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Editor's Note:

Discuss Republic of Doyle Here!


The CBC Upfronts were yesterday and Allan/the CBC has announced that this will be the last season of RoD.

From Allan's Twitter: Our decision to end RepublicofDoyle on season 6 was tough, but i think you'll love that we're going out with a bang. #October8finalseason

I'm not surprised, I'm just glad the show has a chance to go out on its own terms and wrap up storylines. It will be a 10-episode season, as well.

Allan also commented that he was interested in a movie, saying “We’re very interested in a feature film...In the back of our minds we’ve been thinking about it, and when we had the choice of 10, 12 or 13 episodes my preference was always to do 10. We’d take those last three episodes and roll them into a feature film.”

There have been all sorts of cutbacks at CBC that may have happened anyway, but were hastened by the loss of HNiC. Regardless of how you feel about hockey or that Saturday night classic, HNiC provided valuable revenue for the CBC - without it, these cuts are a necessity. I agree that spending the kind of money that Sportsnet spent for the rights to NHL games was ridiculous, so I appreciate the CBC not paying it in some ways, but I'll be sad without CBC's coverage.

Edited by kariyaki
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I just discovered this show while channel surfing, looking for something to distract me while on the treadmill. There are daily reruns on CBC, so I have seen about half of season 2 and half of season 3 so far. I am glad at least that I have a few seasons to catch up on, though I have to say I don't really want to know what is happening with the characters past what I have seen.


I loved an old interview I just watched with Allan where he says he writes the show so that someone can drop in, having never watched before, and be caught up in one episode on who everyone is. That is exactly why I fell in love with the show the first time I saw it. I love all the characters - such a talented group of actors, and so well written.


Next to Jake, I would say Des is my favourite character. The actor playing him is brilliant, and I almost wonder if he ad libs some of his lines.


In any case I am looking forward to what happens with the Doyles and various hangers on in the next few seasons - the rest of 3, 4 and 5. Plus I'll have to find 1 and the first half of 2 that I missed. Can't wait!

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Mark O'Brien (who plays Des) had a guest appearance in Hannibal this past season. It was a lovely contrast to his Des character.


Welllllll, I say lovely....

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I am not familiar with that show and I don't think I have seen the actor before. Though Des can be a bit manic, I do like his character.


It is a little hard commenting on the show when I am not even close to being up to date on the characters. I mostly don't want to know what is happening with the Jake/Leslie relationship. Though I am finding Leslie at this point in time (half way through season 3) a bit annoying. After Jake uses her pass to get info and she is let go at the end of season two, she not only won't date him (understandably) but treats him like dirt. He isn't doing anything different than he has done all along when she was in love with him but with someone else. I find the writing in this case a little too unbelievable.

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UsernameFatigue (ha!)  I think there has always been a degree of frustration at Leslie's character development - certainly from my end, anyway.

I hope since this is the final season that the writing will tighten up and we'll see some quality and consistency.

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I hope since this is the final season that the writing will tighten up and we'll see some quality and consistency.


Writers! Read this and make it so!

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I have to say one of the things I enjoy most on this show is the attention to detail, especially the sets. I just watched the episode about the guy who steals Jake's identity. The scene where Jake and the prison guy come to the office and find Des there ironing his sweaters was hilarious. And the board where they post pics and notes on the current case, with a post it saying "fake Jake?" and a happy face with x's for eyes and tongue hanging out - obviously portraying a dead 'happy' face - cracked me up.

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Well I am almost caught up with the series - about half way through the fifth season. I must say as much as I love this show, I am so tired of Jake and Leslie as an almost couple. At this point I don't care if they ever get together. Love really shouldn't be that difficult. And it is totally unbelievable that she wouldn't have mentioned EVER that she was married before. Ugh.


However I am sad that this will be the last season. I fell in love with St. John's through this show, and my hubby and I will be there in a week for a holiday. In fact we will be there for the first show of season six. May have to pay a visit to The Duke just to mark the occassion!

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I was so happy to see all the characters again! I love me some Mal, so it was great when he got Des wound up for shooting him (Mal).

Unfortunately I wasn't blown away by the premiere, but I was distracted by some goings-on in my house. I'll rewatch it this week to truly get a hold of the storylines.

I did like the reappearance of several baddies in the jail, but a bit more continuity with Taylor Gossard's character would have been nice. Taylor went from being a badass, to being a total dummy, back to being a badass again (although not overly bright).


Still, I'm excited for the season while maintaining my wariness regarding Sloane's storyline.

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I thought it was a decent episode for a season premiere.  But would Jake have been in the prison population (protected or general) when he still hasn't even gone to trial yet? 


Wonder if Megan Follows will be back again.


I was hoping they had just dropped the whole Sloane storyline over the hiatus, but no such luck.  Last season I thought that Sloane was not really Jake's daughter and I remember her boyfriend made some comment that seemed to confirm that; but who knows what direction they'll take.


On the plus side, Tinny is looking really good and like an adult; Des is still silly but loveable. And Leslie is coming out of her coma - I'm relieved that they are not dragging that out.


Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

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I knew they couldn't raise bail, I guess I just didn't think the justice system would throw someone into the penitentiary before they were even convicted, since they could well be innocent.  Thought they had a lesser sort of holding jail for people awaiting trial.  Of course, I'm talking about the real world, not life in the Republic of Doyle since he needed to be there for the plot to unfold.

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That was not bad. Although they still do this, tadaa! I'm showing up in the frame all of a sudden in-a wide open space and the other guy couldn't see me because I was behind the camera ....move.

It's so pedestrian. Still, I'm happy it's back.


I did spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out who Seth was. I got it around half time. Probably because I haven't seen Jason O'Mara sporting his real or close to real accent before.

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In St John's, the lockup (for those pending trial) is within the confines of Her Majesty's Penitentiary. The bit with Taylor and the other thugs in the counselling program or whatever (sorry, kerfuffle at the house at this time of the episode) was be a big stretch, but Jake would be in the area with the actual murderer as they were both pre-trial.


I was excited to see Megan Follows (Anne!!) and would love to see her come back. I remember an interview with Allan when he talked about the Newfoundlander accent and how he wasn't permitting people to use the accent if they weren't from Newfoundland, with the exception of Sean McGinley taming down his Irish. I thought I heard Megan Follows put on a little lilt in the episode, and it reminded me of the interview.

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but Jake would be in the area with the actual murderer as they were both pre-trial.

You are correct.  I forgot that the others were still awaiting trial too.


I hadn't heard that about not allowing a non-Newfoundlander to use the accent but I like it.  We don't need badly done accents when we can get authentic accents.

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The commercial for this episode annoys me, with the clip of Leslie saying how she thinks they should cool it for a while.


COOL IT!? You had a dream of being married to Jake, and having three children! You love him, gtfo with this "cool it" business. So much contrivance.




But I'm still looking forward to the episode!! Heh.

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“As soon as a cab driver picks up someone from the airport, they want to go to The Duke,” laughs Lynda Boyd.

“I should’ve bought shares in that bar,” Hawco interjects.


Ha, mledawn! When we were picking up our rental car at the airport the clerk told us that the Duke Of Duckworth has the best fish and chips, and she didn't even know we were there because we fell in love with the city watching TROD. We went there twice, our first day and our last, and hubby and fish and chips both times. I was surprised at how small the bar is, but then I guess it is a set on a sound stage that they use for the actual filming.


It any case it was a kick getting to see many of the places that we fell in love with watching the show - such a beautiful city!

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Liked this episode much better than the premiere - I love when Shawn Doyle is on the show, as well. It was a nice little Hannibal reunion with Aaron Abrams making an appearance!

This was a more classic RoD episode, with the mix of goofy and serious. Hawco can really bring the tears, that was pretty pro.

I'm not sure what the heck they have planned with Sloane's storyline but how it's written so far I could not give two shits about that "kid", and thought that sleeping in the car was too good of an outcome for her. Yeah, yeah, redemption storyline anvils, however; if you put the character too far on one side of the line, no one gives two shits when you try and bring her back. Just saying...

Edited to add that this episode was a nice break after the day's events in Ottawa.

Edited by mledawn
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Carl was a hoot!  His storyline was pretty good.


Oh, Leslie, taking the pills and then denying it! That isn't a good sign.


Who played the psychiatrist?  He looked a lot like Jake.


I don't give a rat's ass about Sloane either but Jake does so I guess she's important to the show.

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Leslie makes less sense to me the more seasons we have of this show. She's the worst commitment phobe I have ever seen on TV. I have to get through this on my own? And few hours later, let's have sex for me to get over it? This is not a relationship, this is BS. But I guess it will be because all the trauma. Unfortunately, they did this with her before, with the husband, and the pregnant-or-not thing, so it's not that different.


I couldn't care less about Sloan. So, the scene in the car fell flat for me.


Overall, it was fine, classic RoD.

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It certainly was appropriate music they played at the end - something along the lines of Jake getting his heart broken. Leslie continues to have whiplash where her relationship with Jake is concerned. The whole dead-husband-come-back-to-life storyline from last season was soooo stupid. From what I can make out (not having seen every epi of season five) Leslie never told Jake or anyone else that she was supposedly a widow. How realistic is that? Then she has to see if she can salvage anything from their relationship, but we quickly learn that the guy is a lying creep who was a lying creep when she was married to him. So why on earth would she dump Jake for him? Argh!!


Other the writing of Leslie's character though, I must say the overall quality of this show has stayed consistently great all along. The scenes with Des and the van blowing up totally cracked me up. And Jake getting all teary over Soan? Alan Hawco is such a talented actor! The quality of the writing and acting is amazing for a show going into its sixth season.  And as much as Jake and Leslie drive me nuts, the end of last season when Jake was digging up Leslie and "Say Something" was playing, I was a blubbering idiot - lol.

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I loved Enrico Colantoni in this, he was great! The storyline was slightly muddled and I'm not sure what part was being kept from Rose, but I still enjoyed it - mostly because of Rico.


For a "streetwise kid", Sloane is a complete dumbass. Who thinks there isn't anything shady about being paid $500/delivery for fabric samples? What a maroon.

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I'm not sure what part was being kept from Rose,


I think the part about them working off Sloan's debt is what they are keeping from Rose.  And I don't blame them...Rose is going to raise all kinds of hell when she finds out.  And rightly so.



I loved Enrico Colantoni in this, he was great!

He's always great:)  Do you watch Person of Interest?  He is excellent in that too.


I would love to give both Sloan and Leslie a good swift kick up the arse.  Leslie at least has an excuse for her erratic behaviour (although it's always been like that) but Sloan is just an idiot.  And I don't know why Leslie resists the therapy.

Edited by Trey
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Oh, that's what I forgot to comment on - Leslie yelling at Jake when she thought Hood had been shot. Wow, talk about the truth coming out in stress. Now Jake knows she blames him.


Allan Hawco does a fantastic job of showing that Jake loves her so much, he's so conflicted.


The contrivance surrounding the police psychiatrist was a bit tropey, but I'll live with it because I do like Aaron Abrams.


Trey, I haven't seen Person of Interest so I will have to give it a try! You must give Hannibal a try in return. I don't like horror but I really enjoyed it.

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If we were playing a drinking game every time someone said "I'll kill Sloan.", I would have one mighty hangover today.


Hope that's the last we see of Saul.


Now that Christian has returned from out of the blue I bet we'll find that Sloan is really his daughter.  Just hoping.


I do like A. J. Buckley and his character was pretty good too.


I am glad to see that Leslie is finally stepping up to help Jake prove his innocence. 


Was there a conclusion to the Tinny and her father storyline or do we still have to wrap that up too?

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When the family was in the office (I think - before they went to The Duke), Rose said she had some more information on "that" - referring to Sloane. I actually thought at that point she was going to say she had proof Jake wasn't Sloane's father, so when Christian walked in, I said "BINGO".


Are they setting up the counsellor to be dirty? I couldn't get a clean vibe off of that Doctor, whether he was looking into Jake for some sinister reason or because he TOO has the hots for Leslie or if he is simply looking out for her well being.


I liked seeing Dalmar Albuzeid (I had to look that last name up) in this episode after starring in Belleville with Allan this past spring.

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I am wondering if they are setting up Hood to be the 'inside' dirty cop at the station. He told Leslie to drop it when she insisted on looking into who actually killed Clarke. (At least I think that is what she was talking about in this scene - there was so much stuff packed into the epi I'm not sure).


I have to say though I am not enjoying this season so far. Leslie is hot and cold as usual. The writers can blame it on PTSD, but she has always been this way and I was over it a couple of seasons back.


I also found this epi to be unnecessarily violent. I know the show is about good guys and bad guys and a certain amount of violence is expected, but in this epi it just seemed to be uninspired and lazy writing.


I really hope the last six epis improve, or Allan Hawco may just have been right that it was time to move on. As much as it pains me to think that.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I am wondering if they are setting up Hood to be the 'inside' dirty cop at the station.

That thought just glimmered through my mind last night too.   There must have been something there to make us think that.  I would be sad and disappointed if the writers do that.  I know he has never liked Jake but I thought he always was on Leslie's side.

Edited by Trey
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I thought Hood was a good guy, as well. I would be sad about that character assassination - he's even helped Jake out on a few occasions..

I think it was truly time to call it a career with this season, the plots are pretty thin at this point.

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I do remember now that a couple of times Leslie was watching a man doing something with the lighting and she made a note of the company he worked for.  So maybe he's the mole and Hood is okay.

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I liked seeing Dalmar Albuzeid (I had to look that last name up) in this episode after starring in Belleville with Allan this past spring.

He also used to be a host on TVO Kids - may still be on in the afternoon, actually, but my kids and I only watch Gisele in the morning.

Looking forward to tonight's ep. My nine-year-old son and I watch it together - he watches it for the car chases, and I for the Hawco eye candy!

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The recap intro must be taken from the show as the above is what was said on my guide. Shouldn't it say Christian's return?


This was my favourite epi so far this season - at least it had some light moments which have been sorely lacking so far. I guess they have brought Christian back to wrap up the end of the series, but I could do without the wife-to-be. There are already enought characters on the show.


I have to say Clyde was the most amusing character - the neck brace and gauze on his ear just cracked me up.

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I enjoyed the ep as well. Not as big a fan of the telegraphed trope of the Dr being obsessed(ish) with his patient.


Not that I didn't relish in a Sloan-less episode, but where is that kid even living?

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