Maisiesmom February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 This show LOL! So now we have our merry band wandering through the forest trying to find Lucius. Something tells me they better hurry up. I like that the Queen decided to stay with them-she saved their hineys when that tribe was waiting in the weeds. And Phelan or whatever his name is was not too upset about having to sing the song about his people. Divis continues to crack me up. But what is up with the General?or, more to the point, his child? Why is the kid showing up now, not only to him but to Cait too? Hmm. Is it a trick that Lokka is playing on both of them? I'm not sure if the child is male or female (maybe its the hair) but he/she is very cute. 1 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 (edited) Season of the Witch is a good song, but season 2 wasn't the best season. The show has rebounded strong, and the guitar riffs on this theme song fit the imagery much better. I was thinking Lokka was appearing to Aulus at the beginning as the boy, but it looked like Hemple sent him. Same questions though in terms of the sacrifice. I am glad they clarified right away that the band is looking for Lucius to get the spear and not sauntering around the land just looking randomly. I also liked that Quant was trying to reason out the whole story of the spear. He's had some insightful monologues on a larger scale - about old gods being replaced, etc. This episode was worth it just for bringing us the old queen and Divis together. Just because he's pissy doesn't mean he's wrong though! Did they say 'knock boots' back then? I *cannot* wait to work 'I would rather fuck an elk' into conversation. Hemple is a great wildcard for the season, but she's got to eventually overplay her hand. She can't off Aulus; they need him to be in the position he is over there. She's way too wired to play a longer game to look for Cair. Even though Aulus actually was able to find out where she was actually going. She's going to end up costing the both of them. Edited February 16, 2022 by DoctorAtomic 1 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 (edited) 9 hours ago, taanja said: and isn't Lokka inside Aulus? This is what I'm not clear on. I said the same thing last season as to whether Aulus thought he was Lokka, which doesn't look like it now, or some vessel thereof. The 'eastern' guy said to Quant 'drive the demons out'; they're assuming the Romans. I still think some of Rome will assimilate into Briton, and they'll beat Lokka in the end. That might explain away early christianity on the island - maybe more a form of pagan christianity. The eastern guy said 'a powerful druid' was nailed to a tree; clearly, Jesus, but he didn't know the name. 9 hours ago, taanja said: I feel like christian lore is going to play a part in all this. Baby Lokka said to Aulus he had a vision of a cross in the opening scene right before Hemple walked in. I think some form of it will have to be a factor. Edited February 16, 2022 by DoctorAtomic 1 Link to comment
Maisiesmom February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 What makes me laugh is the language they use-especially the General. A couple shows back he used the phrase "lets put a pin in that" and he was "farting around" LOL! And of course the swearing is pretty funny too. I look forward to this show every week-it really takes my mind off my troubles. 1 Link to comment
taanja February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 2 hours ago, Maisiesmom said: What makes me laugh is the language they use-especially the General. A couple shows back he used the phrase "lets put a pin in that" and he was "farting around" LOL! And of course the swearing is pretty funny too. I look forward to this show every week-it really takes my mind off my troubles. Right! I also laughed at the scene when Hella shows up -- Phelan/Rolf/Quant says -- she kidnapped me Cait says - she buried me alive Divis says -- well not to brag (paraphrasing) but she tore out my guts and I had to sew them back in with bear intestines' Queen Antidia says -- God! I like her already! Haha! Oh and let's not forget the sister Drella! OMG! I loved when Divis walked beside her identifying all the smells- molds and fungus and dead animals and a couple dead humans and then the last one -- what is that? it's brilliant! I think I saw Drella smile at that! Link to comment
Maisiesmom February 16, 2022 Share February 16, 2022 Well, Drellas sister did say you don't want to be downwind of her LOL! The Queen continues to bring the snark! What was that orange knitted type thing that skinny witch gave the Priestess? It seemed to get her high or something. And how could poor skinny witch knit? She's only got one arm! 1 Link to comment
taanja February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 22 hours ago, Maisiesmom said: Well, Drellas sister did say you don't want to be downwind of her LOL! The Queen continues to bring the snark! What was that orange knitted type thing that skinny witch gave the Priestess? It seemed to get her high or something. And how could poor skinny witch knit? She's only got one arm! Willa - the witch -- was weaving or holding that yarn when she was with Aulus when he went to the underworld. I am thinking it's like when the witch casts a spell it's magically intertwined into the yarn? The high priestess asked the witch for something that Veran fears the most? right? So maybe the yearn holds the prophecy? I am not sure how that all works to be honest. There's a lot of lore and magic and such I am not certain if I understand properly. Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 Maybe the Veran is afraid of being choked. Link to comment
taanja February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 9 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said: Maybe the Veran is afraid of being choked. Haha! Right! he got sliced across the cheek in that fight with that druid dude and then sliced in the throat by Cait. Maybe he fears 3rd times the charm! Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 I'd say the Veran might fear the death of the gods, but the possibility doesn't seem to bother him as long as Cait is in possession of the spear (when they find it). He didn't fear his own death when he thought the other Veran finally got him last season. Willa could be playing Hemple too. I said over last episode that Hemple's vamping all over the place is eventually going to be her downfall. 1 Link to comment
taanja February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said: I'd say the Veran might fear the death of the gods, but the possibility doesn't seem to bother him as long as Cait is in possession of the spear (when they find it). He didn't fear his own death when he thought the other Veran finally got him last season. Willa could be playing Hemple too. I said over last episode that Hemple's vamping all over the place is eventually going to be her downfall. I may be alone - but I like Willa. (hell I like most if not all the characters.) I hope she is playing Hemple and Aulus! Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 17, 2022 Share February 17, 2022 She better be playing a loooooong game to let her arm get ate. I was in suspense as to whether her 'potion' was going to be a placebo and make Amena look the fool, but it seemed to be legitimate. Clearly, she's got value to Hemple since she wasn't all ate up. 1 Link to comment
CarpeFelis February 21, 2022 Share February 21, 2022 Damn, I enjoyed it when Divis tried the Big Pebble trick on Drella and she told him off! 1 Link to comment
Maisiesmom February 22, 2022 Share February 22, 2022 Poor Divis! Big Pebble is gone forever! And the Veran sure did open a can of whoop-ass on Hemples crew. I wonder who they were going to eat before the Veran broke up the party? And the General has found Lucius-he's going to want to know where the spear is. This show goes by too fast-I always want more lol. 1 Link to comment
taanja February 22, 2022 Share February 22, 2022 Ah big pebble! gonna miss ya! When Divis said he had never been hypnotized by big pebble before -- did he forget that the boy called Love used it against him? The boy was being controlled by The Dead Man just like Ania is being controlled by Hemple. The two dudes locked up with Lucius Validus are not the two who slipped the mushrooms into the water supply at the Roman encampment. They are the two soldiers who got high off the 'shrooms and when the camp was attacked -- we see them running away. The episode ended ambiguously -- we as an audience did not see whether they survived or not -- but obviously they did and are now being exoculated for desertion. The original two dudes have not been seen since that episode. Ok. So the Veran attacked the Romans during their eating a human celebration (I think Amena was the intended delight) and he seemed to be reciting some kind of incantation as he was fighting with Hemple. She looked worried. The words he said were weird. Like acid rain. and pits of oil<< say what??!! I liked the collective sigh /gasp from Queen Antidia and Cait when they recognized Aulus riding to the Roman camp. Shit is going down! Link to comment
DoctorAtomic February 23, 2022 Share February 23, 2022 I'm surprised Aulus just didn't out right kill Hemple's boy toy. I guess he wanted to show he could put one over on her. I said last week that Divis pisses and moans a lot, but he's not usually wrong. He was the highlight of the first 20-25 minutes. I liked his one on one with Cait. When he pulled back from being so pushy, he got through to her. Divis has chemistry with everyone though. His scene with Quant was brief but still insightful. (I was a Cantii Prince you know!) And then he get VellaDrella to talk! His scene with Antedia was good too; she admitted she was so exhausted being angry. Credit to the writers to use the pebble as the framing device to 'catch' the traitor. It doesn't look like he remembers. It seems like we were right that the boy is some shade of Lokka too. Lokka must be getting worried if he's having to appear himself and not have his minions do his work. "We're planning a feast." Uh oh. I didn't really like Amena in the past seasons because it seemed like she had plot armor and just pushed Phelan around for no reason. I couldn't figure out why Aulus thought she was useful. I suppose she was for the getting him her daughter's kingdom in the end. I do like her this season because she's pinned into a corner and the only thing keeping her alive is finding people to eat. Throwing your lot in with the Big Bad isn't necessarily the best tactic when there's Bonkers Bad right around the corner. So can Willa not escape because Aulus chopped off his finger? Well, I have to hand it to the Veran. Getting everyone zonked and making them think you're a tree is one way to storm the encampment. Maybe do that a lot earlier? That's like the one thing he did in the entire series. 11 hours ago, Maisiesmom said: I wonder who they were going to eat before the Veran broke up the party? I think Amena certainly thought it was Amena, and Hemple wasn't helping with her 'precious jewel' this and that. That's why she wanted to go to the underworld. Lokka is literally the only one left that she can throw in with to get out of Hemple's clutches. There's no other character of merit in the encampment that would resonate. The new Prefectus is the only other one, and I don't think he warrants 'precious'. 11 hours ago, Maisiesmom said: And the General has found Lucius-he's going to want to know where the spear is. If Lucius is forced to tell him, then he's got to tell Cait too. Racing for the spear seems to be the most bonkers option for the show. 7 hours ago, taanja said: The words he said were weird. Like acid rain. and pits of oil<< say what??!! I think 10,000 years of something raining down. It didn't seem like some incantation though. She seemed more freaked out about the whole chaotic situation. She was manhandling him well enough. 1 Link to comment
raven February 28, 2022 Author Share February 28, 2022 So I guess Cait can't really fly? Finally it was explained as to why Amena was helping Hemple - the demon (Lokka?) has been with Amena since she was a child. Yikes! It was making me crazy as to why Amena didn't just peace out and leave Amena to Veran last week. I guess she could have been worried about what Aulus would do when he returned. I was glad Veran finally did something major and at least rescued the witch. This has been a really good season. Antedia and Cait joining forces and this whole quest is working for me. Damn shame no one is listening to Divis, though! Only one more episode left :( 1 Link to comment
taanja March 1, 2022 Share March 1, 2022 23 hours ago, raven said: So I guess Cait can't really fly? Finally it was explained as to why Amena was helping Hemple - the demon (Lokka?) has been with Amena since she was a child. Yikes! It was making me crazy as to why Amena didn't just peace out and leave Amena to Veran last week. I guess she could have been worried about what Aulus would do when he returned. I was glad Veran finally did something major and at least rescued the witch. This has been a really good season. Antedia and Cait joining forces and this whole quest is working for me. Damn shame no one is listening to Divis, though! Only one more episode left :( Antedia and Cait are two of my favorites! I was on the edge of my seat with this episode. I did not know from one minute to the next what was gonna happen! Did Veran save Willa? I have just felt so sorry for her -- she was kicked out of the druids in the first season and has been so lost. I like that Veran said -- not betrayal - sacrifice. I am liking the character and actress who plays Hemple but dayam! I want her to be defeated! and I want Cait to kill her! Also I love the actor who plays Aulus -- and also his character but again - he needs to DIE! Horribly! But I feel like his is an arc of forgiveness and redemption? maybe? So who knows? Ha! Drella! She is a warrior! and loved her look to Cait when she starts fighting-- like what? She was badass! I want our little ragtag group of misfits to win the day. But alas. Rome is not defeated by the Druids in 45BC or when ever this is taking place. Only one more episode? Oy! Link to comment
DoctorAtomic March 2, 2022 Share March 2, 2022 (edited) It's not clear if Hemple sends the boy, or if the boy is Lokka just appearing around. Unless she is Lokka. That would explain some of her behavior. The little kid is creepy. Amena sure is walking on eggshells. She's doing great just trying to survive one minute to the next minute. You can tell she's wound up tight. I think in the end Divis is going to the Hemple's undoing mainly because he's going to just be so over everything by then. She's starting to grate. It would be ok if we're being tipped off as to her plans and the characters aren't, but she's just blathering about. I like how the Veran's solution to everything is to smoke something. I liked the Queen's monologue on how 'the chosen one' is complete nonsense and just something dudes say to stay in power. For a botched plan that didn't amount to much, that was a BAMF ending. Is Pweeka a foe of Lokka and that's why Divis got to get up there and wreck it? On 2/28/2022 at 2:59 PM, raven said: Finally it was explained as to why Amena was helping Hemple - the demon (Lokka?) has been with Amena since she was a child. Yikes! It was making me crazy as to why Amena didn't just peace out and leave Amena to Veran last week. Hemple is if nothing an unreliable narrator. That's quite the convenient yarn. If she took out Hemple when the Veran attacked, then she'd be back to square one against Aulus. Lokka is a real power here and not some figment. Amena was ready to go to the underworld to one up Hemple but couldn't so Hemple is the best bet, even with the crazy. On 2/28/2022 at 2:59 PM, raven said: Damn shame no one is listening to Divis, though! I say it every week. There's got to be a reason he is the last person shown in the credits. 5 hours ago, taanja said: But I feel like his is an arc of forgiveness and redemption? maybe? So who knows? It may be that he finally turns on Hemple because of remorse for the son. He was blathering on to Lucius about it 'she took him from me' before Cait showed up at the surprise party. I was wrong - I didn't know the Romans were really there in 43 AD, so it may be that there's an end to all this Lokka cult and that's it. Edited March 2, 2022 by DoctorAtomic Link to comment
DoctorAtomic March 2, 2022 Share March 2, 2022 5 hours ago, taanja said: Rome is not defeated by the Druids in 45BC or when ever this is taking place. AD. Don't forget Lucius actually killed Jesus, and that was 15 years ago when they showed it last season. 1 Link to comment
Maisiesmom March 8, 2022 Share March 8, 2022 Well that was exciting (and confusing). So the kid is Lokka? And the General has lost his mind? Drella is a total badass-I would want her on my side. What was up with the green faced dude-it reminded me of a Monty Python skit. Poor Divis is lost without Big Pebble-and why did he give Cait to the General? And now Cait is in Rome?? How will she find the spear? (I'm assuming poor Lucius told her where it is)The show did get picked up for another season but I don't want to wait, dammit! LOL! Didn't see the Veran or Willa anywhere. What will happen to the Druids now? So many questions. Link to comment
taanja March 8, 2022 Share March 8, 2022 4 hours ago, Maisiesmom said: Well that was exciting (and confusing). So the kid is Lokka? And the General has lost his mind? Drella is a total badass-I would want her on my side. What was up with the green faced dude-it reminded me of a Monty Python skit. Poor Divis is lost without Big Pebble-and why did he give Cait to the General? And now Cait is in Rome?? How will she find the spear? (I'm assuming poor Lucius told her where it is)The show did get picked up for another season but I don't want to wait, dammit! LOL! Didn't see the Veran or Willa anywhere. What will happen to the Druids now? So many questions. Yup! That was crazy! Remember a couple eps back -- Hemple said - eeny meeny miney moe I caught a druid by the toe <and the camera panned around the group following Cait -- well the "yarn or thread" she got from Willa the witch was wrapped around Divis's toe. So he is under the thrall of Lokka. We saw Ania weave the yarn on Cait's hair and then acted all high and goofy - so obviously it somehow has power/magic. The show sure did a fake out! the whole time I thought the one who betrays was Ania -- but it turns out to be DIVIS! Dude! I did not see that coming! Yes it seemed that Lucius told Cait where the mighty spear was but then Hemple killed Lucius and shot Cait in the leg. Remember a couple eps back when Queen Antidia was singing that song -- the one about the maiden sleeping - well I listened to it again and it is basically the story of the season -- (The 1st lusty lad kisses her lips the second loosens her bodice) and the 3rd lusty lad does such unspeakable things to the maiden that it can not be sung. Finally the maiden awakes in a fright and realizes she slept too long. Well ... General Aulus now has Cait -- and at the end she is in Rome and um... looks to be his wife. Hm? I figure next season she will awaken from her "sleep" in a fright -- like what the jhell am I doing in Rome? - kind of fright! Link to comment
taanja March 8, 2022 Share March 8, 2022 On 3/1/2022 at 9:17 PM, DoctorAtomic said: AD. Don't forget Lucius actually killed Jesus, and that was 15 years ago when they showed it last season. Right! I meant AD!!! Link to comment
DoctorAtomic March 10, 2022 Share March 10, 2022 (edited) And I thought the boy might be Lokka! Morrissey was killing it playing Aulus bonkers. Was the Hemple/Lucius scene the first time the actors were together? They really killed it. Just in that small space. She kind of met her match. BAMF CAIT. Wow I jumped out of my chair when she pulled a Mountain on Lokka. When would have Hemple gotten the yarn on Divis toe? That seems suspect. I'm a little eyerolling they just didn't off Hemple outright. If Lokka is gone, then she's just there to mess around. She's got no value. On 3/8/2022 at 12:53 PM, taanja said: The show sure did a fake out! the whole time I thought the one who betrays was Ania -- but it turns out to be DIVIS! It kind of was her too. She was affected/under her influence by Hemple with the whole black butterfly. At the end of the last episode, when she helped Cait up, they cut to Hemple looking down on her. She was also throwing up black blood when Cait was ripping Lokka apart. It still may have backfired anyway because Divis saw Aulus taking Cait in his vision; that might not have been Lokka induced. Lokka doesn't really do visions. On 3/8/2022 at 12:53 PM, taanja said: Well ... General Aulus now has Cait -- and at the end she is in Rome and um... looks to be his wife. I would have liked to gauge an idea of the passage of time for that final scene. Cait could be drugged or yarned, or whatever. I think the irony is going to be that the spear made it back to Rome. Christianity did actually start in Rome. Edited March 10, 2022 by DoctorAtomic 1 Link to comment
raven March 10, 2022 Author Share March 10, 2022 12 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said: When would have Hemple gotten the yarn on Divis toe? That seems suspect. I'm a little eyerolling they just didn't off Hemple outright. If Lokka is gone, then she's just there to mess around. She's got no value. I think Ania did it, sometime when Divis was trying to hypnotize her with Big Pebble and she (or rather, Hemple through her) throws it away. Then we see Divis, by himself, sitting by the stream in a daze. I agree that Hemple is superfluous now - the actress is very entertaining and I think she's a better villain than Aulus but to keep her alive is just dumb. I thought it was a great finale - our group fighting together; Cait getting her badass on; Amena tackling Hemple; Cait presumably getting the spear's location from Lucius and then the really (to me) surprise of Divis being hexed with the red thread and turning Cait over to Aulus. Arggh! Divis is my favorite character so I wasn't happy about that. It really did surprise me though, so good job, show. Maybe the last season was just someone's vision? Who knows how closely the show is following actual history. I hope we get a S4. 2 Link to comment
Maisiesmom March 10, 2022 Share March 10, 2022 From what I was able to find out through Google it looks like there will be a season 4-the project hasn't been green-lighted yet but since they left us with such a cliff-hanger I think it will continue on. Or at least I hope it does. I would still like the Queen to get her revenge, the Veran and the Druids to go on with their journey, Cait to find the freaking spear, and Divis to forgive himself for giving Cait to the General. We won't know probably until next year:( 2 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic March 10, 2022 Share March 10, 2022 5 hours ago, raven said: I think Ania did it, sometime when Divis was trying to hypnotize her with Big Pebble and she (or rather, Hemple through her) throws it away. Then we see Divis, by himself, sitting by the stream in a daze. That makes more sense. I still don't think giving Cait away was Lokka-induced though. His druid-whateverness is the source of the vision. Cait may be the 'chosen one' and the only person who can wield the spear, but I'm convinced as ever that Divis is the (complaining) hero/mentor/friend who clears the path for Cait to defeat their enemies. I suppose keeping Hemple alive could be a possible hostage trade with Cait, but I doubt Aulus cares. She has no influence without Lokka and she's not a political asset. She doesn't care about the conquest of Britain. There's some speculation that the last scene was an hallucination or vision. Link to comment
taanja March 11, 2022 Share March 11, 2022 19 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said: That makes more sense. I still don't think giving Cait away was Lokka-induced though. His druid-whateverness is the source of the vision. Cait may be the 'chosen one' and the only person who can wield the spear, but I'm convinced as ever that Divis is the (complaining) hero/mentor/friend who clears the path for Cait to defeat their enemies. I suppose keeping Hemple alive could be a possible hostage trade with Cait, but I doubt Aulus cares. She has no influence without Lokka and she's not a political asset. She doesn't care about the conquest of Britain. There's some speculation that the last scene was an hallucination or vision. Interesting. I truly hope there is another season - they can't just leave the story hanging like that! The prophecy said the chosen one would rest in the arms of the eagle. We all thought it was that boy from last season -- Love -- because he had the giant tattoo on his back of an eagle -- but Rome is also The Eagle. and in the ending scene Cait was standing on the balcony overlooking the giant golden statue of an eagle. HM? Link to comment
DoctorAtomic March 11, 2022 Share March 11, 2022 The show enjoys a good fake out, and it could be Divis lays her to rest and he's the eagle just as well. The crotchety druid that named Quant was also quick to declare the old prophecies suspect anyway. tbh, the only 'otherworldly' reliability has been the underworld visions, and that showed Cait with the spear and a bunch of crosses. The first vision even that Aulus did showed her right off the bat. 1 Link to comment
purist September 8, 2022 Share September 8, 2022 I'm really late to the party, but I've finally finished season 3 and read all your comments. This show! It's so bonkers and over the top that it shouldn't work, but the quality of the acting and, above all, the humour make it an absolute joy. It's also beautiful to look at - the scenery (I love imagining England before it was extensively settled) and the costumes are awesome. Zoe Wanamaker as Queen Antedia might be my favourite character. Her face is so striking, and she brings the snark in such a delightful way. Sophie Okonedo must have had the time of her life portraying Hemple. What a truly mad and frightening character. And of course Nikolaj Lie Kaas as poor exasperated Divis. I was astonished at the twist at the end of the last episode - never picked him as the betrayer. Please, please, please can we have a fourth season sooner rather than later? 2 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic September 8, 2022 Share September 8, 2022 It wasn't his fault though. She tied the yarn to his toe, so he was basically under compulsion. 2 Link to comment
purist September 9, 2022 Share September 9, 2022 13 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said: It wasn't his fault though. She tied the yarn to his toe, so he was basically under compulsion. Yeah, I know. Which reminds me that I still don't understand the red yarn. We first saw it in this series when Willa showed it to Hemple, right? And then it was tied in Cait's hair and around Divis' toe. What does it signify? 1 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic September 9, 2022 Share September 9, 2022 I think it's just some weird druid magic that places the wearer under a spell. Link to comment
taanja September 19, 2022 Share September 19, 2022 On 9/8/2022 at 12:14 AM, purist said: I'm really late to the party, but I've finally finished season 3 and read all your comments. This show! It's so bonkers and over the top that it shouldn't work, but the quality of the acting and, above all, the humour make it an absolute joy. It's also beautiful to look at - the scenery (I love imagining England before it was extensively settled) and the costumes are awesome. Zoe Wanamaker as Queen Antedia might be my favourite character. Her face is so striking, and she brings the snark in such a delightful way. Sophie Okonedo must have had the time of her life portraying Hemple. What a truly mad and frightening character. And of course Nikolaj Lie Kaas as poor exasperated Divis. I was astonished at the twist at the end of the last episode - never picked him as the betrayer. Please, please, please can we have a fourth season sooner rather than later? better late than never! I hope another season is in the making. I too found this show by accident but it was the utter craziness that appealed to me and kept me engaged! It's like an acid trip enhanced by speed and a wee bit of weed to mellow the buzz. 1 Link to comment
AuntieMame October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 (edited) I’m so hoping for a fourth season, especially with Cait in Roman dress and in some sort of thrall to Aulus Plotius. I had a terrible thought this morning: could we be witnessing the secret history of not only the fall of the Druids but the secret takeover of Britannia’s soul by the demon Lokar? Because I thought that the red threads of compulsion were of Lokar no matter their seeming origin. Remember that the general said way back in Season One that when you conquered a land you had to fight their Gods. Did Lokar conquer the Druids and do the ripples spread out to this day? I adore this show if it isn’t clear but boy am I unsettled by my read of the events. We know the Druids didn’t survive and were so thoroughly destroyed we don’t even know what they believed. More Britannia please. Edited October 31, 2022 by AuntieMame 1 Link to comment
taanja October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 2 hours ago, AuntieMame said: I’m so hoping for a fourth season, especially with Cait in Roman dress and in some sort of thrall to Aulus Plotius. I had a terrible thought this morning: could we be witnessing the secret history of not only the fall of the Druids but the secret takeover of Britannia’s soul by the demon Lokar? Because I thought that the red threads of compulsion were of Lokar no matter their seeming origin. Remember that the general said way back in Season One that when you conquered a land you had to fight their Gods. Did Lokar conquer the Druids and do the ripples spread out to this day? I adore this show if it isn’t clear but boy am I unsettled by my read of the events. We know the Druids didn’t survive and were so thoroughly destroyed we don’t even know what they believed. More Britannia please. I love this show too! But it goes away... for like years! and I hear nothing about it. I wonder... is another season in the making? 1 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 A quick search just shows the same non-news being repeated. 2 Link to comment
AuntieMame October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 4 hours ago, taanja said: I love this show too! But it goes away... for like years! and I hear nothing about it. I wonder... is another season in the making? 14 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said: A quick search just shows the same non-news being repeated. I think it will be more than a minute before we hear anything. It hasn’t even been a year since we got Season 3. I will say that this is one of the most original shows I’ve seen even in the new television Golden Age of the last twenty years. I’ve honestly never seen anything quite like it. I wish that the show had a bit more of a following because it is so interesting. The elements of magical realism as opposed to straight magic when it comes to the religious aspects is a very smart way to go. The viewer is never certain whether it’s real or some combination of faith, spirituality and all of the psychedelics. At the same time you enter into a world that is other. Im also loving the work of the costume designers and artisans. They’re doing really stunning work, not only visually interesting but mostly in line with the techniques that would have been available to people at the time. Among other things the costumes here have made me want to play with some leather seconds I got from a city in Italy that’s been a center for tanning for almost 900 years. 2 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 Even if a next season is the last, this show needs a proper ending. iirc, session three aired on ITV in August 2021, so it has been a year. I don't know what the contracts are for the actors, but they would have a terminal date. Even if a next season is the last, this show needs a proper ending. iirc, session three aired on ITV in August 2021, so it has been a year. I don't know what the contracts are for the actors, but they would have a terminal date. 1 Link to comment
AuntieMame April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 I just read that there will be no Season 4 for this incredibly creative and original show. While I could have done without the cannibalism of Season 3, I would have loved more of this show. It’s rare to get something with very little inspiration from other works. Even with The Mists of Avalon, Vikings and The Last Kingdom all dealing in different ways with the same roughly 500 year period, Britannia stood out to me as stunningly different. The costumes and the visuals were incredible. The fact that we were never entirely sure whether we were seeing a closer spiritual reality or whether everyone was whacked on religion and psychedelics kept the question of dualism in the viewers mind without ever fully answering. I will rewatch this at some point, so farewell to a truly interesting series. 1 1 Link to comment
DoctorAtomic May 1, 2023 Share May 1, 2023 There's just not much room for bonkers shows these days. This would have fit right in with DaVinci's Demons and Black Sails on Starz. 1 Link to comment
taanja May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 Ahhh! Bummer! I loved this crazy show! Link to comment
katenm May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 I continue to mourn the loss of Big Pebble 1 1 Link to comment
AuntieMame October 19, 2023 Share October 19, 2023 On 4/30/2023 at 6:46 PM, DoctorAtomic said: There's just not much room for bonkers shows these days. This would have fit right in with DaVinci's Demons and Black Sails on Starz. Thanks for this. Going back to Da Vinci’s Demons and giving Black Sails a try just moved up my lust. DVD first I think. What makes Black Sails bonkers? Just curious. Link to comment
DoctorAtomic October 19, 2023 Share October 19, 2023 There's definitely some lust in both shows to be sure. There's discussion threads here iirc; I'm sure we'd all be interested in revisiting our favorite moments. 1 Link to comment
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