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Texas Gal

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  1. And now they've changed it... ok, who here woke up the intern and made them do website corrections at midnight?
  2. I have to laugh, because there is a giant, glaring error on that page...
  3. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE JOLENE?!??! Scarier "instant" visual: stick figures or clown? I say stick figures. Happening upon them in the forest, like after the HighwayBatesEncounter is one thing... but imagine actually finding them strung around your entire home like that? NOPE. (Then again, this is coming from the person whose most scary movie moment was a dude standing in a corner, so...)
  4. That's the point of the song, though - a cowboy died doing rodeo in Cheyenne while his wife was back in California, and she went crazy in her grief and ran out in the ocean and committed suicide. So she haunts the beach, walking the sands "of Cheyenne" (so poetic). I've had a theory it was Garth's little homage to "Ocean Front Property", where from George's front porch in Arizona he can see the sea. Back on topic, the stick figures hooked me. That creepy device freaked me the heck out watching Blair Witch Project, and it did it again here. Although I admit, I'd be curious to see AHS: The Mist.
  5. It said Chris and Elise broke up 2 weeks later.
  6. Only one thing is powerful enough to unite bitter enemies Maks and Derek... and that is the suckitude of Abby Lee Miller.
  7. Who told the showrunners that what this show needed was more Elena and her dumb brother and the dumb Mexican drug cartel? I'd rather spend those minutes watching Ray Krebs do household chores, or Lucy get drunk off peach schnapps.... anything, really.
  8. The face Nene was making in the background as they read off Meryl and Val's scores was GIVING ME LIFE.
  9. Just chiming in to say that I got a little rush of glee when I saw that this show's name amongst the Forum titles.
  10. The only palatable result, really.
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