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S02.E06: It’s a Business, Man

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After telling Raq Nique has a connect with the Italians and he is loyal, Raq could have easily followed to ask Worell how they knew where to hit the shipments and why he wasn't beaten. What a dumb plan played Nique. Worrell could have been killed that night.

Now Nique is creating doubt with Raq on Lou about killing Worrell. I am sure Worrell isn't pleased to hear why Unique seems disappointed with Lou's aim.

Raq looked unprepared that Bosselli wants Nique to run operations in New Jersey. She should have seen that coming a mile away.

Bosselli's "Pips" joke was funny.

The Italians arrived at Coney Island playing "Spanish Rap" music? No Frank Sinatra in the tape deck?

Was it me seeing things or was Cartier walking like a penguin when he was with Raq?

After the slap, Cartier's guy got the painting moved to his car real fast. Why did he go to him in the first place if the effort was so easy? I feel Cartier planned to slap the guy and give him a tongue lashing in front of Raq to impress her.

Burke is a Giants fan (I like her).

Raq and Marvin should have had that conversation months ago about him putting hands on Juke and to never ever do it again.

Freddy is dumb enough show his face and rob Kanan and Famous. Wonder if it was a setup from the guys in the apartment. Freddy had not thought of retribution when they know where he lives?

The mom just hands Kanan a gun and a kiss.  She just met himThis woman is terrible! Kanan might get her in bed before he gets the daughter.

Raq's ex-soldier from Jersey didn't hold back expressing himself to her and Nique. Lucky Raq didn't cap him. Not even severance pay from Raq.

I'm guessing the old man called the cops on Kanan and Famous?! Props to him. He had no fear they would go after him after they get out. They know the apartment he lives in.

What did Howard do to get Famous released? And those cops never took the cash? It would be easy to take. Famous can't say, they took my drug money?

The whole Famous arrest didn't make sense. It seems to be just a plot contrivance to get a Howard and Kanan conversation outside and for Burke to see them together.

Also, Raq didn't foresee Kanan running to Howard after she turned him down to help Famous.

Well At least, Famous went to jail so he has "Street cred" for his rhymes. 

Grandma said, "God gave men dicks to play with while the woman worked!'? Grandma was tripping!

Zisa's song is not on the radio now?! Crown's private chat with the Guy form KISS FM didn't persuade him to put her on?

Any more Aliyah looks they can pull off this episode with Zisa?

That's twice Crown couldn't see a punch coming from Lou! Change your glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya Crown! You were playing with fire for a long time and now you got burnt! 

Where was Crown's gun now? Didn't learn his lesson to always have it on him after the first punch from Lou? Fool even turned his back to him. So stupid!

Too bad Crown had to die wearing that ugly ass shirt!

So, was it planned to kill Crown or did Lou lose his temper? Zisa walked in as if they had a conversation to do this. Most innocent people would have hidden and silently duck out hoping Lou wouldn't see them and be his next victim.

Is Burke doing all this spying on her free time? She doesn't have a boat load of "real" cases to solve in her precinct? Howard wasn't assigned to her.

Of course, how convenient one of the Italians live in Scarsdale for Lou Marvin to get to Toni. 

Juke got curves!

Kenya let Marvin in quickly, so she had no fear of him.

Marvin is talking about the business to the group and all Renee got out of it was Marvin holding back on cursing! Seriously! Marvin held back because "it wasn't the appropriate forum" was her professional analysis????? She has to know the court sent Marvin to her for because he is involved in dirty business, so she is helping him be a better drug dealer.

Then it ends with Renee giggling like a schoolgirl, praising Marvin. 

The cokehead old man arrested peeping Kanan is going to talk to the police and bring trouble to the apartments.

Edited by mxc90
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Worrell is playing both sides against the middle. I'm surprised Raq still keeps him around since she knows he can't be trusted.

Does Marvin still care for Toni? He sounded a little jealous about her new man up in Westchester. Whoever the guy is, he's giving Toni a life Marvin can only dream of.

Kanan wearing his Ukraine flag colors again. Slava Ukraini.

Oh boy, Nique is setting Raq up with the Italians. Trouble man.

Poor Juke looked like her soul was slowly seeping away in those dresses Kenya was having her try on. But she did appreciate her friend from around the way calling her "fine." Maybe she'll become a lipstick lesbian.

Wait, what? Did Marvin figure out that Toni's new boyfriend is one of the Jersey mafia don's henchmen? The mention of Westchester was a pretty big coincidence to me.

Lol, low-rent neighborhood gangster pulling up on Kanan. He woke up and chose violence today.

Sure, Cartier. You're a one-man monopoly until Raq moves in on your territory. She is definitely stroking his humongous ego.

Cougar mom Palomar coming in clutch with the weapon for Kanan. Apparently her daughter Corrine isn't really feeling Kanan anymore though.

Bootleg Anita Baker. Hah. Yeah, Kenya's haircut does sort of resemble AB's look circa the Rapture album.

Howard got the drug money back for Kanan too? He seriously wants to get closer to his son. Meanwhile, he also noticed nosy Burke tailing him. Either she's bad at her job or she wants to push him into a confrontation. Good luck with that, hon.

Dang, Lou definitely did take that shit personally! Buh bye, Crown. But now Lou's going to have Zisa on his back unless he kills her too.


I'm guessing the old man called the cops on Kanan and Famous?

I was wondering about that but how would so many cops show up so quickly?


Of course, how convenient one of the Italians live in Scarsdale for Lou to get to Toni. 

Oh, okay, I mistakenly thought the Italian guy Marvin was talking to was Toni's boyfriend. Hmm.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

After the slap, Cartier's guy got the painting moved to his car real fast. Why did he go to him in the first place if the effort was so easy? I feel Cartier planned to slap the guy and give him a tongue lashing in front of Raq to impress her.

That slap was hilarious! It was so unnecessary.

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Any more Aliyah looks they can pull off this episode with Zisa?

That's twice Crown couldn't see a punch coming from Lou! Change your glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya Crown! You were playing with fire for a long time and now you got burnt! 

Where was Crown's gun now? Didn't learn his lesson to always have it on him after the first punch from Lou? Fool even turned his back to him. So stupid!

Too bad Crown had to die wearing that ugly ass shirt!

So, was it planned to kill Crown or did Lou lose his temper? Zisa walked in as if they had a conversation to do this.

At least I don't have to look at his hair anymore.

Zisa walks in and asks what are they gonna do with Crown, and when he looked at her, I was halfway expecting Lou to say "Operation London Bridge."

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

The mom just hands Kanan a gun and a kiss.  She just met himThis woman is terrible! Kanan might get her in bed before he gets the daughter.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Cougar mom Palomar coming in clutch with the weapon for Kanan. Apparently her daughter Corrine isn't really feeling Kanan anymore though.

Now I gotta go back and rewatch because I surely missed this part. I didn't see the cougar mom at all.

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Juke got curves!

Kenya let Marvin in quickly, so she had no fear of him.

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Poor Juke looked like her soul was slowly seeping away in those dresses Kenya was having her try on. But she did appreciate her friend from around the way calling her "fine." Maybe she'll become a lipstick lesbian.

I feel like this will go to Kenya finding out Juke is gay and those two having a blowout.

Edited by AntFTW
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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Worrell is playing both sides against the middle.

I think he is strictly on Nique's side. Him telling on Nique was just the get Raq to get him to contact Bosseli. 

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Does Marvin still care for Toni? He sounded a little jealous about her new man up in Westchester. Whoever the guy is, he's giving Toni a life Marvin can only dream of.

Seems he just want to get back at her for talking to the police.  But she is not talking anymore, so he just holding a grudge. Only Renee can save Toni now! Breathe in, Breathe out, Marvin!

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meanwhile, he also noticed nosy Burke tailing him. Either she's bad at her job or she wants to push him into a confrontation. Good luck with that, hon.

Burke was just showing up to work and stumbled on Kanan and Howard being there. That was just a coincidence she caught them.

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I was wondering about that but how would so many cops show up so quickly?

I had to re-listen; over the cop radio it said something about an assault at the apartment. I guess the old man called them.

That one cop came out with a night stick in hand, I thought Famous was going to get a beating.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

That slap was hilarious! It was so unnecessary.

It was funny. I laughed so loud! The line " do you want the other hand?" cracked me up!

Did Cartier give him a $10 or $20 for his hurt cheek? So insulting!

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

At least I don't have to look at his hair anymore.

Zisa walks in and asks what are they gonna do with Crown, and when he looked at her, I was halfway expecting Lou to say "Operation London Bridge."

LOL. That haircut was atrocious.

I always wanted to call him Al B. Sure. At least I'm sure he is dead.

Hope Zisa doesn't break a nail moving his body. How is Lou going to explain this to the cops and the complete wreckage in the studio. 

At this rate, Zisa is never going to get heard on the radio.

Lou is crumbling! He can never make it on his own. He is always going to be in the streets working for Raq.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I feel like this will go to Kenya finding out Juke is gay and those two having a blowout.

After the guy left, I thought Kenya was going to follow and ask "did you two use to date?".

She is going to find out about Juke soon.

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lol, low-rent neighborhood gangster pulling up Kanan. He woke up and chose violence today.

I guess he won't cooperate to tell the cops Kanan and Famous beat him up. He would have to confess to robbing them earlier. So no charges should come on Famous.

Yeah. He woke up stupid too. He didn't think violence was a two way street. Karma!

Edited by mxc90
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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Freddy is dumb enough show his face and rob Kanan and Famous. Wonder if it was a setup from the guys in the apartment. Freddy had not thought of retribution when they know where he lives?

I don’t remember Freddy- who is he??

7 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I feel like this will go to Kenya finding out Juke is gay and those two having a blowout.

I could see this happening too. 


9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Kenya let Marvin in quickly, so she had no fear of him.

I wasn’t surprised by that. Kenya never insinuated that she was scared of Marvin or that he abused her. Marvin certainly has an anger problem, (and he knows that) but his family members aren’t scared of him. Even after his fight with Juke (I’m so glad Raq told him that behavior wouldn’t be tolerated), Juke isn’t scared of him. She is done with him emotionally, but I don’t see fear in her face. 

This week we learn you can only push Marvin and Kanan so far before they are going to push back and push back harder. 

Crown should never have been in  a private room alone with Marvin again after last week especially without his gun. But not only does he do that he decides to run his mouth. 

Yeah this Juke and her mom thing is going to end bad. 

Speaking of ending bad, Burke getting back together with her ex is not going to have a happy ending. Congrats on those who responded to a previous post of mine saying that Burke and her ex would get it on before Marvin and therapy lady. However with how rushed and how very tepid this reunion is, makes me think there is another reason for it. Then with Burke getting too close to the truth and with the previews for next week, I think all the jokes about them looking similar was actually something the show meant to do. 

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9 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t remember Freddy- who is he??

I wasn’t surprised by that. Kenya never insinuated that she was scared of Marvin or that he abused her. Marvin certainly has an anger problem, (and he knows that) but his family members aren’t scared of him. Even after his fight with Juke (I’m so glad Raq told him that behavior wouldn’t be tolerated), Juke isn’t scared of him. She is done with him emotionally, but I don’t see fear in her face. 

Freddy was the one who held the gun robbing Kanan and Famous. He received the beating from Kanan.

Were there any previous scenes of Kenya mentioning Marvin and their history?  I can't go by Raq or Juke to determine how Kenya will react to Marvin. She hasn't seen him in 16 years. Once Raq told Marvin Kenya was back in town, he went straight to anger. That could have been the person Kenya remembers when whe left. If she had insisted on not buzzing him in and held a conversation through the speaker, I wouldn't have been surprised.

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Freddy was the one who held the gun robbing Kanan and Famous. He received the beating from Kanan.

Were there any previous scenes of Kenya mentioning Marvin and their history?  I can't go by Raq or Juke to determine how Kenya will react to Marvin. She hasn't seen him in 16 years. Once Raq told Marvin Kenya was back in town, he went straight to anger. That could have been the person Kenya remembers when whe left. If she had insisted on not buzzing him in and held a conversation through the speaker, I wouldn't have been surprised.

Yes I know Freddy mugged Kanaan and Famous, but were we familiar with the character before that scene? I felt like we were suppose to know him.

All Kenya said about Marvin was that she had a baby young before she knew herself, she did ask how Marvin was. If Kenya hadn't wanted to let Marvin in, I wouldnt have blamed her, but I also wasn't surprised that she was willing to speak with him. I get why Marvin is angry at Kenya, anyone would be in that situation (even if they didnt have the anger problems Marvin had).

She LEFT her child without a word (so no financial support, no letters or phone calls, no acknowledgment that she existed), for 16yrs, Marvin was in prison for a minute, but other than that, he has been parenting Juke. He and Raq have been the primary caregivers to Juke, and now that she is almost an adult, and the "work" is done she wants the benefit of the relationship. Marvin doesnt want to share his daughter with this person- he is fine with Raq's relationships with her (because he knows Raq took care of her while he was away, and he gets she may need a woman figure in her life) but he HATES Kenya for leaving. Nope he does not want to share at all.

18 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I always wanted to call him Al B. Sure.

Al B. Sure is actually the actor's dad! I was wondering during the entire episode if he was borrowing clothes from his dad's storage unit! 

Imma need them to get on with Kanaan's "transformation". Because besides the beat down he gave to Freddy this episode, we still haven't really seen the Kanaan we know from Power OG. This Kanaan is a little too nice and dopey. I think they shot too far in the other direction with the characterization, probably because they wanted to show his "growth" into a monster. There's a real difference with Juke's characterization. I can see how she becomes the hardened, bad ass cop/drug dealer/enforcer. Even before her girlfriend's death, there was a little hardness with her and it's been consistent. Not really seeing the same with Kanaan. 

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34 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Al B. Sure is actually the actor's dad! I was wondering during the entire episode if he was borrowing clothes from his dad's storage unit! 

Damn! He sure is too!

35 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Imma need them to get on with Kanaan's "transformation". Because besides the beat down he gave to Freddy this episode, we still haven't really seen the Kanaan we know from Power OG.

Well, the actor playing teen Kanan does a really good "50 Cent mouth." That transformation is moving along fine.  He seems to have mastered moving his mouth when he's talking in the same way that 50 Cent does.

Edited by AntFTW
  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Al B. Sure is actually the actor's dad! I was wondering during the entire episode if he was borrowing clothes from his dad's storage unit! 

Imma need them to get on with Kanaan's "transformation". Because besides the beat down he gave to Freddy this episode, we still haven't really seen the Kanaan we know from Power OG. This Kanaan is a little too nice and dopey. I think they shot too far in the other direction with the characterization, probably because they wanted to show his "growth" into a monster. There's a real difference with Juke's characterization. I can see how she becomes the hardened, bad ass cop/drug dealer/enforcer. Even before her girlfriend's death, there was a little hardness with her and it's been consistent. Not really seeing the same with Kanaan. 

I did not know Quicy Brown (Crown) was the son of Al B Sure! And Kim Porter is his Mom (Kim also had kids with Diddy). SMALL WORLD!

Random- I had not heard of Al B Sure until Pose, one of the characters went on a tour.

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3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Al B. Sure is actually the actor's dad! I was wondering during the entire episode if he was borrowing clothes from his dad's storage unit! 

Imma need them to get on with Kanaan's "transformation". Because besides the beat down he gave to Freddy this episode, we still haven't really seen the Kanaan we know from Power OG. This Kanaan is a little too nice and dopey. I think they shot too far in the other direction with the characterization, probably because they wanted to show his "growth" into a monster. There's a real difference with Juke's characterization. I can see how she becomes the hardened, bad ass cop/drug dealer/enforcer. Even before her girlfriend's death, there was a little hardness with her and it's been consistent. Not really seeing the same with Kanaan. 

This is true. Juke does have a hardness, she just needs a few more heartbreaks/deep rejections and we can see how she cuts herself off from the world and becomes a crooked cop/cold blooded killer.

I always got the impression that the Kanaan from Power OG was a true mastermind, and Ghost took him out because he KNEW he would never ascend with him in the picture. I think prison and the betrayal of his closest lieutenants turned Kanan. But he murdered his own son in cold blood, yet couldn't bring himself to hurt Tariq (I say that is plot armor).

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17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wasn’t surprised by that. Kenya never insinuated that she was scared of Marvin or that he abused her.

When Kenya was explaining to Jukebox why she left, I am shameful to admit that I was disappointed. I speculated that Marvin abused her or maybe she had a drug problem, but the real reason was kinda lame.

3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

When Kenya was explaining to Jukebox why she left, I am shameful to admit that I was disappointed. I speculated that Marvin abused her or maybe she had a drug problem, but the real reason was kinda lame.

I think in most situations like that it’s a “lame” reason. Usually if a father is abusive, if a mother is leaving she takes her child with her. If she has a drug problem, that’s often explained to the child “she was too sick to take care of you.”  I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was into drugs given that Marvin got hooked when Juke was a toddler, but I didn’t think that was the reason she stayed gone for 16yrs. 

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