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Everything posted by janestclair

  1. My dad says acrosst instead of across, and heighth instead of height and they both make me stabby.
  2. I love Wawa. I wish my students would give me Wawa gift cards. I am in there all the time. Stuffed jalapeno cheese pretzels, delicious cheap coffee, hoagies. Yum. The best part is you order on the touch screen and so never have to talk to a soul other than the cashier. My Wawa was closed for a month or so for renovations so I had to go to a different Wawa, which is about the same distance from my house, but not as convenient to my commute. Such a Jersey problem. I've also gotten off the gift train. I buy my dad a bottle of booze that he picks out and I pay for, and my sister and I stopped exchanging ages ago. I have no extended family anymore because they're either all deceased or we no longer speak. Hah. I have exactly one present to buy this year for my newborn niece. She's getting an engraved ornament and adorable feety pajamas that have reindeer on the feets, and I already gave my sister both. (Baby feet are always feets. I do not know why.) Socks for Christmas is a great gift as an adult. I can always use socks. Or scarves. I'm forever losing scarves.
  3. I'll just click the back button and find the information somewhere else. Ain't nobody got time to click through a slideshow or find the teeny little stop button that's usually hidden to stop the godforsaken autoplay video. Ditto if they tell me to turn off my ad blocker to use their site. Like hell I will. Not when there are sites with malware in the ads. I'm almost afraid to know. What does napkin mean in England? I know pants means underwear, so I'm sure that's led to some awkward exchanges.
  4. I have two first names, and only go by the first one, and usually put the second one as a middle name. No one other than my mother and my kindergarten teacher has ever called me by my full first name, and no one ever will. It irritates me that everything for work has my full first name on it. Luckily we all call each other by last names. Although that was irritating in itself when we had a teacher whose last name was my first name, and I kept getting her mail in my inbox. It wasn't even spelled the same!
  5. Cracklin Oat Bran is delicious. The benefits are just a perk. That guy is an idiot. If he was hitting on you...yikes. In my family, discussions of bowel habits are quite the norm, but I realize that is not normal conversation to have, especially with strangers.
  6. Sun-Bun, I'm a teacher too, and I had bronchitis over the summer, for the entire summer. I feel your pain. It was the worst. I think my ribs are still irritated from all that coughing, because they still freaking hurt sometimes. Damn kids and their damn germs. I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine.
  7. That's sheisty. File a charge back with your credit card or something. I've never heard of Green Chef either, but definitely won't try them now. I ordered a sweater online thinking it was a light blue, and it came yesterday. It is actually light green. It's pretty, but I don't need a light green sweater because I already have one. Yes, this is a first world peeve. It was only $20 so I don't want to go through the trouble of returning it so I'll probably give it to my sister. Why can't the color online be more accurate? Bah.
  8. Count me in the group that uses proper spelling, grammar and punctuation in texts and IMs. I can't talk to you that way if you use excessive text speak and/or emojis. I don't have time to decipher your heiroglyphs. The use of "k" instead of ok makes my blood boil. How much time do you save by eliminating one letter? Seriously. I have mice quite frequently in my classroom. Kids have a hard time keeping food in the cafeteria, and then don't use a proper garbage can to dispose of the detritus. It's fairly gross. One morning I walked in and there was a dead one right there on the floor, belly up with its little feets in the air. I grabbed a dust pan which is meant for broken glass and dispatched the corpse into the trash. Another time, a living one ran around my sandal-clad feet, out the door, down the hall (I followed the shrieks) and into a coworker's classroom, where we caught it under a garbage can and brought it back outside. A different time, I taught a whole class period without realizing there was a dead mouse in the back of the room. None of the kids saw it either, but the assistant principal who was observing me did. I was commended for not drawing attention to the carcass that I didn't even see. Haha. Meanwhile, if they were larger mice or rats, I would not be nearly as calm. But they were cute little brown field mice, so it didn't bother me, even though they're also probably disease-ridden.
  9. @backformore - If only I could like your post more than once, I would've. "___________ of" makes my teeth hurt. It doesn't make any sense when it's written out AT ALL. My students do it all the time, and every time, I die a little bit more inside. If only I didn't have so much biology to get through, we'd have a grammar lesson one day. This should be done in English class, but apparently is not, or at least not enough to make it stick. Snakes and mice don't bother me, but if there's a wasp or other stinging insect on the premises, I'll flail and scream like a little girl.
  10. I don't mind cleaning, except dusting. I absolutely loathe dusting. No matter what, I end up with an itchy face for the entire day. Just leave the dust alone where it's not bothering anyone. I like things to be clean but am ok with clutter, so long as it's my clutter and I know where everything is.
  11. Hostess is definitely not the same. Tastykakes still are though. I used to eat the hell out of Little Debbie Nutty Bars. I wonder if they're still the same. Because it's Thanksgiving, I'm going to mention cranberry sauce in the can. There's just something about it that I love, even though it's total trash. See also: Stove Top stuffing. The fancy homemade kind is good, but I have to have the canned cranberry and the Stove Top or it's not Thanksgiving.
  12. So wait, I can never get a tattoo now? That's some kind of bullshit. I've never had that issue with back pockets, but that does sound like it would be irritating. I just want a side pocket big enough for my phone to fit in. I bought a pair of jeans once that had fake side pockets. They fit awesome or I would've returned them, but that pissed me off to no end. If you go through the trouble of making it look like it has a pocket, put in the damn material to make a pocket.
  13. I loved What Not To Wear back in the day, and even though some of their rules were actually ridiculous, some of them were helpful. Before I watched that show, I would've been nominated in the 'wears ill-fitting clothes' category, so I actually learned something. I was wearing clothes at least one size too big. Everyone thought I had lost weight, but I actually just started wearing the right sizes. Now I love clothes, and could never possibly wear them all because I have so damn many. But I'm still not ever wearing heels or a structured jacket, sorry. I actually met Clinton once and he was so ridiculously nice. I think I was dressed like a schlump at the time. Whoops. Here's a clothes peeve - why are women's pants pockets so damn small? And why can't we have pants sold by inseam length? Petite is not short enough, dammit.
  14. Technically it's a fruit, but...still healthy. You're an adult, one of the benefits is being able to eat pie (or anything you damn well want) for breakfast so people can who don't like it can fuck right off. A muffin is an acceptable breakfast, and that's basically cake.
  15. I would decline the birthday invite with no explanation. That, or tell them that my presence is your present if I'm spending my own money for dinner. @bilgistic - I also hear things other people do not. I have the hearing (and vision, hah) of a damned bat, I think. In my classroom, I hear a hissing, and then something that sounds like water running. I can hear things kids say from all the way across the room when they think they're being quiet. This would not be so bad were my parents not deaf and halfway deaf. Everything is so damn loud and it makes me nuts.
  16. I used to be a medical assistant in a doctor's office. We would triple book certain appointment slots under the assumption that some patients' appointments would only last 3 minutes because they were coming for a dressing change or whatever easy thing that I would do. Sometimes the dressing changes weren't so easy because the wound was infected, and then everything got pushed back because they actually did need to see a doctor. Other slots were almost always double booked, except new patient slots. I would always let patients know if we were a little behind schedule though, and for the most part we managed to keep everyone on time, except for rare days. You can book one appointment per slot and keep everyone happy, but it's tough though, because if we only book one appointment, and then the person cancels or flat out doesn't show, they've lost money. Despite the bill you get, they're not necessarily making a ton and it's sheisty to bill for missed appointments, so we didn't. We had a lot of regular Medicare patients because it was a podiatry office, and they were the hardest to keep happy between room preferences, doctor preferences, and just being older. It was hard to schedule around that kind of thing, so we'd limit those to Tuesdays if we could. I remember one lady who used to schedule for the first appointment at 8am, and then get upset when no one was there when she showed up at 7:30 - like she expected to be seen BEFORE her appointment. That's not how this works. The only time I get annoyed at having to wait is if the office is empty and I'm the only one sitting there, if the doctor walks in while I'm sitting there and it's past my appointment time and they were clearly out playing golf, or if I can hear the doctors shooting the shit while I'm waiting. Otherwise, I just assume they're busy. I see the appointment less as an absolute time and more of a schedule of the order they'll see patients.
  17. Petunia, do you have a union? Even if your store management doesn't care, the union should. We had a union in the store where I worked back in the day, and nothing like that would've ever been tolerated.
  18. We used to have to do that too in the store where I worked. I hated making idle chit chat with the customer. I was quick, accurate, and routinely topped the store stats, which is why they always put me on the express lane. That's part of the reason why I now go to the self-checkout lane if one is available. As a customer, all I really want is to get out of the store as quickly as possible, and for my purchases to ring up at the correct prices. I do not need to know what the cashier thinks about the ice cream I purchased.
  19. I try to eat my produce locally when I can - like NJ corn, blueberries, or corn in summer, and apples in the fall. Why? Because and they didn't have to travel thousands of miles to get to me, nor were they ever refrigerated or artificially ripened, and so they taste better. Grocery store tomatoes are sad, mealy, cardboard-flavored disappointment. If you've never had a fresh Jersey tomato, you're missing out. I am also a fan of Doritos and processed junk. A little MSG never hurt anyone. I'm pretty sure everyone who claims to be sensitive to MSG is probably actually sensitive to something else in the food, considering its just a simply modified amino acid we need to live. I have read studies about it. Same with gluten. If you don't have celiac disease or something similar, there is literally no proven benefit to being gluten free, other than hopping on the latest trend. Any benefit you see is either placebo effect, or something else in products also containing gluten that was making you ill. Trans fats I'll go along with, they're absolutely terrible for you, which is too bad because they are delicious.
  20. I thought of this thread at work today. My kids were doing a lab in class today, so they all had goggles on. My classroom set of goggles is all multicolored fluorescent, with 5 different colors. Whoever started putting them back at the end of class made it so that each row was a different color, and then someone put an orange back with the pinks, and it made me cringe. If they were all random, it would've been fine, but one off? Not good at all. I had to go over and fix it.
  21. I've been catching the syndicated reruns on my local channel too. I left Ice on in the background while I was grading papers. They skipped a few though - went right from Conduit and Squeeze last week to Ice and Fallen Angel. So I guess they skipped Jersey Devil and Shadows, which I suppose is fine, but why? Space they should feel free to skip.
  22. Conversely, I don't like it when my everything bagel tastes like cinnamon raisin. Separate flavors should be separate, period, with a separate bag, and a separate slicer to prevent contamination. Also, everything bagels should never include caraway seeds. Those things are vile. I'm guilty of doing it too. I'm trying to switch that out with anal retentive, because it's not an actual medical diagnosis. I've referred to myself as a spaz on many occasions, and one time, someone got offended because there are people who have a medical condition. *raises hand* I mean it's not like I advertise it, but yeah, I am literally spastic. I'm guilty of using retarded with my friends too, but it does actually mean slow. I would never call someone with Down snydrome that.
  23. You're right, it's still two ply. It just feels like one because they're so thin. It breaks up into little bits when you use it. I have like 5 more rolls to use. Hah! Didn't even occur to me.
  24. I have the toilet paper sitting on a little stool in front of the toilet, because the holder thingie is too far away from the actual toilet, but if I did hang it. it would be over. Just because. I remember colored toilet paper, but I've never seen green paper - only blue, pink and yellow. This actually ties into my peeve. Toilet paper has gotten super shitty lately, or at least the brand I've always used. I've bought Angel Soft forever because it doesn't clog up my pipes like Charmin, and now it's like one ply bullshit paper, so I have to find another brand that doesn't suck but won't clog my pipes.
  25. Clothes are hung in the closet with shirts on one side, pants on the other. By season (all the short sleeves together, all the capris together,all the jeans together) and then also by color. My mom always used to say I hang things up backwards though, so I guess I'm not as much of a perfectionist as she is, since the hangers go up whichever way I feel like. CDs, books, and movies are alphabetical, and then in order of release date in the case of multiples from the same artist or author. I had some serious road rage earlier, to the point where I actually laid on my horn. I never ever do that. I was stopped directly behind a school bus, at a light that was not working properly. Now, I get stuck behind this damn bus every single morning, so I know he's not going to (can't maybe?) make a right turn on red. I've accepted that. But the light was flashing red, clearly not operational. He sat there for a good 4 minutes before finally deciding to turn because there was a line of cars honking. He could've gone at least half a dozen times when the road was wide open, but he's just sitting there. Buddy, the light's broken - it's never going to be green, no matter how long you sit. Go, for chrissakes. We have places to be. People on the other side got to make lefts before we ever got to move. Infuriating. Adding insult to injury - my horn is pathetic. I've never really used it, but it's not forceful at all.
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