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Transplant: Season 3 Discussion

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Episode 3x1 Fracture

There is a time jump of about a month, long enough for Theo to grow a beard. We meet the new head of the ER, Clare passes by the Jedediah Bishop Trauma OR, and it is still the most realistic medical show on TV that I know of (the post-surgery patient is make up free; there is a psychiatric issue and they actually have a psychiatrist consult rather than having the surgeons solve it).

Novak and June's stepsister are back, so is the demanding Dr. Singh and Mag's cardiologist. Novak describes being on the surgical floor as "walking on eggshells around egos, eating it day in and day out till you're giant callous."  Truth

Bash is dealing with Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada. I wish they would get back to me too.

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Episode 3x2 "Baggage"


Bashir treats a man with a rare medical condition; Mags gets a visit from her parents, and goes above and beyond for a pregnant woman with an undiagnosed condition; a misunderstanding with a rabies patient lands Theo in trouble.

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Im starting to hate the new head Devi even worse than Novak.  This is emerg. She wants to hand hold the patients too much.
Mags' parents are really over the top. Explains alot about Mag's personality.
The woman who is deathly afraid of needles was over the top as well.  I cannot believe she accused Theo of assault and Nancy the nurse agrees. What was the option?  You couldn't negotiate and give the woman time as I don't think the woman's fears would have subsided. The only way would have been to knock her out to give her the needles. And it's not like it was a flu shot or something.  These are life saving medications.
The dude who has a uterus and his daughter were a pain in the ass.

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The second episode of the season was disappointing.  It seems like everyone is suffering again.

Bashir and Theo both have PTSD now. I get it, Bashir's is still from Syria and that trauma and also the problems he's having in Canada. Theo's is from his crash, walk in the woods and probably still his divorce.  All makes sense but it's not fun to watch.

I didn't enjoy any of the three patients in this episode, and doing the stories of two of them would have been better than trying to get all three in. Theo's patient went into the hospital knowing that she would need a course of rabies shots so accusing him of assault seems like just a way to make Theo feel even worse. Mag's pregnant patients was kind of a big nothing. Bashir's father/daughter combo, while interesting medically, was too rushed to give me time to feel sympathy for either. Was the daughter supposed to reflect Theo's patient? If so, they should have given us more about that.

Points to Mags for knowing that she pushes people into places that they are not ready to go yet, that's a level of self-awareness unusual on TV medical shows. I liked her parents but it's too much, I really don't want to see family members of the docs on TV shows to that extent so soon.

I do not like the way the new ER chief resolved Bashir's request to do a joint ER/trauma surgery residency.


If she thinks that Bashir needs to learn to connect with patients, well that's what the half ER residency does. The 5 years it takes him should be enough. Let him get his credits to become a trauma surgeon again.

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Episode 3x3 "Hospital Beige"


Bash treats a woman whose ketamine therapy goes awry; Mags loses confidence in her new boss; June realizes she has too much on her plate; Theo reunites with a young former patient whose life may depend on the death of another patient.

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Episode 3x3 "Hospital Beige"

Totally unethical for Theo to approach the wife about organ donations at the time.  He should have listened to June.

June and Bash should have never agreed to do the money transfer thing for Bash's friend.  It's going to bite both of them in the ass in the future.  At this point in his career there hasn't he realized he shouldn't take risks that might jeopardize his stay in Canada and his medical degree?

Mags continues to be Mags but the banter between her and Bash is very cute.

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This episode also could have been entitled "Attendings With Feet of Clay".

Theo really blew it talking to the wife too soon. But I can see why he did it. Kudos to the show for making Siobhan such a unexpectedly compelling character.

Mags' boss definitely has feet of clay, and Mags is such an idealist.

After 2 episodes of being an ass, who know it would be Singh to save the day?  Sort of anyway.

This is the second episode where Bash and Mags have disagreed and they resolved it by acting professionally and talking like adults instead of with a fight or with sex. That's refreshing.

5 hours ago, greekmom said:

It's going to bite both of them in the ass in the future.  At this point in his career there hasn't he realized he shouldn't take risks that might jeopardize his stay in Canada and his medical degree?

It probably will because this is a TV show. But in my real life, the Syria refugees manage to send money back home quite well. And it's not like Salif asked Bash for money so I'm eye-rolling right now.

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Episode 3x3 "Multiple Choices"


Bash finds himself at odds with his direct supervisor while they treat a couple of skydivers with a unique relationship; Mags speaks out against her supervising doctor, a mistake comes back to bite Theo.

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15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Episode 3x3 "Multiple Choices"

Poor Mags!  I do like how they are not lovey dovey at work and just close colleagues.

Theo keeps digging himself into a hole regarding crazy ass fear of needles lady.  Don't you know Twitter is a cesspool?

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Not just Twitter, that woman is is not entirely stable. Poor Theo. Jim Watson is doing a good job portraying a man who is desperately trying to hold it all together are his world keeps falling apart.

On 10/15/2022 at 7:30 AM, greekmom said:

Poor Mags!  I do like how they are not lovey dovey at work and just close colleagues.

I like how adult the people on this show are even though they are mostly shades of grey. I was expecting the cardiologist to have some hesitation about treating Mags who had just told her that she didn't trust her but she was completely professional. Devi makes bad decisions but she's still stands up to her boss for Bash. And no one is having sex in the break room. It's refreshing.

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There's lots of nice support for Transplant in TVLine.  Too bad it doesn't matter to the big wigs. 😒

Episode 3x4 "Nadir"


Recovering from a personal crisis, Mags worries about how to get her life back on track; Bash takes an unorthodox approach to treating a soldier with PTSD; Theo treats a terminally ill child whose father is desperate for a drug trial.

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Good acting by Hamza Haq in the latest epsiode. Bash clearly did not want to talk about his past with his patient. He keeps saying "I don't want to be a victim."  He wants to be more than his trauma. This makes Bash asking for help from the therepist at the end of the epsiode all the more poignant.

Edited by marinw
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Episode 3x5 "Audition"


Bash and Amira have an argument over her future; Bash treats a diabetic woman who is overly dependent on her 18-year-old-son; Mags questions herself as she adjusts to very limited parameters.

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Episode 3x5 "Audition"

Oh Amir. Those mean streets of Toronto are going to eat up a girl like you.  I hope she is going to the ex-gf's house.

Theo shouldn't have to apologize.  

Dev is way in over her head. The nurses were better managed under Bishop.

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The is was mea culpa episode: Theo apologizes to the pilot's wife; he's told to apologize to the woman he gave the rabies injection to; June's patient apologizes for racism; Mags apologizes for giving other people more work; Devi should apologize to the nurses.

I don't see why Devi is so fixated on four shifts for the nurses as opposed to three which they liked. The show needs to tell me why she thinks this way is better.

9 hours ago, greekmom said:

Oh Amir. Those mean streets of Toronto are going to eat up a girl like you.  I hope she is going to the ex-gf's house.

LOL.  I assume that she's heading to Rania's place. I say, let her audition, she's so awful that she won't get into the school.

I really liked the old psychiatrist, I don't like this new one, He was okay last episode but now the therapy is too much about him and not Bash. I think what he's going in the wrong direction with Bash and Amira: he's assuming rebellion but a better thing to examine is how Bash feels being solely responsible for his 14 year old sister when his parents are dead. That's an Occam's Razor compared to the idea that Amira is rebelling. like Bashir did when he would young. What is Bashir's objection to a performing arts high school? The ones in Toronto have very high standards and are very competitive to get into. Does Bashir know that if the performing doesn't work out, she will have all the credits to go into medicine herself? Why doesn't he look into that?

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12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

What is Bashir's objection to a performing arts high school? The ones in Toronto have very high standards and are very competitive to get into. Does Bashir know that if the performing doesn't work out, she will have all the credits to go into medicine herself? Why doesn't he look into that?

I think Bash is worried in the same way that many parents (or in Bash's case guardian sibling) are worried that being in the arts is too unstable. He is still in survial mode. He is also concerned that forgery will jepordize his Canadian citizship, I don't know enough about Canadian immigration law to determine if that concern is valid or paranoid.

The flashback with Bash's Mom broke me.

Poor Mags. Maybe a career in research wouldbe better for her health but that is not where her heart is, literally.

Edited by marinw
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Episode 3x6 "Work to Rule"


Bash reels from Amira's bold decision; tensions flare at an after-work dinner party; Devi struggles to keep her staff in line as turmoil erupts over her leadership; Mags treats a highly sensitive person; Theo considers breaking some hospital rules.

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Best episode of the season IMO. I watch a few medical dramas and Transplant is my favourite. I admit I’m biased as I’m Canadian and I appreciate the Canadian perspective on the struggles within the our health care system.

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19 hours ago, marinw said:

Best episode of the season IMO. I watch a few medical dramas and Transplant is my favourite. I admit I’m biased as I’m Canadian and I appreciate the Canadian perspective on the struggles within the our health care system.

Agreed. Canadian here too.

I do love the Bash/Mags storyline.  I am glad that Theo stuck to his guns and didn't apologize to the crazy assed lady who was deathly scared of needles. 

WTF was June pulling in the OR? Is she that insecure over the friendship of Singh and Bash?

Glad the nurses got what they wanted but I still miss Bishop.

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Me too on this being my favourite medical drama, but this episode felt like it should have been titled "Can't Win For Losing".  I did like the after-work party where they could socialize. I like the scenes the show gives us of the four of them having fun. Bash with Amira, Mags and the highly sensitive man (first time I've seen that on a medical show), Theo unable to help the foreign student, June's problems with fitting in, even Devi got cut down.

The Bash/Mags relationship is much less treacle-y and more realistic than I anticipated.

On 11/13/2022 at 12:30 PM, greekmom said:

WTF was June pulling in the OR? Is she that insecure over the friendship of Singh and Bash?

She's not necessarily wrong. Surgery is not only competitive, it's very sexist. Toronto Life ran an article last year about a woman surgeon who was pushed out of Chief of Surgery by the men who didn't like how she ran things (she ended up suing them, going to law school and won). I read another article a few months ago, woman surgeon also pushed out by men.

As June said, Singh opened up more to Bash after a couple of months than he did to June in two years. I'd be worried too.

On 10/30/2022 at 9:37 AM, marinw said:

I think Bash is worried in the same way that many parents (or in Bash's case guardian sibling) are worried that being in the arts is too unstable. He is still in survial mode. He is also concerned that forgery will jepordize his Canadian citizship,

He's right to be concerned that Amira is forging his signature because that speaks to their relationship.

But going to a performing arts school is not the same as starting a career in show business. If Bash had looked up the curriculum, he would have found this for the Etobicoke School for the Performing Arts


The Science department offers a large selection of courses that meet all curriculum requirements for an OSSD. We offer the Enhanced Pathways model Grade 9 Science course, SNC1W, and in Grade 10 we offer the Academic Science course. Our popular optional senior course offerings include all the science courses required as prerequisites for any university or college program

So Amira could attend a performing arts school and still go to pre med.

It speaks to how overwhelmed Bashir is having to be a parent to Amira, probably made worse by the traumas they both had.

Rania was good to help out in the immediate but it's past time to send Amira back home. Amira and Bash need to work this out themselves and Rania allowing Amira to keep staying with her is preventing that.

ETA: Found it What a human rights complaint by Alberta's only female cardiovascular surgeon says about sexism in surgery

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Episode 3x7 "And So It Goes"

It was an episode of spot the Canadian actor! with Mrs. Kim, the Philly cream cheese Angel and a few people whom I remember from other Canadian tv shows.
Did anyone spot the product placement near the end with the shot of the outside of the hospital and the Tylenol sign?
Overall solid episode. There was no way that Bash wouldn't get his citizenship.  Canada is in desperate need of doctors and nurses. Plot contrivance for him to tell the story at the immigration office. I wish we would have seen Bash hug both Mags and Amira at the end.

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Bashir's mother is back in his flashbacks -- and she just seems perfect as a loving mother who expects a lot from her son.

This episode clicked a lot of things for me:  Bash unable to find his IMM-1000 certificate of landing for the immigration interview (when we pick up a refugee at the airport, we come with an accordion file to put all papers in and photocopy 2 copies at the first chance we get); Farid home alone because his mother has no one to look after him (we had a workshop last Saturday on cultural parenting issues and what to do in cases like his); and T privacy issues with Farid and Amira (the bioethicist from Children;s Hospital of Eastern Ontario ran a workshop Wednesday on privacy issues with newcomers). For me, this isn't ripped from the headlines, it's issues I deal with all the time. I wonder who on the writing staff lives this.

Two interesting medical cases, using an epidural for a open laparoscopy because the recovering addict didn't want pain meds, and the injured man refusing help from his lost identical twin because meeting him showed the patient what life could have been had it gone another way, and giving up hope from it. That is something that I am going to have to think about.

3 hours ago, greekmom said:

It was an episode of spot the Canadian actor! with Mrs. Kim, the Philly cream cheese Angel and a few people whom I remember from other Canadian tv shows.

John Ralston from Life with Derek and a lot of other shows.

3 hours ago, greekmom said:

I wish we would have seen Bash hug both Mags and Amira at the end.

I think that that would have been out of character though. Bash is very internalizing and controlled, Rania, Amera and Mags have all complained of that, Amira is still angry at him, and Mags probably feels a little uncomfortable in front of Amira meeting her as Bash's girlfriend for the first time.

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Episode 3x09 "Rumination"


Bash's psychiatrist suggests an unexpected form of therapy. Mags gets evicted and meets an old patient who holds a grudge. Theo makes some questionable choices with a patient's mother. June's personal and professional worlds collide.

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CTV has been running the episodes this week getting ready for the last four episodes of the season to air in January.

Hopefully the next episodes will put everyone in a better place because we're left with Theo losing his position, June with a history of cutting and a bipolar step sister she's responsible for, Mags still trying to deal with her cardiac problems while feeling like a burden, and Bash finally feeling better after ketamine treatment that he's ready to break up with Mags (now that I'm finally thinking that Mags is good for him).

Speaking of ketamine treatment, this episode of White Coat Black Art talks about ketamine treatment to deal with the PTSD of first responders that is not helped by traditional treatments..

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I’m not sure how I got so far behind on this, but on Saturday I watched 2 episodes to catch up…I thought it was on Hulu.  When I tried to return to the series yesterday, it said I had to PAY to watch them!  I’m not sure what happened.  ?

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The second half of the season is starting on Friday. Maybe it's something to do with that.

Idk. I’m checking it out again.  It appeared that I couldn’t view any episodes without paying, but I had just done it the day before.  And, I’ve never paid.  Odd.  

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Episode 3x10 "Unstuck in Time"


Bash tries saving a couple whose wedding was waylaid by gunfire; Mags' demanding teen patient needs birth control; June struggles with an old habit; an activist patient puts Theo in his place.


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On 1/15/2023 at 6:24 PM, marinw said:

The Canadian citizenship ceremony gave me all the feels.


They were pretty update in regards to the oath.

I didn't like the storyline with the girl that cried wolf on TB.

The dude who kept forgetting he got married and his wife is dead was like 50 First Dates.

The guy who wanted to die because of his environmental stance and fear of global warming was absolutely crazy. He should have been in a mental home and not protesting.  It was right that his father had power over his medical decisions. 

What the hell is show doing with Theo? I feel that they don't know how do write the character.

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Mags being on a first name basis with TB girl seemed weird and inappropriate.

I’m worried for Bash: a Canadian citizenship and passport will not protect you from being arrested and imprisoned while travelling to areas with war and unstable and oppressive governments.


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On 1/17/2023 at 12:55 PM, marinw said:

I’m worried for Bash: a Canadian citizenship and passport will not protect you from being arrested and imprisoned while travelling to areas with war and oppressive governments.

He's going to a refugee camp in Lebanon. There is no current conflict in Lebanon and a substantial Canadian government presence.

It's a strange thing to do when there are still 3 episodes left in the season but maybe he won't leave until the end of the season. But at least Bash is doing something after Rania, Amira and Mags all told him that his issues were preventing them from having a relationship with him.

Mags was right to call him on the unhealthy pattern that they have, just as earlier Rania was to tell him that he is withholding himself from her.

I do not like the new pediatric attending. she seems so unpleasant underneath that fake sweetness.  I'm afraid Theo is going to lose his position to her.

The teen who was playing Mags was an interesting story. It's so true to life, the lying and manipulation, but it's also true that people who do that often have their own traumas and manipulate out of their own needs. I'm glad that it was able to be somewhat resolved in the end.

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Episode 3x11 "A Sort of Homecoming"



 A software glitch takes down the emergency department; Bash explores new terrain; Mags searches for a new cardiologist; June is fed up with her bosses; Thea attempts a stable dating life.



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2 hours ago, YorkshireLass said:

Was she shot or stabbed?

The ransomeware attack on the hospital was rather timely given that Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children had this very issue in December 2022.

Yeah sorry. She was stabbed.

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12 hours ago, greekmom said:

Yeah sorry. She was stabbed.

No worries 😊 - I wasn't 100% sure.  Do you have any idea what Claire was looking at in the cubicle before she was stabbed?  She didn't look afraid at all - she looked almost mesmerized by something.


Bash is so damaged (no wonder given what he's lived through).  I'm hoping he finds a way to be able to live his life with joy & happiness; both professionally and personally.

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31 minutes ago, YorkshireLass said:

Bash is so damaged (no wonder given what he's lived through).  I'm hoping he finds a way to be able to live his life with joy & happiness; both professionally and personally.

Yes, what is going on with Bash? He won't allow himself to be happy. He's doing some sort of white savior thing, except for the part where he isn't white.

Amputations scenes are always brutal, this one was even worse as they could have saved the guys's arm even without proper resources if Bash had been allowed to do his MacGyvering.

Chaotic and overwhelmed ER's are a trope of every medical drama there is, yet here it is quite relevent, they are happening all over Canada and other countries.


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33 minutes ago, YorkshireLass said:

No worries 😊 - I wasn't 100% sure.  Do you have any idea what Claire was looking at in the cubicle before she was stabbed?  She didn't look afraid at all - she looked almost mesmerized by something.


Bash is so damaged (no wonder given what he's lived through).  I'm hoping he finds a way to be able to live his life with joy & happiness; both professionally and personally.

She was looking for a patient who was suppose to be waiting for a doctor or to go for tests i think?  

I think it was a disgruntled patient who got tired of waiting that stabbed her.  I wonder if it was the guy that thought Theo jumped the line.

Devi, coupled with the computer virus is not handling management very well at all.


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On 1/21/2023 at 12:16 PM, greekmom said:

Bash has survivor's guilt.

Even more than that. Bash told Talia that she shouldn't make Bayan leave when she doesn't want to and have to carry the burden of those left behind. Is there such a thing as 'survivor's burden'?

It was interesting to see Bash's childhood friend take him to task for always trying to save other at cost to himself.

I liked seeing June supporting Mags medically and emotionally. She's had a good arc learning to open up.

Poor Theo. He just can't win for losing.

Devi has made mistakes but she's trying. I cringed at the two male doctors, one who reports to her, joining up to jump on her. We know that Mark can't be trusted but the boss is really a creep.  In every job I've had, to quote Charlotte Whitton "“Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”"

5 hours ago, marinw said:

Chaotic and overwhelmed ER's are a trope of every medical drama there is, yet here it is quite relevent, they are happening all over Canada and other countries.

It is especially true now that the pandemic has punched holes in resources that were already strained. The ER on the show was especially spot on as two women have died recently in Nova Scotia due to an overwhelmed ER.

Is it just me or is Claire worth twice those doctors?

As an aside, I just watched the film "Peace by Chocolate'' about Tariq Hadad and his family arriving and having to make a new life. Very good film and true-to-life. Hadad was almost finished medical school when they had to leave because of the war and to see him applying to medical school and medical school and being turned down was so sad..

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Episode 3x12 "Tariq"


Bash faces an important figure from his past and must solve a public health crisis; hospital administration calls Devi's leadership into question; Mags doubts all of her choices; June is asked to oversee a sensitive procedure.


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I'm not sure what the end-game is with where the show is going with Bash.  His meeting up with the friend who caused him to be imprisoned seemed like a non-event (maybe it was supposed to because how would Bash get closure from speaking with him).  

I'm finding these past two episodes very choppy with the moving between storylines in the different countries.  I think the continuity of the show would have been better served by having one episode totally focus on Bash's story.

It seems like everyone is falling apart with the exception of Theo & Devi.  He finally seems to be getting his mojo back and she's coming into her own as a leader.  Leading and doing what she thinks is right rather than worrying what everyone else is thinking about her.

Does anyone know how many more episodes we're going to get?  I've read that the season is going to be 13 episodes and then other places say 15.  If it's only 13, they've got a lot of loose ends to tie up in one episode unless they're going to leave us with multiple cliffhangers.

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Episode 3x13 "The Luxury of Memory"


Bash has a major realization; Mag faces an overwhelming health crisis; Devi stands behind her choices; June confronts loss; Theo witnesses a devastating event.

season finale. No word yet if there will be a season 4.

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June is such an interesting character.

Poor Mags! Maybe a quiet research job would be ok but that is not where her heart is (bad pun!!!).

So is Bash going to join Doctors Without Borders or some other NGO? Not out of survivors guilt but because it’s truly what he wants to do? Whatever the reason his patients must appreciate a doctor who speaks their own language and understands their life experience.

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Oh Theo! Tying himself up in knots trying to do the right thing and getting punished for it. He sort of reminds me of Chidi from The Good Place with his endless moral delimas, only way more serious.

Edited by marinw
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On 10/1/2022 at 12:37 PM, statsgirl said:

Episode 3x2 "Baggage"

I missed the first few minutes due to a local news interruption. Was the dad patient with a shouty daughter and getting a hysterectomy transgender?

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