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Adult Swim: Now With 20% More FOX Cartoons!


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Hell yes, it's forum worthy. I've been racking my brains for topic titles so I could put in a forum request, but my brains won't cooperate. You'd think it would be easy with all the pop culture references and quotable lines in the show.

Correction: It's "What you do?" Unless there's a silent "d" in Winnipegian.

I like the fact that Dr. Benign's jumpsuits have a "B9" patch on the shoulder. I also like the fact that Paul (or is it Pol?) thinks his jurisdiction extends to other dimensions.

Favorite line of the episode: "OHMYGOD! I'm about to be...murdered by a...gherkin!"

Other favorite line: "As a general rule I try to avoid doing battle with anyone who can inhale me."

The promo for the new season of Rick and Morty got me thinking that [as] has an awful lot of pickle references in its shows; Rick as a pickle, Mr Pickles, Pickles from Metalocalypse, Apollo Gauntlet being chased by "a gherkin", the running pickles gag from Frisky Dingo, and probably others that I can't think of. Are pickles inherently funny, or is this some sort of programming aberration?

27 minutes ago, Sandman87 said:

The promo for the new season of Rick and Morty got me thinking that [as] has an awful lot of pickle references in its shows; Rick as a pickle, Mr Pickles, Pickles from Metalocalypse, Apollo Gauntlet being chased by "a gherkin", the running pickles gag from Frisky Dingo, and probably others that I can't think of. Are pickles inherently funny, or is this some sort of programming aberration?

Very astute.  You may be on to something there.

I was googling around for images from those "pickle" shows that I mentioned previously with a vague notion of putting together a motivator, and stumbled across one of my old Frisky Dingo motivators at, of all places, Pinterest's Finnish website. I've achieved international fame of a sort!

Anyway, here's a link to that particular one on a more local site.

In brief: Rick and Morty technically comes back on Sundays at 11:30, with the second episode of the third season premiering next Sunday. On weeknights, Rick and Morty gets replaced by back-to-back Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force comes back to 12:45, Mike Tyson Mysteries and Squidbillies stay at 12:30 and 1:00, respectively. And at 1:15? Moral Orel. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. The first episode is a little disjointed, but you wind up diving into a deep, dark hole filled with offbeat humor.

Dude, I gave up on those two ages ago. I don't care that Tim's upped his game. I ain't watching any version of Decker, and the commercials suggesting intentional mediocrity don't compel me in the least.

Any word on how AS will be shaken up on Sundays? I'm thinking either new episodes of Robot Chicken and/or Squidbillies, and/or the arrival of Hot Streets. Also, I hope we get more Apollo Gauntlet. The head-turns are fun to see animated.

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Heads up: old school stuff will be running weeknights in the 1:00-1:30 slot.

Monday: Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Tuesday: "Franchise Name" (I think it's old original stuff; the "episode" listed this week is "Boo Boo Runs Wild," which is a bit disturbing)

Wednesday: Sealab 2021

Thursday: The Brak Show

Friday: Home Movies (with Bob's Burgers, you have an hour-long H.Jon Benjamin block)

1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

I wonder if Moral Orels's family will ever notice they have the wrong baby.

Did you notice that in "Presents for God" Oral tried to tell his parents about that exact thing?

Orel: (points at Block)"What about...him? He's always bad."

Clay: "Shapey's only seven, son. He doesn't count."

Orel: "Dad, he's not Sha..."

Bloberta: "That's right. His little soul hasn't even developed fingers yet."

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1 hour ago, Sandman87 said:

I caught Boo Boo Runs Wild last night. It's been so long since I saw it that I couldn't remember anything about it. Kept thinking of that one Harvey Birdman episode whenever someone mentioned it.

Anyway, John K gives me a rash, so the show didn't do much for me.

Yes, it was pretty awful.

Here's the schedule for classic stuff next week at the 1 a.m. slot:

Monday: Aqua Teen Hunger Force; "Dumber Dolls" and "Hand Banana." The latter involves a dog made of Shake's DNA that . . . does stuff with Carl. Really funny, but you kinda question yourself afterward.

Tuesday: Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law; "The Dabba Don" and "Sebben and Sebben Employee Orientation." Remember when everybody was looking to spin stuff off The Sopranos? Also: Stephen Colbert before he blew up. "HA HA!!!!! Dangly parts."

Wednesday: Stroker and Hoop; "I Saw Stroker Killing Santa Claus." This was a well-done Christmas episode from a one-season wonder.

Thursday: The Venture Bros; "Red Means Stop." I forget what this one was about.

Friday: Perfect Hair Forever ("Happy Suck Day") and Tom Goes To The Mayor ("Joy's Ex"). "Maybe" to the former, "Oh, FUCK no!!!!" to the latter. At least PHF was trying to be offbeat . . . .as opposed to the two chimps that became way more popular than they deserved.

Checked the TVB forum. Turns out that was the last episode that has aired. Sadly, this was my last line on the subject:

On March 21, 2016 at 0:37 AM, Lantern7 said:

I'm thinking it'll be eighteen months before we get anything TVB-related. See you in September 2017!

I totally forgot whom we were dealing with. When we get it, it'll be good . . .  but we can't really think about it right now. The deal is similar with Rick and Morty. BTW, who wins in a fight between Rusty and Rick? Obviously, Rick would end it inside five seconds, but I'd let Rusty bring Brock.

ETA: Looked up ATHF. I thought "Dumber Dolls" was the one with the ventriloquist dummies. No. It's the one with David Cross as Happy Time Harry. Check that our if you haven't. Ditto "Hand Banana."

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Here's this week's classic schedule for the 1 a.m. block:

Monday: Robot Chicken ("Gold Dust Gasoline" and "Plastic Buffet") (I'm too lazy to look up what got spoofed in those episodes)

Tuesday: Squidbillies ("The Fine Ol' Solution" and "The Big E") (two episodes that would have been perfect and trite for 2017, except those were made years ago)

Wednesday: 12 Oz Mouse ("Rememorized") and Minoriteam ("Tax Day") (the former was a series that out-weirded Perfect Hair Forever. At least the credits were awesome. The latter deserved one more season for the Jack Kirby influence alone, but I'm thinking the lawyers wouldn't let it happen. Oh, and I think this ep focused on White Shadow and his minions, which is a bit of a shame)

Thursday: The Boondocks ("Stinkmeaner 3: The Hateocracy") (the third in the Stinkmeaner saga, where his friends come to Woodcrest to avenge him. Lots of fighting, lots of humor, and Uncle Ruckus gets his ass beat in the first act)

Friday: Moral Orel ("Nature") (the bleakest fucking story in the brief history of Moral Orel. And that is saying something)

After seeing some of the other things [as] has run (**cough**timanderic**cough**), 12 Oz. Mouse looks a lot better to me now than it used to. Some of the characters in the episode tonight reminded me of characters in their other shows, as if they were rough drafts of those characters. For example, the "they are all following me, instead of the other way around" rectangle guy says things you might expect to hear from Ignignokt on ATHF.

Adult Swim Classic schedule for the week of September 25.

Monday: Metalocalypse, "The Curse Of Dethklok" and "Dethclown" (first episode and the first time Dr. Rockzo is the focus. He does cocaine, you know)

Tuesday: Frisky Dingo ("Meet Awesome X") and Assy McGee (dang, an episode without Killface? I would've went with the debate episode from the second season.  Assy McGee sucked ass, mostly because the main character was an ass)

Wednesday: Saul Of The Mole Men and Young Person's Guide to History Special Part 1 (I liked the Sid & Marty Kroft-style of the former, and the theme song is catchy as all fuck. "And now he's! Saul! Of the Mole Men!!")

Thursday: The Brak Show, "Goldfish" and "War Next Door" (never really grew on me. I watched it all, but it wasn't as awesome as the other shows at that time)

Friday: Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! (my vote is "no fucking way")

Here's this week's Adult Swim Classic schedule:

Monday: Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil and Xavier: Renegade Angel (one of the more-missed short series, followed by one of the trippiest.

Tuesday: Delocated and Fat Guy Stuck In Internet (I totally get why viewers wouldn't go for either show, especially the former. You can only watch "Jon" be a dick and Eugene Mirman making crap jokes for so long)

Wednesday: Superjail! (back-to-back episodes; I'm guessing this series is over for good. I "get" how the over-the-top tone would wear on nerves)

Thursday: The Drinky Crow Show and The Rising Show (the latter is still acknowledged?!? Huh. I could've used more of the former. Amusing stuff)

Friday: Titan Maximum (it's the first episode; I liked this. Good mix of absurdist plots and shoutouts to folks from Toyfare Magazine)

They showed my favorite Lucy episode. "Driving to burning man, driving to burning man,  (beatboxing), driving to burning man..."

I never thought about it until tonight, but they were (sort of) reenacting the sections of Matthew, Mark, and Luke where Jesus gets tempted in the desert. I'm going to have to look in the Bible to see if I can find the part with the 1:4 scale train...

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9 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

Speaking of awful, Freaknik: The Musical is on even as I type this. I remember the night it premiered, and the edit war that took place over the next few hours on the show's Wikipedia page between the racist trolls and the wiki staff was much more entertaining than the show itself.

Yeah, I took one look at it, and changed the channel to Forensic Files.

This week's classic 1 a.m. block:

Monday: The Greatest Event in Television History (the Hart to Hart one; all of them hosted by Jeff Probst, who wasn't rubbing up on alpha males)

Tuesday: Newsreaders and You're Whole (the latter being maybe a step above the faux infomercials that AS runs)

Wednesday: Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell and Hot Package (meh; I did see somebody cosplaying as a YPFIGTH devil at NYCC a few weeks ago)

Thursday: Rick and Morty ("Total Rickall")

Friday: "Too Many Cooks" and "Unedited Footage Of A Bear"

Oh, and AS will be running The Walking Dead edition of Robot Chicken next Sunday at 1 a.m. I thought it was good, though I did bail out of TWD when the gang hit Terminus.

Adult Swim has two programs stuck in the 1 a.m. slot, ending the "classic" rotation: Frisky Dingo and Moral Orel. Both start tonight with their first episodes. Happily, we won't have the Christmas episode of the latter than was the first episode to air. Seriously, that's a sweet block of subversive shit, and you can see what Adam Reed was working on before he moved to FX with Archer.

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Thinkin' of @Sandman87. Personally, I'm hoping Chubby's nipples have vanished after the pilot.

Also, I poked into Monday's schedule. I don't know if this is for the holiday season or permanent-for-now.



12:00AM Rick and Morty

12:30AM Tender Touches

12:45AMTender Touches

01:00AM Moral Orel

01:15AM Robot Chicken


My concern is that anybody who missed Frisky Dingo would be shut out for a long time. Couldn't Adam Reed get Fox to buy the episodes, as well as the aborted X-Tacles spinoff?  I mean, the talking about the horror of Rapier Ape alone . . .

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Ditto. And I erased The Jellies from the DVR. Much easier that way.

Just saw a commercial . . . you can welcome Christmas with a marathon of Robot Chicken holiday episodes starting at 11:30 on Sunday. A lot of it has been fun. The first one was previously-viewed sketch, and a new one with Goku and Gohan fighting Mrs. Claus.

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