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In honor of the announcement of the new season we'd like to do a rewatch! Starting Friday Oct. 17th to give everyone time to figure out how to get the content, which is (currently) still on Netflix, and Showtime is also supposed to start airing it at some point in the future. We're going to go with two episodes a week. We're going to do all the episodes. If there are some you hate feel free to skip them, but for the sake of my need for completion we'll open topics for each one.


Now, lets all brew up a pot of damn fine coffee and maybe bake some cherry pie and get this rolling. 


Minor spoilers in the below video. 


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Silly me. I searched the various services and itunes and such, but yes, it's available to watch or download with a quick google search. I'm sure it will end up on Showtime and in other various sites with the plans for a new season.

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Oops! I meant too open the topic on Friday! Sorry!

I'm rewatching this now. If any is or wants some discussion about the show or views upon rewatch I'm interested.

Good day. Is the rewatch happening? I'm watching the pilot today and am eager to hear what folks think.

I'm rewatching.

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I'm rewatching, and making my husband watch for the first time. His main response, repeated over and over, is "This show is weird." Well, yeah.


I'm surprised at how well it's held up for me, even though so many things are dated. I can deal with the clothes and the phones, but the prevalence of cigarettes is almost shocking by today's standards. And I forgot how awesome Leland is. Ray Wise must have had so much fun in that role.

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I am a big Alfred Hitchcock fan so don't mind the pace. In fact I liked it included a lot of small moments and incidental humor. Too many shows rush their storytelling at the expense of character development. 

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On 6/9/2016 at 1:00 AM, Lillybee said:

This used to be appointment TV back in the day. I just watched the pilot and was surprised with how slowly things moved.

I was a HUGE Twin Peaks fan back on regular TV when it originally aired and have never rewatched since then. It really built up in my memory.  I just caught a few of the episodes on rewatch and I have to say that I hated it and frankly cannot comprehend what I saw in it back then. I suppose I liked it (then) because it was different, but the music is just too on the nose and too loud for me and the acting is like watching an 80s era soap opera. I have to say that I likened The Killing to this show (in my memory of Twin Peaks) and in my opinion The Killing was by far better and does the Twin Peaks "thing" better than what I now know is Twin Peaks. I was really surprised at how bad I now think it is (was). 

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