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S07.E08 The Owl

Message added by CheshireCat,

Anyone who wishes to remain unspoiled until the TV air date, remember that the episode streams two days early. There will be spoilers in this topic before the broadcast.

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  On 9/30/2023 at 1:57 AM, katenm said:

Perhaps for the first time, Andy clearly sees exactly who her husband is and is less than thrilled by the view


Seems like the writters might be planting seeds for Andy to work together with Wendy to take Prince down. Andy appears to be very bright both intellectually and emotionally (like Wendy), seems mightly pissed at Prince (like Wendy), and chose to hug Wendy, not Prince, as the disaster unfolded. Seems like Andy may figure out Wendy's "plot" and join the rebels. Who knows. Andy had been a very minor character so far, but IV's warning to Prince to get his marriage in order seems like it has to go somewhere.

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Oiph this show, lol. It could be great but somehow misses by degrees. 
I love Wendy and Taylor working to take down Prince and hope both that Andy joins them and that we get more of the nuts and bolts of their machinations and Wendy’s intuition. If we got more depth of character and motivation, especially with our overlords and their megalomaniacal zeal to control everything? Be immortal? Remake human life to say they can? Even if the humanity reboot isn’t an improvement? I need to understand why these people are doing what they’re doing and I just don’t. Not with Axe either back in the beginning. 
I loved the call out to Bohemian Grove and yet again wished they’d given us more. The ritual at the end needed more. I’ve seen intriguing little internet snippets of the BG’s last night ritual and it looks like a genuine religious ritual. 
Re: The magic concrete. Is cracking the only thing that goes wrong with concrete? Doesn’t it also settle, crumble and turn to dust? I liked that they mentioned Roman concrete as part of the material inspiration. I believe that Roman concrete was mixed with seawater which might explain the bacteria that helped keep it strong. 
Honestly, I’ve had enough of the not subtle normalization of the paraphilias and perversions vis a vis Wags. I especially hated that Wags is turned into the victim. (Poor me, I feel unlovable so I have to degrade others in the most horrible ways imaginable, says Wags.) Please. And then to add insult to injury the girlfriend figures out a way to please him, egged on by a therapist no less, and Wags then complains that her degradation isn’t complete enough because she’s explained why she would be willing to do this out of love? I had a hard time believing that a woman would be running around convincing another woman to debase herself in ways most people wouldn’t even discuss. I’m starting to wonder who in the writers room has a full scale, diagnosable perversion. 

Edited by AuntieMame
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Not sure what Wags was doing at that baby shower in the first place (other than to service the plotline) - maybe I'm behind the times, but since when do men go to those things? He's so jaded that there's little to nothing left to get his rocks off; my only question after his initial exposure was, did he want to be the observer or the participant.

So is Derek's fate as dire as implied? If Scooter spoke facts and he's alive but in Chinese custody, I could see Prince arranging for a prisoner exchange a la Brittney Griner.

This might be the first episode this season that didn't have a stunt casting/cameo appearance by a celebrity playing themselves.





Edited by Lone Wolf
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In all my years of watching Yellowstone, I had never heard of a whiskey ditch. Apparently it's a Montana thing so of course the MT governor running for POTUS ordered one for Prince. It was a reverse "I drink your milkshake" dominance move.

New money vs generational wealth. Yawn. Did Prince and Chuck really need to make that point again?

Griffin Dunne doesn't seem old enough to me to be considered a political elder statesman and kingmaker. Fourth seemed like the ultimate moneybags hypocrite to me.

So did Wendy rat out Prince's wife's friend stranded on mountain to the Chinese? I can't see why Prince would've done it.


Perhaps for the first time, Andy clearly sees exactly who her husband is and is less than thrilled by the view.


I think she already saw him but got caught up in the possibility of becoming FLOTUS. She mistakenly thought the oval office prospects would compel Prince to do the right thing.

Message added by CheshireCat,

Anyone who wishes to remain unspoiled until the TV air date, remember that the episode streams two days early. There will be spoilers in this topic before the broadcast.

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