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S05.E04: Dear Offred

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The June Revenge Tour continues.

June must have secretly planted a GPS tracker on Serena, because it only takes her five minutes to track Serena down no matter where she is.

It must feel liberating to June that in free America she can openly make threats to Serena and run around waving a gun without drawing attention.

I really don't get why June needs the gun TBH since she can easily kill Serena with her death stare (camera zoomed in of course).

Luke truly is a master negotiator.  "I'm going to sic the building commission on you.  Oh, not impressed, huh?  Okay, June's going to kill you!  Oh, still not impressed.  Okay, can we have Hannah back?  I see, you're a tough one.  Alright, I'm going to kill you!  Oh, come on!  Okay, I'll just throw my notes at you and stomp off!"

So Commanders are kinky.  Thank you for clearing that up for us, Lawrence.

Great to see June and Luke becoming a team, fueled by sex and vengeance.

Greater still to see Aunt Lydia and Janine become a team, just because it's so weird.  I look forward to the two of them opening their Handmaid Psychological Counseling office, the first in Gilead.  Blessed progressiveness!

Edited by Dobian

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