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X-Files Episode Elimination Game

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Holman Hardt (The Rain King)
Wayne Weinsider (Terms of Endearment)
Antenna emitting ELF waves (Drive)

Herman/Albert Pinchbeck and Billy LaBonge (The Amazing Maleeni)
Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)


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Bernard Oates (was there something more to him than being a bank robber that I'm forgetting?)

ELF waves

Holman Hardt

Herman/Albert Pinchbeck and Billy LaBonge (The Amazing Maleeni)

Henry Weems' good luck

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I know!  I find Holman pretty interesting.  His crush on Sheila is boring as hell, but the ability to affect the weather with his moods - or the inability not to affect the weather with his moods - isn't something one sees every day.

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With seven votes, the antenna that was emitting ELF waves is out first, followed by Wayne Weinsider with six votes.  With three votes apiece, adding up to equal weight, we also say goodbye to Gene Gogolak and his garbage monster tulpa and Holman Hardt (sniff).


Herman/Albert Pinchbeck and Billy LaBonge and the Millennium Group are out with four votes each, with the magicians out first as all four of their votes were first-place while the Millennium Group was a mix of first- and second-place votes.


Season Six

Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Bernard Oates (Monday)
Underground fungus (Field Trip)


Season Seven


Rob Roberts (Hungry)
Max Harden (Rush)
Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)
Donnie Pfaster (Orison)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)


To get down to our final three, vote for two season six characters and three from season seven.

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Bernard Oates

Morris Fletcher


Rob Roberts

Max Harden

Donnie Pfaster


Looking at this short list brings home the fact I have no number one for season seven.  Donnie Pfaster was so much more compelling the first time around.  Jenn is fine, but the genie idea is rather generic.  Although I don't like X-Cops, the concept of the "fear monster" is interesting, but it's not favorite material.  I love The Goldberg Variation and find the idea of Henry Weems' good luck necessitating misfortune for anyone around him (thus forcing him into isolation until he needs to venture out to perform a good deed - at which point he carefully chooses a lowlife to endanger) an interesting idea, but I'm not sure that rises to favorite level, either.

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Season 6:

Bernard Oates (Monday)

Underground fungus (Field Trip)


Season 7:

Rob Roberts (Hungry)

Max Harden (Rush)

Donnie Pfaster (Orison)


Rob Roberts

Max Harden

Donnie Pfaster


hah!  I just posted the same.  Great minds.  ;)

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Heads up, all: I will need more help than normal compiling the lists for seasons eight and nine.  It took me a long time to do season seven with how many episodes I had forgotten or never seen (which requires reading a detailed summary to figure out what ultimately happened), so I can only imagine how long the 8&9 list would take since I've never seen any of them, but I know it's more time than I have.


So, please -- start thinking of who the villains are for those episodes. On Thursday, I'll be posting the final rankings for this game.  At that time, I would normally post the draft list for the next game, allowing time for any necessary revisions before voting starts again Friday.  Instead, I'll be asking those of you who've actually seen those episodes to post your own draft lists.  That way, I only have to go research the ones no one knows, rather than having to do so for every single episode.

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Underground fungus (Field Trip)
Bernard Oates (Monday)

Max Harden (Rush)
Donnie Pfaster (Orison)

Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)


Unfortunately I will be of no help whatsoever with season 9 and probably none with season 8 since I only remember a handful of episodes and most of them are mytharc anyway.

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Bernard Oates

Morris Fletcher


Donnie Pfaster

Henry Weems' good luck

Max Harden


Most of 8 and 9 are mytharc eps, so than narrows it down.  I remember the Jesus slug from Roadrunners and the butt genie from Badlaa.  There was the metal guy in Salvage and some sort of microscopic organism in Medusa. That's all I remember.

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At least these voting results are less depressing than the nation's ... although those of you who kicked off the underground fungus are dead to me, as that's my number two for the season.
With six votes, Bernard Oates bites the dust.  The underground fungus and Morris Fletcher each got three votes, but with weighted voting it's the fungus that joins Bernard.
Max Harden goes out first with seven votes, and Rob Roberts and Donnie Pfaster follow him with five votes each (in that order, due to weighted voting).
Season Six

Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)

Season Seven

Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)


Cast your vote for the most-interesting villain of the week.

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Alfred Fellig, as I think his redemption arc was one of the most fascinating things about a really great ep.  Tithonus is one of my favorites of the entire series.


Fear Monster, because even though the "monster" in this MotW tends to get overlooked, it's IMO a really terrifying and interesting idea to explore -- your worst fears quite literally coming true in the most frightening way possible.  I think X-Cops as a whole is a brilliant study on Mulder and Scully, on their relationship with each other, and what their deep-down "worst fears" really are.

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Maurice and Lyda, hands down.


(The fungus would be my second, and Fellig my third.)


Henry Weems' good luck. 


(It's a weak first, and I don't even have a second and third.  Probably the fear monster second, since I like that concept even though I don't like the episode in which it appears.)

Queequeg, is the second picture from X-Cops or Je Souhaite?  (I think it's the former, as I don't recognize it from the latter, but I want to be sure and count your vote accurately.) 

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The humungous fungus among us would be my number 2 as well. I love Field Trip!


I'm gonna go with Fellig, for the same reason as Taryn.  Plus - immortal Scully!


And then the Jenn because while I like the fear monster, I love the idea of the genie's wishes not turning out exactly how you want. 

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Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) and Felig in second place.


Jenn (Je Souhaite) and the fear monster in second place.


My number one for season 7 would actually have been Donnie Pfaster. Even though Orison is weaker that Irresistible, I still find him extremely creepy.

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With four votes, Maurice and Lyda take the crown for season six.  Alfred Fellig is our runner-up with three votes, and no-vote Morris Fletcher takes third.


We have a tie for season seven's most-interesting villain, with three votes each: the full moon fear monster and JennHenry Weems' good luck slides into third with one vote.


Season Six

1. Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
2. Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
3. Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
4. Underground fungus (Field Trip)
5. Bernard Oates (Monday)
6. Holman Hardt (The Rain King)
    Gene Gogolak and his “garbage monster” tulpa (Arcadia)
8. Wayne Weinsider (Terms of Endearment)
9. Antenna emitting ELF waves (Drive)
10. Phillip Padgett/Ken Naciamento (Milagro)
11. Pinker Rawls (Trevor)
12. Timothy Landau (Three of a Kind)
13. Sea monster (Agua Mala)
14. Dr. Ian Detweiler (Alpha)


Season Seven

1. Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
    Jenn (Je Souhaite)
3. Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)
4. Donnie Pfaster (Orison)
5. Rob Roberts (Hungry)
6. Max Harden (Rush)
7. The Millennium Group (Millennium)
8. Herman/Albert Pinchbeck and Billy LaBonge (The Amazing Maleeni)
9. Oral Peattie (Theef)
    Ellen Adderly (Chimera)
11. Tobacco executives using super beetles (Brand X)
12. Reverend Mackey (Signs and Wonders)
13. Doppelgangers (Fight Club)
14. Maitreya (First Person Shooter)

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Okay, folks who watched seasons eight and nine -- time to start posting some villains so we'll have a list to vote on tomorrow.  Let me know the episode in which they appeared, too. 


I'm too busy today and tomorrow to do research on top of taking care of the postings and tallyings, so please dig deep into your memory banks or check online if you have spare time so we have a fairly complete list. 


(I do have everything all set for the all-stars game, though, so once we get this S8/9 game dispatched with, we can get back to the good stuff.)

Edited by Bastet
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I'm off work today, and I have a cold and a toothache, so I'm not planning on doing a damn thing. So, I have loads of time.


Here's what I've got for season 8, from memory and some research:

Bat man - Patience

Jesus slug (or is it the townspeople? or both?) - Roadrunners

Cal Jeppy - Invocation

Cesar Ocampo - Redrum

Anthony Tippet - Via Negativa

Surekill - Randall...something

Salvage - Ray Pearce, the metal guy

Badlaa - the butt genie, although what they really called him in the episode I have no idea

The Gift - the soul eater

Medusa - the bioluminescent organism

Empedocles - the thread of evil via Jed Dukes?

Alone - reptile creature Herman Stites

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Woo, we're off to a great start -- thanks!  Perhaps Queequeg can put forth a season nine draft to go with the season eight list janestclair posted, others can weigh in with any changes today/tonight, and then I'll get the final thing formatted and posted tomorrow morning so we can start voting.


I have to get back to work now (dammit) and a deposition after lunch will probably tie me up all afternoon, but I'll check back in this evening.


Hooray for group effort.

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Josef Kobold (I just remember THE VOMITING) - Daemonicus 

Erwin Lukesh - 4-D

Dylan Lokensgard (Fly kid) - Lord of the Flies 

Caballero (memory stealing guy) - John Doe

Detective Van Allen - Hellbound

Dr. Jack Preijers - Audrey Pauley 

Bearded Man?/Bob Fassl? (is it just the bearded man?  are they one in the same?  wth was this episode?  lol) - Underneath

Unnamed Killer who mysteriously vanishes when shot?  Mr. Burt? - Improbable 

Tommy Conlon - Scary Monsters

Jump the Shark -  Is this a mytharc or no?  Inside the X lists at it one, but I'm not sure 'cause they also listed The Gift as mytharc and I don't consider that mytharc.  (I try to forget this episode at all costs.  Can the episode itself be the villain?) 

Nicholas Regali?  Hayes/Mimms is more interesting but not the villain - Release

Oliver Martin - Sunshine Days 

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The villain in Improbable was named Wayne ("Wayne-o").  I know this because I thought Burt Reynolds kept calling him Bueno.  LOL.


(I try to forget this episode at all costs.  Can the episode itself be the villain?)



Hee!  Agreed.


I always go by Inside the X when figuring out what is mytharc and what isn't.  I'm not sure what criteria they use though, and/or if it is from official channels.

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The Gift is mytharc? Yeah...I disagree. Mulder did not have a secret fatal brain disease, therefore it's not myth arc.

Jump the Shark didn't really happen because TLG aren't really dead. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Ah yes, Underneath, where catholic guilt manifests itself into a bearded, filthy-looking homicidal maniac. Maybe list this one as Bearded killer through Bob Fassl?

Butt genie from Badlaa is mostly listed as "Indian beggar" or "Beggar man". Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man.

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Ugh, I am too old for Thursday night happy hour.  At least when it involves margaritas.  Tequila hates me, ever since that night in college of which I have no independent recollection.  Despite my raging hangover and pile of work I want to vomit on, here we go with our next game.  That I'm not even voting in, because I don't know who any of these characters are.  I do it all for you, forum people. 


Season Eight


Bat man (Patience)
Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Cal Jeppy (Invocation)
Cesar Ocampo (Redrum)
Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)
Randall (Surekill)
Ray Pearce (Salvage)
Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa)
Soul eater (The Gift)
The bioluminescent organism (Medusa)
The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)


Season Nine


Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Dylan Lokensgard (Lord of the Flies)
Caballero (John Doe)
Detective Van Allen (Hellbound)
Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)
Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath)
Wayne (Improbable)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
Nicholas Regali (Release)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)


Vote for three uninteresting season eight villains and two boring baddies from season nine.

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Randall (Surekill)
Ray Pearce (Salvage)

The bioluminescent organism (Medusa)


Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)
Dylan Lokensgard (Lord of the Flies)



Going for the ones I remember the least, first.


Thanks for sticking with it, Bastet!

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Cesar Ocampo - I remember the episode, but him not so much. Or at all, really

Randall - I can't remember this guy, either. But I also don't remember this episode.

Ray Pearce - the only thing I remember about this episode is a Terminator joke.


Dylan Lokensgard


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Thanks, Bastet!

Season 8:

Cesar Ocampo (not surprised you don't remember him, janestclair, he was just a mean bastard)

Cal Jeppy (this is the child killer, right? Not the creepy ghost(?) kid?)

Ray Pearce

Season 9:


Nicholas Regali

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With four votes, Ray Pearce is the least-interesting villain of the week for season eight.  Cesar Ocampo and Randall each received two votes, and with weighted voting are out in that order.
For season nine, Wayne takes the booby prize with three votes.  Behind him with two votes is Dylan Lokensgard.
Season Eight

Bat man (Patience)
Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Cal Jeppy (Invocation)
Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)
Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa)
Soul eater (The Gift)
The bioluminescent organism (Medusa)
The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)


Season Nine

Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Caballero (John Doe)
Detective Van Allen (Hellbound)
Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)
Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
Nicholas Regali (Release)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)


Vote for three from each season.

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Cal Jeppy (Invocation)

The bioluminescent organism (Medusa)

Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa)


Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)

Detective Van Allen (Hellbound)

Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath)

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Season 8:

Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa)

Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)

Cal Jeppy (Invocation)


Season 9:

Nicholas Regali

Detective Van Allen (Hellbound)

Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath)

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With four votes, Cal Jeppy is out first, followed by the bioluminescent organism and the - my fingers can never quite believe they're typing this - paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man, with three votes each (out in that order due to weighted voting).


We say goodbye to four season nine villains because even weighted voting produced a tie.  Out first with three votes is Nicholas Regali, second with three - but not as heavily weighted - votes is the bearded killer through Bob Fassl, and tied with two equally weighted votes are Detective Van Allen and Caballero.


Season Eight


Bat man (Patience)
Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)
Soul eater (The Gift)
The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)


Season Nine


Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)


To determine the final three, vote for three season eight villains and two from season nine.

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Season 8:

Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)

Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)

The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)


Ya know. all the season 8 villains/monsters kinda suck...


Season 9:

Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)

Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)

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The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)

Bat man (Patience)

Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa) -- I found the episode interesting, but not so much the baddie


Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)

Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)

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