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S1.E08: Every Single Person Matters

Mr. Sparkle

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William Trust getting outed didn't take long.  There is sooooo going to be a pro William Trust group that is going Spencer Lane is a hero for protecting him and this is going to be a brig king of the us vs them narrative.  I find it funny that William Trust wife kidnapped him in the hopes of keeping his zipper up? Boy is that going to backfire on spaceship full of hormones.  Also funny that Cat is boinking William Trust because of course she is.  

Spencer Lane has become Giaus Baltar without the hot blonde hallucination.  But it is an interesting enough story considering there was always something a little slimy about him.   Brice dying and blaming Trust for it was obvious and I am glad they got that out of the way pretty quickly.    But Strickland's connection to connection to Trust and his wife is really sad considering he was ordered on the ship and would have rather stayed on Earth even if it meant dying with his wife and child.  So the side he ultimately take is debatable.  


Further Thoughts:

High level crew members……there may be something that Spencer Lane needs to tell William Trust

Humans tend to get a little touchy when it comes to the subject of genetics.

Yes this is exactly how Cat starts all her sessions talking about herself. It is quite helpful actually.



Brice and Ava finally hook up -- twice.

Alicia is getting jealous of Angus and Kelly.

Trust immediately cheats on his wife with Cat.

Is this Melrose Place .... in Space ??

How come, after they completed their FTL trip, nobody asked where they were ? 
How much closer to Proxima B are they now ?  Or are they Lost ... in Space ?

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First Sharon, now Kelly.  Boy, Angus sure has a type, eh?

The ftl time distortion was a decent effect, but I’m not sure if the sequence made a ton of sense.  It felt like Eva, Trust and Alicia just kind of decided that it was the right time to nuke the engine- but it worked, so yay?  As expected, Trust got quite the mixed reaction from the crew.  So… Atmospheric Decarbonization?  I think we’ve figured out why most of North America is on fire in this show.

 It’s disappointing to see Lane get bounced from the crew over the Trusts.  Yes he kept them a secret from Garnet.  But, in his first time out with the crew, Bill was spat on, insulted, and decked by people she chose not to discipline.  And, is it worth alienating Lane yet again, knowing he’s definitely on one side of a potentially divisive issue?  Overall, I think I’m not so much taking up for Lane- but this really feels like something Garnet could have handled better.

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13 minutes ago, Chyromaniac said:

It’s disappointing to see Lane get bounced from the crew over the Trusts.  Yes he kept them a secret from Garnet.  But, in his first time out with the crew, Bill was spat on, insulted, and decked by people she chose not to discipline.  And, is it worth alienating Lane yet again, knowing he’s definitely on one side of a potentially divisive issue?  Overall, I think I’m not so much taking up for Lane- but this really feels like something Garnet could have handled better.

Yeah, a disgruntled Lane wandering around the ship, likely trying to undermine command, is not the scenario Sharon would want but that’s what she’s created. I think the better solution would’ve been to let him keep his rank but remove him from his #2 position and any command decisions.

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Alicia might end up showing SusKelly the human recycler up close and personal.

Wife UnTrustWorthy is such a smug, self-important cunt, she fits right in on Ark One. I'd wonder how her creepy husband keeps getting so much tail, but we have enough proof in real life that socially-repellent rich troglodytes manage, so... With any luck, he'll go through the female crew just to wipe her smarmy little smirk off.

They have to stop parading people through the ship for the Ark B hoi polloi to gawk at and get worked up about. First Kelly, now these two. Wife UnTrustWorthy is strutting around like she should be treated like an Empress.

Did Brice ever check Ark 3's medical database or ask SusKelly to see if they'd come up with a cure for Klampkins?

JFC, they doubled down on "let's make sure information is so tightly keep secret that a few key losses will risk everyone's survival" this episode. Super-secret fail safe EMP! Sucks that UnTrustWorthy was right; I mean, Garnet made the right decision given what they knew. 2 might have exploded, but 3 and 15 are tooling around the galaxy with that retrofit.

UnTrustWorthy, if you think any five of these people have a common goal, you're loony. And that includes basic survival, judging by their actions so far.

BSG Memorial Personnel Count: 129 (No deaths)


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