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S06.E06: Heart of Stone

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Candace and Carol take Cookie on a girls' trip to Miami to have some fun and take her mind off Lucious. After an unsettling visit with Leah, Lucious is left to deal with some inward self-reflection. Meanwhile, Andre makes a bold decision regarding Treasure's upcoming album and Giselle goes behind Becky's back to find Tiana a new audience.

Original air date: November 12, 2019

Wow this show is really seeing almost no forum activity. I can see why this season is the final season. I think many viewers fell away. 

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Watched last night's eppy, which is the only Season 6 one I've watched.

It was like seeing an old friend again, one you were real tight with but for some reason or other drifted apart.....I felt like I was watching it for the first time.

Cookie's hair and eyebrows were on point though.

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This was a pretty loaded episode. Lucious' visit with his mother was a doozie - it's hard to tell if Leah is truly out of her mind, or lucid and intentionally hurtful, or a combo of both. Whenever she says something to Lucious, he is always rocked back on his heels by it. She's the one person that can just get to him in a way no one else does, and he's always the worse for interacting with her...which I think she knows, and sort of enjoys.

The Miami scenes were awesome. I especially liked the big drag queen. So fun! The three sisters have come a long way in their relationship with each other, and thank goodness, for the better. They truly have each other's best interests at heart and know how to lift each other up when needed, as well as bring each other back down to earth. I wonder how they got out of jail, though!! I hope those actresses have as much fun with those roles as they seem to be - their scenes together are always very authentic and hilarious.

I knew Tiana was going to rebel against the church ladies. But does this mean her pro-choice fans are willing to overlook Tiana's pro-life stance merely because they approve of her one moment of defiance? It sort of doesn't make sense...if someone turned away from Tiana because they don't like her pro-life stance, they're probably not going to support her just because of one stunt. Unless Tiana openly expresses a change of heart about abortion, has anything really changed? I guess we'll find out. I wonder if Tiana knows that both Becky and Giselle have had abortions, and what she would think of the circumstances/context of each situation. 

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5 hours ago, Biggie B said:

This was a pretty loaded episode. Lucious' visit with his mother was a doozie - it's hard to tell if Leah is truly out of her mind, or lucid and intentionally hurtful, or a combo of both. Whenever she says something to Lucious, he is always rocked back on his heels by it. She's the one person that can just get to him in a way no one else does, and he's always the worse for interacting with her...which I think she knows, and sort of enjoys.

The Miami scenes were awesome. I especially liked the big drag queen. So fun! The three sisters have come a long way in their relationship with each other, and thank goodness, for the better. They truly have each other's best interests at heart and know how to lift each other up when needed, as well as bring each other back down to earth. I wonder how they got out of jail, though!! I hope those actresses have as much fun with those roles as they seem to be - their scenes together are always very authentic and hilarious.

I knew Tiana was going to rebel against the church ladies. But does this mean her pro-choice fans are willing to overlook Tiana's pro-life stance merely because they approve of her one moment of defiance? It sort of doesn't make sense...if someone turned away from Tiana because they don't like her pro-life stance, they're probably not going to support her just because of one stunt. Unless Tiana openly expresses a change of heart about abortion, has anything really changed? I guess we'll find out. I wonder if Tiana knows that both Becky and Giselle have had abortions, and what she would think of the circumstances/context of each situation. 

I enjoyed this episode, and I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, Biggie B.

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Lucious is the WORST.

Loved Carol and Candace taking Cookie on a girls' trip. Those 3 really are great together.

Yay to seeing Carlos Miranda from Vida as the hot guy in the club. Too bad Cookie punched him out cuz she thought he was Lucious.

I lost track of how many times my sister and I said "This is why your ass gon' end up dead" about Lucious.

Still loving the Becky/Giselle partnership.

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The song that Cookie had her vision of Lucious? Closed captioning said it was "You're So Beautiful." It was a remix, but the original still remains my favourite song ever from this series and reminded me of "simpler" times of Season 1.  Because it's becoming more of a chore to watch this.  

Lucious is the worst, and clearly gets that from his mom.  But the cravates and silk tie up cuffs has to come from him, right?  What is with his wardrobe this year?

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It was a good episode. I enjoyed the Miami trip with Cookie and her sisters. I wish we would have had more of that in the series.

At this point, I’m over the whole Luscious and Cookie destined to be together thing. I hope she continues to just be on her own because their relationship is toxic. 

Leah is still crazy as ever. I hope that facility learned their lesson and never gives her anything sharp again. 

I keep wondering about the flash forward “death” scenes for Cookie and Luscious that we’ve seen at the beginning of each episode. My guess is that neither of them actually die, but with this show who knows? It seems like the show wants us to think that Cross, Andre, and now possibly Leah might be behind the murder attempts. 
It seems like Becky has had the most personal growth over the course of the show. She has climbed the ladder professionally and grown as a person through her experiences. Most others on this show keep repeating their mistakes over and over.  I cracked up over her snarky comments at the church ladies luncheon. 
I’m not surprised at the stunt that Tiana pulled at the church performance. She created an unnecessary controversy with her initial comments then wanted the church people to save her career, but she didn’t want to play their game. It seems to me that if she would have just stayed mum on her views she would not have been in this predicament. It’s sad that the show wants us to believe that her fans/audience is so fickle that this one stunt will change their view of her if they were so bothered by her previous comments. 

And finally, what the heck was Porscha wearing? The bright orange and the sun visor was a bit out there. 

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Lucious is the worst, but his mom is pretty damn close. Its hard to tell if she was saying those things because she is unstable, if she is just being cruel, or both. Its probably both, knowing her. 

Cookie and her sisters in Miami tearing it up was awesome, and I love how much they have all gotten closer over the course of the show. One of my favorite things about Cookie is her real passion for music, so I was happy to see her sisters reminding her that music was her first love. Also nice to see the hot guy from Vida as the hot guy in Miami! 

This was probably the best episode of the season, I actually felt decently engaged, which hasn't really happened much this season. 

 I knew that Tiana would rebel, especially after the church ladies were saying that stuff about her denouncing same sex relationships (well at least someone remembers that Tiana is bisexual) and calling Bella a bastard, but does this mean she will actually change her pro-life stance? I think that this whole story had some potential, about how the personal affects the political and about cancel culture and political divisiveness and the affects celebrities can have on political issues that affect real people, but they never really went there. I wanted Becky and Tiana to have a real conversation (and not just Becky yelling at Tiana and Tiana being defensive) about their very personal experiences with babies and abortion, but I guess its all going to be dropped now. It was all just a kind of weird out of right field story anyway. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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