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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. The F isn't meant to be his middle initial in this case. It's more of a description--Tom Fuckin' Brady, to be exact. In New England that's a compliment. Kara seemed somewhat less put upon tonight than she did in her previous appearance, so it was an improvement. Not that that's saying much. I wish I knew why she tried out for the show if actually being on it bored her so.
  2. Boy, would it! I've got a slogan for you: "Have a Transsexual Ham Sandwich. It'll put hair on your boobs. Or boobs on your hair. However you roll is fine with us." Might need work.
  3. Thanks for the link, Bliss. It was interesting to hear Alex talk about some of his other endeavors, although his interviewer was a little much. (Hint: When your subject starts answering, you stop talking.) As far as how long Alex will be hosting J!, I know someone already posted about it a while back, but I didn't hunt for that post. Here's what Google says, though.
  4. While the idea of serving Moscow Mules on the most American holiday of Thanksgiving would've been unthinkable at any time in the past, I guess this is the year for it. (And calling them Moscow Turkeys makes no difference whatsoever.) I don't know whether the show was being ironic or clueless.
  5. Yay, Buzzy! Astonishing comeback. I wishfully called it before the TOC started, and then I almost didn't get to see it happen. Got home last night to watch the recording, and it was all hockey. Way to prioritize sports over smarts, WVII in Bangor. If you'd warned us in advance about the channel switch, I could've programmed the DVR for that. Thank heavens for YouTube. Shout-out to Waldo County! That may be the only time we ever get mentioned on Jeopardy! And to all my friends at that missed Murdoch company. If they ever offer Alex's job to Buzzy, he's already got the suits for it. I really hope his mother wins her battle.
  6. You're welcome. Sorry you didn't get my point.
  7. It was a joke. I thought maybe the ellipses made that clear. I'm a woman, too.
  8. Yes, that was Tim. I loved that observation, too. He also wrote "Who is too old and too slow?" as his FJ answer. He was clearly outmatched, but there's a lot to be said for quiet and funny--and self-deprecating. Thanks for leaving the jazz hands in the dressing room, Tim. I couldn't stand Pranjal during the regular season--I remember that glaring at the other players thing he did, but he seems to have grown up or mellowed or something. Or I have. Loved the story about his cat. Who knew he had that sense of humor?
  9. No, it's not a fact, it's an opinion, and calling it a fact doesn't magically transform it into one. That attitude of secretly, or not so secretly, thinking of the locals in anyplace but NY as yokels is part of why people elsewhere often find us insufferable. And I say this as someone who was born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, which I guess would make me a proto-hipster, if I believed there was such a thing. Austin's desperation to advertise himself as a NYer just proves to me he's anything but. Mileage, and plates, obviously varies. In other news, I thought Alex was being very kind to Lisa at the end of the show. As a woman, I wish she'd sucked it up and taken her loss . . . like a man. It's just a game. Ya win some, ya lose some. The more some of us behave that way, the more the rest of us get tarred with the same brush, of being too weak to compete against men and needing to be coddled when we come up short. Throw rocks if you've got 'em. I'll duck.
  10. No one who's a native NYer would say anything that stupid. NY plates can get you in more trouble than they're worth, the assumption being that if you're from NY, you need to be cut down to size (and thank you for making this seem to be true, Austin, wherever you're really from). But if you're a poser with something to prove, I guess that's the flag you need to fly. I like that Buzzy's been making fun of him (although Buzzy's not in the best position to do so), and I really like that he apologized for talking over Alex. So I guess I'm still rooting for the lesser of two he-vils (since there aren't any she-vils left).
  11. That's Jane Curtin doing the washing-machine commercial! Thanks for this hilarious blast from the past!
  12. It wasn't Ree's recipe. It was Trisha Yearwood's.
  13. That turkey was disgusting. Way to ruin the crispiness you worked hours to achieve. The pecan pie with lemon zest seemed intriguing. I'm the pie person every T'Day, so I'm always on the lookout for ways to change up the old standards. I can see trying that variation this year.
  14. I feel I understand Austin's over-the-top reaction to losing in his regular season even better now. When Alex was trying to congratulate Alan tonight, Austin had to force himself into that interaction, too. It always has to be about him, even when it's not.
  15. Not to mention being very easy on the eyes. And it appears he owns a bookstore these days. Way to spend your Jeopardy! dough.
  16. I got Lesotho, which is a miracle, because I'm horrible at geography. I think the word "kingdom" made me confident it was the right answer. That was lovely of Jason to organize the ribbon tribute. I figured the show had done it. I thought Tim's self-description of "Float like a butterfly, sting like a butterfly" was very funny.
  17. I actually Googled the distance between Anguilla and Jamaica after I posted that question, because I can never leave things alone. It turns out they're about 930 miles apart. So that would be like if I, living in northern New England, started saying things like "Y'all come back soon, ya hear" in a South Carolina accent, because the distance is about the same. It's not so much that she said it as much as she kept saying it and seemed to think it was so clever. Or I could just be too cranky. ;o)
  18. This. I kept telling myself that if she said "Ya, mon" one more time, I'd throw something at my TV. And then she did, but I didn't. Are they even anywhere near Jamaica???
  19. We missed several episodes this past week because of the massive windstorm that hit New England and the power outages it caused. Most of us are back online now. I guessed Asunción, Paraguay, for FJ, based on the religious meaning of the word "assumption" (which I know because I'm so smart and I speak Spanish)--i.e., being taken up into heaven--and since heaven is in the sky, they probably named the city as they did because of its proximity to heaven, so . . . high altitude. I just Googled it, and the elevation is 141 feet. A little knowledge is truly a dangerous thing. I started out loving Buzzy, for some shared background elements, then less so, but I still hope he wipes the floor with Austin. Meaning he probably won't. P.S. When we say Emma, do we mean Kara? The one in the middle who seemed to find being on Jeopardy! an annoying interruption of her job as a SAHM?
  20. You think? I just got finished watching that (ff'ed through most of it). If the positions had been reversed and Marcela showed up wearing a shirt making some kind of fried-chicken reference, she'd have been slammed as a racist on social media. I wonder what the difference is. It's disgusting the producers let her do that. I think this show is coming off the DVR schedule.
  21. It just occurred to me that I could make a fortune if I could somehow manage to snag the exclusive contract to set up a TheraTears concession outside every Housewives reunion venue. I suspect it's not a medical miracle or Catch-22 (or whatever D'Andra's age-defying product is called). I think it's just great lighting and genius makeup people who work those THs. It also helps to be basically beautiful to start with, of course.
  22. I have no answer, but I've been wondering about that, too. I always like to check out their shoes. It's an illness. Thank you for asking. I hope someone knows. I thought it was an accommodation to the champ with the broken leg, but she's been gone for days now, so why does it continue?
  23. I thought maybe they wanted the original British name, Cluedo, which would've made things a little more challenging than not at all, which is what it was. But apparently not.
  24. She must feel there's some upside to acting the obnoxious fool, but for the life of me I can't see what it is. And it's easier for her to call everyone who's puzzled by her transformation "haters" than to concede that they might have a point, especially people (like me) who really enjoyed her in that original incarnation.
  25. That was me. But I meant it in the nicest possible way. o;)
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