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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. We’re never going to be rid of Jelinsky, are we?
  2. Damn it, Probst is playing terrorist with the rice again. 🤦‍♂️
  3. Endurance challenge. Joy. 🙄🙄🙄
  4. Apparently, Q’s caps lock button is stuck during his interviews.
  5. On top of all the other reasons to vote him off.
  6. Seriously, I’m disappointed Hunter hadn’t actually set up a Spy Shack that would make Tony proud. He was just hiding.
  7. I’m disappointed Hunter in the tree wasn’t a strategy move.
  8. Hide & Seek? How old is Q? Also, anyone else getting Last Comic Standing flashbacks?
  9. #LivingFunkos? Lets see if Venus can land on her feet again.
  10. We got thirty extra minutes. You’d think we’d get a few centered on foraging.
  11. Good episode. Sucks that Tony and his replacement Syrus went out, but I'm glad Ayanna goes home. As much as I want to root for her, she is just so toxic. Have there been any announced reasons why Tony had to go home? Out of the six star holders, five of them started on Road Rules. You think that would be enough to warrant a revival of the franchise? Eh, probably not. It's okay to still think Rachel is overrated, right? I mean, she didn't have to work that hard for her two wins back in the day. She's probably a great mother, but I still think of her from the mid-2000s, when she herself was toxic.
  12. Heads up: Dulce will be hosting this week.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Meanwhile, the Mets just reached .500 after an 0-5 start. I'd like the wind of hope keeps blowing in Citi Field. Optimism looks good on them and the fans. I should look into going soon, especially since I'm not currently working. I didn't think of going to Dwight Gooden's number retirement on Sunday, and I probably won't go for Darryl Strawberry's day. I think of the Mets back then, I think of all the squandered potential. The Eighties had nine teams win the World Series. The Mets could have run the table back then, but they only won the one title. Am I being too hard on them? Doc's ceremony was nice . . . . especially when the crowd booed when he brought up his time with the Yankees, and he had to emphasize that he'd always be a Met.
  14. Aside from an occasional response to my profile? Nothing, really.
  15. This week: a doom-filled ride through Medicaid. I think the low point was the one doctor who saw nothing wrong with someone with losing coverage and getting dirty in the worst sense of the world. I’m hoping that doctor loses his license and gets the crap beat out of him. Dismal week between the lack of hope with Medicaid and Arizona going back to 1864 for abortion laws, even if you throw in chatty fruit and South Korean election graphics.
  16. I heard that teams did have to learn a routine before proceeding to the general public. Apparently, the editors didn’t have time to include that. 🤷‍♂️
  17. I'm also ready for the show to leave Latin America. I understand if there were limitations due to the budget, COVID or whatever else could restrict the series, but it's been a bit of a drag. TAR is still better than Survivor, though. At least the resident "superfan" isn't out to "win a million hearts." Seriously, Danny, why go even a little out of your way to help other teams? You're supposed to be the expert. You have to know alliances are fleeting on TAR. I guess his heart is slightly bigger than his brain . . . which is a shame, since it looks like he and his mother can run an effective race. I'm glad the Cousins are out, only because they leaned towards hysterics when the pressure was on them. I bet they're sweet in real life. Is Sunny the one that wears the same shades as "Macho Man" Randy Savage? In other news, damn me for knowing that. Also, it's amazing (no pun intended) to see Sunny & Bizzy shimmy out of elimination again after shooting themselves in the foot. I'm good with Ricky & Cesar winning three straight legs. I get the backlash, but they seem like competent Racers. They did have the advantage of going first in their Detour and getting local people's money first. Once again . . .am I a bad person to think of Juan & Shane as "Team Bromance"?
  18. I decided to miss an event airing the first two episodes. There were BMP people there . . . including Sophia. As much as I would’ve wanted to meet her again (she still looks the same in the pictures I saw), I don’t know if I would’ve wanted to be near her as Ayanna did Ayanna stuff. She could form a support group with Janelle and Aneesa. I think Rachel has the best chance to keep her star. Tina will probably get targeted soon.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    In happier news, the Mets took two out of three in Cobb County. Sure, the season can fall apart at any moment (especially if the team doesn't look for starting pitchers), but a 16-4 win puts a smile on my face.
  20. It's been over 36 hours since the episode dropped (I'm guessing), and no one has talked about: The blood feud between Laurel and Nicole Laurel and Nicole winding up on the same team in the daily Laurel and Nicole winning along with Jay and Tony Time The daily involving a suspended Winnebago and a Road Rules puzzle crest Tina winding up in the bottom, probably because the numbers were uneven and she was only given Adam and Steve to work with The bizarre cold open, where Steve uses an electronic massager on his leg and talks about the first episode The fact that Tina didn't have to break a sweat in the Arena in order to grab Averey's Star More blood feud between Laurel and Nicole Yes, Ayanna is such a nutter, she wound up taking Janelle out of the game, and then she had the nerve to play the innocent. I know Ayanna has a cancer diagnosis, I know these people are human (including Laurel), but goodwill can only be stretched so far. And noticed we didn't get Teege dropping by the house to persuade Janelle to stay, followed by saying one of his lines to dismiss her. Janelle quit, but it was an understandable quit. I'm hoping Ayanna isn't protected by the old school RRers for long. She has to get bounced out of the game, and soon. As much as I don't care for Tina, I liked her exasperation when Teege asked Laurel and Nicole if they wanted to compete in the Arena against her. Even if the game didn't play to their strengths, either would be the automatic favorite going up against Tina. Tina and Rachel have Stars. The odds of those two and Veronica sliding into the finale are slim, but it's still a gruesome thought for an old-school hater like myself. Even if the Verantula were to get a hold of Cara Maria's Star, there's no guarantee that she'll be able to keep it. As overrated as I find Rachel, I think she's got the best shot of keeping her Star.
  21. I wound up getting both runs of Marauders via trade paperback. I’d read comics online, and that felt like the fun book. Also great to see Kitty start calling herself “Kate” and kicking ass with her phasing. Quick question to anyone here that’s into DBZ: when you read Cassandra Nova’s dialogue, do you dub in Freiza’s voice?
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