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Everything posted by scruffy73

  1. I’m interested in seeing how Bobby’s parents interact, how his dad treats his mom. Maybe he is treating Danielle how he learned from his dad. Without knowing this, we can only read into his behavior what we want to. I think most people want to feel loved and catered to by their partner so Bobby seems sweet and near perfect but I think we might look at Danielle like some look at Amber, as needy and trying-too-hard if she behaved this way. I agree that Bobby can pull back and give Danielle space to care for him. If he keeps doing everything he doesn’t give her room to do anything. She will take advantage that he has it all covered. They will be fine though. They will find balance. Amber needs Dave’s reassurance so she can loosen up and enjoy being together. I think she is holding back her true feelings until she knows her heart is safe. It isn’t but she desperately wants it to be.
  2. Because he is NASTY and unfit to lead a church. His daddy is proving himself stupid too. This Rochelle chick pops out the woodwork and he risks his marriage for her “friendship”? And has given her his PERSONAL MONEY!?!? DAFUQ!?!? Someone upthread said that Lady Mae should have been taken her money out of that account and she is right. I’m surprised that in all her “plant your own church” advice, Pastor Patti didn’t tell her to get some of that scrilla right out of bishop’s account before it got ugly. As soon as he said “you have to leave Calvary”, Mae should have said “with my half” (in her head) and gone to the bank. She is not as strong, worldly, and smart as she thinks she is. Lynn Whitfield is playing the HELL out of Lady Mae though. So “Mother of the Church” but looks like she totes a switchblade. I would not mind if she stabs the bishop when Rochelle runs off with their money.
  3. Jacob didn’t sleep with Tasha on screen but they kissed. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had sat her on the desk and hiked her her dress up. She would have let him.
  4. Difference between Mia’s arrest and Tristan’s is that she had a warrant out that kept her from leaving the country. His DUI at age 18 is over with. She got detained at DFW airport a couple months ago. One affected their relationship. One did not. also, we don’t know if Tristan disclosed it but he probably didn’t. You know Pastor Cal would have used it as a “she would forgive you so forgive her” bit of bull.
  5. Don’t talk about accents! My mama put an accent in the wrong place on my name. Thank goodness no one used their French class education on me.
  6. You’re not the only Melisa I “know”. I’m sure her mama wasn’t pushing for “creative” when she named her. That’s like my name is Angele and people call me Angela. No, Angele is not a creative spelling for Angela. It means angel. Angele is more often spelled Angelle but my great-grandmother was Angele and I’m sure they weren’t thinking of “alternative spellings” in the late 1800s/early 1900s.
  7. What is wrong with Michele? All the Micheles in my family are spelled like that. Until I got to college I didn’t know anyone spelled Michele with two LL.
  8. It is certainly about gym dude. Definitely! That’s why he keeps bringing it up. I’m sure Amber doesn’t want ALL of her business in the street.
  9. Last season was my first time watching so I don’t have as much reference as most of you but I think, after Jephte and Shawniece started to gel, they were interesting. Even their lumps and bumps were worth watching. Yeah he was an ass at the beginning and I felt so sad for Shawniece but they got it together and I’m happy for them. i actually thought Amber and Dave would have a shot but nope. He doesn’t care enough to make her happy. I think she would try to make him happy if she thought he would reciprocate. And he won’t. Danielle and Bobby aren’t boring because they are happy. They are boring because they don’t do anything worth talking about. When Henry is the highlight of their relationship, that’s boring. Danielle has a long commute. Bobby fixes her coffee and tends to the dogs. That’s every day. They aren’t shown watching movies or listening to music dancing in the living room, or whatever floats their boat. Honestly they aren’t SHOWING happy as much as they are TELLING it. What have they done that would indicate happiness? Anyway, I like them both very much and I wish them well.
  10. Thank you! I appreciate you very, very much for addressing my upset. I understand what you are saying...and we’re not saying. And we agree. Mia, even without a “diagnosis”, is toxic and presents as unstable. I wouldn’t want to know her and I thought from the beginning they should have cut the cord with her and Tristan.
  11. Thank you. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I hate when people use “bipolar” as an insult or just throw it around when someone is acting out.
  12. Is BPD bipolar disorder? I hope not because what you said is very offensive. We don’t drive everyone around us crazy and psychosis is nothing to joke about. Nor is it something these quacks would identify in their interview process.
  13. Tristan can’t afford a Uhaul. He has his friends with trucks driving his stuff down there. And he is crying about how Mia left him. Can I be shallow for a minute? (Thanks! I knew you would approve.) For all of Tristan’s appearance requirements he is not cute. At. All. And his hair bugs me. He looks like he puts some kind of product in his hair to show off his “curl pattern” but he really just needs a haircut. Ain’t nobody confused that he has soft curly hair and he is clearly not growing it out for dreads. He needs to quit and get a damn fade like the rest of the brothers. (I know I stereotype but I’m just telling on myself. I love a dude with a fresh fade with a tight line-up. *fans self* I know he won’t be Ronnie’s DeVoe or anything but he can upgrade himself a lot in my eyes.)
  14. Tristan is an asshole. He did kick Mia out. He said if she didn't want to move to Houston he didn't want her in his house. Damn, dude. Yall just met and married and you're threatening her already! WTF! He has already forgiven the unforgiveable so he needs to pump his breaks and work things out regularly instead of flying off the handle. And Mia, grow up. Once you tell a man you want a divorce, GO! Don't come back hee-hee-ing like "we've been on a rollercoaster, huh?" Just tell him to kiss your ass and show up at decision day with a big fat no. I'm just sick of them and their back and forth fuckery. Oh, and how about NOT calling the other couples while they are on their vacations! They really don't want to hear your drama while they are enjoying themselves, jackasses. Dave is the next awful. He shows no passion about anything. IF I were Amber, I would be confused and concerned. Poor Bobby, he wants more than he is getting from Danielle. He's happy now but I think if she hasn't warmed up in the next couple months he is going to be hot as fish grease. At the very least the dynamics in the relationship will change drastically. He won't be running behind her foster dogs or sniffing behind her. He might get over his puppy love (ha) and realize that what he thought was love was really bullshit.
  15. All good points. Maybe Mia can work remotely....? But really, seriously, none of this makes any sense. None! How many more episodes of this mutual abuse do we have to endure? Re: Danielle saying she loves Bobby, maybe she wants to be completely honest and not say anything she doesn’t mean even if it frustrates the viewers? It is easy to throw “love you” out there but she has to live with all that comes with. If Bobby is overwhelming her now, imagine how much more “extra” he will be if she says she loves him. She is doing the right thing for them. Well, kissing him before the dogs should have been a no-brainer, easy win for her but she mucked that up.
  16. Why does Pastor Cal day that’s tristan and Mia have a good foundation? NONE of these folks have a foundation! They are strangers!
  17. I agree. Dave has already said he is looking past decision day. I think he doesn’t consider decision day the end date of his marriage. Amber is definitely in competition with Danielle and Bobby.
  18. Look, I’m no Mia fan at all but damn. Tristan accepted all the beginning foolishness but gets mad when she doesn’t put him on her health insurance when he didn’t even tell her he cancelled his coverage? And how stupid is he to do that in the middle of an experiment with a woman that is clearly untrustworthy!?!? Sorry but Tristan is the wrong one in this one.
  19. After sending Zora away to have the baby in secret.
  20. Forgetting the fact that Amber would have Bobby hiding under the bed with her “baby, NOWWWWW”, I think she might turn Bobby inside out. I am willing to bet that Amber is more, um, experienced and adventurous than Bobby. All she would have to do is throw that ass in a circle and Bobby would have passed out dead. Too much to handle.
  21. I was devastated as an adult when I accepted that I couldn’t have kids because I had spent my whole life dreaming of being a mother. I cannot imagine being told at 16/17 that my dreams of being a mother wouldn’t come true. and I agree about the Charity high off drugs thing. I know everyone responds differently but I think this just came off wrong. Bad acting probably superseded the bad direction. (I too think she is terrible.)
  22. I need a “where are they now”/reunion. I don’t like to try to figure out what is what from social media, especially since I have to count on y’all since I don’t check :)
  23. Diane doesn’t ABSOLUTELY suck but she still sucks SOME. Good grief! The only thing she got out of the switch was a new distraction from her marriage. If she says Bobby one more time though Reece might flip. i am glad that Rosslyn and Bobby stayed together in the end. I started out hating her but seeing her so vulnerable with Bobby made me soften toward her. I love soft-hearted Bobby. I am glad Tony and Angela are going to make it. He deserves a happy ending. I like her honesty about Charles but her understanding that they can’t be anything in real life. Charles would try to be friends if he had access to her. Friends or more. And I’m not sure she could resist. i jumped for joy when Charles said he wanted a divorce. I’m glad he got to say it first. They suck together. They need therapy to be better people for themselves. Kenya would probably resist bc she thinks she is perfect but I think charles would be open.
  24. Blech!! I want to throw up and I haven’t even seen it.
  25. I never thought I would say this but Swizz Beats needs to leave Kenya. Not that he is high quality, bc he is not, but because she doesn’t want HIM. She wants who he used to be and he doesn’t even want to be that person anymore. It is over. Even if they stay together at the end of the show they won’t make it six months. the person I feel most sorry for is Tony. Angela is not interested in doing anything different than she was doing before. The only thing this experience did was give her another reason to look badly upon Tony and justify her leaving
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