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I follow Sheila on Twitter. It's pretty obvious they're still together. I think as long as couples are actually still together they don't mind subtle hints too much. It's only that when they split up that they truly want them to keep any hints under wrap so to stop people from being disappointed. I'm making my calls: Sheila and Nate still together (100%), Ashley and Anthony still together (90%; Ashley's mom was talking about him on FB a while back and he still seemed to be in their lives); Danielle and Cody separated (95%). Anyone else willing to make any calls? :)


Danielle's ex-boyfriend seems good-looking. So this is what a manly man looks like.  I would have expected him to wear a lumberjack shirt though. 

Ashley seems to like man who are outkicking their coverage with her. Though I find this fella more pleasing to the eye than Anthony. I'm almost 100% positive that someone blinded Ashley or gave her a love potion.

BTW, is it a show requirement (just as they require them to use 'conumating') that the ladies of the show post some supposedly super meaningful life quotes? Vanessa used to do it, Sonia does it constantly (corny and painful) and Sheila/Danielle do it a lot too.

Edited by Agnetha
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11 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

BTW, is it a show requirement (just as they require them to use 'conumating') that the ladies of the show post some supposedly super meaningful life quotes? Vanessa used to do it, Sonia does it constantly (corny and painful) and Sheila/Danielle do it a lot too.

I'm going to attribute this to the influence of one Rachel DeAlto. The women aren't the only ones who do this. Nick spent weeks doing nothing but posting inspirational life quotes to his Instagram. If it's corny and painful when Sonia does it, it is too when Nick does it.

Anyone else get the feeling that the show is having trouble casting for season 6, especially with the recent divorce announcements? I've seen on Twitter that some women have commented that producers were reaching out to them via direct messages to apply.

  • Love 1
Just now, Gobears said:

I'm going to attribute this to the influence of one Rachel DeAlto. The women aren't the only ones who do this. Nick spent weeks doing nothing but posting inspirational life quotes to his Instagram. If it's corny and painful when Sonia does it, it is too when Nick does it.

Anyone else get the feeling that the show is having trouble casting for season 6, especially with the recent divorce announcements? I've seen on Twitter that some women have commented that producers were reaching out to them via direct messages to apply.

Of course it's painful when Nick does it, too - however I haven't seen him post anything (quotes or no quotes) in weeks. The ladies are almost 24/7 on their accounts.


No sane person should apply for this show. It may have made sense in the first few seasons, but it no longer does. It doesn't get more painfully obvious than only 2 succesful marriages out of 12.  Occassionally, they manage to get people on board who want to stay married so badly even though the match itself is not so great (e.g. Vanessa, David, Cody,...) but even then they manage to f*ck it up by pairing them up with people who are pickier. And let's not talk about the quality of the matches, with Lily and Tom and Cody & Danielle being two matches where even a third grader would have known they were bad ideas.

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

The ladies are almost 24/7 on their accounts.

That is called being a millenial.

13 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

No sane person should apply for this show. It may have made sense in the first few seasons, but it no longer does.

People want their 15 minutes of fame to sell T-shirts, Arbonne, etc.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Gobears said:

Heather is always sucking up to one of the MAFS producers on Twitter so it seems like she is trying to get on the show, one way or the other.

This says it all. Another let me try to get 15 mins of fame and latch on to whoever was on the show or something else in hopes of being on tv. *rollseyes* This would make me not watch this show for sure if they brought her in after her being one of his "crazies." So she has tried to be an actress/model and failed at that so she claims to be a "life coach" to weasel her way into low end people trying to gain their own 15 mins of fame lives? Sounds like someone needs to go get a real job IMO. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Gobears said:

But if they split, wouldn't she not keep his last name?

I wouldn't be surprised if its still a producer drive thing and she went along with it. Yet agree what does she do if they split? She is one of those that I can see being pushed to keep it going by the "experts" if things take a nose dive at any point because she is one of those that comes off easy to talk into staying. 

3 hours ago, Agnetha said:

I follow Sheila on Twitter. It's pretty obvious they're still together. I think as long as couples are actually still together they don't mind subtle hints too much. It's only that when they split up that they truly want them to keep any hints under wrap so to stop people from being disappointed. I'm making my calls: Sheila and Nate still together (100%), Ashley and Anthony still together (90%; Ashley's mom was talking about him on FB a while back and he still seemed to be in their lives); Danielle and Cody separated (95%). Anyone else willing to make any calls? :)


Danielle's ex-boyfriend seems good-looking. So this is what a manly man looks like.  I would have expected him to wear a lumberjack shirt though. 

Ashley seems to like man who are outkicking their coverage with her. Though I find this fella more pleasing to the eye than Anthony. I'm almost 100% positive that someone blinded Ashley or gave her a love potion.


I won't guess going off most SM considering how past ones have turned out to not be what they seemed...and in most cases that was a good thing. As well as some have been suckered into staying by the "experts" instead of walking away when they knew they should have (Sonia, Vanessa) and those didn't last either in the end. I think the only one we can be sure on is that Danielle and Cody split but I say they end on a good note unlike most. I am hoping Anthony and Ashley do make it as they are the only couple I think seem to work...surprisingly. 

Danielle's ex IMO isn't good looking. Neither is Ashley's. Which I have to say that sometimes a person doesn't date similar looking guys or types. I never did. Ashley could be similar in that manner. I don't think she is one to just settle because she is ready for kids and marriage. I think she likes how he looks..unlike what some think. They just clicked. It happens. 


2 hours ago, Gobears said:

I'm going to attribute this to the influence of one Rachel DeAlto. The women aren't the only ones who do this. Nick spent weeks doing nothing but posting inspirational life quotes to his Instagram. If it's corny and painful when Sonia does it, it is too when Nick does it.

Anyone else get the feeling that the show is having trouble casting for season 6, especially with the recent divorce announcements? I've seen on Twitter that some women have commented that producers were reaching out to them via direct messages to apply.

I figured it was having trouble casting since they were putting up on the screen during the show they were casting for Boston. All the past seasons its been that the next season was cast and as the one season aired the next was filming. Since that wasn't the case this time around I took it that either 1. They were having issues finding people to take part. 2. Got a last minute go ahead for another season. 3. Both. If they are reaching out to women on SM they are REALLY misleading in what they say about how many are applying. I say this show is toast and they only have the "experts" and production to blame for being so irresponsible in how they have handled this things with this show.

2 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

I think more people are recruited than we know. I just read both Lillian and Danielle were reached out to. 

Interesting.....I was wondering about the guys but even the women are being recruited. Makes me question a few more things with this show now then I already was. Where did you read that btw? 

2 hours ago, Agnetha said:

No sane person should apply for this show. It may have made sense in the first few seasons, but it no longer does. It doesn't get more painfully obvious than only 2 succesful marriages out of 12.  Occassionally, they manage to get people on board who want to stay married so badly even though the match itself is not so great (e.g. Vanessa, David, Cody,...) but even then they manage to f*ck it up by pairing them up with people who are pickier. And let's not talk about the quality of the matches, with Lily and Tom and Cody & Danielle being two matches where even a third grader would have known they were bad ideas.

Yes no sane person should apply. Yet the problem is that the show is recruiting people to be on it. The few that may not be recruited are the ones applying to either get married and take it seriously or for some fame no matter the cost. The producers and "experts" are matching for drama and nothing more. They could care less about finding real matches that would work. Remember to them its a tv show "experiment" and nothing more. They butt in to put doubt in place when needed or make a person stay when they know its not right. Season after season now its been this way. They find people they think will "fall in line" with what they want and go along with them no matter what it is. 

Does anyone know if Cody was recruited for the show or not? I'm curious on that one and the other guys as well too.. I wouldn't be surprised if Nate was though. We had at last 2 guys in the past admit they were so its no surprise this happens. 

  • Love 1

Lillian's sister confirmed that the show told her to try out (can't remember where they found her) and Danielle just said on her solo radio interview that she was approached. I'll see what I can sleuth about Cody ? Remember both his brother and him tried out for the show though? I'm guessing they tried out on their own accord. His bro is quite redneck, ha! 

  • Love 1

I wouldn't be surprised if Cody was recruited, I wouldn't be surprised if he applied on his own. He seems to be the type that wants marriage. 

With that said, they were always recruiting. I might remember it incorrectly, but didn't Jamie mention that she got a phone call after The Bachelor to apply for MAFS? BTW, I'd put Jamie in the same category as Cody and Vanessa: desperate to be married. I don't mean this in a judgemental way. You need a really good match for this to work. But if you are not able to create that, then go for people who really want to be married. I know Jamie as controversial, but I think after all the sh*t she went through she badly wanted a happy family life that she managed to get past Doug's looks. I wonder if Cody would still be married if they had given him someone who was as eager for that married life. I could see him with Ashley. He does seem a nervous mess around Danielle and Ashley needs a lot of reassurance, but otherwise she's not as high maintenance as Daniella. To meet Ashley's manly man requirement, you need to tell her that life goes on even if the AC doesn't work for two hours. With Danielle, you need to eat fish eye, build up treadmills, go zip-lining and manage those two monster dogs and it's still not enough. God, just writing this feels so exhausting. I bet he felt a huge sense of relief after they seperatated. 

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 5

Was mentioning on the Season 4 spoilers board how jaded I am by many of these participants, given many would have something to gain other than just a marriage partner (maybe). I noticed in particular Danielle pushing her website/blog online everywhere, & has mentioned her businesses as well, so there's that. 

I do see her as possibly having gone into this as another 'adventure', & thinking if it works out great, if not, oh well - "oooommmmmm" - she'll be very zen about it, & most surely come out more enlightened by the experience. (gag)

Cody will be the roadkill in the whole thing. Hopefully he continues with the sense of humor about himself I've seen a bit of on his twitter.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I definitely feel jaded about some of these participants, given they often have something they'd like to gain off this, & it may or may not include a marriage partner.

I've noticed Danielle has mentioned her businesses on SM, & pushes her website/blog almost everywhere... just sayin'.

I can't say I am surprised. I had a feeling that would happen before the season even started when it was posted she was worried how she would look on the show. Nick was doing the same thing too. IMO shows they probably weren't there for any other reason but to push their businesses. Some people are willing to do anything to gain attention and money...even if its marrying a stranger on tv.  

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

Lillian's sister confirmed that the show told her to try out (can't remember where they found her) and Danielle just said on her solo radio interview that she was approached. I'll see what I can sleuth about Cody ? Remember both his brother and him tried out for the show though? I'm guessing they tried out on their own accord. His bro is quite redneck, ha! 

Aww ok thanks for that. That was part of why I was wondering if Cody (and his brother too) were recruited or not. It could have been they did it on their own thinking maybe 2 brothers would be great to get on the show or the show looked at it as a maybe we can do this and let's see if both will come in. This also explains Lily's looks and head movements when she would do THs and a few other scenes as well I think. Like she was trying to put a face on for the camera...does that make sense? I am not sure how else to put it right now. 

15 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Was mentioning on the Season 4 spoilers board how jaded I am by many of these participants, given many would have something to gain other than just a marriage partner (maybe). I noticed in particular Danielle pushing her website/blog online everywhere, & has mentioned her businesses as well, so there's that. 

I do see her as possibly having gone into this as another 'adventure', & thinking if it works out great, if not, oh well - "oooommmmmm" - she'll be very zen about it, & most surely come out more enlightened by the experience. (gag)

Cody will be the roadkill in the whole thing. Hopefully he continues with the sense of humor about himself I've seen a bit of on his twitter.

I agree with you on that feeling. I said it over there and will say it again here that I said it before the season started about her using this to push herself like that. So it doesn't surprise me. I do think it really says a lot about those that come on and push the stuff more than anything else. If almost every posts on SM includes a hashtag with their business/blog/website, it doesn't come off in a very good light. Especially when they are on their not looking to into the "marriage". She isn't the first one either to do it. Being she was recruited says even more on it as well IMO. She could have been looking at it as just another "adventure" that gets her 15 mins of fame to push her crap and maybe get more from it. 

Now I am wondering how they pick who they recruit. I get asking someone like Jamie to kick start the show if she was willing (and she was obviously). It was a way to get someone that "reality" tv viewers may have head of and see how this worked out for her, kwim? If they are not getting the people they need to apply on their own they have to do something to keep it going so only thing left is try to recruit. Yet the problem there is they are looking to recruit those that could be good for drama tv and nothing more. They hope to find one half of the couple that really wants marriage but the other half I don't think they care if that person wants to be married or not. They are irresponsible in how they have been handling this show...mostly from Season 2 and on. The more and more I have read and found out about this show, the more I side eye it and what is going on behind the scenes in general. 


11 hours ago, Agnetha said:

You need a really good match for this to work

This is the thing with this show. They don't seem to be matching to make good matches that have a chance to work out. Which is what I would prefer to see instead of the made for tv drama bs we get. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

This is the thing with this show. They don't seem to be matching to make good matches that have a chance to work out. Which is what I would prefer to see instead of the made for tv drama bs we get. 

The bad thing is, with their whole "expertise" they are still worse than what a common sense guess would have yielded. The season 4 couples looked good enough to me on paper (before they met), with Danielle/Cody and Lily/Tom I saw red flags very early. So me with no contact to the participants would have a better track record than these experts with the hours of interviews and testing. That alone is off-puttig. They should stop pretending that this is anything to do with science. It's a mix of "Ok, these two are at similar enough age and have similar aspirations for their future" (Nick/Sonia,  Jamie/Dough, Cortney/Jason, David/Ashley, Anthony/Ashley) and utter misjudgements (the already mentioned couples). Nothing deep or scientific about it. 

11 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Cody is pretty chipper if you read his FB.

Other than the snarking and divorce status, don't think M@FS will leave much of a mark on Cody.

He's already seems to have bounced back, has a friendly SM exchanges with Danielle...looks like everyone has moved on.

But we will see...

I do think that has more to do with him being laid back/kind than being unfazed by the divorce. There've been many instances where he has also defended her on SM. With that said, I think even though the divorce will be more of Danielle's idea, I guess deep down there'll be some relief for Cody as well, being put through the manly man wringer couldn't have been too much fun. He let it slip on FB that he felt miserable during filming. 


Love the headline for this TWOP article:

Edited by Agnetha
  • Love 1

Cody's his body language, his facial expressions showed that he was miserable during the filming.

Both of them look stuck in a situation that was so far from what they expected.

Whether they were pressured by the producers, their contract, wanting to see the experiment through... they didn't pull the plug early like Heather.

Danielle seems more like Nick,Tom, Lily, Sonia, Jamie when it comes to wanting eyeballs on SM platforms...the show does bring  publicity.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Was mentioning on the Season 4 spoilers board how jaded I am by many of these participants, given many would have something to gain other than just a marriage partner (maybe). I noticed in particular Danielle pushing her website/blog online everywhere, & has mentioned her businesses as well, so there's that. 

Not just Danielle, but also Nate. If I never see the words "I'm not impressed" again...

Danielle got very defensive when someone asked her why she was selling Arbonne products. Does a woman with a graduate degree need to be pushing shady products that may or may not be part of a pyramid scheme? I mean, it's one thing if Jamie Otis does it...

At least Ashley isn't promoting her restaurant, Cody his gym or Anthony his magazine. I don't think Sheila has anything to promote.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Gobears said:

Not just Danielle, but also Nate. If I never see the words "I'm not impressed" again...

Danielle got very defensive when someone asked her why she was selling Arbonne products. Does a woman with a graduate degree need to be pushing shady products that may or may not be part of a pyramid scheme? I mean, it's one thing if Jamie Otis does it...

At least Ashley isn't promoting her restaurant, Cody his gym or Anthony his magazine. I don't think Sheila has anything to promote.

I don't think Cody still has his gym.

But I do give Ashley a lot of credit for not promoting the sh*t out of her bar and for making herself rare on SM. 


For all her attention seeking, I genuinely believe that Jamie wanted a husband and a family. 

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, Agnetha said:

I follow Sheila on Twitter. It's pretty obvious they're still together. I think as long as couples are actually still together they don't mind subtle hints too much. It's only that when they split up that they truly want them to keep any hints under wrap so to stop people from being disappointed. I'm making my calls: Sheila and Nate still together (100%), Ashley and Anthony still together (90%; Ashley's mom was talking about him on FB a while back and he still seemed to be in their lives); Danielle and Cody separated (95%). Anyone else willing to make any calls? :)


Danielle's ex-boyfriend seems good-looking. So this is what a manly man looks like.  I would have expected him to wear a lumberjack shirt though. 

Ashley seems to like man who are outkicking their coverage with her. Though I find this fella more pleasing to the eye than Anthony. I'm almost 100% positive that someone blinded Ashley or gave her a love potion.

BTW, is it a show requirement (just as they require them to use 'conumating') that the ladies of the show post some supposedly super meaningful life quotes? Vanessa used to do it, Sonia does it constantly (corny and painful) and Sheila/Danielle do it a lot too.

I noticed that, too.  I also see that since Tom and Lillian from the last season broke up Lillian posted one of those types of meaningful messages about being on a bridge, and if someone - in that case the "someone" was Tom, no doubt - doesn't want to join you on that bridge, then you must go on without that someone, etc. etc.  

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

I noticed that, too.  I also see that since Tom and Lillian from the last season broke up Lillian posted one of those types of meaningful messages about being on a bridge, and if someone - in that case the "someone" was Tom, no doubt - doesn't want to join you on that bridge, then you must go on without that someone, etc. etc.  

Yesss... I mean people like to post the occassional quote, but I've nevern seen this in such a high density as among the MAFS folk. Someone should tell them how corny it is. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Agnetha said:

The bad thing is, with their whole "expertise" they are still worse than what a common sense guess would have yielded. The season 4 couples looked good enough to me on paper (before they met), with Danielle/Cody and Lily/Tom I saw red flags very early. So me with no contact to the participants would have a better track record than these experts with the hours of interviews and testing. That alone is off-puttig. They should stop pretending that this is anything to do with science. It's a mix of "Ok, these two are at similar enough age and have similar aspirations for their future" (Nick/Sonia,  Jamie/Dough, Cortney/Jason, David/Ashley, Anthony/Ashley) and utter misjudgements (the already mentioned couples). Nothing deep or scientific about it. 

I don't think these people looked good at all on paper from last season or even most seasons to be matched. They were telling us the most horrid reasons always for matching them too. It was also fixing something with the other. That is not how to match people. Saying one has similar aspirations or ages ins't enough for a match. IMO Nick and Sonia had nothing in common at all and he was just here to hawk his goods. He was as dead and cold as Atlanta Ashley....as well as just as bad to watch. Even her and David were not similar in any way at all. These are couples that it was obvious that one seemed to really want to be married and hoped they would find a mate. While the other half was a fraud in what they were presenting on tv. I will bet the were VERY different when being interviewed for this show too compared to what we got on tv. I know the second they showed Danielle being asked if she was ok with being matched with a younger guy they would pull Cody out for her even though she said a year or 2 is ok but nothing younger. It was obvious from the get go they weren't going to last at all. From the sounds of it with how they are on SM, it seems they ended on at least good terms unlike the others in the past. Which I hope that means either the episode coming up has them discuss things a bit more or they did off camera to be in that sort of place with each other.

6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Cody's his body language, his facial expressions showed that he was miserable during the filming.

Both of them look stuck in a situation that was so far from what they expected.

Whether they were pressured by the producers, their contract, wanting to see the experiment through... they didn't pull the plug early like Heather.

Danielle seems more like Nick,Tom, Lily, Sonia, Jamie when it comes to wanting eyeballs on SM platforms...the show does bring  publicity.

I agree Cody's body language and facial expressions say miserable to me. Which is why he is coming off awkward I think. He probably didn't know where he stood with her since she never voiced things with him...at least that we know of. Yet there is no reason for either to pull the plug like Heather. IMO Heather had a good reason to walk and not go back. Which they tried to change her mind but I think whatever happened was enough for this show to know they couldn't push to much or they would end up in deep shit. 


5 hours ago, Gobears said:

Not just Danielle, but also Nate. If I never see the words "I'm not impressed" again...

Danielle got very defensive when someone asked her why she was selling Arbonne products. Does a woman with a graduate degree need to be pushing shady products that may or may not be part of a pyramid scheme? I mean, it's one thing if Jamie Otis does it...

At least Ashley isn't promoting her restaurant, Cody his gym or Anthony his magazine. I don't think Sheila has anything to promote.

I forgot about Nate his stupid crap too. I am not surprised that Ashley hasn't though. Its different when its a bar/restaurant compared to hawking shit online. You would have to many crazies showing up hoping to see her and/or Anthony and bugging staff about things. Same with the gym. With a magazine it might not be something most watching this show would want to even touch and he doesn't come off that kind of person either. As for Sheila, yeah nothing to promote working a school district office. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

I don't think these people looked good at all on paper from last season or even most seasons to be matched. They were telling us the most horrid reasons always for matching them too. It was also fixing something with the other. That is not how to match people. Saying one has similar aspirations or ages ins't enough for a match. IMO Nick and Sonia had nothing in common at all and he was just here to hawk his goods. He was as dead and cold as Atlanta Ashley....as well as just as bad to watch. Even her and David were not similar in any way at all. These are couples that it was obvious that one seemed to really want to be married and hoped they would find a mate. While the other half was a fraud in what they were presenting on tv. I will bet the were VERY different when being interviewed for this show too compared to what we got on tv. I know the second they showed Danielle being asked if she was ok with being matched with a younger guy they would pull Cody out for her even though she said a year or 2 is ok but nothing younger. It was obvious from the get go they weren't going to last at all. From the sounds of it with how they are on SM, it seems they ended on at least good terms unlike the others in the past. Which I hope that means either the episode coming up has them discuss things a bit more or they did off camera to be in that sort of place with each other.

Yeah well, at least as opposed to Peper/Calvin/Rachel I don't front like I'm an expert and good at creating matches. ;) Sonia and Nick were at a similar age, had similar aspirations (family and kids) and a similar educational background, so it looked good enough to me (obviously, I was wrong). What I'm getting at is even though I'm not an expert and my track record wouldn't be great, I would have at least be able to spare Danielle/Cody and Tom/Lily the divorce by never even considering them for a match. The experts' reasoning at the very best is common sense guess. And at the very worst, utter madness. Yet they front like there is this super amazing depth to it.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Agnetha said:

Yeah well, at least as opposed to Peper/Calvin/Rachel I don't front like I'm an expert and good at creating matches. ;) Sonia and Nick were at a similar age, had similar aspirations (family and kids) and a similar educational background, so it looked good enough to me (obviously, I was wrong). What I'm getting at is even though I'm not an expert and my track record wouldn't be great, I would have at least be able to spare Danielle/Cody and Tom/Lily the divorce by never even considering them for a match. The experts' reasoning at the very best is common sense guess. And at the very worst, utter madness. Yet they front like there is this super amazing depth to it.

LOL I get it. I just think some probably said the right things or were told to in order for it to look good on paper, kwim? And all the "experts" are good for is matching for utter madness and drama. I think if most of us had are way this show would be a heck of a lot different and work out better than it does. Matching because one needs to pulled out of their so called "shell" *rollseyes*, had a parent that left the family, works in a certain field, etc is not what makes a good match. There should be more to it but the fact is always going to be that the "experts" can claim all they want they know how to match and are good at what they do but in the end they are really looking for those that are mismatched and might give some good tv drama. Like I have said before they like to find the ones that might want this enough that if something goes south they can talk them into sticking it out longer because its them who needs to make it work *rollseyes* or they find ones that they can put some doubt in their head on things to create an issue where it doesn't need to be. All reasons that say to me how this show is VERY irresponsible and are screwing the slim few that are probably hoping to find a real match.

  • Love 3

Looking at the 15 minute Unfiltered look backs with Jamie Odious, Cody looks the worse for wear each week.

Obviously, all shot one after another since the clothes don't change and as they relive each episode's cringe worthy bits, Cody looks like he is watching his own death week after week, Ground Hog Day style.

That sparkly sweater makes him look like he  has dandruff, his skin is wrecked and his vocal fry is approaching Kim Kardashian levels.

Watching himself get his nuts handed back to him after each episode as  he blabs on and on about wantin' sex with my wife is pitiful.

Then to have Jamie chirp...bugged eyed chirp...chirp, well gotta feel for the Code Man.

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I actually do feel for him. I mean, Danielle's having a ball in Bali, but Cody gave up his gym & left town. What's up with that? 

The Unfiltered segments with him are awkward. The questions & her delivery about everything had to be a bit painful for a young dude after that experience. He seems to be trying very hard to save face, which I think is why he's said some stupid things, & that doesn't help him either.

  • Love 6
On 6/9/2017 at 3:06 PM, Evil Queen said:

I do know this reminded me of why I don't watch though and how annoying Jamie is. As well as her fake lashes are clumping together and catching on one side so her eyes look weird. 

Oh my gosh does she do her own makeup or does this show have the worst makeup artists, ever?  Her eyes look awful! When I learned to do makeup (not a pro) I learned clumping was a BAD thing; go figure.

On 6/9/2017 at 4:14 PM, Jellybeans said:
On 6/9/2017 at 2:21 PM, psychoticstate said:

Ugh.  Beyond that, did anyone else watch and notice that in his one-on-one with Jamie, Cody is not wearing his wedding ring?  May or may not be a tell.

They tried that with Nick.  No ring at the end.  "Golf", they said.

Yeah, golf. What regular dude wouldn't go golfing right before heading to the studio to film segments for TV? Pretty typical & believable. Yeah, that was funny.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Ground Hog Day...same old...same old for The Codester and The Bangster( Danielle's hair style... spoiler alert...no sexy time happening here)

I'm not saying she should have sex with him if she doesn't feel like it, but I feel sorry for him. Just like Neil, he'll need therapy after this, because she crushed any self-confidence/self-esteem he might have had. I'm not saying she is a bad person, but the more and more I see from her/hear about her, the more I'm convinced she shouldn't have been recruited for this at all. I sifted through her Instagram, recurring themes are the whole "wild" thing and then she posted several times a praising quote about how June Carter rejected Johnny Cash's proposal several times. It's odd. She wants a manly man who treats her like the girl, takes care of her and takes charge, is wild and shows her new things, at the same time she is very dominating, very set in her ways and her picture of a manly man... is an interesting mixture. I know others have said she's not dominating, but I beg to differ. She's a reasonably attractive, successful woman in her thirties. There's a reason why marriage hasn't happened for her the usual way so far, and it's because she can't pick 'em and has too many requirements/dealbreakers. And if you are into the whole wild thing, marrying a total stranger (who more likely than not wants to settle down) is not the best idea. 

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17 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Oh my gosh does she do her own makeup or does this show have the worst makeup artists, ever?  Her eyes look awful! When I learned to do makeup (not a pro) I learned clumping was a BAD thing; go figure.

I am betting its all her. I know I am terrible when it comes to makeup and don't wear it to often but I had to do my daughter's for Nutcracker shows and ballet recitals for years (I do better at putting it on another person than myself). Mascara was part of it as she got older. I just never get how girls end up with those clumps though. We never once had that happen. We weren't buying pricey stuff either. Just whatever was cheapest at the time. One of the last times I bought some was when Cover Girl (I think that is right) had just put out Star Wars themed ones. LOL So maybe its her brand or its old makeup or something with her false lashes that does that. My daughter has long lashes and at her age we never had to do false ones. But something is just never ok with Jamie's. I wouldn't be surprised if it has to do with the false lashes clumping then getting caught together in spots. 

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8 hours ago, Agnetha said:

I'm not saying she should have sex with him if she doesn't feel like it, but I feel sorry for him. Just like Neil, he'll need therapy after this, because she crushed any self-confidence/self-esteem he might have had. I'm not saying she is a bad person, but the more and more I see from her/hear about her, the more I'm convinced she shouldn't have been recruited for this at all. I sifted through her Instagram, recurring themes are the whole "wild" thing and then she posted several times a praising quote about how June Carter rejected Johnny Cash's proposal several times. It's odd. She wants a manly man who treats her like the girl, takes care of her and takes charge, is wild and shows her new things, at the same time she is very dominating, very set in her ways and her picture of a manly man... is an interesting mixture. I know others have said she's not dominating, but I beg to differ. She's a reasonably attractive, successful woman in her thirties. There's a reason why marriage hasn't happened for her the usual way so far, and it's because she can't pick 'em and has too many requirements/dealbreakers. And if you are into the whole wild thing, marrying a total stranger (who more likely than not wants to settle down) is not the best idea. 

This is something I am glad hasn't happened between them...sex. I knew there was more to the story than what we kept getting. It wasn't adding up and sitting right with me how it was on screen. Editing making it sound like she wanted him to have sex with her but yet wasn't doing a thing to act like she did. Him bringing it up a few times and her not saying how she felt on it (that we saw). So we are left with some thinking he is being a boy because she supposedly wanted it and he wasn't doing anything. When really we find out he has tried a few times and she has made excuses for not having any of it. Now its her saying she wasn't ever feeling it for him in that way. So its no wonder he ends up coming off as he has. He has been rejected in every way she could, while trying to do things to say he can be a good husband. Which really she should have been honest with him from the get go and told him she wasn't feeling it at that point with him. I honestly think she is nothing more than a party girl who used this show for some tv time....hell maybe she hoped to get something more from it with her line of work. Either way though she isn't mature enough IMO for marriage at her age either. I think a few of us had asked what she meant by manly but there really hasn't been an answer shown on what she thinks that is. I don't think she even knows. Like you said she is set in her ways and the fact of her saying she would have to pull a man out of "their comfort zone" had me wondering more if it was they wanted to just chill and not go out all the time while she was wanting to go party it up. Either that or she expects a man to be like her in every single way and that is not going to ever happen. No matter what she will have to learn to let go of certain things if she ever expects to be in a real lasting relationship.


6 hours ago, StormyClouds said:

Yet more attention seeking ... it never stops. Like, who says "stand behind me and take my picture of me being all philosophical!!" ? GAG. 


I just will never get the need to do this stuff. Then again I do not use SM and can't stand it for so many reasons. 

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On 6/13/2017 at 8:45 PM, Evil Queen said:

I agree Cody's body language and facial expressions say miserable to me. Which is why he is coming off awkward I think. He probably didn't know where he stood with her since she never voiced things with him...at least that we know of.

I think Cody's acting awkward is all on him.  I remember thinking Atlanta David was just a nice guy who was coming off badly because of Ashley's rejection.  Now seeing him again I realize that he's like that with or without Ashley.  Now he's just acting like a clueless doofus with someone else.  Some of what we're seeing with Cody is him and can't be blamed on Danielle.  There's a reason she's not that into him, IMHO.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:


Just paying the bills by talking to the photog that took their wedding photos and throwing some publicity their way...

I think they have to do that though, and that Lifetime is benefittting from this mostly, not the couples. I know the show foots the bill for the apartments (Tyrique mentioned this much on SM), and I assume dress, venue, photographer, etc. are paid for by the show as well, and they require the participants to do some PR work so that Lifetimes gets more freebies. 


BTW, Anthony has quite the nerve

D’Amico: Jackpot! The experts really listened! The hard part of possibly not being attracted to her was no longer an issue.

Another 3 (max) expecting a 9 or 10. 

Edited by Agnetha
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