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S02.E11: Bloodline

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Seriously? Just when they give Juliette some depth, they kill her off. By her own father! Like, we already knew Russell was a villain, making him pure evil seems like overkill. Kerwin is my favorite Tan, but I didn't want him to be the last one standing - not like this!

But besides all that, it was good to see Kerwin and his abs again. Glad he got some brother-sister scenes with Juliette.

Sooo... Mia really does have superpowers? Too bad that doesn't counteract brattiness, seeing as how she got herself immediately captured by Russell. I mean, I want to root for her, but if she can't even get along with Zhilan who is actually trying to assist her in revenging....

Althea & Dennis continue to be adorable. But is Althea's company actually profitable yet? Because while I support Dennis helping her out and working together with Althea, at least one of them needs a steady '9-to-5' job, right?

Aw man, they're going to have to destroy the Magical Dream Realm by the end, aren't they? Crap - that's the one magic thing on this show I was interested in. Can't have any more Xiaos bothering Gaurdians and Warriors.

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Well, damn!  I knew Juliette's plan to take out Russell was going to backfire, but I didn't expect her to get killed off like that!  But I'm guessing her sliding her phone under the couch will end up playing a part in his downfall.  Maybe she was recording the confrontation?  Plus, I have to imagine once Kerwin (welcome back!) finds out about this, he won't be content to just hide out in one of their many properties anymore.

Looks like Russell's plan isn't to just simply cause an earthquake and destruction.  Instead, ringing that bell would also allow him access to the Magical Realm.  At first, everyone thought he was using it to resurrect his long dead son, but it sounds like he's after some good old immortality instead.  Ah, a classic!  Who doesn't love a supervillain who just wants to live forever?!!

Heh, instead of being some kind of mentor towards her, even Zhilan was like "I can't handle this, Nicky!  Please take her back!" when it came to Mia.  She is so not cut out for the older sister/babysitter game!  Of course, Mia is now pissed off at both of them and has gone rogue.  Which led her to.... getting captured by Russell.  Oh, and inadvertently take her first life by killing Russell's incompetent henchman.  Whoops!

Understandable that Nicky doesn't want anything to do with Zhilan, but I suspect this will all end with them having to team up.

At least Althea's business seems to be improving.  Dennis even's got himself a job there thanks to his marketing smarts and connections.  Hopefully no major drama will come out of them working together because they are still the best.

Aww, Ryan has been regulated to the couch to heal up but he still wants to help!

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I hated Juliette (the actress bugged me, although I thought she did well in the scenes where Mia really attacked her and Zhilan had to fight her off), but she didn't deserve to die like that. I would love it if Russell successfully rings the bell, expecting immortality, and instead unleashes the ghosts of Juliette and Raymond who kill him off. 

Yay, Kerwin is back. Avenge your sister! Shirtless, please.

I loved how excited Dennis was when Althea made him COO. I would enjoy it if Althea's company was super successful and they could stick it to Dennis's parents. 

Oh, Mia, so dumb.

Edited by emma675
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I actually thought Juliette was fun to watch.  She was scheming but also sort of had a conscience too, so I would have liked her to stick around.  Why didn't Russell Tan just lock her up or something?  I agree that made him too one-dimensional.  I liked the brother-sister talk, so it would have been nice to have more of that.  It will be interesting to see Kerwin figure out what happened to her.  

Mia was being just as petulant with Zhilan as she was with Nicky.  I'm assuming we're supposed to feel sorry for her again now.  I'm not sure why Zhilan was growing so fond of Mia.

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This one was definitely better. I thought it was weird that Mia just went to Tan's, but then they showed in the preview that there are 13 episodes, not 12. My bad. I have no idea why Zhilan likes Mia. I mean, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to see they were "abandoned" and "alone", so parallels or whatever, but man Mia going evil might have gone over better if she hadn't heard that Ryan was still alive. Too fast, not enough earning it. The actress really tried to sell it tho, so props to her.

Ah Juliette, I loved your scheming, there were points that almost felt like a Kdrama. I'll miss her plotting. I really enjoyed the look on Tan's face though when she just went off, like dude had no idea. I don't feel sorry for him, he did it to himself. I feel bad for Kerwin, who is gonna hear the exchange, cuz I know Juliette recorded it. Yay for Kerwin possibly coming back to get revenge or justice.

Happy that Ryan's okay. I can't believe he actually thought they were going to let him near the shop, lol. Althea and Dennis continue to be our rays of happiness, I hope that never changes.

If only evil Shifu had appeared to Mia, that might have gone a long way with the whole switch to evil, and Mia would have believed whatever the lady told her. Instead evil Shifu picked Zhilan, and was wrong. I do believe that Tan would have eventually given the company to Juliette, what's a company when he's immortal? The man could make himself unbeatable in any country, and taken over with influence and money because he'd have time on his side.

I honestly can't believe that they let Nicky go to the trap on her own. It was a dumb plan on Nicky's part, and I know I shouldn't be annoyed because the writers needed the fight and to have Mia run off. But crap it really made Nicky look incompetent, and everyone else in that room look like uncaring idiots.

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13 hours ago, william0102 said:

I honestly can't believe that they let Nicky go to the trap on her own. It was a dumb plan on Nicky's part, and I know I shouldn't be annoyed because the writers needed the fight and to have Mia run off. But crap it really made Nicky look incompetent, and everyone else in that room look like uncaring idiots.

I also thought the plan was dumb, not to mention predictable and tiresome.  Of course Mia wouldn't listen to Nicky and she would fail at convincing her.  That was obvious the moment Nicky suggested the idea.  I don't think the others believed Mia would hurt Nicky, so the risk factor wasn't high enough for me to need them insisting on tagging along.  

13 hours ago, william0102 said:

If only evil Shifu had appeared to Mia, that might have gone a long way with the whole switch to evil, and Mia would have believed whatever the lady told her. 

I think that would have been more believable, too.  It would have made more sense for evil Shifu to coax Mia into self-destructing, and then Tan wouldn't be able to ring the bell.

I love that, after all of that drama about Zhilan taking Mia under her evil wing, Zhilan basically begs Nicky to take her back, being a mentor is really hard! I feel for Mia, but she just makes the dumbest most obviously bad choices and its going to drag everyone else into her mess. Of course this was a trap, she basically handed herself over to Russel on a silver platter. 

I'll miss Juliette, this show really needs to stop killing off interesting characters. She was a schemer but she did seem to have some morals, and her issues with her dad seem legit. Hopefully Kerwin avenges his sister. Preferably after a sweaty shirtless workout...

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25 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I love that, after all of that drama about Zhilan taking Mia under her evil wing, Zhilan basically begs Nicky to take her back, being a mentor is really hard! I feel for Mia, but she just makes the dumbest most obviously bad choices and its going to drag everyone else into her mess. Of course this was a trap, she basically handed herself over to Russel on a silver platter. 

I'll miss Juliette, this show really needs to stop killing off interesting characters. She was a schemer but she did seem to have some morals, and her issues with her dad seem legit. Hopefully Kerwin avenges his sister. Preferably after a sweaty shirtless workout...

Russell lost his chief - but incompetent - minion and has to face 3 enemies that definitely want to kill him, plus Team Nicky that just wants to arrest him. His only advantage is that his enemies might kill / injure each other first...

I don't know if the show really wants to go into zombie territory (but then again, we have dream realms and immortal alchemists...), but could they resurrect Juliette with the bell? It seemed to be a possibility before we learned that Russell wanted immortality. Just trying to think of how they might fix the raw deal Juliette got. Kerwin was presumed dead last season too; I could see him saving his sister as a parallel.

19 hours ago, Trini said:

I don't know if the show really wants to go into zombie territory (but then again, we have dream realms and immortal alchemists...), but could they resurrect Juliette with the bell? It seemed to be a possibility before we learned that Russell wanted immortality.

This is what I'm thinking/hoping. Zombie Juliette exacts revenge on the father who thought he killed her. 

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