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X-Files Episode Elimination Game

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With four votes, Anthony Tippet is out first.  With three, the thread of evil via Jed Dukes follows next.  Bringing up the rear with two votes is bat man.  Reptile creature Herman Stites also received two votes, but the bat man's were more heavily weighted, so he lives to slither another day.


We're left with just a top two for season nine, due to another tie.  Josef Kobold bites the dust first with three votes, but with two equally-weighted votes apiece, both Dr. Jack Preijers and Tommy Conlon join him.


Season Eight

Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Soul eater (The Gift)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)


Season Nine


Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)


Vote your pick for most-interesting villain so we can move on to the all-stars game.

Edited by Bastet
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With a whopping three votes, the soul eater from The Gift is the most-interesting villain of season eight.  Runner up with one vote is the Jesus slug from Roadrunners.  (Well, certainly nothing there that makes me want to watch.)  With no votes, reptile creature Herman Stites from Alone will slither into third.
Oliver Martin from Sunshine Days takes the season nine crown, also with three votes.  With one vote, Erwin Lukesh from 4-D comes in second. 
Season Eight
1. Soul eater (The Gift)
2. Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
3. Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)
4. Bat man (Patience)
5. The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles)
6. Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa)
7. Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa)
8. The bioluminescent organism (Medusa)
9. Cal Jeppy (Invocation)
10. Randall (Surekill)
11. Cesar Ocampo (Redrum)
12. Ray Pearce (Salvage)


Season Nine

1. Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)
2. Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
3. Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)
    Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
5. Josef Kobold (Daemonicus)
6. Caballero (John Doe)
    Detective Van Allen (Hellbound)
8. Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath)
9. Nicholas Regali (Release)
10. Dylan Lokensgard (Lord of the Flies)
11. Wayne (Improbable)


I'll work these guys into the all-stars list and post that shortly so we can commence voting on that.

Edited by Bastet
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Behold, the all stars.  The top three (or four, in the case of season nine - how cruel - thanks to the tie for third there) villains from each season will now duke it out to see who is the most-interesting villain of the week for the series.


Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
The Eves (Eve)
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension)
Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt)
Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible)
Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher)
Terri and Margi (Syzygy)
Puppet, the bellhop (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose)
John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts)
Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes)
Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts)
Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood)
Greg Pincus (Folie a Deux)
The mothman creature (Detour)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)
Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)
Soul eater (The Gift)
Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)


Let's get rid of some low-hanging fruit.  Vote for your five least-interesting villains (in order). 

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Hmm, I'll go with the first five of the seven I don't know:


Soul eater (The Gift)
Jesus slug (Roadrunners)
Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)

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All right!  Easy voting for now.  Just going with ones I don't know.

Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)
Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days)
Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)
Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley)

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Even if the episodes are not as good, some of these season 8 and 9 villains are pretty great if you look at them separately. The soul eater is very interesting and so terribly tragic, but the episode is a snooze. And the kid from Scary Monsters gotta win an evil kid trophy of some kind, I mean that boy is batshit. I can't believe no one punched him in the face. And just so I can say the name again, I'd rank paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man over quite a few from the list. But anyway, they're not all the bees knees:

Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley. Who is this guy and why is he on all stars?)

Maurice and Lyda (HTGSC)

Henry Weems' good luck (Goldberg Variation)

Erwin Lukesh (4-D)

Jesus slug (Roadrunners)

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Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) -- it bugs me that he had no motive whatsoever, at least as far as we could see


Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone)


Greg Pincus (Folie a Deux) -- ditto on the lack of motive


Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) -- I don't remember this ep hardly at all, the only reason I remember the character is because it's Ben from Lost LOL


Erwin Lukesh (4-D) -- interesting concept, made far less interesting by being a S9 episode.  Can you imagine if Mulder or Scully had to let an alternate version of the other die so that the "real" one could survive?  Holy angst, Batman.

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Erwin Lukesh (4-D) -- interesting concept, made far less interesting by being a S9 episode.  Can you imagine if Mulder or Scully had to let an alternate version of the other die so that the "real" one could survive?  Holy angst, Batman.


I would just die right along with them

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Dr. Jack Preijers, reptile creature Herman Stites, and Erwin Lukesh all got six votes, and with weighted voting they're out in that order.  Joining them are Oliver Martin with five votes and the Jesus slug with three.
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
The Eves (Eve)
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension)
Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt)
Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible)
Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher)
Terri and Margi (Syzygy)
Puppet, the bellhop (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose)
John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts)
Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes)
Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts)
Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood)
Greg Pincus (Folie a Deux)
The mothman creature (Detour)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)
Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)
Soul eater (The Gift)
Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters)


Vote for three this time.

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Puppet, the bellhop (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose)

Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)

Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood)  -- I hate to do this, as much as I love Bad Blood, but Ronnie Strickland is just kinda meh for me as a villain

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Ronnie is interesting to me because he cracks me up, but also because he's someone who acts the way he does because he's seen one too many Bela Lugosi movies ... but he just happens to be a real vampire.  I love that idea.

Edited by Bastet
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I can't believe everyone is voting for the soul eater.  Man, that poor whatever it was... so sad.  :(   I thought that whole episode was a waste of one of Duchovny's contracted shows, and I HATE the whole Mulder has some stupid brain disease we've never heard of before now, but I found the soul eater to be very sad and compelling.  And the fact that Mulder didn't allow it to take his disease once he saw the creature and how much pain it was in, well that's just so Mulder.  Bless his heart.

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With five votes, Tommy Conlon is out first.  With four votes each, he is followed by the soul eater and Greg Pincus (in that order, due to weighted voting).
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
The Eves (Eve)
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension)
Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt)
Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible)
Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher)
Terri and Margi (Syzygy)
Puppet, the bellhop (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose)
John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts)
Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes)
Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts)
Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood)
The mothman creature (Detour)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Morris Fletcher (Dreamland)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)
Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation)


Vote for three again.

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Now that all the villains I never saw or don't remember are out of the way, I have to do some actual deliberation this round.  Hmmm ...


Jenn (just a genie)

Morris Fletcher (just a MiB, plus he's a sexist jackass)

Henry Weems' good luck (points for being unique, but less interesting than the rest of the list)

Edited by Bastet
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Agreeing with you on two out of three....


Puppet, the bellhop

Morris Fletcher

Henry Weems' good luck


I'm not ready to vote Jenn out quite yet.  I do like that despite having been trapped in a "careful what you wish for" wish for millennia, she was still genuinely trying to help people choose good wishes rather than being all evil and tricksy and ruining their lives because she could.

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Granted, I don't watch many genie stories, but the ones I've seen are pretty much all the same -- benevolent genie tries to help, but people's wishes always go awry because of the consequences they didn't think about, so the bottom line is you just can't attempt to change things that way. 


Now, Scully in that episode, on the other hand, is terribly interesting to me.  She's downright adorable.

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With five votes, Henry Weems' good luck is out first, followed by Puppet with four votes.  With two votes, Morris Fletcher joins them.  Ronnie Strickland also got two votes, but they weren't as strong.
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
The Eves (Eve)
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension)
Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt)
Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible)
Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher)
Terri and Margi (Syzygy)
John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts)
Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes)
Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts)
Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood)
The mothman creature (Detour)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)
Jenn (Je Souhaite)


Vote for three.

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With four votes, Jenn is out first, followed by the mothman creature with four lesser-weighted votes.  For our third slot, we have a tie of villains I find highly entertaining, so we'll say goodbye to them together: Ronnie Strickland and Terri and Margi got three equally-weighted votes each.  So ... you are in big trouble.  Or, hate you, wouldn't want to date you.
Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea)
The Eves (Eve)
Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms)
Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension)
Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt)
Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible)
Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher)
John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts)
Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes)
Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts)
Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas)
Alfred Fellig (Tithonus)
Full moon fear monster (X-Cops)


Vote for your next three.

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