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Season 9 Episodes Talk

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Oh my goodness, here's Erica again. She says the same thing every finale in my opinion.


"the whole team is in jeopardy in a way they’ve never been before.”




Haven't we heard this before?


And JJ haters, here is a picture for you. 




And what is a Messer episode without a tea,m bonding at the end. LOL


“Everybody taking a deep breath,” Messer assures. Meaning, though shy of another festive party in Rossi’s backyard, Season 9 will not leave us with any semblance of a life-or-death cliffhanger. “The out of our first hour is so great, you really can’t top it,” the EP notes. So instead, “I wanted our team to be like, ‘OK, we survived that one. Now let’s get some rest.”


MMC I bet you will hate this one. "Cruz and Garcia join the team on the ground,”

Edited by IndependentMind
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I swear there is a formula Erica has followed for the past three season finales- a recipe for boredom and eye rolling. She better deliver in the writing, because my assessment of the finale has changed after reading that interview.


Yes, I agree. That is why I just roll my eyes every time she is interviewed about the season finale and the season premiere. And sad to say, for the past 3 seasons, she has yet to deliver.

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Yeah, I'd like to think they brought in Janine and Breen after the debacle that was "200". I honestly think episode 23 will be pretty good, but now I'm worried about episode 24. It sounds like the exact formula for the previous two finales, and nearly every person I know thought they were underwhelming. Erica is also another writer that shouldn't be trusted with big episodes. Why the hell has she gotten the last five finales?

  • Love 2

Yeah I know that, but she absolutely sucks for finale writing. It was more of a facetious/sarcastic rhetorical question than anything else. She wasn't running the show in season five, and she shared the showrunner duties in season six. I don't know what Ed was thinking when he gave her season five finale to write. Granted that was her best finale, but it's been downhill from there. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I liked it a lot, but I do wish the cliffhanger could've just been about Reid instead of them having to involve Morgan also. Reid didn't even get a centric episode this season and the one story line he got was shared with Garcia.


Ok Reid better be dreaming bc if that is Garcia actually holding a gun looking like she is about ready to shoot someone I will totally be pissed.Garcia doesn't like guns. I remember when Morgan tried to get her to hold one for her own protection and she refused. 

Edited by missmycat

Okay, so what did I just watch?


That final scene was pretty good...and that scene at the coroner's office was pretty funny. Overall, though, I was less than impressed for a number of reasons:


1) Reid didn't have to go down for this to be an effective cliffhanger. Just the thought- or the realization- that the FBI is working against the Briscoe County police would have been good enough, because then the case gains the idea of "this is bigger than it seems".


2) Gunning down Reid is lazy writing for another reason. Not only has our poor boy genius been through enough- seriously, from "L.D.S.K." to "Revelations" to "Amplification" to the broken leg to the headaches to Maeve, hasn't he been through enough pain?- using the "team member in peril" is just cheap storytelling. It's the easiest way to unnerve the audience because you're threatening someone they care about, so if a writer wants to add "quick tension" to an episode, putting a main character in peril is the best way to do it. It's also why storylines like these need to be handled with care- putting a character through too much risks getting the audience angry because, let's face it, beating a guy too much is abuse. It's exploitative of the audience's emotions, and tells the audience you don't care how much they care about the character. Doesn't matter if Reid- as expected- makes it out in the end: by beating him time and again (lazily too), the writers have already told us what they think of him, and it's disgusting.


3) I rolled my eyes at the fact a "moral guardian" episode takes place in Texas. Seriously, show, could you not pick a more cliched place for something like that to happen? I grant there wouldn't be a lot of places where "preacher takes on prostitution" would be a shock, but putting the case in a cliched version of Texas is underscoring a bit much just how conservative that place is, isn't it? Plus, with the team down there to "make things right" the episode gains some political undertones, doesn't it? Also, as a corollary to this, having a preacher actually be a pimp has been done to death too much...it's no longer a shock. Especially when that preacher is a cliched Texan who grew up as a cliched Albertan.


4) Accents really bothered me. I've been to Amarillo (which is close to Briscoe County) and elsewhere in Texas (including the small towns)...that accent is pretty rare, yet they gave it to everyone.


5) Didn't dig Dinah...she was way too one-dimensional. Something tells me she's in on this whole plot, just to get back at the preacher.


6) Also didn't dig the overeager police officer...I guess they were trying to make her "cute" or something but I just found her enthusiasm annoying.


7) Finally, that scene where the blonde prostitute died...I knew as soon as they panned to her facing the window chanting "I am beautiful...I am beautiful" that she'd be shot before she could finish the third chant. The show does these scenes too much that they no longer have the power they once did. Besides...I actually thought the character was likeable. Waste of a talent, if you ask me.


However, bottom line is that we got yet another emotionally exploitative, cliched cliffhanger. Sometimes I think CM is far better at crafting its cases than it is at writing stories, because their stories always seem to go through the same, lazy styles. In this case, why does a team member have to be in peril for the show to have a cliffhanger? Don't they know there are other ways to write one? I also don't get why Reid has to be the whipping boy all the time- I think it's about time he gets another, happier storyline. His fans have been through enough.

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Agreed; but it's not just that viewers get tired of the whipping boy angle...it also strains credulity that people would be such experts but get in trouble this much. I do feel it's trite in the same way as every damn cop/procedural show drags out the " tonight on BlahBlah, IT GETS PERSONAL" as the villain goes after Major Characters partner/wife/girlfriend/child/whatever. Seriously, how often does that happen? Answer: almost never, and certainly not half a dozen times to the same people!! And if it did there would be no real-life FBI, police detective, or even a lousy metermaid or crossing guard. "Oh it's 5 months into the year I'm due to have my son grabbed or my partner buried alive or my wife abducted on a boat with terrorists again," I rank it as an instant badlaugh choice, on a par with having the cast walk abreast through a haze of smoke/fog/fire or just plain slo-mo. There really are so many other ways to build a cliff-hanger, as you said. But lazy always seems to win.

  • Love 4

This episode was a mess. Lots of bad acting. Who directed it?


JJ thought the preacher was "submissive in public"? Did the preacher actor overplay his part, or is JJ just stupid?


The pros said "they" because they knew the unsub was framing someone else? The fu...? How would they know that.


The S&M was consensual? You mean that woman sat there and allowed someone to cut her so deeply that the blade went under the scapula. And she didn't even wince?

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I'm posting what I thought before I read the other reviews:

This episode did hold my attention, but I couldn't help but notice that they seemed to be trying a bit too hard to make the guest characters more colorful/interesting. The one overenthusiastic female cop was just a little too enthusiastic and in-your-face. Just one in-your-face character would have been ok, but then they had to throw in more sort of tropey characters. I can't remember the names of all of the characters, but on some of them the line delivery was just bad to me. There was no subtlety.

It was like the writers needed to hit the viewers over the head with the "its a small town so these guys are morons" type thing. I admit that the guys about to cut the body down does seem like something that would happen in my town. I loved how Reid shouted at them to make them stop.

While I loved the reaction that Blake and Rossi had to the coroner, I was distracted by his mustache and something about his demeanor. I think several of the guest stars were over-acting and it was distracting, but not in a good way. The preacher was so obviously a creep just from his demeanor the first time.

An I admit, I can't be objective about JJ anymore. The part near the beginning where she's telling them the story about how Henry was put to bed and then... It was not natural and just seemed stagey.

I also didn't like how JJ was front-and-center almost everywhere and Hotch was standing in the background. She is still dominating far too much.

I noticed that Cruz's voice was a bit weak sounding and I don't know if that was deliberate or not. I actually liked it because it was sort of a reminder that he was stabbed and nearly died.

I do think that they tried to balance it a bit more and give each team member something to do, but I still wish JJ would STFU and go away. I don't like that Hotch stayed behind at the station while he sent his team out to face danger.

I had no sympathy for the stupid con-man preacher. He could have just walked out the door with his hands up and said that he just walked in and found the bodies. His prints weren't on the gun and if he had not fired a gun recently, they would be able to tell by checking his hands. His decision to start shooting was completely stupid.

There was something about the shoot-out that didn't work for me. For one, Reid suddenly coming out from under cover and shouting "Blake" didn't make sense to me. I know he was worried, but that was just stupid. I don't know why they didn't try to stay down lower. What really bugged me was that Reid gets shot and I didn't really get too much of a sense of concern from Morgan-- albeit they were in a shootout so there wasn't much time. The shootout lasted far too long IMO. I was getting bored with it. I think what bugged me more than anything was that Reid getting shot was like an afterthought almost and the main focus was on Morgan getting shot in the vest and going down. It very clearly sent the message that Morgan is the more important character. If they'd had Morgan shot in the neck and then had Reid shot in the vest, I would have felt it was almost anticlimactic. I would think the neck shot would be the fade to black because it seems more serious.
Am I the only one that was bothered by that?

I'm not even going to get started on the promo for the next episode and how it had too many spoilers...

One more thing that I did like was Blake mentioning "House Hunters". I love that show. Her conversation with Reid was much more natural than JJ's blabbing to the rest of the team while they hung on her every word.


After reading reviews, I have to agree that I did not get "submissive" from the preacher. He was creepy and very obviously an unschmuck right from the beginning. Also, I have to agree about the consensual bit. What a load of BS. Lack of signs of struggle could mean the victim was drugged or suitably subdued.


The director was Rob Bailey. I don't know if it was his directing or the writing.. There was some serious overacting. I am glad that the cast were doing fine.


The US promo for the next one pissed me off because they revealed too much. I liked the Canadian one better. Also, Erica Messer did an interview with spoilers. People were discussing it, but I've decided not to read it until after the episode because I don't want to get too pissed off. The woman does not know how to shut her piehole and let there be some mystery.


The teasers are all claiming that someone is leaving "forever". My guess is Blake-- because Jeanne's contract is up and because she felt guilty about Reid getting shot because he supposedly pulled her out of the way-- but it didn't look that way from the way it was filmed. At least not from what I recall.


I probably sound all cranky, but aside from my gripes about it, I think this is one of the better episodes of the season.

Edited by zannej
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Well considering the shockingly bad finales we have had for the last few seasons this was a step in the right direction. I was very bothered by the over the top incompetence of the local law enforcement which was comical in a bad way - there was some over acting going on for sure! But maybe that all ties into the web of corruption coming to light next episode. I don't have too much confidence that Erica Messer will do much more than pull her usual tricks out of her bag next week. I swear I will explode if she puts in some schmaltzy, sappy "family" stuff! Angels seemed to me a bit light on Hotch which seems to be par for the course this season. Anyone coming new to the show this year would think the stars are JJ and Morgan supported by Garcia and the rest are secondary. JJ seemed more prominent in this episode than Hotch = although I was amused that this time it was Rossi saying it was time to give the profile! And the way they so obviously split up JJ and Morgan did make me think they actually do read the comments!! The shoot out made no sense to me at all but it was exciting - and typical of current views on what makes a good finale. Lots of shooting and/or lots of explosions! I think Erica Messer has made that a fixed rule! The promos have given too much away - really they should think more on what they release beforehand and they should never let Messer speak to the press at all. However, still better than much of this season and I have some hope that Reid won't get killed or otherwise written out. It will be a shame if it is Jeanne who goes though as she is the only credible female character on the show.

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They seriously need to get someone else to write the finales because Erica just doesn't know how to end them properly. A few of her finales actually felt like filler episodes. She has some weak areas in writing and she really needs a co-writer (just not Rick) to help her.


I'm not going to read the interview until after I watch the episode next week.


All right, I have to say I liked this episode. The action wasn't over the top for the most part , and the story was engaging. I liked the fact that we didn't see the unsub right from the get go, though since I knew the actor playing the unsub, I knew who he was when he showed up on screen. But thankfully that was toward the end of the episode. Up until then, I thought this episode blended some good profiling and good storytelling. I liked the fact that the team didn't have the profile from the get go, and it was continuously evolving as they received more information. It was actually nice to see them working hand in hand with the local law enforcement (though we have an idea of how that will play out in the actual finale), and not that the team was working in a vacuum. I liked the fact that the episode had different red herrings the team had to ferret out, and we the audience didn't know everything from the get go or that much more than the team.


As for the actual ending, it was exactly as I imagined. Though I like the fact that if Reid had to get shot, it happened while he was protecting Alex. I love Reid's protective side, and it typically comes out for the women he cares about. They get into a gunfight, Reid goes down, and then Morgan goes down, and they fade to black. Granted the promo for the finale gave away some of the emotional stakes they hinted at with this episode (particularly with regards to Reid).


So I am looking forward to the actual finale, though that excitement is tempered a bit with the hints Erica has given that indicate it will follow the same formula she has employed for the past few finales. I hope she actually writes something that matches the interest for this finale. It was good to see what happens when Breen, Janine and Rick team up. Rick has lost his big episode writing privileges since "200", but I thought this was a solid episode.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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So I guess it's confirmed that someone is leaving. Cheap, cheap storytelling, writers.

Unless, as I hope, it's just a play on words (Q: “who is leaving FOREVER?” A: “No one”), which is what I hope.

Although if one leaves my money is on JJ...the promo did talk about a “sad secret” coming out and the writers did talk about her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder coming out, so we'll see.

Regardless, it's still shameful writing...one more reason why I turn to my fic writing, to do the episodes the CM guys won't give me.

If it weren't for the fact that I live in a town with woefully incompetent police, I would have taken more umbrage at the inept police force in this. I did find the bad acting to be cringeworthy. Whatever happened to the subtle and nuanced performances?

I think I did miss something about the episode, was the tall cop that took Reid to one of the crime scenes the one who turned out to be the unsub?

I have a horrible memory for faces sometimes and I don't have a DVR so I couldn't play it back.

It really is sad that the show started out with Hotch and Reid as two of the most prominent characters and now they are the least prominent.

I'm almost hoping that somehow Reid's injuries are made to seem more serious than they are so they can lay a trap for the unsub somehow. Like maybe they suspected law enforcement all along, but weren't going to tell the cops that.

I really hope we don't lose Jeanne at this point as well. I've grown to like Blake and would much rather see her than the new JJ.

Some more things that I did like: Hotch did not get annoyed with the inept police and he was very calm and supportive. Reid and Blake interacting. JJ not being the one to figure everything out before the rest of the team-- all of the team members contributed and threw out ideas. Cruz couldn't get the remote to work and there is a trick to it so it retroactively makes Reid look like less of an idiot for not being able to use it properly when he tried to give a presentation. I also like that Cruz told Hotch he wasn't micromanaging because the BAU team knew what they were doing so he didn't need to butt in.

I'm still wondering what the "sad secret" will be. Maybe Blake has cancer? Or her husband is terminally ill? Maybe JJ can no longer have children because of her previous injuries. Maybe Hotch broke up with Beth (which would be great news, actually). Maybe Garcia's never before mentioned pet rabbit died?

  • Love 1

I loved the Rossi/Blake combination---seriously, as underdeveloped and underutilized as he often is as an individual character, somehow Rossi automatically makes nearly every character he shares a scene with immensely more enjoyable to me! 


I find both Blake and JJ really cold, flat and boring, but the key difference for me is that Blake is played by (IMO) a far better actress who can at least hint at the character having layers and make her a little more likable and relatable for me. I'd love it if the 'OMG, who's leaving forever?!" question is answered with "Both Mogan and JJ! Oh, and we're going to stick with a slightly smaller team and better develop the characters we have!", but I know better than to dream ;) 


Overall, I actually liked the episode. It wasn't one I can see wanting to rewatch, but it engaged me at the time, which is pretty much the most I ask of post-S4 episodes. (Ah, the sneaky beauty of lowered expectations!) 

Oh, God, thank you, Willowy, that's the funniest thing i've read on FB in weeks! I love it!

I really do like the Rossi/Blake scenes. Those two just bring out the best in each other. I also think that Jeanne works well with Thomas. Thomas, Joe, and Matthew seem to work the best with her. In behind-the-scenes stuff, I think it seems as if Matthew is the closest to Jeanne.

I think "Reid" and "Blake" are great together, too. That throwaway scene where he was timing her doing the blind crossword puzzle (which I find almost impossible to do), was great. They respect each other, and yet, there is a true affection there that defies description. Mother-son? Heck no. Brother-sister? Maybe but, no. Soul cousins?


I also especially love Blake and Rossi. Good game of verbal table tennis between them lately.

  • Love 2

Ha, I know if you aren't familiar with tumblr it can seem pretty harsh and crazy, but that is just them saying how much they love the show. For most severe insults? Take them as they are meant: declarations of love. :D


For instance:


"MGG you fucking dipshit life-ruining fuck, get the fuck away from meeee!" means "Can I have your babies now?"

  • Love 1

I didn't like this as well as the rest of you did. I'm tired of the stereotyping of small t0wn and/or southern people as ignorant, which of course is not exclusive to CM. I'm tired of Hollywood always portraying Christians as hypocritical, crazy fanatics. Not that I think the preacher was actually a Christian, but anyone who claims to be a believer on TV is always a nutcase or a complete idiot, and often, as in this case, corrupt. As for the team, again we had Hotch taking a backseat to JJ. Why was JJ taking the lead on interviewing the preacher? I can barely stand to look at her anymore, or Garcia. I want to see strong, dynamic, team leader Hotch.


The good parts for me were Reid, Rossi and Blake. They finally gave Rossi something of substance that showed his experience. And I have really grown to like Blake. I'll be a little sorry if she doesn't return. I don't think her part is necessary to the show, but I love the dynamic between her and Reid. She's the only one who treats him respectfully these days. And since I can barely stand the other two female characters, I would miss Blake. I will admit that for once it wasn't obvious who the unsub was, but I don't think this episode was great. It was better overall than much of this season and pretty much all of last season, but for me it was just good, not great. I've kind of fallen into the same mindset as some of the others here who are just so tired of so much focus on JJ, Morgan and Garcia that it's hard to enjoy the show.

  • Love 2

Maybe the insane reaction on social media to Reid getting shot (oh and the fan afterthought that Morgan was shot as well!) will at least underline to Erica Messer and her gang that they need to give Reid more to do than rattle off statistics and be the butt of jokes on the show! Although I will say that there have been signs this season of some improvement in how they portray him.

In the grand scheme of things, when taken the entire fandom as a whole, I really think Morgan is a more popular character and a more mainstream sex symbol than Reid. There is a reason that Morgan is highlighted more on the official Criminal Minds sites than Reid, and Shemar does media for the show more than Matthew, and Shemar is basically the social media face of Criminal Minds. Reid fans are very active on social media, but that is only a small part of the entire fandom, and I don't think CBS or the producers value the Reid fanbase as much as the Morgan fanbase. So you can trust that the fandom in general is probably very disturbed by Morgan's shooting, and if something very bad happened to Morgan, there would be an outcry from the fandom.

Oh I know that Morgan has a huge fanbase - especially in Canada I think as he always shows more prominently in all the headers for promos than anyone else - even TG and JM! I was just very amused by the outpouring of concern for Reid on the internet and the fact that Morgan was shot as well was an afterthought at best! But some of that is down to the way they release too many spoilers - the shot of Morgan down clearly shows 3 bullets embedded in his Kevlar so probably painful but not life threatening - then the promo pictures for Demons show him back in action. I do think whoever is in charge of their promos and publicity ought to keep more mystery and suspense for the viewer. I was worried we would only see Reid hooked up to life support but now we have seen him sitting up and alert and talking in the promo! I would rather they let us stew until the episode airs.

I think I did miss something about the episode, was the tall cop that took Reid to one of the crime scenes the one who turned out to be the unsub?




No, I downloaded this episode and my reaction was the same as yours, ie, the fuck? Who is this guy? So I went through it again from the beginning, and I can't spot the "unsub" among the cops, and I don't think he was one. The tall cop in your gif is the Deputy who took them to the bar, etc, and the perp is younger than him.


I called him the "unsub" because he really isn't one of their fancy serial killers, with the mommy issues or daddy issues bla bla bla, he's a just some guy who wanted to teach the Preacher a lesson. I think he's the coke supplier, maybe with some cartel? I think it's hilarious that Preacher, a typical pimp who loves beating the prostitutes and showing his power, is himself kept in line by someone further up on the crime food chain.


I actually enjoyed this episode which is rare for me, though there was some business with Garcia at the beginning which prompted an eyeroll. But it was pretty good, and twisty-turny, and ended with a bang. Look, characters I actually care about, put in peril. See, Criminal Minds? You know how to do this stuff!

  • Love 2

Morgan didn't appear to be in as much peril as Reid, at least not to me. Maybe it's because of all of the spoilers on this subject. I know he's popular, but he does absolutely nothing for me. I don't dislike Shemar or the character of Morgan, but I honestly don't think I'd miss him at all if he were to leave. My favorite line about Morgan is from Broken Mirror when the unsub refers to him as "just a pumped up side of beef." I prefer smart men. He's no doofus, but the show emphasizes his physical prowess. I find the characters of Hotch and Reid so much more interesting. Unfortunately, Erica does not. I think the reason so many newer viewers don't value or like Reid much is because he is so poorly written these days. The attitude of the writers toward the character comes through loud and clear. Those of us who have watched all the seasons can appreciate the characters based on how they were originally conceived.

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