I get they were doing their jobs trying to get information out of her, and maybe it wasn’t the intention of the writing, but something in the line delivery and facial expressions sort of conveyed the idea that JJ and Kate were secretly enjoying tormenting Jane to get answers from her. Again, Reid is so much gentler and non threatening. I doubt the intention was to make them appear callous and condescending, but that is sort of what came across. And JJ couldn’t figure out why Jane didn’t want to make nice with them at the end. A couple notes: As much as we complain about the ridiculous things Penelope finds online (“Fatal” having some of the most eye rolling stuff), she should have been able to find a birth and a death certificate for Lisa’s daughter. I couldn’t tell if Hotch actually knew that background information, but was gently prying it out of Lisa (and Hotch showed way more sensitivity and gentleness than JJ and Kate), or if he was just doing some cold profiling to see where it lead. But if he was just cold profiling, he should have had that information on hand already. That one is more of a question of the writing than the acting, because the acting was good. There's a Morgellens support group in Atlanta (a fairly obscure disease), but nothing for more common diseases? How convenient for the team that their suspect pool is so limited. *rolls eyes* Yeah I get it's a one hour show, but we can pretend they have to do more detective work than hitting upon the correct support group the first time out. I was sort of wondering about the entomologist that was deathly afraid of cockroaches. Were those biting cockroaches or something? Because if they were just plain old cockroaches, you would think an insect expert wouldn’t be so phobic about them. But hey… Maybe this episode would benefit from a rewatch, though I have a feeling I would still be inspired to fast forward through all the scenes with the unsub. THIS,THIS a thousand time. Those S.O.B's basically took this episode away from Reid in order to give JJ more scenes and lines. Isn't it enough he basically has had to take a backseat to this pathetic Mary Sue ever since she returned.We already know that episode 11 is going to be her PTSD episode. Well guess what I just read the press release for "If the shoe fits" Candy Clark is returning as JJ's Mother. So we can be sure that will also be JJ centric. So it looks like she will be getting at least 2 centric episodes this season. And we will probably be lucky if Reid even gets one. And then some people want to know why so many of us can't stand JJ 5 Link to comment
normasm October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Yep, MMC, we will have her dealing with her feels from her sister's suicide. *sigh* 1 Link to comment
Old Dog October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 I honestly think they take all their inspiration from Tumblr as the kiddies there have been constantly banging on about her sister and the lack of PTSD after 200 - and Hey Presto! That appears to be the theme for this season of JJ. I'm sighing too! 2 Link to comment
Droogie October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 (edited) On 10/24/2014 at 3:30 PM, missmycat said: THIS,THIS a thousand time. Those S.O.B's basically took this episode away from Reid in order to give JJ more scenes and lines. Isn't it enough he basically has had to take a backseat to this pathetic Mary Sue ever since she returned.We already know that episode 11 is going to be her PTSD episode. Well guess what I just read the press release for "If the shoe fits" Candy Clark is returning as JJ's Mother. So we can be sure that will also be JJ centric. So it looks like she will be getting at least 2 centric episodes this season. And we will probably be lucky if Reid even gets one. And then some people want to know why so many of us can't stand JJ I don't get a PTSD ep when in 10.01, she was laughing on the plane with Kate about it. And then, didn't her sister commit suicide when JJ was a kid? Not that she wouldn't mourn her sister forever, but many of the characters /coughReidcough/ had a lot of crap to deal with as a child... Oh, wait! His mom might be in an upcoming episode! That ought to fix it. Edited October 24, 2014 by Droogie 5 Link to comment
FrankieRoo October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Hello all! Long time lurker - finally decided to de-lurk. I mostly decided to de-lurk because I wanted to add to the utter disappointment that was this episode. I can't believe they set an episode in Georgia with mentions of drug abuse and withdrawal and had absolutely no mention of Tobias or something about Reid and his addiction...not even a look from Reid or anything...and the fact this was supposed to be a Reid-centric episode which was then dropped for yet more JJ well that's just salt in the wound. I watched this episode in about 5 minutes - skipped most of it because I thought it was really boring. Season 10 has really disappointed me so far as a big Reid fan. 7 Link to comment
normasm October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Welcome, FrankieRoo! Link to comment
missmycat October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 On 10/24/2014 at 7:54 PM, Droogie said: I don't get a PTSD ep when in 10.01, she was laughing on the plane with Kate about it. And then, didn't her sister commit suicide when JJ was a kid? Not that she wouldn't mourn her sister forever, but many of the characters /coughReidcough/ had a lot of crap to deal with as a child... Oh, wait! His mom might be in an upcoming episode! That ought to fix it. Well Erica Messer had originally said that "200" was a closed chapter. However, the tweety boppers on twitter and tumblr ,who love JJ and who didn't seem to give a damn about the fact that she's already had a ton of focus,threw this big fat tantrum and demanded that JJ be given an episode dealing with her PTSD. Heck some of them were even demanding that She be given an arc to deal with it. And EM loves to cater to the tweety boppers who are as in love with JJ as she is. 2 Link to comment
Knittzu October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Quote tweety boppers LOL! At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they dispensed with a case entirely for the "woobie JJ has PTSD" episode. We wouldn't want any distractions from our poor suffering heroine, would we? 2 Link to comment
missmycat October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 On 10/24/2014 at 10:45 PM, Knittzu said: LOL! At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they dispensed with a case entirely for the "woobie JJ has PTSD" episode. We wouldn't want any distractions from our poor suffering heroine, would we? Yeah I can't remember exactly where I first saw that term tweety boppers than again I think it might be tweeny boppers which is suppose to refer to the teenagers on social media. 1 Link to comment
SSAHotchner October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 On 10/24/2014 at 10:21 PM, missmycat said: Well Erica Messer had originally said that "200" was a closed chapter. However, the tweety boppers on twitter and tumblr ,who love JJ and who didn't seem to give a damn about the fact that she's already had a ton of focus,threw this big fat tantrum and demanded that JJ be given an episode dealing with her PTSD. Heck some of them were even demanding that She be given an arc to deal with it. And EM loves to cater to the tweety boppers who are as in love with JJ as she is. I find it unbelievable that there are that many JJ fans who would actually press for this. I'm speechless. 2 Link to comment
zannej October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 To add a few more thoughts, I did think that JJ and Kate (especially JJ) showed a severe lack of compassion for the unsub's girlfriend. She was clearly someone who was suffering and they treated her with such disdain. I really wish that Reid had been in on that interview because I think he could have handled it much more tactfully. I think he could have asked her questions gently and NOT mentioned that the scratching was a "tell" and then just given a look and a nod to whichever profiler was in the room with him to indicate that he was picking up on the body language. It would have been subtle and given fans the credit of actually being observant. In the past they did interviews like this and afterward Reid explained to someone what he noticed that led to a conclusion. I think Reid could have handled the interrogation in a way that didn't make the woman feel like shit afterward. Maybe he could have asked her about solutions she tried and offered to connect her with someone who might be able to help or *something*. He could have tried telling her what she wanted to hear and then put a spin on it to make it seem like the feds were not the bad guys. I think I actually prefer it when they give an excuse for Reid disappearing-- even if its a lame one. I believe Gube was away promoting some of his other projects and wasn't on set for a few days on this one. Now, I don't know if they cut his screen time because he had other obligations or if he decided to go do the promoting because he had so much free time. I do agree that Reid has always had a fascination with the macabre. In season one he mentioned putting "death" in a search engine (showing he used computers back then). But I also agree that he would not show glee at someone self-harming like that. I didn't have a problem with Rossi being the one to distract the unsub with the cellphone, however, I *did* have a problem finding it believable. I am familiar with the cited references about amputees and mirrors. For those not familiar, basically there was a man who had one hand amputated and kept feeling like the hand was clenched tightly and the fingernails were digging in to his palm-- causing him extreme pain. He couldn't get the pain to go away and went to different specialists and tried different treatments. Finally one doctor had an idea-- he took a box and put a mirror as a divider and had an opening so the guy could see the mirror. He then had the guy put both arms in the box on opposing sides of the mirror. The mirror faced the existing hand and tricked the guy's brain in to thinking the reflection was the other hand. He had the guy unclench his fist and his brain accepted that the missing hand was now unclenched. So it was an illusion to make his brain interpret the reflection of the remaining hand as the missing hand. Because of the way this worked, I highly doubt that this method would have worked on the unsub. If the guy was hallucinating seeing stuff crawl on his own skin, seeing the reflection would probably result in the same hallucinations. I just didn't buy it. I also thought it was a bit stupid that JJ suddenly seemed to care about the girlfriend at the end-- enough to chase after her. This does not jive with the way she treated her in the interview room or how she has reacted to people like that in the past. The current JJ would have rolled her eyes, dismissed her as a psycho, and moved on without a second thought. It ended up coming off as being more about JJ feeling bad that this chick didn't trust her than about actually caring about the woman's well-being. Although, they have established that JJ tends to make things about herself sometimes. I wonder if the writers realize that they now have three very self-centered main characters. Sure it is human and all, but the characters didn't come off like that from the very get-go and it seems like they are making them less likable. 8 Link to comment
LolaRuns October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 I really cringed at the stuff with the unsub and the girl, worrying that it was gonna be another one of those dreadful "thugs -err - serial killers can find true love too!" stories. But in the end I liked that it wasn't tied up in a 100% neat little knot (hated how the other lady got a miracle healing though). I too was very creeped out by the scene where JJ and Kate intentionally provoked the chick they were interviewing to scratch. That was pretty cold, especially considering how she ended up not having done anything. I can see how it might have been necessary, but it was still kinda dark. Still don't get why they had to get rid of Blake but JLH doesn't bother me so far (might change my mind once she gets her own angst sstories). 3 Link to comment
normasm October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 Guys, this is but one in a string of incidents of JJ getting the idea to go provoke a mentally ill or possibly disturbed suspect or witness. I think of her baiting Danny Bidwell, and tag-teaming him with Blake (I think it was Blake). With help from Rossi, they pushed that guy to suicide. She also seemed to "get off" by pushing "Johnny" to the surface in "All That Remains," and the writers let Reid stand idlely and wordlessly by while it became clear the guy was DID. I can see trying to get a suspect or witness to talk because there are lives involved, but the writers and the actress seem to think it's OK to have her seem to get high off of people's torment. 5 Link to comment
normasm October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 I remember scenes where Prentiss and Rossi were tagging the pedophile suspect in the Instincts, and she was pushing and pushing until she got what they needed, but you saw her immediately turn back into Emily, business-like, and even a little defeated that he wasn't the real guy. Same thing when she and Hotch are trying to push the mother in the one with the Roma family. Emily is playing good cop and Hotch is hammering her hard, so much so that he lifts up her chair and slams it down. You can see Emily break character a few times, her humanity is coming through, and when they trick the lady into telling them which fence the dad went to, Emily seems exhausted. 5 Link to comment
LolaRuns October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 I guess for me the fact that in this case the scratching equals causing personal injury makes it a bit on a different level than the "normal" psych stuff they pull on suspects (and again, here she wasn't even necessarily a suspect, she had just met the guy (at least met him to this extent) so it stood to reason that she wasn't involved in the murders). So it's different in that she hadn't done anything (rather than "guilty of something, just not the main bad deed") nor was there any real pressure to think that she had done something (compared to the other "genuine misunderstanding" situations where they based on the situation thought somebody was the unsub). Of course you can argue that she didn't start with the really bad scratching and maybe they would have broken off the the interview if she had gone into really hardcore scratching mode (which we the viewers knew she was capable off since we saw her injuries when she showed the unsub her back). No it's probably not the most egregious case of power abuse (hey, I've watched years of Law and Order SVU...), it as just enough to make me kinda squicked out by the situation. 2 Link to comment
normasm October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 Yeah, Lola, your point is well made about other shows doing worse (I don't watch them, so, i'll take your word for it), and yes, probably this kind of thing probably happens in real police stations all the time. But in this fictional landscape, we've invested in characters who have good morals, and who try to use best practice techniques at all times, and not just because it gives the best outcome for successful prosecution. When one of these characters drifts into that iffy area, or downright wallows into it, I'm disappointed in the writing and production. These characters represent humans, but heroic ones. I hate it when they act no better than knuckle-walking Neanderthals. 4 Link to comment
normasm October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 (edited) I'm taking this over to the then and now thread, because I get way off topic. = ) Edited October 26, 2014 by normasm 2 Link to comment
SSAHotchner October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 I think the writer(s) wanted to go the route they went with JJ and Kate mocking the woman they were interviewing. I think it's just another of their silly ideas about going for shock value rather than some really good insight. It would have been better, more compassionate, to have Reid interview her, but that's not what they're going for these days. I guess only Garcia is allowed to have feelings now. 3 Link to comment
zannej October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 (edited) normasm, didn't you mention on another forum that the article referenced about the scratching through the skull and the mirror trick for amputees actually did explain things better? Do you know the name of the article? I know you mentioned that the woman who scratched through her skull had some sort of condition that caused the bone in her skull to be softer than normal. Just thought I would bring that over here since I found it interesting and informative. I wonder why they decided not to have Reid be one of the ones interviewing the woman. I've gotten a feeling from Breen in the public chats that he doesn't always agree with Erica's decisions but he doesn't want to come out and outright say it. I wonder if the scene had originally been written with Reid and changed by mandate from Erica or if it always had JJ and Kate from the original script. Edited October 26, 2014 by zannej Link to comment
normasm October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 (edited) The article was actually, "The Itch" in the New Yorker 2008. Several people have pointed this out, not just me, but the woman had had shingles (mentioned for the unsub in the episode) and the destruction of the nerves (all except for the itch ones) put the itch in overdrive. She couldn't even be compelled to stop scratching in her sleep, got through helmets, etc. Eventually, the place she scratched became infected and she developed osteomyelitis, which softened to bone under the wound in her head. Eventually she was able to scratch through to brain tissue. This was also used for the episode, as was the mirror trick being used for people who have phantom pain or itch, to be able to retrain their brain. ALL of this was in the article. The writer should be credited in the episode as a writer, imo. Edited October 27, 2014 by normasm 2 Link to comment
zannej October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Thanks, normasm. That puts things more in perspective and explains from where Breen got the idea. Link to comment
webruce October 31, 2014 Share October 31, 2014 The so called bugs under the skin threw me off at first. But then we see it is in their minds, so I kinda get it. Rossi seemed to understand, or play along better then the rest. I felt bad that the one Meeting leader,Lisa Randle was victimized for talking to the team. Even when she though they were after her group. I also worried that after what Leo Jenkins was doing that he would hurt Jane Posner. Especially after they had been together awhile and they started to feel the "Bugs" again. But it seemed that he calmed her and mostly vice versea. Yes he thought Drs. and the government were lying. Reid knew the problem, and Garcia needed him to spell it. That should happen more. Seemed nice for Rossi talking to Leo then at end popping him in the nose. The showing of the picture in the cell phone was nice too. Yes Jane and Lisa still had the problems after the case, but it did seem that things for both, especially Lisa were better. JJ and Kate might have been rough on Jane, but they wanted to know where Leo the killer was. We have all seem the guys bang the table and yell to get answers. This is just the ladies version I guess. I did like the episode, but I like most everyone they play. Sure there are times they could do this or that different, but I'm not writing it. So I don't look at it that critical I guess. To touch on JJ's PTSD is a good and natural thing. Yes don't wrap it all up in one episode down the line. As they are doing on NCIS:LA, Kensi was tortured in Afghanistan last season. She has showed little to none of her torment. People have been complaining in the Forums, etc. and they have showed in one episode a little of it after her being questioned about the incident. I believe there will be more of it. I hope anyway. And instead of one big episode of problems it should be spread out over the season. Maybe even words of or showing her talking to a Psychologist. Link to comment
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