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S03.E04: Fire Storm


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Thanks for starting a topic @paulvdb! Didn't want to miss out on snarking on this one.

OK for starters, nobody besides Izzy noticed the roaring fire in the background? She literally had to run back to the village to point it out to everyone, like they never look in that direction or something.

How on earth could Scott possibly determine which tarpit is which when they are 10,000 years apart? He literally picked one and proclaimed it to be THE ONE his friends are excavating in the future. As if.

Three pizzas, for lunch? All for him? I get that he's a stoner but that was absolutely hilarious. 

The show is just bending over backwards and biting off more than it can chew trying to give EVERYONE some kind of backstory before the series ends. From Scott's romantic rejection to Ty's ex-wife to Gavin suddenly having a sister (!) to Sam's dead dog. Just finish the story already.

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  • Fire 2

And a shoutout to Jarritos Sodas (looked like Mandarin, my favorite) at the tar pit scene.

Note to writers: Releasing the water from a dam will not put the fire out.  It will simply follow the path of least resistance, i.e., a channel, and not over the flaming trees.  And instead of the woefully inaccurate pistol work, why not get everyone on the rope and pull?

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18 hours ago, Babalu06 said:

Didn’t Gavin already have a sister played by Ione Skye in Season 1? I guess she’s dropped into her own sinkhole. 

I think that was his adopted sister that he grew up with after coming to present times as a kid.

This new sister is his biological sister that he never knew about since he never knew his bio parents. We have no idea if she was raised by the biological father and what timeline. Or is she a half sister from the mom? It isn't clear.

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On 2/6/2024 at 4:08 PM, Dowel Jones said:

Note to writers: Releasing the water from a dam will not put the fire out

I just assumed the water was supposed to be a firebreak and that the fire went out when it had consumed all the fuel
— because that would make sense.
Did they actually show something else?
(I wasn’t paying close attention.)

Edited by shapeshifter

This is such a mind-bending show. It makes me question everything I thought I knew about the laws of nature and science. :P

I had no idea a dog (wolf?) or any animal would run into a forest fire instead of away from it. Also good to know if you're surrounded by flames that hiding behind a piece of cloth (someone bring a spare shirt?) will protect you even as everything else around is charred to a crisp.

Dowel Jones... the dam stuff was dam ridiculous, indeed. :)

I'm with you, iMonrey - hilarious that we have time for more sob story backstories for everyone. I can't wait for Scott to find new love at the last minute... maybe via a wordless flirty invitation by a heretofore unseen sinkhole extra... paying homage to the scene with Jon Cryer and Nameless Blonde in Pretty In Pink. Yeah! Why not? :) Didn't Sam also have a flirty extra approach him at the end of last season? Where'd she go? I think we've got time for a love triangle between her and Sam and Scott. ;)

Funny you mention Ione Skye, Babalu06... she's actually the reason I tuned in to this show (remember her from Say Anything and also the short-lived medieval family drama Covington Cross) ... but of course she was barely in this.

I keep watching for the snark. Kinda sad it's ending soon... it's nice to have a show that makes me actually laugh out loud... not many (intentional) comedies can do that!

On 2/10/2024 at 11:17 AM, chrisrose said:

Funny you mention Ione Skye, Babalu06... she's actually the reason I tuned in to this show (remember her from Say Anything and also the short-lived medieval family drama Covington Cross) ... but of course she was barely in this.

I tuned in largely because of Nicholas Gonzalez because I liked him on The Good Doctor (and because of potential bonker-ness, which far exceeded my expectations), but 


Damn, why do they have to always kill him?

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