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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. Boy, Mr. Feder, you sure do ask a lot of dumb questions for someone from New Jersey.
  2. And you also can't do smoky and blue on the same eye. Well, okay, you can, but you'll look like a loon, even without the loony brows. It was interesting to me that the victim's family appeared not to want to have anything to do with this retake. Good for them, I say. I'm guessing they twigged to the fact that it was just an exploitation for the sake of promoting the new show, at her expense.
  3. Two different pairs of earrings. The pink circles are the ones that look like unused condoms wrapped in pink gauzy ribbon--those were in her talking heads. The ones in the scene with her husband were the dangling graduated-size red and rose-colored balls (I'm sensing a theme here!). I actually liked the ball ones--very '60s throwback.
  4. Me, too, except I'm an editor, and I also live and die by deadlines. I originally welcomed her joining the cast, idiotically (in hindsight) thinking, yay, a real NYC working woman with an intellect and a demanding, creative job. Eventually I came to see her as totally fraudulent--in her work (sorry, her "craft"), her politics/class views, her feminism, you name it. So I harbor a dislike for her that feels almost personal. I'm working sixteen-hour days polishing people's novels while she's eating E-laced gummy bears and becoming an instant expert on human sexuality and the role vibrators play in enhancing it. I'm not envious of her, because I like my work enough to actually . . . you know, do it, whereas she doesn't seem to like hers at all. Lately I find myself feeling sorry for her, but she keeps managing to snap me back into dislike mode, especially every time she develops a new area of fake expertise from which she can talk down to the rest of us.
  5. So let's see, what is Carole now? An award-winning journalist (who after years just seemed to notice that her very own dear friend is a narcissist and a bully--great journalistic instincts, Carole), an author (who doesn't know that entire novels can consist of letters, like, say, an obscure work such as The Color Purple, for example, and a hundred others), a political activist (who once went out and rang a couple of doorbells), and now a sex educator (bestowing her vast wisdom on "the masses"). If there ever was a better example of name it and claim it than Carole Radziwill, I have yet to see it.
  6. Of course his mother can't watch the show and see that he's dating a non-Jewish woman. I think this is all Mike's passive-aggressive way of getting back at his parents for somehow being responsible for his failures. In Mike World everything's somebody else's fault. His marriage didn't fail because he stuck his dick into everything that wasn't nailed down, it failed because Jessica didn't start out Jewish, so it was inevitable that the marriage couldn't last. Jessica was a little nuts ("I'm a wife! I'm a wife!"), but she did everything this loser asked of her, and she still wasn't good enough for the Golden Dool. Which rhymes with Tool, and that about says it for Mike. Being the hot one in that crew is like being the tallest Munchkin in Oz. The bar is set pretty low.
  7. It feels like years since last season, so my memory may be off, but I think they showed the store that the wife in the Phish couple was opening? (If not, this is OT.) We drove by about a month ago, and my husband ran in and got us each a slice of pizza--they have a brick oven, or wood-fired. It was fabulous. And then friends stopped by and brought dinner from there, and the first time wasn't a fluke. They may be selling the best pizza in this part of Maine. I don't know if MCM had anything to do with renovating the house the store is in, but if so, they did a great job. It's adorable on the outside. Their site should have a photo of the updated version, but for some reason they don't seem to.
  8. My DVR still records it, and I watch when I get a chance. Back a few years ago, it was a Saturday-morning ritual, and my husband even watched with me, which is unheard of for a cooking show. Now they tend to pile up on the DVR, and I fast-forward a lot. I watched about the first fifteen minutes of today's show, and I'll skim through the rest when I have some time. I realized that if the Food Network people were checking these boards, they might conclude that all the negative attention was good. And I also saw myself saying the same things over and over about how annoying Sunny is, and I got tired of it. I can get the same recipes off Pinterest, just like they do, with none of the irritation. TMI?
  9. Based on looking at their Twitter pages, where the two who are left on the show make zero mention of Lee and she doesn't mention anything to do with them or the show, I'm guessing it's safe to assume she's no longer part of the friendship off-screen either, whatever the precipitating factor was.
  10. I just saw the first promo for the reboot of this show. It's called Sweet Home now, I think, and Lee is gone. Apparently all focused on Jennifer's decorating business, with wacky sidekick antics by Pumps. So much for ride-or-die friendships. Something really bad or really shady must've happened in that relationship behind the scenes. I am definitely out. Not interested in adding another decorating show to the roster, when I've spent the past decade deleting them. This show could be the poster child for if it ain't broke, don't fix it. We'll see. (I mean, I won't see, but somebody will.)
  11. Several of the Housewives shows started off as something else (NY was originally supposed to be Manhattan Moms, I think). So either Bravo changes its mind a lot about what the focus of a show is going to be or is being sneaky about the fact that it's really meant to be a Housewives branch, just to get women to participate. My money's on the second option. But season 1 was definitely all about the Dallas charity scene. Until it wasn't anymore.
  12. In my experience it's pretty common for groups like ActBlue to set up an instant donation in some number that represents something--like give $38 to Candidate X, running in the 38th Congressional District, or $16 in the 2016 election. It's a smallish number, you don't have to think about the amount, and it has some symbolic meaning. You just click on that button and your donation's done. They'll always accept more, but apparently Carole wasn't inclined to give more that day.
  13. I wouldn't trust a Texan who orders his rib eye medium well.
  14. "Make America 'Bate Again" You have my support, Spunky!
  15. Okay, then your prizes will go to the first runner-up. ;o) I was kidding. I don't think Carole cheated, but the image of her pulling an updated Rosie Ruiz and Ubering her way to the finish line just makes me laugh. Even crawling to the end, doing a marathon is no small accomplishment.
  16. Thanks, @dosodog! I learn so much here. Including the fact that I've clearly wasted my life. Off to start exercising my glutes.
  17. Rosie Ruiziwill. (First person who knows what I'm talking about gets a fake last-place medal. And a gold-plated aluminum walker.) That's so weird about the second phone cover. Makes you all kinds of suspicious if you're of a certain turn of mind.
  18. It looked like nothing at all to me. Looked as if she clenched the K-cup and then dropped it on the floor, with the quarters already in it. Did I miss something? What exactly was the tricky part? Anybody without a colostomy bag could do that.
  19. It does sound kind of delicious, though. So if it doesn't pan out as a hair-care product, they can always use it as a dip.
  20. I don't find Nema attractive at all, but I did think he looked way better with the extra fifty pounds on him in that flashback photo.
  21. JJ should've prepared an order that haircut lawyer had to buy--and wear--a Trump wig with his $10. Or two or three of them--how much could they cost? We have a lot of wooded acreage, and there were snowmobile trails on our property when we bought this house. We said that the snowmobile club could keep using them, as long as they took responsibility for maintaining the trails. They never did a thing--I think they expected us to do the work--and one year a tree fell across one of the trails, soon covered by snow. I harbored secret hopes . . . We had a moose pay us a visit several days ago. She was very thin--a lot of moose in eastern states are suffering from a terrible wasting disease, aggravated by climate change and limited food sources. It made me sad to think of that idiot kid and his ilk making wildlife's existence even harder than it already is.
  22. Plus, it looks ridiculous. I grew up on Long Island, the land of nose jobs, so I've seen lots, and some pretty awful ones. That has to be one of worst.
  23. I was thinking Elvira, but agree it's too dark. It's aging her. I wonder if she's doing it to underscore her role as the scary, dark-minded villain. She is supposedly a natural blonde after all. Leanne was robbed in the pageant outcome. (Although with Brandi judging, you had to know that any ass-related trick would have the edge.) She answered the question in the most pageanty way possible, and her rapping was crazy good! She might be the best howife rapper across the whole franchise. Go figure! You never know what hidden skills people might be fixing to spring on you. I would mug D'Andra in a dark alley for any of the earrings she was wearing tonight.
  24. Does anyone remember Gilda Radner's SNL character Emily Litella, who always got outraged about things she misheard, like people objecting to violins on TV or the campaign to make Puerto Rico a steak? She also couldn't understand why anyone wanted to save Soviet jewelry. I was thinking about her when that guy went on and on about all the Jewry he had in his safe. That has to be illegal.
  25. I live in northern New England, nowhere near where the buffalo roam (although there was a moose in our yard this morning!), and we have bison in our supermarkets, too. I think it's available most everywhere in the States, and has been for quite a while.
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