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Everything posted by iRarelyWatchTV36

  1. She admitted to being bisexual, before she changed her life and 'found God', during her intro.
  2. I love how some people are/were trying to make a big deal about Brittany sleeping in the HOH this past morning. Jocasta going on about it "looking bad" and "what if the ex uses it against her?". Derrick trolling and then Cody going on about it; like he has or never had any interest in her as an attractive woman. (earlier in the morning, when Cody/Brit & Hayden were in the room, and Brit left, Cody went on to Hayden how she was so hot and is probably a great kisser) So, yeah, cause I'm totally sure Cody was absolutely horrified about 'having to' spend some alone time in the dark with her. Which wasn't even actual alone time, since Zach was in the bed with them the whole time. Rubbing her arm most the time and could have easily told her he didn't want her sleeping up there. And I mean, it must be so shocking to everyone in the house, since people have never fooled around or ever had sex in the BB house, before this season - either because both people genuinely liked each other, do it just to shake things up a little, or one of the people was trying to do just about anything to save themselves. *gasp* The absolute scandal of it all! How dare she!? I just hate the piling on; and I would say this about anyone it was happening to. She's going home in so many hours, why the need to make crap up about her to make her look like a despicable human being, when most the other people are being worse by doing what they've done to make sure she's leaving tomorrow night? Nothing like beating a dead horse.
  3. Amber is nice to look at, there's no doubt about that. But for my money? I'll take Brittany - even with no makeup on - every single time, if given or had to make a choice. Personal preference is different for everyone.
  4. I'm glad that I'm taking a big step back from these feeds, because the awkward embarrassment I feel for most of these people/situations is getting to be too much to handle. I find myself literally cringing at times, with how embarrassed I feel for a person trying to say or do something, and it turns out unbelievably awkward. IE; #Devin'sPickles & the first 'personal' convo that Caleb & Paola had should make BB's "Most Awkwardly Embarrassing Moments" Hall of Shame.
  5. So then that sound I heard, shortly afterward, was Frankie's heart shattering? Along with Brittany. Was reading updates on Jokers, and the guys've all complimented her too.
  6. I'm one of the few who likes Brittany, or can stand her... but goodness, it is so hard and embarrassing to watch her think she has guaranteed votes that are actually guaranteed going the opposite way. If its anything better than a 8-2 vote count on Thursday, in favor of Donny, I will be absolutely shocked. Her only chance was Derrick flipping the house on Donny, to help his own game, but its not going to happen, so she's toast. I know it won't happen, but is the chance of her getting some weird special thing, where she is given immunity (I think I've seen it called 'Coup D'etat'?) gone now, or could it still happen?
  7. I think I know how the whole Derr/Cody thing is working, in regard to how Derrick views their combined game... Derrick is married and has a kid, so he can't be showmancing and flirting with the ladies to play the game that way. So he uses the one guy who is best at it and rides those coattails to advance his ('their') game in that way. And I think that's why he wants Brittany out so bad, because she wasn't automatically or continually enthralled by Cody's 'magic'. Same reasoning for Victoria, and Jocasta is married with kids, so she's an auto-target for eviction by not being 'available' to control or manipulate in that way.
  8. This isn't meant as a personal jab towards anyone, but....... I don't have a problem with Brittany (and whoever of the others) about not being "a superfan". Why is it her fault she was given a chance to play a game and win $500K, despite not knowing everything about the game they were recruited for and signed up to play? Who would honestly turn that offer down?? I look it at as needing to blame the organizers and production, concerning problems about players' selections; not the actual game participants themselves.
  9. Cody talking to Donny, about nominating him. I straight up wish to God that Donny would "go mean" and just tell him to save it; "Tell yourself what you got to, to help you sleep, but at the end of the day, we've all got to do what we got to do. Just remember that. When you're pulling Derrick or Frankie or your alliances' knife out of your back, as you're walking out the door, well before the time you wanted to."
  10. 1) Something to do with the POV comp 2) Probably a dance school, but I don't know for sure 3) Derrick is a cop, but told the HGs he works for Parks & Recs Services Nothing personal, Christine, but I sadly have to agree somewhat
  11. Similarly to that, I am so over Cody's use of the term "kid". He uses it to label guys the same age or older than him. I don't care how slangily 'cool' it sounds, it irks me something fierce.... along with the constant snot-drainage snorting he does.
  12. Derrick knows Donny is a big threat to his personal game. He's said it before. He prides himself on reading people, but he can't read Donny. And there's no way he hasn't heard it back that Donny thinks he's running things now, or in so many words. So, yes, in Derrick's own best interests - outside of maybe TAFY - he actually needs to see Donny go; even before Brittany.
  13. Its uncomfortable watching Derrick attach himself to Cody like a barnacle. Like his continued "c*blocking" of Brittany with Cody. What the hell can she do to/with Cody to make any difference? POV comp & ceremony are over, and she has no way to save herself, other than votes - which Cody can't directly effect, unless there's a tie - so why the need to 'protect his bro'?? If I didn't know better, I'd think there's more than just a 'F2/bros' thing there, on Derr's side of it.
  14. No matter who goes home next, I hope Caleb wins an HOH - keeps it after BOB - and BD's Cody. Cody had a chance to save his individual game - while keeping his place in the alliances fairly solid - by putting Caleb up (& most likely out), but he wussed out and did as he was told to do in putting up Donny, like a good little soldier. Donny would have been huge to have had a side alliance with, but he totally demolished and burned that bridge today. Derrick (& Frankie) to Cody; "Dance, puppet; dance!"
  15. As much as I hate it, Donny was the absolute best choice to nom to get Brit out. Everyone outside of Amber/Jo will vote her out, no question. And if made to choose, Jo & Amber will vote to keep Donny [Jo for obvious reasons, and Amber will to 'play it safe & vote with the house'. Its basically a 10-0 vote.
  16. What a dumbass. Cody did "what was best for you guys [ie, his alliance(s)]" & "its too early to make big risky moves". Well, you just did anyway. Other than Derr/Frank, nobody likes displeasing Donny or making him feel bad. You just blatanly lied to his face. You told him, straight out, "I'm not putting you up". But an hour later; "Donny, take a seat". He just screwed his whole game, no matter who stays/goes on Thursday. They're both against him now, and will (try to) vote him out the first chance they get. Enjoy the 'team' dynamics as long as you can, bro, cause you're mistaken "us is better than me" mentality is gonna cost you; maybe not even reach Jury.
  17. He did put Donny up. You f*ing pussy! What a f*ing pussy. I'm done after Thursday. I can't with people who won't play for themselves. I hope Cody is out ASAP. You had the opportunity and vent all you want, but you are pussy bitch. And, of course, the rest of them all praising him for putting up Donny instead of Caleb. ETA: I really hope Donny wins HOH and just does his best to just blow everything up! I know it won't happen, but GFD it!
  18. (assuming Cody sticks to his guns and noms Caleb) I just don't see how the cast can honestly justify not getting him out, now given a 2nd chance - a real one, this time - to get him out. This 'Detonators!' alliance +Nicole/Hayden are over paranoid. With Caleb going home and Brittany staying, that's [they think] for sure 1 vote lost and possibly another, if Brit doesn't vote the way they want - that's only 2 votes, vs like 7. And as I've been saying, Brit's pretty much absolutely no threat for the HOH comp, if it involves standing a lot or needing to move around quickly. Also, they have to realize they can't use Amber as a means of control for Caleb anymore, because she's all but broken off from them, alliances-wise, "to play her own game". Don't know if Frankie knows/realizes it, but Caleb's over him too; along with Cody. It just benefits the whole house more to get Caleb out, when Brit is not a real physical threat next week, and thus is an easy target for noms or a BD candidate. How smart are you, group-think?? Time to prove it.
  19. How awesome is it that even though Donny is stuck with the two of them on TAFY, he knows that Derrick/Frankie are straight up for themselves only. If they happen to win a few bucks by completing 'TA missions'; cool. But he knows for the best overall chance of himself, and others, advancing as far as possible, they both need to go - Derrick preferably first. I love me some Donny!!
  20. I just can't wait to see how Caleb handles the situation. Will be it another Devin kinda thing, where he goes around ratting people out? Does he verbally attack and bait Cody all (rest the) week? Or is he so stupidly confident 'in his numbers', he just sits back and waits to compete in the next HOH comp?? Please let it be either or both of the first 2 options! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If Cody might honestly be using this chance to get Caleb out; he needs to stick to Amber like glue, sort of a "see what I'm getting if/when you leave" in Caleb's face. Nothing will set Caleb off more or worse than that. ETA: Interviews/past moments in the game - its POV Ceremony time! (if Vic stupidly decides to not use Veto, now that we know Caleb is the replacement, I'm going on a rampage)
  21. Is Cody trying to play it safe to his alliance, or what? Why put him on the block if you absolutely WANT to keep him; even though you keep saying he's bad for your own game?? Start making sense, or just shut up, man! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Derrick keeps telling him "I respect your decision. Do what you gotta do. Go with your gut, if it says to put Caleb up", but at the same time, he basically tells Cody that he's f*ing both their games up because its a real good chance that Caleb goes home if he goes up. "She'll put us up (if she wins HOH)". I honestly don't think she would put them up and give them a chance to come down and go after her (again), either of them, but if she were to keep the HOH spot, after BOB; I could definitely see her BD'ing one of them - I hope she would [most likely Derrick, if Donny gets in her ear about his being the "mastermind" of the hosue].
  22. Sounds like DR and Donny got to Cody; Caleb's going up! If the hamsters are stupid enough to keep him, when given a golden chance to get him out, then I will literally give up on this crap.
  23. Caleb is the only person Brit stands a chance against, in the votes - no matter what scenarios she comes up with in her head, as far as which way the votes would go vs this person or that person. With Zach throwing up Caleb's name, in the convo, that should make her sit up and realize something. And why is she so against Caleb being nom'd? If she does 'trust' Amber now, she should know that getting Caleb away from her [as in, out of the house] would only be a good thing. And the B-MC leaving makes for one less physical threat in the comps [despite his lack of success, outside his opening HOH comp; which was more about physical strength instead of a combination of strength/agility/patience].
  24. Gah. Its absolute mental torture watching the feeds sometimes. Brittany is talking to Derrick about her plan to get Cody to let her pick the person who gets put up next to her; which she is gonna go with Zach (at least, that was what she was telling Jocasta earlier). And she doesn't think they're going to put up Donny (again), for appearances' sake. Its frustrating to watch her 'trust' the entirely wrong person(s) [though its no real fault of her own, she just doesn't know how they're aligned (against her)]; but other than Jo & Donny, she literally is alone in the house. Nobody wants to align with her or 'play ball' with her, in terms of gameplay/voting numbers. Ok, my bad, she 'has' Amber too... the same Amber who is a pathological lying flip-flopper (in the BB game). ETA: Derrick tells her to not suggest Zach, as that will immediately get nixed by Cody. She asked him who instead, and he threw out Christine's name, which Brittany changed to Nicole. Even though it won't work, please God in Heaven, ask him to throw Christine up there. Even if it matters not, let her get a taste of what its like to have to actually do something in the game, other than being a fantastic "bro" to the guys & keeping Nicole under wraps.
  25. I hate that Nicole is the way she is, because going in, out of everyone there, she was the one I can 'connect' to on a personal level; in terms of where's she's from originally and whatnot. But the way she lets Christine control her, and her little b* fights with Brittany? Ugh. I find her general BB personality is very ugly. I dislike that Hayden is in to her, because I want to keep liking Hayden, or at least feel like he's tolerable (outside of the 'frat house' community in the BB house).
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