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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. I just did a little test and found out that you can now give yourself a like. It feels a bit like petting your own hair. (Except now they're saying you can see who "reacted" to your post, so I'm wondering why there's still a heart. Do you click on the heart if you want to puke all over someone's post? Reacting covers a much wider range of emotions, doesn't it? And why am I asking the Jeopardy! people? Although who better to deal with questions?)
  2. All my work invoices are submitted via email. Some companies require a signed invoice. I created a graphic file of my signature, and it gets plugged into any document that requires one (it helps to have access to a tablet with a stylus of some sort--otherwise the handwriting can look post-stroke). So it's digital, but it's also clearly a handwritten signature. I think that's what JJ was getting confused about. Not that it takes much to confuse her about tech stuff. You'd think she was 110. I don't understand why she's so proud of not letting new information into her brain. That's the kind of thing most people are ashamed of.
  3. Oh, okay. Then how about "dysnumerate"? I don't know if I just made that up or not.
  4. I think you mean "innumerate," like "illiterate" but with math stuff. I wouldn't know what the abstract level even looks like.
  5. I blame the Kardashians. Of course I blame them for almost everything (there's someone else I blame, but we're not allowed to talk about that here), so take that for what it's worth. I also have long hair, and I wouldn't sit around compulsively petting it any more than I'd reach into my clothes and pet some other random body part. It's creepy and bad manners. I'm the Not-Carrie Fisher. It was mean of me to say fisher cats aren't cute. No one's cute when hungry or grouchy. They are cute when they're not snarling, but they're scary, too. I'm happy my dogs never ran into one.
  6. Horrible game, horrible judging, lousy players. We have fisher (not fishing) cats here in Maine, and they are a completely different animal, not felines. They're weasels. And they're not cute, but fortunately they are elusive. That answer should never have been credited. This was me during that game:
  7. At the risk of getting drawn into what could easily be the most boring discussion in the history of the forum, I'll say that I don't think the "sk" ending means "City." It's a relational affix that signifies that what it's attached to belongs to something--so "Omsk" belongs to or is associated with the Om River, etc. But even if it did mean "City," that doesn't really explain the quotes, unless they capitalized "City" within them as part of the proper compound--which they didn't. So I'm still going to go with needlessly confusing. Over and out before everyone goes into a coma.
  8. There was only one reasonable answer, but what gave me pause was their putting the word "city" in quotes--why did they do that? It's a city, isn't it? So all the scare quotes do is confuse people unnecessarily. Those writers really need a good editor. I could make myself available. Riding crop optional.
  9. I counted the number of "moments" on this last show (I've posted about it before--it's so pretentious and meaningless), and she said it 8 times. Not counting the one time Jeff said it, making fun of her, I think. You can also seal them up good as new if you have a vacuum sealer or one of those little handheld heat resealers. I have both because I've got gadget fever, but those little ones are cheap and very useful. I can probably go to Paris on the money I've saved by not throwing out moldy cheese.
  10. Was it NYC? I remembered it as L.A. I'm batting .500 on my Bosom Buddies trivia. I loved that show, too. I guess Peter Scolari was too short to go on to Hanks-level stardom, but they were both great. And their wig game is definitely superior to most JJ litigants'. Less facial hair than some, too.
  11. That meat loaf looked disgusting, but it could be that I tend not to like gray food. Plus, baking it that way, you miss out on one of the best things about meat loaf--the crispy top crust and edges. Adding pesto's kind of an interesting idea, though. Sunny, on the other hand, did look good. Maybe we're caught up to where her stylist sued her, so she's being dressed by someone else. Who doesn't hate her yet.
  12. For all you know, I might be one of those ladies! Sadly, no, wrong city, wrong hotel. I think they lived at the Susan B. Anthony (don't know why I remember that). If they'd been in NYC, it would've been the Barbizon Plaza. My boyfriend and I were the only people under sixty at the Schuyler Arms. One of the old gentlemen was a former Wobbly (International Workers of the World). You learn so much when you talk to old people--as I now know from the other end of the spectrum. If we knew that Judge Judy was going to be a thing years later, we wouldn't have taken in all those illegal roommates!
  13. That SRO business was confusing to me, too. And JJ didn't seem to know what the abbreviation stood for, which would be odd from a born NYer--unless her life was always so privileged that SROs were never on her radar. When I was just out of college, I lived in a converted hotel on West 98th Street--the Schuyler Arms (sounds grand, doesn't it?), and it was called an SRO hotel. But the apartment we had was a one-bedroom with a living room and a closet-size kitchen, so not in fact a single room. The only way I can imagine a one-bedroom being designated as an SRO would be if other dwellings in the building were SROs, so the entire building somehow falls under the same rubric.
  14. Thanks a lot, @JTMacc99. I'll have to go take a look at the 8-quart. I'm definitely leaning toward stainless over the nonstick--for the same reasons you mention, @kj4ever. Thanks to you both.
  15. So glad I found this board! I'm on the verge of pulling the trigger on one of two models, and I'm just wondering if anyone can nudge me in one direction or the other. There's the Crock-Pot for $69.95 on Amazon and the Instant Pot, which I just now discovered has become unavailable in the model I was looking at yesterday, so I guess it'd be this one, which is ten bucks more than the one that just disappeared. The main difference I can see is that the Crock-Pot has a nonstick coating on its pot and the Instant Pot is stainless steel. I don't know if the nonstick is the old-fashioned kind or the newer ceramic, which I like. Reviewers are expressing concerns about scratches in the nonstick. All things being equal, I always prefer stainless, but it hurts to spend $60 more for just that one difference--that's almost double the price! Any recommendations? Also, thanks so much @chessiegal for the kettle method of hard-boiling eggs. I tried one (too chicken--ha, ha--to try more than one) yesterday, and it came out great! The only thing I'm going to do differently next time is pierce the fat end of the egg. Yesterday's had a big air pocket at that end, so I'm going to see if I can eliminate that and get a perfect oval shape. But I'm obsessed with getting eggs that peel without any damage, and this seems to be the easiest way so far!
  16. I couldn't get past early-season House of Cards, which he was terrific in. Even allowing for that dangling preposition.
  17. I think we all concluded the same thing, back when this case first aired. Discussion started around here and continued for several pages, on and off. There were some pretty colorful descriptions of the wig, which I just reread and enjoyed a lot. Definitely worth revisiting. Especially when you should be working. (And by "you" I of course mean "me.")
  18. All the likes for the Anton LaVey mention. Someone I haven't thought of in decades. (Although that's probably a good thing.)
  19. Maybe it was because there wasn't a whole lot to do with this particular camp, so they thought they needed the clowning for filler. If one or all of this crew turn into Chip Gaineses, I'm heading for the hills. One is more than enough (and I used to like that show). They keep getting closer to my house. There's an abandoned hunting cabin just on the other side of our property. My latest dream is that I wake up one morning and find the MCM cameras setting up where I can go rubberneck.
  20. For half an instant, I thought it couldn't be Our American Cousin--on the theory that once a president is assassinated during a performance of your play, that should pretty much shut you down for good (unless it's Hamlet or something). Maybe they figured that after fifty years people wouldn't be too thin-skinned. I know you wouldn't have caught me dead at that particular revival. So to speak. Also, not to be mean to kids, but if we never have another precocious hammy junior clue reader again, it'll be too soon. And now I'll be boarding my nonstop flight to hell.
  21. Poor Kevin. If he had an identical twin, he'd still be there.
  22. I think it's Indian. (India Indian, that is, not American Indian.) It is lovely, but it must be tiresome for her to have to through life spelling it all the time and listening to people mispronounce it.
  23. Well, that is my job, after all. Except they only want to pay me Champale wages for my champagne talents. Janky masons.
  24. Does anyone else besides me feel proud when a name you gave to some litigants becomes their actual forum name? Because I'm embarrassed at how happy I am to see this name come around again. Maybe I'll go out and buy myself a chaise lounge. Fixed that for you. ;o)
  25. I think Dorit's method for cooling off with alcohol only works if you pour it down your cleavage, ice cubes and all, then let it evaporate off your skin. She comes dressed for that tactic, just in case she needs to use it. We had a Thanksgiving like this. Everything went wrong, including someone forgetting to turn on the oven and only noticing after the turkey'd been sitting in it for a couple of hours. I think we invented the first deep-fried turkey that night--still the best turkey I've ever had--and fortunately nobody died of food poisoning. Adversity pulls (most) people together. It doesn't pay to stress. Although I always do.
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