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S01.E01: Episode 1


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I'm an idiot, I've seen this advertised for weeks and only just realised it's based on Jilly Cooper's Rivals. To be fair if they had started with Riders I might have realised. Then I thought "is David Tennant playing 80s era RCB, that's an interesting choice. The I realised he's Tony Baddingham. Off to check it out this weekend I suppose. Teenage me would probably have eaten this up. 

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On 10/18/2024 at 4:24 PM, catherinejane said:

Rupert is still far too old to be after taggy. and the chap playing James would be better as RCB. But we shall cope!


He is but I think they've done as well as they can adapting it. She's very slightly older and clearly going in with eyes wide open about who Rupert is. Considering a lot of the "romances" she writes about in later books especially (because a school becomes part of the main plot) are between 13-15 year olds and 20-30 year old adults, this is tame in comparison. 

 I started watching it over the weekend and I have to say I'm enjoying it and I wasn't sure that I would. 

The cast really grew on me, they completely understood the assignment that a Jilly Cooper adaptation is a silly, raunchy, "bonkbuster" otherwise it isn't Jilly Cooper. 

DT is great as Tony Baddingham, even though in my head he was always like the actor playing Paul Stratton. Whilst the actor playing RCB doesn't look anything like him (that would be more like James, Lizzie's husband) he does bring the arrogance, ego and underlying fucked up ness and loneliness of him as well. Always nice to see Aiden Turner bring his intensity as well. They actually got a really good cast for this. I'm really enjoying Katherine Parkinson as Lizzie as well. 

It also seems they're keeping most of the subplots from this long book which isn't surprising seeing as 8 episodes doesn't even finish the story. 

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That was quite an opening.  

I’m watching this, after seeing it recommended in posts for recommendations of shows. People kept saying that I was fun.  I can finally focus on something.  I like it so far.  

I’m having to look up the cast, though because I didn’t catch all of the names, and some of the men look alike.  Jilly Cooper - her name sounds familiar.  


I like it so far, even though I don’t find the actor who plays Rupert particularly attractive, LOL. And right now I’m not finding him particularly charismatic either, he seems like an ass.

I don’t care for Maud either. She strikes me as being jealous and resentful of Taggie; it’s an odd mother-daughter dynamic - it’s like she’s competing with her own daughter. Yikes. 

I am interested in what they do with Cameron, right now she seems to be getting the sassy angry Black woman edit and that gets tiring real quick. 

ETA: Beattie is played by the same actress who Lauren on Being Human and who was turned into a vampire by Mitchell (Aidan Turner). Which, all the Aidan Turner makes me want to do a Poldark rewatch. 

Edited by ShellsandCheese

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