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Kim - The Best Mother in the World

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I don't want to be forced to watch Wonderful Kim turning into her opinion of a beautiful butterfly--because I like all the OTHER Plaths (warts and all).  She seems to have controlled the lives of her husband and children for almost thirty years. Words like "harsh" and "severe" have been published regarding the way she raised (deprived) her children.  NOW she wants all the fun and adventure she denied to everyone ("Let's have a Christmas tree!"). I wonder how long she was "seeing" Ken (or plotting) before she made the decision to leave the home. Her self-satisfied, self-promoting talking heads are irritating.  Wouldn't a spinoff for Kim alone be wonderful?  I wouldn't watch it, so here's one happy viewer. TLC would still have a gossipy show for Kim's fans. She would be gone-gone-gone from Plathville. Best of both worlds?

Edited by Back Atcha
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3 hours ago, Gharlane said:

The more I see of her this season, the more I dislike her. That's one of the problems with this season.

Yes! I get it. She wasn't happy with Barry. But she still has young children at home, so she needs to woman up and be present for her kids. She can go off with flight guy in a few years. *These thoughts are also directed at Barry who seems to want good relationships with his youngest kids* 

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20 hours ago, Gharlane said:

The more I see of her this season, the more I dislike her. That's one of the problems with this season.

It's so interesting to watch her.  She's very happy with herself and ALL the decisions she's made and is making.  I don't think she realizes how AWFUL she comes across.  She needs to  DISAPPEAR from showbiz and get on with her full and happy love life.  

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7 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Her lipstick changes a few times in the same scen...from "neat enough," to very sloppy.  Guess that's wehre Moriah gets her lipstick sense.

Well that happens when you chew your cud or whatever the heck it is that she's always chewing on. So weird.

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Kim clearly manifests all the classic signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).  She endured a childhood lacking in support which left her feeling vulnerable inside.  She learned to control others as a means of compensation for herself.  This great need to control others, along with manipulation, deceit, and a scary lack of empathy towards others consumes the life of someone with NPD.  

The greatest fear of someone with NPD is exposure.  Just one person figuring out a narcissist poses a tremendous threat to the narc.  This person must be silenced, lest they clue others into the narc's true self.  The narc turns someone like Olivia into a scapegoat, heaping all the blame onto them in order to deflect attention from themselves.  

Oftentimes they are highly effective—at least for a while.  But eventually other people figure out the narc, particularly if the scapegoat becomes available and the narc requires new victims.  I suspect that is what will happen with Olivia leaving the family.  The rest of the Plath family should watch out—any one of them could be Kim's next target.  

Other tidbits about NPD:  

1.  They are nearly incapable of change. 

2.  The universal prescribed course of action when dealing with someone with NPD is simply to get away from them as much as possible

3.  They oftentimes have excellent social skills which they’ve finely honed in order to better manipulate people.

4.  They use others around them as minions to unwittingly do their dirty work for them.  These minions are called ‘flying monkeys” in the therapeutic world, a term originating from the Wizard of Oz.  

The study of NPD provides a fascinating rabbit hole for anyone interested. They could put Kim’s picture alongside the definition as a classic case.

I strongly suspect by her words and actions that Olivia has received some excellent counseling from a therapist well-versed in NPD, and is wisely and carefully following that advice.

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So Kim smugly buys an AIRPLANE for their son without consulting his father but:


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It seemed to me Kim was perfectly happy with Barry until Ken (bleh; I don't see the appeal) came along; then she had to bad-mouth her husband and invent grievances to justify her (probably) affair and subsequent abandonment of him and the younger children.  Barry is goofy, but he's essentially a good man and, compared to Ken, the life of the party!

Edited by Dibs
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I can't help but feel confused with everything Kim is saying. If her firstborn daughter had come to her 3 years ago, with all the grievances and disappointments Kim's discussed, Kim would demand she return home to her husband. She would have accused her of allowing the outside world to corrupt her. Or she would have insisted some 'bad' influence had brainwashed her.

All the negative character traits Barry and Kim ascribed to Olivia (when talking about her to the entire family) are NOTHING compared to individual Plath's traits currently on display.

And I don't understand why Moriah lied publicly about Kim and the credit card. She could have just said it privately to appease her mom, but she set up her own awkward public situation.

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