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Gloria Carlyle: Mr. Mayor, I was under the impression you communists didn't care for such opulence.


Gloria: Your reviews are pedantic, unoriginal lacking in insight or clarity. Fortunately you're a critic and completely unimportant.


Chambers: Mrs. Carlyle, I hope you're well.
Gloria: I'm 91 years old. I'm never well. Explain to me again, Director Chambers, why you haven't finished the renovation of my gallery.
Chambers: The gallery is my top priority.
Gloria: Disappoint me again and you'll be curating finger painting exhibitions for preschoolers.


Lucas: I'm really excited to be your onsite lead for this. Would you like to hear my initial report?
Jo: Yeah, okay. Let's have it.
Lucas: Well, to begin with, she's dead.


Abe: You look terrible.
Henry: Even an immortal needs a solid six hours.

  • Love 3

Henry: I'm just not a fan of this new popular music, so pardon me if I'm not going to put my thing down, flip it, and reverse it.

Abe: Wrong genre. That's rap. This is jazz.

Henry: It's all the same to me. Where's the melody? The harmony? The structure? What you young people are listening to these days is not music. It's just noise.

Abe: What's that? You want it louder?


Henry: A cufflink, perfectly preserved.

Jo: D.B.

Lucas: David Bowie, Daniel Boone, D.B. Cooper, Doobie Brothers.

  • Love 3

Abe: [The suit] doesn't make me look like a bit of a dandy?

Henry: You use that word like it's a bad thing.


Henry: How does a bike messenger from Shawnee, Oklahoma, learn a lifetime of culture and refinement in a matter of months?

Jo: The internet?


Henry: Abraham, you're breaking an unwritten law so old they didn't have to write it down.


Lucas: I was wondering if I could play the killer this time. I feel like I always play the victim.

Henry: It's much easier for me to get into character murdering you.

  • Love 4

Cop #1: Is that guy naked?

Cop #2: Yup. Call it in.


Henry: I'm a somnambulist.

Joanna: A sleepwalker.

Henry: That's right.

Joanna: I've pulled your file. This is not the first time.

Henry: Well it's a very serious condition. Sometimes I walk for blocks and still wind up in the water. It's terribly inconvenient.

Joanna: And what were you doing naked?

Henry: Cause I sleep naked.

Joanna: Please invest in some pajamas.


Abe: I have a lot of faith - in you, in me, and the Yankees.


Henry: One quick dip [in the water] and it's out.

Abe: No, no, no. Please don't do this, don't do this! Come on, it's very cold out.

Henry: It's like a summer's day in England.

Abe: I can see your breath!


Joanna: Two arrests for indecent expore in less than 48 hours. What am I supposed to do with you?


Lucas: This body is super creeping me out.

  • Love 1

Lucas: You miss him as much as I do? The accent, the scarf, the joie de death?


Jo: Do you have any idea why Jason would have $100K in cash hidden in the flooboards of his apartment?

Billy Baldwin: Hookers, blow, gas money - who knows? 100 seems a bit light though. I always keep at least $3 million stashed away somewhere special in case I need to get out of town in a hurry.


Jo: Looks like you made a mistake. This [elevator] is going up, not down.

Billy Baldwin: No mistake. My helicopter lands on the roof. I don't go down.


Jo: I stopped at my local bakery for some coffee. I feel bad for saying this but it's kind of nice when a crime scene happens near my house.

Mike: This your neighborhood? Pretty nice. Washington Heights isn't what I pictured for you.

Jo: And what exactly did you picture?

Mike, Uh, less nice.


Priest: I'm Catholic. We believe even when we know we're wrong.


Lucas: So the CSI guys found this mask in a garbage can a few blocks away from the jewelry store. Can you imagine that job, just sifting through trash all day?

Henry: Lucas, you deposit internal organs in formaldehyde.

Lucas: Yeah, but I'm used to death. It's the unknown stenches of life that freak me out like old diapers or left over Indian food. Blech.

Henry: Lucas, smell this.

Lucas: Oh. It's actually nice. What is that? Pancakes?


Jo: What is it you came up here for?

Henry: I was wondering if you could smell some perspiration for me.

Jo: Henry, you always know just what to say.


Lucas: [Mike]'s out of surgery. He's going to be fine. Flesh wound.

Henry: That's a terribly vague description, flesh wound. I mean, every wound is a flesh wound.


Abe: I got one word to describe these stones: meh.

Henry: Meh? But the police were told these diamonds were top of the line.
Abe: Well, in New Jersey, sure, but that clarity and that color? An S12 at best.


Lucas: Holly bushes! Per your notes, there was a droop of ilex polypyrene on Aaron's pant leg, right? That's a holly berry.

Henry: Yes, you're right. Our victim was here.

Lucas: Really? You're certain?

Henry: Oh, very certain.

Lucas: Yes, I knew it! I've been working on my observation skills, you know, just learning to see all the details all around me and I set my scan on red and ding! There it was, just red right in front of me. Just riding on instinct at this point.

[Henry walks up the steps and stands in front of the door]

Lucas: Oh, a red door.

Henry: Well, keep up the good work.

Lucas: I was going to mention that next.


Lucas: We are here for a very legitimate non creepy reason that Henry will now explain.


Henry: Lucas, will you please remove the bandage?

[Lucas rips off the bandage]

Mike: OW!

Lucas: Sorry, I'm not used to working with the living.


Mike: Lucas, take your hand out from underneath. You look like ridiculous.

Lucas: I believe Mr. Magnum, PI, would disagree.


Mike: What are you doing here?

Jo: I'm here to finish the Aaron Brown case.

Mike: Have you looked in the mirror?

Jo: Have you?


Abe: Then I remembered, there was this Asian kid, all tatted up with a low hat and a backpack. Came in here twice.

Henry: Whoa, whoa whoa. You're profiling this young man, Abraham, you realize that.

Abe: Yeah, well, why would he be wearing a backpack?

Henry: To carry books, his lunch, anything.

Abe: What about the hat?

Henry: What if it was a bit chilly out? Abraham, listen to yourself! You're making assumptions, not observations.

Abe: When it comes to police matters, I go with my gut. It's never steered me wrong before.

Henry: When has it steered you right?


Abe: I called the cops. They're on their way.

Asian non-thief: I'm not stealing this.

Abe: Oh yeah? Then what are you doing with it? Where's my horse?

ANT: This vase belongs over there with the other sixteenth century Parisian wares, not with this nineteenth century American crap. And the horse? FAKE. It was unbearable. I stuck it in there.



Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4

Abe: Luckily we're only responsible for our own sins in this world. Can you imagine if I tried to carry around your two hundred years of crazinesss?

Henry: Abe, you have been blessed with many gifts, one of which is having a sin-free father.


Mike: If this Max Brenner guy's been dead since the 90s, how'd he break into an apartment and kill Karl Haas?

Henry: Well, it's quite simple actually.

Lucas: Max Brenner is a zombie Nazi hunter!


Mike: That's digusting. What the hell is all this crap?
Sam: It's called art.

  • Love 1

Anthony: That is so typical of you. Take, take, take. Toys, Halloween candy, my prom date.

Jo: Okay, enough with the sibling rivalry. We are trying to track down a murder suspect. Are you going to let us in or not?

Anthony: On two conditions. First off, I got a few parking tickets from you fine folks at the NYPD. I'd like to see those dismissed.

Jo: And your other condition?

Anthony: He's gotta apologize.

Mike: For what?!

Anthony: Take your pick.

Mike: I'm sorry I slept with your prom date.

Anthony: Was that so hard?

  • Love 1

Abe: I don't need a family tree to tell me who my real pops is.


Jo: No sign of foul play.

Lucas: Other than pigeons pooping all over him. Flying rats!

Henry: How can you be so certain?

Mike: I'm no expert, doc, but I'm pretty sure it was the lung cancer that got him.


Abe: What if I turn out to be related to someone really famous, you know, like Charlamagne or Napoleon or George Washington?

Henry: I don't believe any of those gentlemen are Jewish. Sorry.

Abe: Alright, what about Albert Einstein? Or Karl Marx? Or Groucho Marx?


Henry: Kings aren't murdered. They're assassinated.


Jo: As long as we are in this consulate we are guests on foreign soil, making this my first time out of the country.

Henry: You should get your passport stamped.

Jo: Not all of us can go to the real Urkesh. When were you there?

Henry: On my honeymoon.

Jo: With Abigail?

Henry: Yes.

Jo: That's a great story, Henry.


Restaurant owner: If I knew he was heir to the throne of Urkesh, you think I would have poisoned him like a woman?

Mike: No need to get sexist, pal.


Lucas: So what are we looking for her? Lipstick on the collar? Hickey on the neck?

Henry: Swab his pudendum to see if we can recover the mistress's DNA.

Lucas: Dude. I mean, he's seventy years old. You don't think he's actually having sex-sex?


Gilded Cage hostess: Yeah, I recognize him.

Jo: You sure?

Hostess: Sure I'm sure. Old people tend to stand out around here. No offense.


Abe: Do you think I could pull off a kilt? I have the legs for it.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Lucas: "That stamp right there is from the Gilded Cage. Hot new club down in Meatpacking District. Bouncer wouldn't let me in last weekend, but guess who's rollin' up with a search warrant? Booyah."


Jo: "Henry, how would you like to go clubbing?"


Lucas: "I just said 'Booyah.' Oh, you're talking to Henry. Got it."

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 1

Mike: What morning's complete without a hundred yard hike through garbage to a dead body?

Jo: You picked up. When I pick up, the crime scene is a fountain or a museum, someplace nice. When you pick up, it's a crack den or a tunnel.

Mike: What? I got bad crime scene karma?


Mike: Maybe they're finally remaking Saturday Night Fever. I ever tell you that was my first R rated movie?

Jo: It's come up.

Mike: They used to say my hair and Travolta's was identical. Thick, jet black, the perfect sheen. I tell you about this too?

Jo: It has come up.


Lucas: I love fondue! You can go savory with cheese or sweet with chocolate, but the best part - it's social and therefore a petri dish for communicable diseases.


Henry: That's amazing.

Jo: What's amazing.

Henry: Her hair. It smells of-

Mike: Garbage?


Lucas: You're sure they only gave us one hazmat suit?


Molly: You can talk about murder on our date!


Molly: You tell me how wonderful my cooking smells.

Henry: Is that the smell of molten cheese bubbling over a chemical flame? Mmmm, fondue. My favorite!


Molly: Drinks and a trip to the morgue? This is the best date I've had in years.

  • Love 1

Henry: Hacktivitists?

Abe: You know, sometimes I forget I'm dealing with a man who was born before they invented the steam engine.


Mike: So hypothetically can you guys work it so I can get the full NFL package without paying for all the other stuff?

Irene: Detective, I have a master's in computer science from MIT.

Mike: So that's a yes?

Irene: That means I'm not the cable guy.


Keith: We traced the command payload to Shaw's thermostat IP through a randomized botnet path which we backtraced and confirmed.

Henry: We gassed ourselves, shaved a corpse, and determined whoever killed Shaw did it by hand in his apartment.

Keith: You shaved a corpse?


Irene: The gross stuff grosses me out.

Lucas: Well, it's not that gross. The smell is what really gets to you.


Mike: Vandalism, B&E. Check out why she got kicked out of Cal Tech.

Jo: Posted names and addresses of guys who visited kiddie porn sites.

Mike: I kinda like this chick.


Liz: You're the slowest typer ever.

Henry: Typist.

Liz: Whatever.


Henry: I'm sorry, Lucas. There's no way you could have known [irene] was a killer.

Lucas: But what if it was the evil I was attracted to?


Jo: Lucas, do you mind giving us a second?

Lucas: Oh, I can just shut off my ears. It's a skill that I have.


Henry: Guam was a refresher program. I found a degree from Oxford a tad ostentatious.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 1

Keith: We traced the command payload to Shaw's thermostat IP through a randomized botnet path which we backtraced and confirmed.

Henry: We gassed ourselves, shaved a corpse, and determined whoever killed Shaw did it by hand in his apartment.

Keith: You shaved a corpse?

As my Advanced Composition instructor would say, this is "witty, elegant prose." This episode is the first with John Enbom credited for writing. He wrote for Veronica Mars, which I never watched. Hmmm. Maybe I should.
  • Love 2

Henry: We found these remains in our victim's warehouse last night. They were from a two hundred year old shipwreck. Let's find out what happened to him.

Lucas: Two hundred years old? Guess there aren't any AYE witnesses. Okay, I'm done.


Henry: You read my magazines?

Lucas: Sometimes.


Lucas: You know the flintlock pistol took over a minute to reload and its accuracy was only fifteen feet - kind of a lame gun, honestly. I mean how much of a tool would you have to be to get shot by that? You could just duck down or jog away at a moderate rate.


Isaac: Did you find the place okay?

Jo: I did, yeah. You sent your limo so that made it easy.


Henry: In my opinion, that is not sex.


Jo: What?

Henry: You brought your gun on a date?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Lucas: Perfect 102 degrees. You know, I don't mean to brag here but I do draw a pretty exceptional bath. A little lavender, a little essential oils, spark one up, and get weird with my damn self.


Joanna: I want you to take your time and-

Mike: Be thorough?

Joanna: I was going to say, "Bring Henry." Same thing.


Lucas: May 1981. I was but a glint in my parents' eyes. A somewhat regretful glint though after a night of jello shots and shrooms.


Farrell: You with the DEA? You think I'm dealing?

Henry: No, I'm with the medical examiner's office. I think you killed someone.

Farrell: Much better.


Lucas: So this is the plan? Dance?


Abe: After a couple centuries of collecting crap, you're one broken clock away from being a hoarder.

  • Love 1

Abe: After a couple centuries of collecting crap, you're one broken clock away from being a hoarder.

That is a great line.

If my daughter had not just let us get rid of about 20 bags and boxes of her stuff recently I would've changed "centuries" to "decades" and used it on her.

Lucas [when Henry got literally thrown out of the club the second time]: Don't hurt him!

It was in the delivery.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1

Henry: I'll drive.

Abe: I'm not letting you get anywhere near my car. Sorry, dad, but I'm mortal.


Lucas: Look, just because I'm now Henry's best friend doesn't mean I know everything.


Abigail: What is that odor? It smells of warm garbage.

Henry: That's New York. You'll get used to it.


Lucas: I got some hot merch that needs unloading.

Abe: Whoa, whoa, we do not deal in stolen antiques...but whattya got?

Lucas: I dug up some dirt.

Henry: On whom? Judge Graves?

Lucas: No, like real dirt.

Henry: You mean incontrovertible evidence?

Lucas: No, dirt dirt.

[Lucas shows them a box full of dirt]

Abe: What the hell?
Lucas: It's the soil from Belinda Smoot's grave! It's like a virtual treasure trove of clues!


Lucas: Whoa, you have your own lair!


Henry: I shouldn't have assaulted a federal judge without consulting you first.

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  • Love 2

Mike: What the hell's around your neck?

Lucas: It's a cravat.
Mike: It's a hanky.


Lucas: I have a theory! I have a theory! The victim fell from the bridge. The killer pushed her and then fled-

Mike: Check out these footprints. Pretty deep in there.

Lucas: I have a revised theory! The killer pushed the victim and then leapt, sort of ninja style, landing thusly. You guys should be writing this down.


Abe: [Abigail] found two lost souls and turned us into a family.


Abigail: Why did I fall for a brilliant man? Plenty of dumb men out there.


Reece: Take Henry.

Mike: Henry? I'm practically an expert.

Reece: I'd prefer a real one.

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